Sentjpel The Coquille THE PAPER THAT’S LIK1A LETTER FROM HOME 0<*4* ' .1.! -----------------■,.r..I.LJS-’------------- VOL. XL NO. 35. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON. — r ■ More Than 200 At Woman’s Club Tea Tuesday Afternoon 14, 1844. ■ - ■ ■— ----------------- ± Gwen Elrod Honored Don Ross Reported Queen Job Daughters Missing In France Mrs. Donald G. Rosa, of this city, received word on Tuesday from the War Department that her husband, who is the son of Mrs. Pansy Ross and the late Harry M. Ross, had been missing in action in France since Aug. 27. Don had been in the Army for the past ten months and, after a stay in England, had landed in France on July 11. He was in the Army's Armored Division and was the driver of a tank. % ,Ttie same day Mrs. Roas received the official notice she had received a letter from him written three days before the date he was reported as missing. They had bedn married nearly six years. Mrs. L. A. Greene, Wm. J. Galley, . Pass This Week So. California Car Off The Grade, Burns Coquille Schools' Registration Up 28 Over Last Year A 1935 Willys-Knight car, from southern California, was completely destroyed by fire about two-thirds down Bear creek hill this side of Bandon, at three o'clock last Satur­ The Woman’s Club Tea held last ; Mrs. Maude E. Greene, wife of Total registration in the three Co­ day morning. The car turned over L- A. Grene, 166 South Coulter street, Tuesday to the Guild Hall from 2 JO quille schools was 28 more at the on a curve and hit a Mt. States power r to 4:30 p. m. proved to be a wonder­ Coquille, passed away at 12:45 yester-. I pole, knocking out service in that end of the first week of school than ful success. It wm attended by two day afternoon at the MyrUe Point district and west to Bandon until re- 8 year ag°' totals being Hospital. hundred or more and wm given to 773 now as against 745 last year. pairs were made. honor the founders and past presi­ , Funeral services will be held at the Th^ Lincoln building showed a loss In the party were Mr. and Mr«. dents. Also it was guest day, a gen­ Gano Funeral Home at 2:00 p. m. high Wm. Booth, of Azusa, Calif., and —— of 38’ while the increase in the ------ Friday, Sept. 15, Rev. Chas. G. eral invitation to persons not mem­ Terry A. Mann, of Spokane. Mrs. *va„B and in the Washington bers having been issued as well as Rrowp officiating. Interment will be building 23, Supt. Carl E. Morrison Booth was driving at the time. a special message for the teachers to in Sunset cemetery at the Bay, A passing car picked them up and reports. come. This brought a good response. where Mamie Rebekah Lodge, of brought them to Coquille where they • Total registration for each of the There is reason to believe the idea* which she was a member, will be were treated at the Belle Knife Hos­ schools, this year and last, was: of opening the dub year with a tea in charge of graveside services. , 1944 1943 pital for minor injuries. • may beedkne a custom hereafter. So Mrs. Greene was bam Maude E. 306 283 NRk Mann was a paying passenger, Washington enjoyable an affair ft not apt to be Thomason, at Glide, Oregon, April 184 220 and his report of the accident here, Lincoln too frequent and Mrs. Roy E. Boober, 11, 1887, and was 57 years, five 283 242 brings to light that there are booking High School ........ incoming president, is to be compli­ months and two days of age at pass­ The increase to attendance at the ing. 71 companies in Los Angeles which con­ mented for the inovaUon. Washington Building is quite largely tract with those desiring - -transporta ­ r Mra. Boober and her board mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Greene had lived in tion for a trip in private cars, the due to the enrollment of a class of bers, Mrs. Fred McNelly, general Coquille the greater part of the time car owner receiving about the same 72 first graders compared to only 54 The opening gun the past nine year, and previous chairman of arrangements, and her amount as the bus fare amounts'to in this grade last year. I committee; Mrs. U. E. McClary, head to thfl> *n Marshfield, where she had for the trip and the booking company In the high school approximately 30 with the start of a drive to enlist all t of the hostess committee, and her resided since she was 18 years of a fee of 25 percent of that amount. new students have registered from the Dewey supporters to the “ Dewe^ ' B ’ _ f members, m well as many of the Riverton district. Also a very large 50,001 Club.” - I C_____ „ past presidents, were in formal« and Besides her husband, she is sur- Freshmam class has helped boost the ^ ^^' ’ bytw^cMldron^rom'a Totter the hall was very gay with .the many total enrollment there. Enrollment the fact that 50,001 wrtte-to votes . marrla Seward, of Oakland. Mrs. Glenn' Neldeigh, Of Bandon, Freshmen £ ™ . t^ ri e Qr#ene „ aUo McMahan's came to its death by Seniors especially attractive with arrange­ .... M ^ P< u , thre* Thomason, of hanging Tuesday evening. His ten- ments of fall flowers and sprays of on of th^Lta • CO ‘ tage OWV * : Oe ° rge Thom8 * ’ "' of year old son, Mac, had been riding silver maple. A cold contracted a i K hU ¡Salem, and Dora Thomaaon. of Rose- and when he returned home, he tied few days before the tea prevented and will close at that time. , i^. ,uteri Mrs j A the gntmal on the side hill across Marvel Skeels from singing as had Dewey