TU COQUILLS FALLS* UHMì, (XMtULLk. ÛMQOM. THUMDAY. 8KPTKMBCB 14, 1*44. * I since the first of the year, Mr. Per- ■ kin* h“ been with the Southern Pa- ' A new beauty shop, The Mod-em, from Mon’ Personal Mention J?eport °"i‘rhe «— — » MI New Beauty Shop Open Today In I.O.O.F. Bldg. Summer Playground Fort! This summer the Coquille Pa Lewis, Wash., came in Wednesday Commission again sponsored the s morning on a * nine-day furlough pervised playground in the Myr1 which will allow him about seven Grove park. days here with Mrs. Simmons and. Games played were: croquet, pi seeing old friends. Harold has been »oftball, football, basketbc in the service a little over five months horseshoes and other group gam and expects to be transferred from Croquet tournament winners we Fort Lewis in the not distant future. Mollie Wersh and Loren Steward. an engineer detachment at Xy in !i”icd n f her supp , ies M«-P erkin ' . Pre-*ar «nd ‘hat she *‘U . 7 K<>n.K p'O?i . T y the new cold waving methods, vacated by the Robert. Beauty Shop. facU^ rnanicurlng by “^city. neW^P a. The shop will and ua ”, „ T“ f . Mrs. P«arl York, of San Francisco, . , . . , who owned her own shop for several the place where they desired to settle., years, will be at the Mod-ern three They have bought a home here and, ■ days each week. iihq specializes in she and Mr. Perkins, here on a va- a aTu • z, >>■ cation trip, decided that Coquille was [Friday Electric Fence Units, J14.75 and up. Will work on 110-volt line, or hot shot battery, or automobile bat­ tery. Also Hot-Shot Baterie. for sale. Geo. F1. Burr Motor. 8tfs ; Sunday September I 15-16-17 I Mr». Julius Ruble, who went out to lillelyd Park, about 40 miles from where Julius is superintendent of a mill, returned Friday, accomanied by Julius who returned to his work on Sunday: DOROTHY GRAY Cleansing Creams Specialized Fur Every Skin Type vZ»<*0H ‘’°MA tovsa DEAR PATRONS: „ ON THIS WEEK’S PROGRAM ^E HAVE TWO QF THE YEAR’S OUTSTANDING PICTURES. THUR. FRI. SAT. THAT GREAT COMEDY DRAMA THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS RAVING ABOUT, "THE EVE OF ST. MARK.** ITS THE LOVE STORY OF G. I. JOE. LIFE CALLS IT “MOVIE OF THE YEA*.” WINCHELL SAYS, “ABOUT AS TOPS AS CINEMA GETS!” THEN ON SUN. MON. TUE. WE HAVE "THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER,” WHICH IS THE CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT OF M.G.M.’S TWENTY YEARS OF SCREEN LEADERSHIP! IT WAS M.G.M. WHO MADE MRS MINIVER” AND “RANDOM HARVEST.” Don Orput, of Grants Pass, state manager and organiser of the "Dewey SO,001 Club," was in Coquille last Saturday, contacting local peo­ ple for membership in the club and also Dewey-supporting Republicans to act as canvassers for membership. He was present in Marshfield that evening to assist in getting a county­ wide organization inaugurated. MAKE PLANS NOW TO SEE BOTH OF THESE PICTURES, WE FEEL SURE YOU’LL ENJOY THEM. Signed Claver and Wood SEPTEMBER 17-18-19 j .. Particular George D. Phillips, of Oakland, Oregon, spent the last week-end vis­ iting his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Viola Phillipa, and only grandson, Donald Dean Phillips, at at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arnold. IT IS ASTOUNDINGLY FRANK! IT IS STRONG...YET INFINITHY TENDER I ATTENTION HUNTERS — For ex­ pert Taxidermy Work and Buck- slHn - Tanning—Ship to Herman Weifeel, Oswego, Oregon. 15 years in same location. 35t6s IT IS THE GREATEST EMOTIONAL v EXPERIENCE OF THIS WAR I MAXWttl ANDEISONI THE EVE < OFST.MARIÖ -ANNE BAXTER - WILLIAM EYTHE MICHAEL O SHEA Additional Personal Mention Items on page 4-A NEWS DISNEY CARTOON NEWS — COMEDY