The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 07, 1944, Image 1

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NO. 34.
—— A
The Prize Winning
Horses At The
County Fair Rodeo
1, 1M4.
Pictures For Folder
C. of C. Directors Prize Winners
Memorial For Local
Wanted By C. of C.
Considered Several Al The Coos-Curry
Boys In U. 5. Armed
County Fair' ' I
Matters Tuesday
Service Is Suggested
The Coquille Lions Club Lady’s
The suggestion was made by Evan
Night was held with a dinner party
Alborn. chairman of the Chamber of
in the Coffee Shop last Thursday eve­
Commerce publicity committee, at
ning, the guests including wives of
the chamber’s semi-monthly session
members, the wives of two Lions now
tn the Coffee Shop Tuesday noon, that
Ideal weather last week-end drew in the service—Mrs. Robt. Harris and
At the Chamber of Commerce board
There were excellent showings of
With Mayor Wood and four coun-*
theri are probably hundreds of pri­
the largest attendance ever recorded Mrs. Un Swain—Capt. and Mrs. Robt of directors’ semi-monthly meeting stock at the Coos and Curry Fair last
cilmen present, the city dads met for
at the Cooe A Curry County Fair at Roake, and a former member and in the Cqffee Shop Tuesday noon, week-end, both by individual ranch­
first of the month-session Tues­
Myrtle Point, the total paid admis­ wife, Lieut.-Commander and Mrs. at which John D. Carl of Arago was ers, the Future Farmers and the 4-H along the coast of southwestern Ore­ day evening, Monday being a holiday.
sions being over 12,000. The largest Graydon Crews. Graydan has been a guest. Sec. Caughell read the reply dubs. The following IM of such gon which would be most desirable
In connection with the complaints
single day crowd was on Sunday operating on an aircraft carrier in of H. B. Glateyer, secretary to the prize winners is furnished by County for ipdusion in the Coquille booklet
received by city officiate of people
when 5,000 were present.
State Highway Commission, in an Agent Geo. H. Jenkins:
the Pacific. .
who have been hauling their own
ready for printing before long.
The outstanding events for the
to Mr. Caughall recent totter
H srsss Peretoren ,
Jack Moore, the club's president,
garbage up to the dump grounds east
three days were the rodeo and horse officiated as toastmaster, and the of inquiry as to the status ot the ■ Best Stallion, 3 yrs. and over—1st,
each picture used in the folder and of town and finding ft locked have
show, although all features of the usual talk on Lionism for a new Myrtle Lane project, which was in­ Alien King, Jr., Power*.
anyone who ha* suitable pictures dumped their garbage along the side
fair were excellent.
Best Mare 3 yrs and overk 1st,
member. High School Principal E. R. stigated by Sam Boardman, state
the lines mentioned below is of the road, where it could easily be­
Below is given the list of prize Jumes, was delivered by Ray Jeub. superintendent of parks, and en­ Allen King’, Jr., Powers.
to turn them in to the come a menace to health.
winning horses at the horse show,
Registered Cattie
Evan Alborn, representing the dis­ thusiastically endorsed by the meet­
secretary, Hode Caughell, at the cit/ Wood asked that it be stated that
the names of the owners and their trict governor, presented past presi- ing in the Norway golf club house
Jersey Bull—1 yrs. or over, 1st, W.
hall. All such pictures contributed there is no charge for private parties
R. Davenport, Myrtle Point.
denttpins to men who have served as several weeks ago. ,
will be returned if a request for it dumping their loads within the city’s
Radse and Horse Show Events
Mr. Glaisyer stated that the comJ one yr. and over • mo., 1st and 2nd,
Coquille Lions Den heads in the past
made when they are submitted to enclosure, but in order to keep the
Saddle Stallion Class—1st, Pat Cor­ —J. E. Axtell, R. L, Stewart, F. W mission has as yet taken no definite
R. Milton, Marshfield. One year
grounds Jn us clean and orderly a
Mr. Cgughell. t .
