Belle Knife Hospital A baby boy, named Michael An­ drew and weighing seven pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sisk of Coquille last Friday. Mrs. May Damron, of Bandon, en- n Should have notified you some tered for treatment on Saturday. ------- d time ago on my change of address A A baby ______ baby girl girl was was born born to to Mr. Mr. anA o but thought _u-. . cadre from - ------- •• — I ----- would here •*- Mrs. -- Wendell Wilcox, of McKinley, * • long this. This camp is the on Sunday. . She weighed seven — • before -___________________________ poorest example of an army camp pounds and has been named Sally 1 that I have ever stayed in. I'm trying Jane. my best io cadre out from here. Mrs. H. A. Young underwent a ’ I was in charge of mess but was major operation Monday morning and * relived of late and now I am a sol­ will probably remain in the hospital dier of leisure and no responsibility. ________ ,. tor another three weeks. Sure enjoy reading The Sentinel 1 _ __ ________ Mrs. Blanche Seidell, of Bandon, ’ and when it runs out will want you also submitted to a major operation 1 to notify me. on Monday. Hope this war will be over _____ soon so On Wednesday the nine-year old I may return to Coquille in the near daugther of Mr. and Mrs. Robert future. Certainly miss the many Abell, Edna, underwent an appen­ friends and the wonderful scenery of dectomy; Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs. the state as a whole. C. W. Loomis of Coquille, submitted Have visited many points of inter- I ' to a tonsilectomy, and Mrs. James est in the south since my arrival. Phillips of Greenacres entered for New Orleans, Natchez and Baton treatment. Rouge are the main points of inter- , est. This certainly is the typical Old j Dismissals the past week were Mrs. Fannie Freedle last Thurs- South in this part of the country.^ Mra „ M and D baby n an F w Martln /°°n' .. , ... «nd Robert Smith of Powers on Sat- Don t know if I will see any over- urda Mr, w B of Bandon seas service but understand those who i an(j Mrf w , Baynef of Falrvlew haven t been across will go first. I and Qeo T Qn Wed. May be located in nice camp soon, i___ , , Here's hoping and wishing it will be I -___________________________ on the west coast. It's tops as far as ■ I'm concerned. . Am sending my very best wishes to Avar NiSdt all my friends in Coquille and sur- W . ... T»s, It Is tru*. ii.-ia thsrs Isa sets harm- roundings. Johnny. i... •.n— « wi....» i PlIRpleS Disappeared “WESCOTE Supreme Quality” Roofing is fully guaranteed and Under writers Approved. It’s super-saturated with finest asphalt and has I coating that will not run or become brittle. 35 Lb. MICA 65 Lb. 45 Lb. 90 Lb. Slate red or green 2.65 do do - - 2.39 Roll . HARRY M. JOHNSON, Prop.,—Authorized Dealer IM South Taylor, Coquille , Phone 85 P£ACH£S h CANMMSf SAFEWAY •YAKIMA HALES $2.49. •MARYHILL HALES *TW*1.59 I PEARS qppl* boa •• W’» PRUNES ItaUfms lug......... I1.W TOMATOES ripe and healthful iR-ib, f|«t LEMONS, Suakist tcy lb...... 12c H EVfN ~ YOU (AN I v.ll A MAilON fM MWR p M CEPriFICATf toy th* finl____ •••• rich timi Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service B tm S ww u Cnk «"•‘W (H 340 W. Frjqt, Coquille, Tel. 270 Cantaloupe« Yakima swet lb. 7c Watermelon, half, whole, lb 3*4e / / EGG PLANT swell fried lb. 15c i POTATOES good quality lb 4c f PORK&BEANS.r^"713 HEINZ SOUPS^*>2*^25 Pea. Bean. Guasbo, Scotch Broth, Needle 4