. - PAGI Mill» ■— —■ viaitora last Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin and fam- stott. I home in Coquille before going to Foss Mr. and Mrs. Ctair Kellner and'Uy aro pl.nnnig L move to Marsh- Fireman 1/c Bill Noah left Thurs­ and pre parents of two children. Lynn, of Oregon City, visited at th*'field where Mr. Martin will be in day morning early after a week’s They drove up the coast to their Aug. 24--State industrial Accident °f Mr‘ 8nd Mr*’ A- Keltner i charge of the auto repair business leave spent at the home of his par­ home Monday. Dii—■ Mat's Mferota» Commission vs. Herbert C. Adams. the past week. ( which he. and Harvey Myers pur- (By Lans Leneve) ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah, ¡yid Aug. 24—Lloyd Felkner vs. HoUis Lloyd Huntley, of up near the Fox chased near Millington a abort time sister, Bonnie Ellen. Several dinners Townsend Club No. 2 H. and Sarah S. Slagle. Appeal from Everett of Bear Crock, bridge, was in Arago with his paint- >go. were given in his hohor at the home , left last • buatnees trip spraying outfit again the past week The annual anniversary of the of his grandmother Monday of last I Townsend Club, No. 2, met at the J. P. Court, No. 3. Aug. 24—Beatrice A. Lopez vs. uver into Oregon. He wUl He painted the entire house of Mr. Arago church wiU be observed Sept, week, with also Mr. and Mrs. Ralph home of Mrs. Anna Smith last Thurs­ V isit th* Morris Ray stock ranch over and Mrs. Lee Kelllaon and also the 10 at the Arago church with a potluck Boone and Murle present; at the L. 1 day. The meeting came to order by j Samuel Lopez, Jr. Suit for divorce. Aug. 25—Gertrude Harrison vs. there. . roof of the home of Mr. and Mrs.' dinner in. the church basement at L. Buoy home on Tuesday evening, repeating the Lord’s prayer and the Business was 1 Willard E. Harrison. Suit for divorce. Jean Haga and small son, Bobbie, Wayne Woodward. ¡noon. There will be the usual pro­ and at the Ed Isaacson home Wed­ salute to the flag. transacted and luncheon was served Aug. 26—Beryl Smith vs. Howard returned last week from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. TyrreU Woodward ’ gram in the auditorium in the after­ nesday noon. by the hostess. The next meeting J. Smith. Suit for divorce. Mrs. Haga’s husband, Grover, who drove last week to Brookings, where ' noon. Everyone is1 cordially Invited Returning to their home in Reeds­ will be at the home of Florence De­ ____ -- of Mr. and _ Aug. 26—Martha O’Neal v*. James is stationed in the armed forces down thav they uiaitarf visited at w- the ■ home ta attend. port after a week's visit at the Brew­ Noma on September 7. E. O’Neal. Suit for divorce. south. They were glad again to get Mrs. Bert DeMosa. &n. Edith Wood­ er home were Jerry and Jean Love. Aug. 28—Maydream R. Bond vs. back to Coos comity's swell climate, ward came home with them for a few Mrs. Brewer and two sons spent the Guy B. Bond. Suit for divorce. having encountered 120 degree tem- days visit. week-end at the Loves in Reedsport. Aug. 29—Irene G. Monroe vs. i>eratures down south. The radical Ben Moomaw has been reshingling Though a piione call to Mrs. Earl change in climate had a bad effect his house the past week. Junior Gul­ < Mrs. A. A. Saylor surprised her Adams, Jr., of Coquille, the former Aug. 24—Andrew Buganich, of George R. Monroe. Suit for divorce. mother, sisters, and their families by Aug. 29—Elma Estelle Hogan vs. upon Bobbie's health. strom has been helping him. Marge Ryan, came the news of the Bernville, Penn., and Gertrude Kris- James Charles Hogan. Suit for di­ During a recent trip to CoquUle, Mrs. .Grace Rackleff, of CoquiUe, a couple of days* visit here over the marriage of Donna Jean Duncanson topais, of Swissvale, Penn. vorce. She returned to her a couple of New Dealers (yep, there spent Saturday night at the home of week-end. . Aug. 26—Donald E. Slonecker and and Norman Butler in Portland on home in Tillamook early Monday are still some of them