nell, North Bend, American saddle Martin, Geo. E. Oerding, B. Mf. Dunn. action on the proposal but that the and under two, let, Rotary Club,
condition as possible that the Benhain
horse; 2nd, Gene Adams, Myrtle Geo- A. Ulett, D. E. RacktefCR. A. matter will be up for discussion «"J Myrtle Point
Transfer, which has the city’s con­
Point, Palomino; 3rd, Tex Paschall, Jeub, Dr. J. R. Bunch and Z D.- Gil­ consideration at ft* next regular
Guernsey Bull -Yearling, 1st. H. R.
Farming Pictures—Dairying, Stock tract for garbage hauling, will tell all
Marshfield, Thoroughbred.
Maas, Myrtle Point.
lespie. Two former club presidents, meeting.
Cattie, Horses, Sheep, Poultry Flocks, applicants for the gate key just where
Ladies Saddle Cisse 1st, Mrs. Pat L. W. Clever and F.*R. Pook, had re­
In response to the Coast Highway
Hereford Bull—Under 2 yrs. over 12
Modern Farm Homes, Fields or Cran- ithe loads should be dropped. It is
Cornell, North Bend;
2nd, Phyllis ceived their pins previously.
Mr. Association’s request for Coquille’s mo., 1st, F. F. Cornell, North Bend.
all part of the sanitary effort to pre­
Carry Bogs.
Cottell, Charleston; 3rd, Mrs. Mack Alborn also presented past secretary contribution to it* support, the di­
Hereford Cow—2 yr* or over, 1st,
and Recreation—Boat Fish­ vent a possible epidemic but no one
Johnson, Myrtle Point.
pins to N. C. Kelley and H. A. Stock. rectors voted a *100 contribution for F. F. Corneil, North Bend. Yearling ing, Fly Fishing, Deep Sea Fishing, has to pay for the privilege, just get
Suckling Colt Class—Pat Cornell,
W. H. Barrow, as chairman of the 1944. the same as was done for 1943. heifer, 1st, F. F. Cornel\North Bend Good Catches of Fish, Deer, Elk, and return the key to Benham’s and
North Bend; 2nd, Leland Barklow, Den’s Boy Scout committee, gave a
A communication from the Reeds­
Jersey Heifer—Junior Heifer, 1st,
River* and Streams, Golf Course, observe the suggestions for deposit­
Myrtle Point; 3rd, R. H. McCall, I comprehensive and detailed report on port Chamber of Commerce requseted Mary Ann Detlefsen; Yearling Heif­
ing the losd.
Tennis Courts, etc.
< '
Myrtle Point.
Scouting activities for the past few attendance at a Coquille delegation er, 1st, W. R. Davenport; Senior Heif­
Offers of Memorial monuments,
Industry—Saw Mill pictures. Log­
Best Reined Horse—1st, Stan Up­ months.
there at 8Attg>. m. on Sept 1». At the er, 1st, Paul Stoek, all of Myrtle Pt.
ging scenes, Industrial plants, Myr­ with name plates of Coquille boys
church, North Bend,
owner, Pat
Guernsey—Yearling Calf, tot; Jun-
It was no* a dinner dance, but just meeting delegations of all chambers
who arc in Uncle Sam’s service, by -•
tlewood products. Mining pictures.
Cornell; 2nd. Milton Roth, Coquille; * good sociable evening together and preeent will be expected to report lor Hatter, 1st and 2nd, all by H. R.
Buildings—Schools, Churches, Nice the manufacturers, were turned over
3rd, Elmo Shepard, Fairview.
was greatly enjoyed by ell those in what post-war improvement plans Maas, Myrtle Point. ’
Home*, Community Building, Busi­ to Councilman Gr*y to take up with
Shetland Pony Class—1st, George attendance.
are being considered by their sev­
Grade Dairy Cattle
the American legion and other civic
ness Bldgs., 8treet acenes.
