f. 1044. , PAGE BEVEN *• Bare Facts From BearCreek Arago News items 4-H Home Ec Wanted! Men And IFomin Who Art _ Bard Of Hearing Norway News I fems Patty Shaw, of Coquille, visited at Prize* Winners the home of Mr. and Mrs Adrian VTIHHCrB O. R. McNair and hta mother, Mrs. waa that. t*arvey ta a torpedoman S/c I Martha McNair, of Bandon, spent the and Charles 2/c. They have each To make this no risk hear- (By Lpns Lestev«) Halter the past week. greater part of two days and a night ierved several months in the South Ing test ft you (Continued from Page dne) at the home of hta stater and husband, Paciiic- Charles has been in the «bod, bothered Mrs. Ward Evans,' Pamela and Mau. i «... ¡White awards: Julia Keadty. Sunny- A Japanese, in the U. 8. armed Thursday for Shasta, hill; Anna Harris, Greenacres; Bar- Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rackleff, last Iaervice th* longer of the two. Harvey head noises due to hardened or coagu­ forces, was killed recently in, Italy. lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine Calif., where they will visit at the bar. Sell, Riverton; Betty Sell, Riv- week. Mr McNair was doing some is on a »ubmarine and wears the Home Method test that so many say There has been much ado about it I dhlphins. Mr, Eva"'’ brother. Buzz erton; Delores Sell. Riverton; Shirley plumbing for the Rackleffs.. has enabled them to hear well again. Even editorials have appeared in the Petaher for a few dayq ! Wilson. Empire. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Schroeder Mr!> Gail Brewer, Jr., received a You must hear better aftefnaking big dailies concerning the Jap’s death. this simple test or you get your mone; 7,hO°.1.W“1 OP-n Clothln« IV’ Champion. Patricia and family came up from Gold Beach t*lekram call Saturday night that her back st once. Ask about Ourine Ear His death has been given more pub­ Monday, Sept, n at • a. m. Sanford, Haynes Inlet. Saturday, taking ln the fair and they husband’s father, R. L. Brewer of Drops todav at Barrow Drue Ca. licity than has the death of any one spent the night at the home of hta Ro*tr. Ark., had passed away. He Mr. and Mrs. Cleft Rigger, of Eu- j Bachelor Sewing. Red award: of thousands of real white, American parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroe- 73 years old and a dyvout Chrta- rX’ *re PUttinf " mil‘ °n upp*, Eugene Sanford. Sunnyhill. White boys—our neighbor’s husband, or They returned home Sunday. t^*n man- He had been ailing for ti dec. ,“P’ n“r th5,Nile MIUer p,ace award, plarence Nelson Sun der. returned Sunday. Sunnyhill. I your neighbor’s boy,, who has died Last Tuewiay Mr. and Mrs. R. E. I Canning I. Champion, Charlene I Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hughes (Eva 8orne time Guil Brewer is with the gallantly in action. We should like Schroeder) and her sister and hus- 8th air ,orce »tattooed in England, Mason, Mrs. Avon Wilcox and Mrs. > Forrest, Broadbent. Red awards. to inquire why? Harold Fish gave a shower for Mr.1 band, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Free- Mra Quivey and baby daughter re­ Donald Molthu, Riverton; Geraldine President Roosevelt recently made «nd Mrs. Cleft Rigger, who recently man were in from Roseburg to at- turned home Saturday, from Mast hos­ the statement that the Japanese could lost all their household belongings, Larsen, North Bend. White awards: tend the county fair and stayed Satur-'t***““1 in Myrtle Point not be trusted, yet there ace many when a fire destroyed their house in Lora Lee Tama and Betty Tama, day night at the home of the girls’ I parker, brother of Rev. Roy Broadbent; Marilyn Oberman and American-born Jape in uniform. But parents, M£ and Mrs. J*. F. Schroeder. paker, went to Powers Tuesday to Eugene. As Tuesday happened to pe it is a very noticeable fact that these the birthday of Mrs. Nile Miller, Myna Oberman, Forest Easton and Mias Margaret Thatcher, of Bend, vUJt' thtn 0,1 