I « Out-of-Doors Stuff IWORTH 1NTED Radios • Linoleums Davenports • Heaters * Coil Bed Springs .. Rockers • Chairs Furniture Sets * i Story Magazines the materials made available for non­ war production. I hope thia provi­ sion will be retained by the confer­ ence. Other differences between the House and Senate to be worked out by the conference committee involve the continuation of the Retraining and Reemployment Administration now operating under Executive Or­ der. granting of unemployment com­ pensation to federal employees, estab­ lishment of a joint Congressional Committee on Post-War Adjustment, and Interest rates to be paid by local and state governments on federal loans for public works. Tuesday, September 5, marks the opening of another «ehpol year. Are you planning to take advantage of the educational opportunities offered you hr Victory Iwrtiwt 8tty Ww 8iHtf Far Family tratteti»» »left OrtfU MttMl Uft't Mu for Lasting Service