Meyers, Myrtle Point; 2nd, Ciel
eral communities. Whether Coquille
Guernsey-Junior Heifer Calf. Irt,
Miscellaneous — Steamer Coquille, bodies the need for something of this
Laird, Coquille; 3rd, Bob Meyers,
will be represented was not decided ■usan Gunnell, Marshfield.
4th of July Celebration, Port Orford kind. Hundreds of cities in the coun­
Myrtle Point.
upon Tuesday noon and no one wa* ling Helfer, let, Mr*. R. B. Howe,
Airport, Cape Blanco Lighthouee. try are installing such memorial*.
"Men’s Saddle | Horae Class—1st,
appointed a* a detogate, The thought Myrtle Point,
It wa* hoped that one of the or­
pictures near here.
a ,
Ellie Dement, Myrtle Point; 2nd, H.
wa* that one Of the Coo* B«y c|tto*
Any other pictures thst might show ganization* would take the lead in
M. Hall, Fairview; 3rd, Pat Corneil,
Romney—Ram one year and under
would be * more gentr*! meeting
scenes that would be of interest to the movement to secure such a Mem­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A, Pook had
North Bend, rider, Stan Upchurch.
plape for town* between (told Beeeh two, let, Monte Lund, Gaylord. Ewe,
orial and it wa* stated the city would
newcomers to Cooe county.
the great pleasure thia past week-and
Matched Pair Clnae 1st, Mr. and
one yr and under two, 1st, Gould and
an<^ Reedsport,
bear a portion of the expense.
Mrs. Pat Cornell, North Bend; 2nd, of having all three of their children, Evan Alborn’* publicity cemmlttee Arnold, Oeylord; 2nd, Monte Lund,
On condition that their rooms for
here at tiw same time. Capt. and
H. M Hall and Pat Thomae, Fair­
report on the impending , Coquille tylord; 3rd, Robt. E., Smith, , Ban-
and equipment, are ap­
Mrs Robert Roake, (the former Jean­
view, 3rd, Ellis Dement and Mrs.
i. Ram
twe ...
yrs. old or ove
booklet or folder Is elsewhere m*n-
over, 1st,
proved by the fire chief and build­
Mack Johnson, Myrtle Point. *
tioned in this ieeue. Mr. Alber* «Mb I
ing inspector, restaurant licenses
(Continued on page two)
last Wednesday evening from Tracy,
palled attention fo the committee^
were granted Ethel Lester for th*
Calif, where the captain has been
need fpr a IM of statistics
.The 4-H Home Bcenomtcs exhl
•nd to
Cequilie’s todtMrtol, rt
on display at the Cooe Ceunty Fair
Lteut and Mra. Wm. R. P**y.wh?
September 3, 3 and 4 at Myrtle Point, Donated pool hall .,
were married a couple of we*** ago.
R. J. Connarn, R. L, Stewart end
Other minor mattes* were discussed
what 4-H Club members
arrived Friday afternoon and Cath­
O. L. Wood were named a* a oom-
are contributing toward winning the by the councilmen who adjourned be­
The Coquille Woman’s Club will erine-Mrs. David DeVoto—arrived
Mrs. Ed Capp*, born In Bandon 51
mittee to try and Interest some *»-
war on the "home front."
During fore nine o'clock.
start its new year with a paid mem­ Saturday evening from her home in
cern In locating ■ po)e-|reatlng plant year* ago, passed away at her home the past year approximately 500 4-H
bership of more than two hqpdred. Santa Rosa, Calif., to stay a few days.
in Coquille* Mr. Çonnarn brought
club members have learned to cook,
This is the largest in the history of
Lieut. Bill, who had been in the
the matter up when he stated that illness which extended over many to sew, to prepare garden suppltea
the dub. Committee appointments South Pacific Tor 27 months, had a
next year the Cooe Electric Co-op is
and to develop better homemaking
have been made and preparations and M-day furlough coming and will be
Funeral services under the auspices
going to need poles for 125 miles of
practices and better healthful living
plans for an interesting club year are here till Sept. M.
wire in this section, that there is
Mrs. Roy Boober, for
He says he and Gordon Neal have
Colored movies of the Fourth of
constant need for treated poles jn held tn the Presbyterian church on
Each exihlbt is scored as to quality
many years an active member and frequently met over there and have
July celebration in Coquille were
Tuesday thia week, Rev. R, E. Roeen-
of workmanship.
