I * McCarthy Boys Meet In France the organization’s constitution have been proposed and accepted, which men., place more stringent restrictions on . ’ not), who may Join the Order. effort The building fund is growing con- linually and the members of the building committee are very optimis- tic about the outlook. They report that approximately >5000 00 of the proposed $30,000.00 has already been raised. ---------------- _____ If It is insurance, see me.— F. R Bull. , Showing President Ivan Alborn and Serre- Aerie attended a state officers and committeemen^ meeting in Eugene the first of the week. Mr. Bull has been named chairman of the State Eagles Judiciary committee and Mr. Alborn is a member of the Return I Soldiers’ Benefits committee and also on the Good of the Order com­ mittee. Linus Seeley Has Seen Plenty Of Action Mr, Alborn reports that the State Aerie, as well as the Grand Aerie, The Bandon Western World said that in a recent letter to Mr. and Mrs. John Holman of Bandon, 1st Lieut. Linus "Bill” Seelby, former Bandon athletic coach, reports that he Is getting war weary. Lt. Seeley has had great responsibility. As an officer in the Second Marines he was in command of his company at Saipan and Tinian, the former being the toughest engagement of the island theatre. Ladies New Fall& Winter Coats & Suits You’ll find our stock complete with every type of pattern, fabric, color and model—so we’d enjoy having you call and mak^ your selection while stocks are complete. SAVE YOUR WASTE PAPER - . ¡Qivethem SAFEWAY B!tOp THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ ,r* DAYf^ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE la/io 'Juneral (Home nupHone 100 ¿HWiMet soviet • coquille HONEY CANNEDMEATS££T Special Purchase Tex Knit Ironing BOARD COVER f'LlEEÇE WlTkCjC 34ç battlbobound mild, whale milk FLOUR "'Ï $1.99 $1.39 SAFEWAY PROGRESS IRONING BOARD PAD, COVER VINEGAR Old Mill. Cider, Gal Bottle GLOSS STARCH Staley's Cebe, 3 pkc. deal M rs*l» •* . ------ .Uk* 1* U**"1 Lu»» SPECIAL SALE on GOLF TEES Per bag of 100 *........... Two bags for . . . 29c 50c Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store 52 So. Hall Phone 184 SAFEWAY