left), “hopped” , Mr. and Mra. J. D. Carl. August 10. They both are employed Charlotte Grove, both of Powers. Her son, John, is in the A man’s true eState of power and jail over us concerning our comments! Herbert Carl drove to Marshfield morning. Aug. 26—Albert L. Huber, of . - at Willamette Steel in Portland. riches, is to be in himself; not in his •‘aUon'd ‘n Mississippi and iri'this column regarding the screwy Thursday evening to attend a 4-H Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ryan have re­ Fresno, Calif., and Wilhelmina E. dwelling, or position, or external re­ her daughter Lorie, is in California ceived word from their son, Law­ Simpson, of North Bend. workings of The New Deal. They club meeting held there. Mr. and- Mr. Ralph Long, of Sen W‘H* h*r , rence. Jr„ that he _ pointed out th* fact that we were Aug. 26—Earnest Daniel Plunkett, lations, but in his own essential char­ is ____ now _______ “some- an? Qu,lvey are paren* “ I where in France.’’ He had been in °t North Bend, and Elaine Johnson, acter.—H. W. Beecher. a past New Dealer. “Past" is right. Jacinto, Calif., came in from Eugene U* Maat, i England for several months. Al-.°f Marshfield. They were married We ceased being one when the NJlX ’ last Saturday after Mr. Long had at- a baby The devotion of thought to an hon­ was established, men started leaning tended the summer school there for Hospital in Myrtle Point There are -though he couldn’t say where he is il“st Saturday by Rev. G.^H. Newland est achievement makes the achieve­ two other daughters in the family. upon their shovels, bums were ere- . the past several months and they t in France, he did say he was at the 8t bis home on the Bay. ment possible.:—Mary Baker Edjiy. School is to start September 9 and same plape his father had beenwhile Aug. 20—John Francis Hinderlie T he was in World War I. • and Eriedeiene Emma Popping^, both Mrs. Dale Thurman came in on the °t North Bend. early Jaus Saturday from Seattle and | --------- — ers. The New Deal is like a rotten see her brother, who is expecting t6 the Walt Norrie farm, north of Rose­ left Monday morning, taking her • * burg, for fruit Sunday. 8AY B—"' tomato, the longer it is kept, the1 be shipped overseas soon. three children, Allen, Verna and Mrs. J. A. Deadmond is visiting rottener it becomes. But it appears ! Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl Daird; home with her after they had ll that some people can still stand the' and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long en­ with her daughter and family, Mr. spent the summer with their grand­ i ELEMENTS OF SUCCESS ' and Mrs. Ed Crump, at Gravelford. stench.. joyed a picnic dinner with, Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Holver- Also see him for A nice crowd and a nice time was Man cannot be satisfied with mere The death of Thomas Dungey Mrs. Harold Bargelt, Mr. and Mrs. stott. • Ante1 Labrtoatlen by Meehs Marlin Evans and Arthur R. Jone.,' * nJoy< l plcn ^ heW at success. He is concerned w|th the marks the, passing of another good Lindy Lou Holverstolt was ill In terms upon which success comes to ~ X ’P°n’Or’ • Auto Repairing of all kinds old sportsman, a good sportsman in of Myrtle Point, when they all drove bed Tuesday. v him.—Charles A. Bennett. to Eckley and on back through the ' by /*** Oranga ‘ J t life^as well as being a man who en­ • Accessories, Washing, Pollai Phil Morrison Morrison ha* has spent spent' part part of of if -• ■- Mr. and Mrs. Vai Hasiess, from _ * __ 1_ .JTT________ 1 Phil joyed outdoor recreations and fish­ Sixta cut-off and on home by way The most important thing for a Feta, Ore., visited at the C, W. Kline his furlough visiting in the valley. ( ing. Always good-natured and with of Bandon. yoking man Is to establish a credit— home Saturday. Mr. Harless, who Mr. and Mrs. Weoer Piaep, Dick He has been stationed in Virginia. a lively stop that belied his advanced a reputation, character. —.Johh D. Coming as a complete surprise