Although the shown by Dr. J. R. Bunch at. the
officer of the club, is its incoming spent beurs talking over Coquille.
of foolishness to out the poles here, kilde officiating.
•wards placed on the exhibits, in no Rotary Club luncheon meeting at the
Although not In a oombet regiment.
Next Tuesday, September twelfth, Bill has been with the landing party ship them out to be treated, end then pioneer couple of Bandon, Mr. and way indicate the intrinsic value ob­ hotel Wednesday and were greatly
tained from 4-H club work, ft does enjoyed by those* present. The pic­
there will be a tea honoring the on several of the islands out there. ship them back here for us.
John Carl talked a few moments on i Mrs, C. Y. Lowe, he being In the serve the purpose of letting each
Founders and Past Presidents, to be His outfit has bad to start installing
tures were ef»ery comprehensive
the need the Coquille valley will have drug business there for around half club member have an \ opportunity
held at the Guild Hall. Guests out­ communication lines as soon aa the
chronicle of the events including pa­
side the membership are invited. No beachhead Is secured and he has seen for an airport after ths war when and was married to Ed Capps In to evaluate her work and compare rade, water sports, square dancing
it with the work of others, thus im­ and the rodeo at the ball grounds.
business meeting will precede the plenty of action but he did not go.
January, 18*3.
proving the standard of her own
tea, which will be held from 2:30 to
Ed Hughes gave a detailed report
4:30 p. m.
• He la looking extremely fit and la past and mentioned the site, halfway she la survived by her son, Edgar, a work-
of the activities at the boys' club and
The Danish system of judging the invited a little help im moving some
the same friendly personality he waa bewteen Coquille and Myrtle Point, seaman first class with the Seabees,
when a member of the Mt. States not far from the highway, which will whose base is in the Hawaiian Islands. , exhibit* was followed whereby each of the tables for that .evening.
crew here.
He says he also saw be ideal for the purpose and which
Rotarian guests present were Geo.
Mrs. Capps, who was'a charter exhibit worthy of a first placing is
Lloyd Gregg, and Dee Krantz not a is usually available, even during high member of the Legion Auxiliary in given a blue award, each exhibit W. Moore, Jr., of Petaluma, CalU.,
water, by the Fat Elk road beyond
worthy of a ascoad placing is given a formerly of Bandon; Henry Schroe­
great while ago.
the highway fill on the road to Ban­ Bandon an^ a member of the DA R., red «ward and each exhibit worthy of
der and Lou Peace, of Myrtle Point.
paj a great many friends here to
Geo. F. Burr, Coquille chairman
* third placing is given a white Private Fritz Kunz of the U. S. Army
for the continuing drive to save and
Engineers, of Boteman. Montana,
|guepqy talked pl such a project .nd
collect waste paper, old magazines, Come Home To Thaw Ou|
The following awards were made was also a guest.
paper carton*,
cartons, e|c„ so
r1.*“ “
by Mie* Ruth Crawford, Grant* Pass,
»W |p
Ip thy jyar
war efforts,
a*k* that ft e^ ^afurday from their tour months’ consideration a* the t|m* approaches
home demonstration agent of Joseph­
p* tpfd lh* putt1*
toe negd tor ¡trip down fn Calffornfa. “We had to (when ifs pfed wfR V*Rore vital than
ine county.
ofd paper |* just a* vftaf npw a* ft come home |q fh«* WV”
Ml-1 ‘‘ 1» J«1 «»V- TM Afago sfte, wMl«
Clothing I.
