PAGE SIX 7, 1944. | Cases Before Justice F. R. Bull CLASSIFIED Pioneer Methodist Church Just out of Coquille City limits on r Here The Past Wek Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor Marshfield Highway—School bus. 9:45 Sunday School hour. “Study Cent a Word Each stage, city water, electricity »' A warrant was issued by Justice Haul 28 Ne Adv. with bath ' Fred Bull last Saturday for Noel to show thyself approved unto God." 11:00 Sunday morning worship FOR RENT—Furnished S^room Aptl hour. Special music for this Sunday. with bath. Use of Electric Washer.1 7:00 Sunday evening Youth Fel­ Adults only. No animal pets, tn- 1 1H acres on North Henry St. on able to locate him. lowship Groups. . quire 351 80. Henry St. Flore E:‘ North edge of Coquille. Good four*! Upon complaint of the state po-' 8:00 Sunday evening worship houf.. Dunne. Z tf ¡¡0om house with bath and base- lice, Mario Felix Giobbe was, fined Third in a series on the subject. WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C. j ment; Chicken house and small Rio and 84 costa by the J. P. be- Mountain Tops with God, “The Lee, 507 Clark St., North Bend,, bam;city water and electricity; cause MT did not have his registration Mountain of Sacrifice.” wjred for range; fjuit and berries; card in his car. Extenuating circum- ! 7:30 Thursday evenings mid-week Oregon. Phene 5411. good creek bottom garden. This stances caused the justice to suspend services. Bring your Bible and read BRICK—Build that fireplace now. Romans 9. place c«n be handled for »1650 00, payment of the 814. 1650.00, No priority on materials. FARR A f Jack Price Warnstaff was sum­ 8:00 Monday the 18th Coos County balance on contract at 8 per cent. < ELWOOD. 91 at North moned on Tuesday by the state po­ Methodist Brotherhood Good dairy ranch on Marshfield Bend * lice to appear in Justice Bull's court WANTED— A low-priced home ini highway one mile front Coquille, Suppose -every person in this com­ for having no taillight on his car CoquillA or Myrtle Pojnt Must * consisting of 37 Vi acres of which 35 munity did as much as YOU or I for and for having four in the driver ’ s have bath and be in livable condi- > * acres are river bottom land; 34- | the uplift of the moral and spiritual seat. tion and no street assesments.— cow (practically new) barn; large life, would it help? Or—? . Bx 3, Prosper Rt., Bullards, Ore­ chicken house; double garage; lots [ _ — . , gon. , 34tfs' of fruit and berries;. house con- Four Divorce. Granted The Assembly of God tains 4 rooms and bath; 80 foot Judge Dal M. King granted di­ S mm UI And Heath Sta, GARDEN HOSE—3 grades to choose well with automatic electric pump, vorces in Circuit court here last Fri- L. C. Persing, Pastor from. FARR A ELWOOD. s Priced at 811,000.00, one-half oaah, day to the pontiffs in the following RwisAaw« VWEBEBBlP e HELP WANTED—Two women at the balance at 0 per cent. .cases: I 9:48 Sunday School with classes for J. 8. BARTON, Realtor ! Wm. H. Cox vs. Lydia C. Cog. Coquille Laundry. Its every age. Bertha Byrd, Supt. Phone 31J 1 Beulah T. Weeks vs. George A. 11:00 Morning Worship. FARM MACHINERY Repair« — We « ww • mm « T ry lor St- Coquille. Ore.' Weeks. carry genuine McCormick Deering | r ___________________ I Ellen 8:45 Christ Ambassadors’ Youth G. West vs. Donald E. West. repairs. J. A. LAMB COMPANY, a , WANTED—School girl to work' over f Jerry A. Smith vs. Geo. D. Smith. Meeting. Mary Lou, Newton, presi­ —————— « A | week-end and on Sunday. Also a dent _ _____________ FOR SALE—1 Gas range, >15.00. 1 7:45 Evangelistic Service conducted regular girl foFsteady employment. j»|eade<1 Guilty Te Issuing set Sad Irons, 75c. Swivel Desk by Pastor and Mrs. L. C. Persing. Apply at Roxy Confectionery, ^u._u chair, 83.00. One-Man Saw 82-50. phone 350. . It A No 0000 Emmanuel Baptist Church St James* Episcopal Church Liquid Closet Chemicals 50c. Post­ 7:45 Prayer Meeting. .................. -j- - ------------ *-------------- — ' Annabelle H. Weber pleaded guilty Rev. Menno D: Rempel, Pastor Corner E. 3rd A Elliott Sts. hole. Auger 82.50. -Camera and WAhn1 TO BUY a pre-war boy s bi- ¡n circuit court here last Friday to Thursday . 