supporters may obtain their Qf Eu Mra. Darrell Brodie, the former Miss Donna Dean Bosserman ar­ Mr «nd Margarita Agostino, and her two Methodist parsonage or the home of session of the property „2 and Mrs. Baxter, wife of a Minne­ day this week. Mrs. Richmond, or to call Mrs. Clyde rived home on leave Ipst Thursday Mrs. Kuenz|| ^aw muvad into the sons arrived here Sunday from apolis physician. Their mother To the State Game Commission he Minard, who will ararnge to have It from her station in San Pedro, where passed apay in 1928. Mr. Gray will sent 854.25, one-ha|f qf |h|t game I IlHH1« wwned by Mrs. Edith Dunn. Temple, Texas, whfere Major Brodie she had been located for eight The home at 352 N. Taylor St. is stationed. After « week here vis- called for. spend tWo weeks in Minneapolis. months. She came by train and Y|o|a||on fees paid. ' and owned by Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ring old friends and her sister-in-law, I AD clothing should be to by Sept. To the State Forestry Service he Neal of Marshfield, was sold tq Q. E. Mrs- EMen Brodie to Myrtle Point, »9. The United Nations have asked states she met no difficulty in travel­ remitted 8396.28 from the county’s Johnson, whq ka4 t’VI|Ua to mage ex- 1 «he will go over to Burns for a visit for fifteen million pounds of clothing ing. She had a reservation. Public Invited To Services Fire Patrol fund. .«• . I, >«| jens|vg «Iterations and repairs «nd with her mother and sister. Whether from America. At Çhutfh Of Th« Nazaçene fp the Ports of Bandon and Coqs U7iii „War ih. Duck Club Officers Re-elected " w|il offer the residence fur sale n. as she returns to Temple in a month or ; Thg special revival effort a| ti|e Bay hp gent tax rece|ptg amounting so depends on whether Major Biodie Truck Owners Will Apply For M painted. At the regular annual meeting of Church pf |he Nazarene gt Ntotl) qn<| to 81,342.|8, ap<| fa drainage' dis­ The three above transactions repre­ has been moved before that time. At 4th Quarter Gas Before Oct. 10 the Fat Elk Duck cinb Tuesday eve­ »tFCflM, If ppv|nj f trict 4999.82.. Burns Mrs. Brodie will see the new sent a sakes value of ever 110,000. Truck owners should apply for ning, the same officers who served The cjty of (3pqu|||e received 81,- |tab|e t|me |Bvapg?list E. R. Af- youngster recently bom to Mrs. Gen­ their 4th quarter allotment of gaso­ last year were re-elected for the po|g I» dp|ng the speaking «nd Mr« 38|.|9 of the 84.811.37 he remitted to eva Norton, her sister. coming year and the dkys for shooting Hopes Should Be Kopt line before the 1st of October. Fred Ford is assisting in music at th« cities |n the oounty, and annual dues were designated. Off Of Lawns Mail Certificates of War Necessity Some of the school districts to the piano, A number hav« sought help Surf-kist Peas From Langlois to the Coquille Rattening Board any The officers are Claire M. Gray, pres­ of the Lord and moat who attend county have not yet submitted the-1 Nearly everyone likes to see the ident; F.*L. Greenough, vice presi­ time after September 15. Certifi­ seem to enjoy the presence of the bonds of their elerks to the County ' boys around town who are going fqr Find Ready Market dent, and J. Arthur Berg, secretary Lord in the services, is reported by School Superintendent for approval. ' horseback riding enjoy themselves The fresh peas—Surf-kist—brought cates of War Necessity received after Pastor V. W. Anglin. ¡Those districts. Special and Union but the youngster« should be careful to the Safeway store here by Mrs. the 10th of October will not receive and treasurer. The services are to continue over High, which had complied, received not |q damage other people's proper- Andrew Grassley from her ranch in the full allotment^. Private Albert King, who spent 18 Sunday, there being three services from the county treasurer a to^al of tp, Tuesday evening several of them northern Curry country, are the best Alton Schroeder, son of Mr. and months in the Aleutians and has on Sunday: eleven a. m., two-thirty 88,303.39. , were ------ ------------- *•— • having ----- *------ a *-------- apparently horse ------- raw» they have had this year,‘according to more recently been stationed at and seven-thirty p. m. Specla| and they cut directly through Mr«. Mel GUea, the store manager. Not Mrs. Earl Schroeder, who to with the «eats i are are being being through broughf | in ' so - al| cqn j Harold Gould, who is stationed at a . j. shewood’a b»wn, «utyng up the only la Mrs. Orassley supplying the Greyhound Litas office in Eugene, Ephrata, Wash., arrived here recently 1ccomipo<|ate<| The pastor an- -- --- ■ — - came |n Tuesday turf qu||e badly, local markets but she has already was a visitor at home last Saturday, . for a visit with hto brother, John Fort Lewis, Wash., ppunces pu bl ices thé public is cordially to- evening to spend a week's furlough --------- — shipped out six carloads of Surf-kist arriving that morning and leaving1 King, of Coquille. He expects to * ! return to his base next week. again Sunday morning. w|th hj^famUy and friends. | ou B yjted to at|end these servjces. Dewey 50,001 Club Organizing Here I Horse Hung Itself Tuesday Evening I Lewis Donaldson - Here On Vacation Early Mailing This Year Is Imperative Dewey To Speak At Portland Sept. 19 Song Fest Feature At Rotary Club William Gaffey ^Buried Tuesday . Harry Peltz Back In Civilian Life Two 3 O'clock Fire Alarms