Champion, Lois M.
month* of a year *gq apd Kfstnor. They vfsfte«| relative* *1 the early (toy r«ce frack WM totofcd.
Sell, Riverton. Blue awards: Alice
¡Young, Bunker Hill; Ellen Strode,
he e*k| tha| eveqmne keep tof Med Ferpdafe and Matole in northern would
*Bpro»to*a**ly hatf WWf
»nd ejthyr brfng toefr paper palffornfa apd were dhwq tq Oaktond, between the Norto Bend Wd Purl
Whether It was done for, campsign
Sltkum. Red awards: Dorene Fisher,
apd magazine* to the storage room |n Lo* Apgeles apd other »outoerp Caf- . Orford airport*.
Jean Brainard, Celia Systma and and political reasons or not, the people
th® old Train building on Front street |forn|a town* and be say* |t was the |
Nadine Crabtree, of Bunker Hill; of the United States are relieved by
or notify him *1 the Motor company same everywhere toey went, m<<pC /unior Woman's Club To
There are many worse places to Glenda Deal, Empire; Delores Ander­ the statement of War Mobilization
to< »nd cnM wf«topr to*" be had
Libby. Riverton; Nin.1 Director James F. Byrnes yesterday
live than In Coquille; in fact there son and Jorea Li
Meet Next Monday Evening
The Wgr H definitely moving to an •ver sxpsr|enced fn Oregon. They
Bullard*; Shirley Henry,' that 17 items of canned food have
are none better. While Portland was Rae Fahy, Bulla:
Allied v|ctor|oqs conclusion bu| there had * very fpi* trip *i>d vMt tert
The fin» fell meeting of the Co* •weltering with a temperature of 102 Billie Jean ~
-been removed from the list of goods
Snead and Betty Joan
quiUe Junior Woman's Club, the degrees last Tuesday and the report Snead. North Bend. White awards: requiring ration stamps. The order
WlU be need for some time y«t tor are glad |o get heme.
president snnounee«, will be held in was IM on Wednesday, Coquille was Janet Cochran, Riverton; Dorothy goes into effect Sept. 17, and includes
old paper, —
Guild Hal| next Monday evening, warm, but not hot. the thermometer Durflinger, Mary Ann Landrith, Con­ canned asparagus, fresh lima beans,
Cliff Kern Now III Selling
gept. 11, B:00 p. m.
maximum each day being 78. Last nie Boileau, Phyllis Tyeberg and Bar­ com, peas, pumpkin, sqgash, mixed
v. L Cornelius Buys
Gam« II» Roseburg
vegeables, baked beans, baby foods,
night's minimum Of U was about ten bara Keller, of North Bend.
Prowq Bullard Rench
|dra Clifford Kern and Frances
Clothnig II. Champion,
Nancy soups, tomato paste, sauce, pulp and
Mr and Mrs Heyman Brown, who Ann returned last Friday, after spend­
early thia week when it really began Price, Riverton. Blue awards: Bette puree, and all varieties of jams,.jellies
gdvrrtitied Ihejr ranch pear Buftards ing a week fn Eugene apd Roseburg. Anniversary Sunday, Sept, 1«
Davis, SunnyhlU; Mary Lee Ford, and fruit butters.
to feel like fall.
The Arago Community Church is
for sale fn the ßent|nel |a»t week, Cl|ff accompanied fhdto to Eugene,
Gloria Corbutt and Lois I
«old I» the nggt day fpr P»»h fq Mr whrrg they visited Mr «»d Mr*. I observing m anniversary Sunday,
Revival Meetings At Church
M«|v|n has decided Sept, to Th* public |a Invited to 81- Democratic Candidate For IL S.
and Mr» V: fa- ewn*l|us M Goqujl|e Me|v|n Kern
Betty Paul. Cft-eenacrea; Lolita Ber­ Of Nazarene Now In Progress
A basket dinner and a ahort Senator Stops Here Tuesday
The Bfo*n« «F« Pflw „looping tor a that Eugene )s the best Place he Ms tend
lin, Marshfield; Gloria Fisher, Em­
The Church of The Nazarene, Ninth
been yet and ftl»M <m making their program are scheduled for the after­
smajl hpuse |n Coqu||le pi buy.