10:00 Sunday School. If you are The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Tripod, 88.00. 2 Cupboard Doors, cycle in goodoondition. Phone 123R, the charge uf obtolnln< moneyunder 7:45 Bible Study. . / not now going to Sunday School why Sunday: 10x17%. 30 lb. Retin. 1 Door, Mrs. A. Perkins, 434 No. Moulton, pretenses. She had written a Monday 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion (2nd, not? The Sunday School has been 13x38; 2 Doon, 22x20. 1 Pr 1,w check for Jim’s Place on the Bay for 8:30 Listen in to Songs of Memory a great blessing to our country. It 4th and 5th Sundays). Crutchesf 51 in. length. 100 Geo­ FOR SALE - Tent, Trailer House. M0. She to to be sentenced next mo- over KOOS. is worthy of your support and at­ 9:45 a. m. Church School. graphic Magazines, 35c. Collier’» Steam Table, Grill and two gas tion >41:00 a. m. Nursery and Kindergar­ tendance. Encyclopedia, 10 vol. |8-00. Story, Church Of The N azarene plafes, Hot water tank and burner. ’ _ 11:00 Morning Service. Sermon. ten. of the Great War, 8 vol. 88.50. His­ • Ninth and Heath 11:00 Morning Prayer with Sermon., “The Foursquare Gospel.** tory of the Jews by Josephus, 81-50. W.“^n muse' Front . Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor Hall Streets, Coquille. It’ -. 7:00 Young'People’s meetings. (1st and 3rd Sundays—Holy Com­ Inquire Flora E. Dunne, 351 South _ ____ ______ _ ______________ 9:45 a. an. Sunday Bible School. A munion) 8:00 Evening Service. Sermon, "A HEADQUARTER« tor Crown Dairy Aug. 31-Georg. A. Hammond vx Henry street, Coquille. Its Marguerite M. Hammond. Suit for «rowing Sunday School, 5:00 p. m. High School Young Peo­ Study of the Cross of Christ” and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed divorce. DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ ! 11:00 *• m- Morning worship. This ple. Tuesday, Men's Chorus at 7:30 and * Seed Co. tfs Sept, 8—H. R, and Mabel E- Horner ' «•rvlce wlll »* fuesday.) Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfs PAPWHAwnmn, TT. Coquille city hall again next Tues- public Is card tally Invited. Wednesday First Church of Christ, Scientist day, Sept. 12, nine to four o'clock, to terior and Exterior Painting. The FOR SALE—Eight-room house and 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Coquille, Oregon receive applications for drivers' li­ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT latest in Pittaburg, Imperial, Birge two lota. Close in. Price 84500.00. 2:30 p. m. St. James' Guild. censes and to conduct examinations. NOTICE is hereby given that the Sunday Schoo! at 9:30 a. m. WaU Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 275 Mrs. Birdie Skeels, |25 E. Third St. -------------------------- j 8:00 p. m. Evening Guild (1st and undersigned has filed his Final Ac­ Sunday Service at II a. m. No. Henry, Coquille, phone 288. Phone 147J. 34t2s count In the matter of the Estate of 3rd Wednesdays). Subject for next Sunday, "Sub­ 8tfs .j Electric Fence Units, »14.78 and D. C. Krantz, deceased, and that the Thursday up. Will work on 110-volt line, or stance." FOR SALE—100 Ton of baled Can­ I County Court of the State of .Oregon, 8:0) p. m. Bishop's Committee (3rd Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 ary Grass. Arthur Haga, Tway SPRINKLERS—We have them. FARR hot shot battery, or automobile bat­ for Coos County, has set October Also Hot-Shot Batartos for 10th, 1944, at the hour of 10 o’clock Thursday). o’clock. ranch, Coquille. 34t4*s A ELWOOD. »a tery. A, M. as the time and the County sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. I8tfs Court Room in the County Court Free public Reading Room at 339 DRIVE IN and let us inspect your FARMERS—If you need a Tractor, Church of God ' House at Coquille, Oregon, as the W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Jires for hidden defects before ypu . Milkers, Haying Machlhery, Elec­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE place for hearing objections to said Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts -P day except Sunday and holidays from STATE OF OREGON IN AND Final Account and the settlement of take that trip. This service is free tric Milk Cooler», or any kind of Walter Lee Greer. Pastor 1:30 to 8:00 p. m. FOR COOS COUNTY said estate. * and may save you trouble and ex­ Farm Machinery or Repairs, see MARJORIE E. McGARVIN, Sunday, Sept. 18 Walter A. Krantz, pense away from home. Thornton ua—your McCormick Deering deal­ PLAINTIFF, 34t8 Executor of said Estate. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Tire Service. tfs er. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s VS. 11:00 a. m. Worship: sermon, NOTICE OF CAUCUS TO NOMIN ­ 1 DONALD P. McGARVIN, I .DEFENDANT ATE CANDIDATES FOE CITY OF­ “Hell, In The Light of The Cross.” CONCRETE MIXER—2 ti CU. ft. hand GOING TO SEED A BURN?—We ' I FICES OF THE Omr OF COQUILLE Those Early Editions of the 8:30 p. m. Junior Devotional hour. or can be power driven. Just right can furnish your requirements with I TO: DONALD P. McGARVIN, the TO BE FILLED AT THE GENERAL day Journal may again be 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service: for farm use. FARR A ELWOOD, s fresh seed, priced right. FARR A ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1944 above-named Defendant: chased while doing yeqr ELWOOD. s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sermon by the pastor. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF For Refrigeration Service phone • Thursday. Sept. 7 shoppings. Buy I pursuant to a resolution adopted by ■ OREGON: shop, 10CJ; write Box W7, Co­ ninger's — Roxy You are hereby required to appear the Common Council of the City of 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. and answer the Complaint riled Coquille at the regular meeting on quille. “If Available, well get Brandon’s —* Fermi **O taste and see that the Lord is against you in the above-entitled the 21st day of August. 1944, pro­ it” Garnier’s Refrigeration Dillard Mkt F J Court and cause on or before the last viding for holding the City Caucus good: blessed is the man that trusteth Service. 27tfs for nomination of candidates, a in him.’’—Psa. 34:8. date prescribed in the Order for Pub- NOBLE CHOWNINO. WATER SYSTEMS— We stock both I lie a tion of Summons herein, and if caucus for the purpose of nominating Journal Mgr. NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing Deep and Shallow WelfeAutomatL i you fail so to appear and answer, for a Mayor to serve two years, a City Wa|dr Systems; also Mstary and want thereof, the Plaintiff will ap­ Recorder to serve for two years, The Holy Name Catholic Church of older roofs, all types and kinds, Mass at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. done by.the Standard Roofing Co, Cen si Pumps. J. A. LAMB ply to the Court for the relief de­ three Councilmen to serve four years apd one Councilman to serve two 893 North First street Ma«hfield. Y. < ’ , 8 manded ln teW Complaint, a succinct years, will be held at the Community A deserved and discriminating statement of whjch |s as follows: Phone 859. Glen Wm. Curtis, Hall in the City of Coquille, Coos compliment la often one of the strong­ That Plaintiff be granl FOR SALE — "Farmers ’ BargalnT — item- Mgr. s divorce from Defend Hens — Battery Radio — Hudson be awarded the ca oi 7:30 est encouragements and incentives to ¿i.ECTRIC FENCE Unite, «14.78 ami the diffident And self-distrustful.— Engine — One-horse Wagon. See 1 control of the minor lteFp»|ed Tryon Edwards. up. Will work on lKPvolt" line, FARR A ELWOOD’S "Swap lene McGarvtn, This Summons is pu or hot shot battqry, or automobile Board.” a ant to an a |o fee prpsent « C|- r—a battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries toe nomination o| made by the FOR SALE — Gentle, young team, for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 18tfs sheim, Judge of the__ _ . _ Oversees PdiH«h •« W Dated this 5th day of September, with harness. Weight about 1500 the State of Oregon for Coog County, I 1944. SOMETHINGNEW — Milking each. F. R. Brown, Camas Valley, on August 14, 1944. The date of first (Seal) -F, O, Leslie, Machines, Vacuunf Pumps, | Oregon. 