was operates a logging camp near Fogs, age. Tom Dungey was a man well and Bobby, and Mif* France* Hall, of Rockefi Her. the telegram received Saturday morn- ’ was-a former bull buck for thè Kline worth knowing. He was a man that McMinnville, were Sunday dinner t believe the true read to preem­ -Ing, announcing the marirage of Cpl. camp here mor* than two years ago. actually goemed to grow younger with guests of Mr. and Mra. S C. McAl­ ’ Ben Holverstott in Pratt, Kansas. De- He is on his vacation and visited inent success in any line is to make We Front St. at Willard the passing of the years. We ars go­ lister. ' tails aro expected soon by "his par- numerous friends around CoquiUe yourself master of that line.—Andrew Coquille, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were ing to miss this old Mend a lot. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holver-^and in Coos county. They owned a Carnegie. . After the historic old" battleship Saturday evening dinner guests of ■asse Oregon was turned over to the gov­ Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller. The young folk* held their choir ernment to be scrapped and a state­ wide protest was raised, the noble practice at the home of Mr. and Mys. old ship could have been saved by a Albert Lillie last Wednesday evening, word from F. D, ,R. But it was with Mrs. Vera Moomaw In charge, Junked and it is likely thgffiot one and with following In attendances scrap of it will ever go toward ac­ Misses Pamela and Maureen Evans, tually winning the war. Tlie voters Dona Moomaw, Thehfta and Nola Of this state should not forget this Crawford, Geraldine Holycro*« and Glenda Lillie, Messrs. David Moo­ at the coming election. A recent Japanese broadcast stated maw, Junior and Darwin Gulstrom, that in America that we had no but­ Darrell Holycroas and Carl Horner. ton no cheese and. that we eet but The hostess served lemon pie and once a week. It appears that the pop Th* Arago Sunday school’s annual Japs over there are no doubt eating more propaganda today than they picnic was held at Bandon last Fri­ are food. But that one meal a week day, with the following persons pres­ in America, with no butter or no ent: Mr, and Ml'S Werner Piaep, cheese, might be a fine idee at that, Dick and Bobby and Mia* Frances If applied to the Japs in the reloca­ Hall; Mr. and Mrs- Emil Peterson and Donald, Mra. Lizzie Lett; Mr, tion center. The newspaper reports furnished and Mrs. Jake Moomaw, David and the public concerning fishing condi­ Dona; Ben Moomaw and Mis* Nettie tions In various streams and especial­ Halter; Mrs. Albert Gulstrom, Junior ly the lower Coquille, the past two and Darwin;-Mrs. Albert Lillie and weeks, have been very misleading. At Glenda; Geraldine and Darrell Holy­ the date of thia writing, we only croas; Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Halter, have knowledge of two small fish Alan and Ronald; Kenneth Dority, being taken by sportsmsn-anglers on John Leeper, Mr. and Mra. Vernon the Coquille, In spite of the influx of Trigg, of Norway; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ziedrick and Mr. and Mr*. Piaep, anglers sent there by false reports. The maples are starting to turn a [ of Coquille; Carol and Marilyn Hor- golden hue in many districts; there.»«5 Mr*. Ward Evan*, Pamela and is a pronounced nip to the air <>f MiiUreen' early mornings, Juncos have been! Thc following group of the young glimpsd in the 'lowlands and there P™Ple from Arago went to Broad- ls every Indication of an early faU. Friday Wenteg and went sVlm- But we are making no predictiqta—'min< 0B the c,aud Walker place: even the weather has never been the J50"0 Moo^a*LPa,n^a « Maureen Evans, Thelma and Nola same under The New Deal. j Crawford, Yvonne and Geraldine « : Holycro«., Messrs. Junior ami Darwin Gulstrom, David Moomaw, Kenneth Dority and several friends from out Mr. and Mrs. Allison Roberts, of of Arago. Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and Coos Bay, were business callers in Maureen, visited at the home of Mr. Arago last Tuesday. Mrs. Alura Bailey visited Mrs. Gene and Mrs. Chester Willson in Myrtle Robison at the Mast hospital in Myr­ Point last Saturday. Rev. M. D. Rempel, of CoquUle, tle Point last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett has been conducted the regular Sunday morn­ made principal of the Brattaln School, ing church service. Sunday aohool in Springfield, Oregon. Mrs. Bennett I followed with an attendance of about 30, There wUl be services again as a u former turnici teacher Lcuciicr in ui Arago. z^rsxmu. was Mr. MrrOllvw Mw tì *> » * ” ARI a Myrtle point, were Sunday visitors and Sunady school at 11 a, m. There was no choir practice the et ’ s pace this fact . 9 out of 10 man-caused forest Urea FOREST FIRE WARDEN with Mrs. Ida Myers. JI are started through carelessness! Mrs. Avon Wilcox, Willis, Ruth and past week for the older group but Report every fire you see. Marjorie, and Mrs. R. E. Mason were they will meet again this week at A witp of smoke it your One careless flip of a lighted cigarette can be as serious the home of Mrs. O. H. Aasen at 8 tignai to to into action. Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. as a crushing defeat on the battlefield. For fire not only, Rush to the nearett tala- p. rfl., Friday evening. and Mrs. Nile Miller. phone and tell Central you Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller visited destroys lumber, it “burns” up manpower at an alarming Bill Williams came in from Parra- •rant to report a ire. She rate! Forest fires must be fought. No matter how important affli place you in touch gut, Idaho, Friday for a few days’ Mrs. Ellen Robison In Coquille last Sunday, • •rfth the proper authorities furlough. the job that trained fire fighters may be doing ... no matter Ernest Watkins returned home Sat­ Evelyn and John Leeper returned bow limited the manpower . . . they must drop their work urday evening and he and Mrs. Wat­ to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry and fight fire! kins are staying in the B. B. Watkins Collier after spending the summer Make it your responsibility to guard against forest fires! house up on Hall’s Creek. Mr. Wat­ at their home in Taooma, They will kins was just recently released from Warn your friends to be particularly careful of matches, remain at the Collier home and at­ cigarettes, camp fires. Remember — in these war days forest tend school here again this winter. the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. George Mason, Phyl­ Gerald LUlie went to Portland to fires burn more than timber *. . . they burn manpower too. take his physical exams for enlist- lis, Dennis and Becky, drove to Rose­ Every forest fire is an enemy Victory! burg Sunday and enjoyed a picnic ment In the Navy, - a - — Arlan Shaw, of Coquille, visited dinner there, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zeller, of Co­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian quille, have purahased the Daisy Halter several days last week. Doyle house now ocoupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Robison went to Spo­ Mrs. A. T. Holycroas and will be kane last week and Ivan came over from’ Farragut, Idaho, and visited '"f? I* a0?nA _ . . Forest Moon Moon, ’ of Mjrrtta Myrtle Poin Point, ’ W was with his wife a few day». rqmt Vernon McMichael has returned to busy ,aat *** h|s home at Aaaalea, Oregon, aftfc *aff^„?u’np 1 r Mr’ .****■ *** KelHson. working in and around the Arago Mrs. Harry CoUier had her tonsils community for quite a number of removed last week. months. John Leeper went to CoquUle Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fredenburg und Marie of North Bend were Arago day and had his tonsil* removed. Bare Facts From BearCreek Circuit Court Cases j Fairview News Marriage Licenses A. C. Schultz Gems of Thought Roar With Gilmore Gilmore Service Station Arago News Items ANDTMANPOWER I Smith Wood-Products, Inc ZOU