Willis Mahoney, former mayor of pire; Anno-Lucille Haga, Riverton
home there Mary Hero Pierson end noon, ''
... ».
Klamath Falls, who is the demo­ White awards: Sheron Smith, Green­ and Heath streets, has called Evan­
cratic opponent of Guy Cordon for acres; Hazel Nelson, Sunny hill; Mar­ gelist Mrs. E. M. Arnold for a ten-
Mt- "Tri" Davidson, who waa |n baby, Mel, eight months old. were
Coquille for several dap, l*«t week there. Mary hag gone on to Ran Di­ Gun Club To Moot Sept 11
election as U. S. senator from Oreqau. garet Timothy and Patricia Wilson, day special series of meetings, be­
went down to Loa Angeles for the ego, CalU., to stay with her husband
waa a Coquille visitor yesterday He Empire; Doris Taylor, Nadara Arnold, ginning Wednesday night at 7 JO
The Coquille Gun Club is scheduled
remainder of hla furlough. He waa for a while. He had not seen his
and Mrs. ldMwrwy were en a trip up Betty Hammond. Delores Thompson o’clock.
to hold a meeting at the J. A. I-amb ¡AM 1
Mrs. Arnold is an evangelist of
accompanied south by hla daughter, baby daughter before.
-• cqast and he stopped to see Fred and Isobel Chalmers, of Eastside.
30 years’ service In Christian work,
Mrs. Kern and daughter spent part Co. hardware store next Tuesday ** 4 democratic county central com­
Clothing HI. Blue awards: Agnes
of the week with Cliff in Roseburg, evening, Sept. 12, at seyep %’cftik. i mitte
mittee chairman, and hla old friend, Luscomb, "Greenacres: Donna Dean with a long record of successful soul­
winning. The pastor, V. W. Anglin,
he has accepted a position
Wm Norton of the Dillard Market-
Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Rankin and where ------------------------------
------------- with
Young, Lee VaMey; Virginia Moen,
children are in Portland, where they The Industrial Supply Co.. «t|l|hi
Mr. and Mrs. C. L Brockmann, who Mr. Norton siys he operated • market Bunker HUI Red awards: Patricia gives an invitation to al) the public
have gone to place Donna in St. logging and' sawmill suppiMa His have been living at Maplewood, a In Klamatt\ |«l|s below Mr. Ma- DeMarsh, Sunnyhtl); Dorothy Gibney, to attend.
Helens Hall and John in Hill Military territory is all of Douglas county. He suburb of Portland, for several years. l\qpf^b pKlice when the latter went Greenacres; Faye Bogard, Riverton.
Fritz Kunz and DeWayne Mitchell
likes his work . very
ca^emy. ypy ^eft last
fast Thursday,
. much and ft is moved back to Coquille
***** in as mayor and started to clean up
(Continued on page seven)
are home for four or five day» from
----- —
quite a change from construction are again making their heme on the ' the town and, according to BUI,
Bozeman, Mont. The boy» are in the
Georgia Hansen left Saturday for woHi he did for Smith Wood-Pj-od-
(FW ranoh, a short distance out on Klamath Falls WM' 0 pretty tough
' " “ " uc|S for 14
Air Corp», having left here last June.
the highway to Masshtteld.
town in these days.
u <
Pook Family
Reunion Held
4-H Home Ec
Prize Winners
Coquille Woman's
ClubTo MeetSept. 12
Buried Tuesday
Dr. Bunch Shows
Pictures At Rotary
Old Paper Still
Vitally Needed
17 Items To Be
Off Ration List
78 Degrees The
Max Her» Tuesday