34t4s publication of this Summons ia Au­ ’412__________________City Recorder gust 17. 1944. and the date of the Hand and all-electric Separa- last publication of this Summons is ” tors, will soon be in stock. WE BUY — HIDES — WOOL — MO­ September 14, 1944. NOTICE TO CREDITOR« HAIR — BARK. Farr A Elwood, s Notice is hereby given that the un­ HARRY A. SLACK, Eaton’s Feed Store, Coquille, s dersigned was an the 21st day of Attorney for Plalntlfi, Residence and postoffice address: August, 1944, appointed by the Coun­ DRAG SAWS in Stock for IMMEDL WANTED--Logger to log 80 to 100 NOTHING OVnuR>K*D ia Coquille, thousand per day. Two cats and Coquille, Oregon. 31t5 ty Court of Coos County, Oregon, as ATE DELIVERY.—J. A. LAMB Administrator of the Estate of Loyd four trucks will handle. Good COMPANY. s PAULINE TALBERT no matter how large and elaborate NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Earl Green, deceased; and all persons logging show. Write Box D, Care NOTICE is hereby given that the having claims against said Estate are the scale upon which the funeral HARNESS—Two sets on hand. FARR Sentinel - Its undersigned has filed her First and hereby required to present them to A ELWOOD. s FOR PL^BING repairs and ta- Final Account in the matter Of the me at the oflce of O. C. Sanford, At­ arrangements are to be made. That administration of the estate of Les­ torney, in Coquille, Oregon, with is our policy—that Is our proud proper vouchers and duly verified FOR MONUMENTS ter A. r Borgard, , ........................................ deceased, and that vice—call 3-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ inty Coujt of the State of Ora­ within six months from the date 01' claim after many yearn of expert- Cement Grave Cover or Border. PANY. • the County tor Coos County, has set Septem- this notice. I Dr. De La Rhue Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone ence A conference with us will Dated and published first time 18, 1944, at tbs hour of 10:00 NolTOBT^i^liEDVFPAiiN 123L. John S. Sanders, Ml West 8th, August 24, 1944. If., the time, and the County be to your advantage. Eyesight ‘z Raymond Jasper Green. ' Coquille, Oregon. a - A ELWOOD'S. ■“ the County Court 4 Specialist Administrator. ■-m “ ““ WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows FOR SALE About 90 Haneon-slraln Eyes Examined - Glaasee CR TO CREDITORS .cepunt |ha White Leghorn Cockerels, suitable and calves for Mink feed. B. T. IS HEREBY GIVEN, for fryers. Bring your own crate. Hepler, Bullards route. Phone Reception room jointly with fx w|th ^e Wjll Noble RdVang, 500 N. Beach, 33tjs •RS, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 48 Coquille A llandon WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We GRASS SEEDS—You will find our [ a 1OTR 1081 stock of BURN, Pasture, and Crop T service all makes of washers. seeds complete and fresh. FARR. Washer Service Co. 305 West verif A ELWOOD. s tfr Front St. Phone 17. therefor, . ... ifcä'jL'VL. • ; « • • X. • —.... . FOR SALE—80-acre ranch, 10 acres'1 law office in Building, CoquiRe months from the date of this thjs notice. bottom. Will handle 10 milk cows. Dated, and fjrgl puf^fsheff Aqgust Three miles from Myrtle Point. H|gh 8c|po| 10, 1944. • Clastica! Giles Harris, Box 214, Myrtle Point. Pn-rflQ rauUMKTWAWJBT Harry A. Siask, Wl 33t3*s • j Administrator w||h the Will An­ nexed of the estate of Oscar N|lsen, FALL PLOWING—! have a Ford-; deceased, Ferguson tractor and 2-bottom BARROW DRUG COMPANT plow which is available for fall plowing. Anyone needing such ► work before the rains »tart, write Fina administration o| T. H. Benham, Fairview * route, Clinton, deceased t Coquille, or phone 5R13. 33t3*s Court of the State of Oregon, for Coos County, has set September 26th, FOR RENT—Furnished Cottages with * SERVICE 1944, st the hour of 10:00 A. M„ as 1 shower baths and wash room. ! the time, and the County Court Room Phone 83 I Lights and water paid. Reasonable | in the County Court House at Co- -• — * for — — place the Nicht Phone 1S8R I rent. 948W North Coulter St. hearin Final Account ti CEDAR SHINGLES—No. i’s for p^