to Eugene Wednesday. in the armed forces are not pitted she was also honored with a shower. Colleen Shepherd, Dora Tucker and Oregon, was a house guest of her so- I He wi" vi*it there at the Sutton against the Japs in the battles of the Refreshments of angel cake, jello and Alice Tucker, Eastside. rority stater, Miss Anita Tedsen, from 'home on hU way to hu hofne at Lodi, ' Canning II. Champion, Lota Sell, South Pacific. Again wk inquire watermelon were served. Tuesday of last week till Monday of Calii- . I Riverton. . Blue awards: Hazel Nel­ why? The answer ls obvhous-^these this.week. Harold Stock, nephew of Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. Fishes, of Eugene, son. Sunnyhill; Roberta Norton, Mil ­ Japs cannot be trusted—American- are visiting at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder were R Norr‘*. returned Wednesday of last born ones, as well as the rest of the Fisher’s son and family, Mr. and Mrs. lington; Dolores Thompson, Eastside Monday evening visitors at the home week aiter »Rsnding the summer with White awards: Mary g.nn Roberts, yellow rats. In the first place there* Cleft Rigger, on Fishtrap. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder. Ihii Mer. Frank Stock, at Beaverton, Coquille; Bette Dirts, Sunnyhill; were plenty of American-born white Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow, Capt. Edward Skog and Mrs. Skog, Ore folks to shoulder a gun for their i 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward came Gary Clausen, Riverton; Lois Jean Boles, daughter of Mr. and country without ringing in theMapS, j [in Saturday from Port Orford and Duryea, North Bend; Adelma Boots, of Empire were Sunday luncheon' If your car has liypoid gears, EreiX Btefy “Znond Z Ztay ot Mr and * « McClos- )*"• * * M-S, *- vMtlng at Bend, for as' we have stated before in this I spent the week-end at their home in “ ornj naminona ana ue*«y___ Ey , Ore., over th» luUld»» She b expect* pressures against gear teeth Ore., over the holiday. Engbloom, Eastside; Joree Libby, ,*wy* column, the American-born Jape have Arago. sometimes dryrocket to thou­ Riverton. Red award«: Patricia De1 Mf> ar>d Mrs. M. E. Bunch and ed home the last of this week. proved the most treacherous of the Walter Norris, of Roseburg. Ore., r sands of pounds per square Mr and' Mrs. Lee Kellison and Marsh, Sunnyhill; Frances Durtea, !ttau*° : ence Moore, Bandon. Phone 119L wear, resists kludging, heard of in any previous season. The Mr*. Ida Myers Monday. ¡Frances Norton, Joan De Costa and present at the party. foaming, corrosion. berries first became ripe in the glades Mr, and Mr*. Stanley Halter and Mrs. Martin Schmidt received word i north and south of Bandon. Today, Mrs. Ida Myers were Sunday dinner Barbara Houghton, of Bandon; Mary this week from her daughter, Mrs Lou Saterion, Bandon. White awards: they may be gathered nearly any guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood­ tMA MAR OIL Martha Lou Tay|or, Marjory David­ Durward Strong, new living at Se- place along the coast. ward. For truck transmissions and rear •tt|®, Wash , that she had been very son, pf Bandon, We have had gas rationing, cer­ axles that require an uncom- Mr. aod Mrs. S. C. McAllister vis­ j»tok for two weak» “with bronchial Cooking l. Çhgmplon, Bonn|e Noah, tain hours in which gas might be ited at the hotpe of Mr. and Mrs. pounded gear oil . . . built fot pneumonia tout Was better now. Fairview. RJue award»; Leota purchased at one time, we have had Werner Plaep last Wednesday eve­ extra bard duty, resists foaming. If you own a Chevrolet, Johnson, Coquille; Loretta Mas», Co­ the rationing of coffee when there ning, don’t dread the day it wilt quille; Dorene Frye, Fairview, Rod was an abundance of it We have it Rev. G. A. Gray, of Coquille, Con­ need a motor rebuild!, on good authority that several gas ducted the regular Sunday morning award»: Joan Qeuer, Etale Johnaon, ■ • ♦ I wells are not operating in Texas and church service. Sunday school fol- Rob|n Griffith, Coqu|||«| Ivytene It isn’t a painful operation A| Boom, of Waldport, uncle of, that several big gushers are capped i lowed with an attendance of 32. Frye, Madelin. Çroy, Fa|rv|ew; Juan­ i Ralph Boon«, visited from Friday un- ! to pay for and it will imme­ there. We have been restricted an i There will be services against next ita H|nze, North Bend; Fairy Hine«, ■ til Sunday morning at the Boone' diately start paying divi­ the purchase of a lot of household Sunday, preaching at 10 a, nt. and Eastaide. White awards; P«tay Det­ j home. dends. You will really en­ commodities, rationed on various Sunday school at 11 a. ns. Th« an­ lefsen, Coquille] Barbara U»lb«rg, joy driving it the next four Sunday Wm. Byerly favored the I or five years. meats, etc. And yet, in western Rus­ nual anniversary dinner and program Eastsldej Ellen Strode, Sitkum; Ruth congregation at churoh with a solo, I sia everything is point free. The in th« afternoon will be observed Palmer, EHen Ellis, Fairview; and “Home of the Soul," which was very I We carry a large stock of solution to that one is easy—they next Sunday, Sept. 10, w|th a pdt- Rae Arnold, Eastside. much appreciated- Mr. Byerly is Motor Parts, Mufflers and Cooking II. Champion, Virginia haven’t any New Deel in Russia. Un­ luqk dinner at noon. There will be i past M yean of age and comes to Tail Pipes, Tie Rod Ends der u sensible administration the a short program with music by both Corrie, Bullard». Blqe awards; Pa­ Sunday sohool and church every I and Shocks. people of America would be point- | the ladie«' choir and the young peo­ tricia C|aHS«nt Riverton. Red awards: Sunday, He |a the father of Mrs. Ray LaCrjssa Guillen, free today and would not be curbed ple’« choir and also a short speech. Ring Freq and Quaker Deadmond, Cooking m. Champion, Betty Jo on a lot of unnecessary things. . State Mptor Oil«. The two Brewer children, Gail, Jr., Everyone Is eprd|a|iy Invited to at­ « Iveana, Blue awards; Bette Davis, and Bobby, stayed over the week-end F.D.R. has built tlft greatest po­ tend. I ■‘Your local representative 5 Red awards; Ruth Morton, Milling­ at the Benham home. ll Uc al machine of all times—it con- Jimmy Scott fell one day last week lists of three million government em­ land injured his leg. He has been ton; Hazel Nelson, BunnyhiH, White King Wilson and family made a F *or awards: Roberta Morton, Millington: trip to the valley last week for fruit, ployees and 204 bureaus, all of whom unable to work for several days, f STANDARD ol CALIFORNIA 4 AMZY Bill Ready, Sunnyhill; Marion Koekl, EKNIE he figures means votes for him. , Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie came The school board last week pur­ —J Millington. Wonder if Eleanor has'run out of In from Salem last Saturday evening chased • stove ftaf the teacherage and Camp Cookery. Blue award: Jack SÄ gas? She seems to be staying home and finished packing their household th« building has been papered, Kem- #■ * for a change. Perhaps she has to belongings and moved to their new Hollenbeck, Millington. toned and painted, reedy for the new The exhibit was fanned and su­ teacher, who moved in over the feed "Fall-’’ while F.D.R. is on a home in Salem. Mrs. Gillespie will • fl "campaign tour" in which he is pat­ teach near Salem this next winter. pervised by Mrs. Dhrothy Bishbp week-end. • t - t Dunn, county home demonstration ting General Douglas MacArthur on Mr. and Mrs. Verne Trlfg, Of Mrs. N, W, ft>|es is reported very the back. If I went to Honolulu ¡Norway, caqtp oyer Sunday to help agent, and she was assisted by Miss (Rugh Improved after several week»’ THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SÜ- with the purpose, purpose. as has been sfate^, Mr». Trigg’« parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ida Oerdlng, of Coquilje. illness Rat, a daughter from Bend, Sppcpil conter (a 4-H toub wprk PER VISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING of consulting W|th MacArthur re­ Gillespie, w|th their packing. cafflo iMt Bunday evening to assist at were held Monday, at the Coo« Coun ­ garding the war situation |n the Clef) R|gger and |i|s mother, tyr* Im PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE South Pac|f|c, then why was he not Pear| F|»her qf Eqgeqe, v|g|teq at the ty Fair for demonstration teMPR wa­ The cutting crew at Klines finished accompanied by {he Secretary of ning cpn|es| and Sty!