School Coution For Auto Drivers Greenacres—Donald Lanway, Rob­ ert Lanway, Bob Cook, 1st prise. Haynes Inlet—Albert Lane, Glenn Sanford, Donald McCulloch, 2nd. Parkersburg—Derry Van Leuven, BUI Domenighini, Dean Van Leuven, 3rd prize. Liquor The Cause Of These Troubles .LL'SÜJ! lit—Bobby Nelson, Coquille. Miss Mildred Rock x Cara Nome Specialist • By appointment only, Miss Mildred Rock will de­ vote 45 minutes to you for an individual skin analysis, a beautifying facial and make-up and advice for daily com­ plexion care. Miss Rock comes at our owii expense to extend thia courtesy to our friends and customers. Make your appointment now! Only 10 consultations can be given daily—0 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. You are not obligated in any way by this free ser­ vice nor will any sales be made during week’s demonstration. Make appointments this week • 8-pc. Living Room Ensemble Davenport & Chair, Four Tables Occasional Chair 9x12 Axminster Rug Regular Price $210.00 Three Jr. GUte—lit, Dale Hoffman, Myrtle Point. Sow—1st, Dale Hoff­ man, Myrtle Point. Peal try Bantams—Sth prize, Duane Leach, Bandon. New Hampehirea— 1st, Duane Frye, 2nd. Dean Van Leuven, CoqulUe; Bandon; 3rd, Jimmy Jenkins, Bandon. Black Minorcas—3rd, Billy Domen­ ighini, Bandon. Caulking Compound In New, Easy To Use Disposable Gun 52c tube Special $169.50 Furniture Blue—-Albert Lundburg, Roger Ott, both of AUegany; Duane Rich­ ardson, Leonard Alto, both of East­ side. . Red — Charles Pay ton, Marvin Brown, Mary Lou Payton, Wayne GUI, Jimmy Churchill, all of Coquille; Ray Baker, Eastside. DillaidMarket Speciali Thurs., Fri., Sat Open Sundays for jrouMconvenienc^ Canning Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store Canning Tomatoes Cantaloupes Fancy Dillard lb. 5c Fat Lsn b—1st,'Monte Lund, Gay­ lord. Ewe Lamb— 1st, Monte Lund. Dillard Watermelons FRUIT JARS Good Housekepers or Kerr Economy 2 doz. $1.89 .. ——............................................. A Junior Helfer—1st, Aldoa Raltef, Arago; 2nd, Albert Tomlinagn, Co­ quille; 3rd, Joyce Leellng, Marshfield; 4th, Darwfn Gulstrom, Arago; Sth, Karin Peterson, North Bend; 8th, Merle Qoone, Coquille. , Yearling Heifer—1st, Clarence Nel­ son; 2nd, Joe DeMarsh; 3rd, Hazel Nelson, ail of North Band. Overwear Junior Heifers—1st, Albert Lane, North Bend; 2nd, Duane Fry*. Co­ quille; 3rd, Darlene Bherbondy. North Bend; 4th, Bette Davis, Coq. Yearling Helfer—1st, Bette Devia, North Band; 2nd, BiUy Anderson, Co­ quille. CINCE FINLEY or LOU BRALY Coquille PEANUT BUTTER Gude. Brand 14 02 jar 29c CORN FLAKES Kelloggs WASH. POW'D. SUPER SUDS Oxidol or Duz Ige pkg. 21c