* «view. Jrif* V* Mr» HO« Miller last Thursday. After about a month’s Six towns participated in the Home WaF ahd othpr h|gh ranking off|c|a}|? Sunday i logging there operation will be Wk CH! f|«“~ I1 WH • Mr*. Charles Griffith ffrvS « birth­ Gnomic» Demonstration contests. |F|R- day party ifl honor Pt her daughter, First place honors went to Dorothy Letta an »ay to Congress, ’’ftm't f.ppetta% seventh birthday last Sat­ Gibney and Agnes Luscomb, of fe be «ape—deport the Jagg," urday evening. A lovely time was Greenacres with their demonstration, | We appreciate the letter from the enjoyed by all and Loretta received "How to put a hen in a dress." They ! € 100 JfMAULAtKt SERVICE • COQUIILC PROMPT lady (M. K.) of Marshfield and with many nice gifts. Refreshments were will represent Coos county ln the her patting us on the back regarding served to the following: Rev. and Mrs. state finals to be held at Meier and SERVICE our stand on the Japs. However, we J V. W. Anglin, Victor and Sandra; Frank's in Portland the «arty part reasonable nates regret that we cannot concede with ! wa» developed Faith Short, Phyllp, Charleen and of October. *Ç^ç her desire for us to lay off panning Kirwin Roe; Clark, Tommy, Loretta MWr W“/ Grout, leader of the ON FJJ.R. We cannot agree with her land Mary Ann; Mr. and Ma, feihaa. efub. Second place went to Mary J« regarding her praise of “the indispen­ Griffith Bessey and Geraldine Larsen, mem­ sable man” who desires to rule Mt and Mrs. E. J. Walker, of bers of the N®rth Bend Chipmunk America sixteen years. Thgt'g y>gM Marshfield, were Sunday dinner Club, for the demonstration, “Choos­ years |oo ma»y tur any man. guests of Mr. and Mrs. ChM^Wt Ofif- ing a Bedroom Color Scheme,” Mre Sadie Larsen is leader a* the club f^ and fa^, PM papers V q buqcb Clark apt Tommy Griffith went to Alice Young and Nadine Crabtree, of Are You Adequately Insured? Marshfield Sunday to spend a f«w Bunker Hill school, won third place I for the demonstration, "How to Treat My Office Can Serve You. days with friends faer«. ' Mr. and Mta J ft fWl were Mon­ a Wound,“ Other demonstrations ware "Treat­ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A- ing « Wound,” by Patricia DeMarah i Schroeder |n Myrtle Point. ’ Mr. apd Mr«. M*ld*n C*r> and and Darlene Sharbondy, Bunker Hill, Douglas were Sunday guests of Mr. and "Launderfag a Tea Towel” and » CÌLL US WHEN and Mrs W E- Cross, near Coquill« "Cheese Sauce and Ways to Use It,” List Your Property with me and I’ll Work to Sell it for you YOU NEED ANT OF I Miss Marcia Crore, M Coquille.. ,?a’‘*_“?^ Hazej,Nelaon- Aire «•• hl* far Also daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cedric | Championship "" in ‘ the Girls' ~ Style these se mces • Agfa LgbrtkeUM kv MeeltoMte SERVICE ON BIRTH CERTIFICATES Croos, »pent Monday at the home of Review went to Dorothy Qibney with • Ante Repairing M »11 kinds AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT a cotton school dress. Second place her aunt Mrs. Melden Carl. • Areesaeriaa. Washing, masking winner was Patricia Sanford, of Haynes Inlet, and third place to Betty Paul, of Greenaores. Dra. Witcoaky & Crawford | In the Spreokles Sugar Canning Phonç I4U Phone 606.1J , contest. Hazel Nelson, of North Bend, Pho » wen first place; Bette Davis, North VETERINARIAN« ¡Bend, second place; Patricia De Southside Front R|. gt WW>H Ml