FAGÍ ÉlGUf CLASSIFIED -== 'WANTED—Young lady lor work. Swift A company. , ----------- ■ office Unemployment lompenaation it* I F Wednesday 7:30 Choir practice. home at Ontario, Ore. ply In person. * s' Unemployed veterans in remote «tfs Private Harold Pribble came home Don Farr, director. mm wv <9 as areas should write to the nearest em- FOR SALE—“Farmers’ Bargains’’— Church of God ~ ployment office for instructions con- last Saturday evening on a ten-day 2 light buggies with harness — 'furlough to see his family. Private The Assembly of God Comer of Henry A Seventh Sts. _____ _------------------------------ :________ i cerning the sending in ef claims by Shetland Pony — Heifers — Bulls Pribble is from Camp Roberts, Calif.' Beeond and Heath Sts. Walter Lee Greer, Pastor WANTED—Housework by hour or mail. With only a few thousand Ore- — Battery Radio — Hudson Engine Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holland and L. C. Persing, Pastor 8unday, Sept- 3 day by capable young woman, gon service men and women now dis- — Rabbits. See FARR & EL­ family, of Coquille, visited Sunday SeMlay: 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Write P. O. Box 701, Coquille. It’s charged and with war jbbs still plen- WOOD’S “Swap Board.' 9:45 A Bible class for every age ' 11:00 a. m. Worship: 1-——,-------- ---------____ ——___ tlful, officials do not expect an in- afternoon at the home of her sister, sermon, WE HAVE SCRATCH FEED (with nux of ciajmg until reconversion gets Mrs. Harold Pribble. and selected treachers, Bertha Byrd, “Spiritual Investments.’’ SPRINKLERS — We have | Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and superintendent. corn). com). FARR & A ELWOOD. s untjer way 7:00 p. m. Junior Worship. ■ , FARR & ELWOOD. •u." ruu 1 ■■ - uv i.' ■ 1 " ■ _■ J ____ . T . u v - - - - : wastaw. ausaawa were WV»V Oil Mrs. Rufus Rylander Mr. . sum and [ 11:00 Morning worship; thé pastor 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service: ser­ DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and.Milk- WANTED-To buy, aeU, exchange or Mn Ed Heiber of Coquille, Mr. and BOARD AND ROOM — Reasonable^ . „ . A speaks. This is Missionary Sunday. mon, "The Greatest Bargain of the ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get i cross rent. Have nice 4-room mod- Mrs. Vernon Trigg, Frank Trigg and 8.<$ Christ service; Ages.’’ 241 South Hall St. Women and them at Pacific Feed A Seed So. tfs Newton, portent men. Mrs. Wilkerson. lt*s —' -------- ------ ----------- : -■ ->■..—— i ern Home, wired for eleetric range,’ Mrs. Rylander’s house guesL Miss Mary Thursday. Aug. 31: at Marshfield,* and my work is in Winifred Vermillion. j 7.nMgBÿ delivereth them.”—Psa. 34:7. Giles Harris, Box 214, Myrtle Point.' as soon live in Marshfield. Lloyd afternoon and evening. 7:45 Mid-week prayer service. ”«*■ ELECTRIC FENCE Units, $14.75 and Pope, phone Coquille UM day time, D. E. Marsters, of Eugene, has been i n^ngav Emmanuel Baptist Church up. Will work on 110-voit^Une, or Marshfield 1247 Blue, evenings, here several days visiting at the- 7 43 Devotions and Bible study FALL PLOWING—I have a Ford- ReV. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor or hot shot battery, or automobile _ ——------ — ---------------------------------------------------- - home of hi. sister and husband, Mr ducted by the paitor. Ferguson tractor and 2-bottom battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteriei'i Insurance specialist. F. R. Bull. * and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey. 10:00 Sunday School. ------- ‘ ' _______ ________ ’ plow which is available for fall Message ¡11:00 Morning service, for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. IMfs |FOR PLUM BING repairs and Ser- ! Wednesday of last week Rudy Ru- Flr<( c hlir( .h o f Christ Scientist plowing. Anyone needing such by pastor. Communion. work before the rains start, write Coquille, Oregon 7:00 Three Young People’s meet­ T. H. Benham, Fairview route, Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. ings. , —............................. - M” K »•—>«--«. O^. on; Coquille, or phone 5R13. 33t3*s Sunday Service at II a. m. 8:00 Evening service. You are PURKEY has Upholstered Children’s their return to their home In Rose- ton, will soon be in stock. , Rockers, $7.95. Subtec« me next Sunday, "Man ” welcome. burg, where he visited till Saturday, FOR SALE—Nicely located 8 acres. Eaton’s Feed Store, Coquille, s' Choir meets Tuesday. Comfortable, roomy house, electri­ J > returning on the bus to Norway. * ’ j I Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 FOR SALE--Enameled Wood Range, Thursday Prayer meeting and city, well, spring. Fine for bulbs, HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy, at 525 North Heattf Coquito. H. A.1 | Mrs. William Ernest Wilson was a °' «’clock. berries and garden. Some cran­ ‘u7g last Tuesday visitor at the home of j I Free public Reading Room at 239 Junior Choir. and Poultry Feeds st Pacific Feed Lindsay. I Vf Second, Roxy Bldg., open every berry land. Quick sale $1500.00. A flood Co. tfs I ___ I her sister, Mrs. Howard Leatherman, ARE YOU AN EQUESTRIAN? If so, 'on her way back to Salem from Gold day except Sunday and holidays from Bx 3, Prosper Route, Bullards, Ore-' Church Of The Nazarene FORBALE gon. 33t4s see our new shipment of Bridles, Beach, where she has been visiting 1:30 to 5:00 p. çn. Ninth and Heath HOMES I Martingales, Spurs, Spur leathers, her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor FARMERS—if you need a Tractor. 198 E. Sth St. .«eS...................„... Bits, Saddle Blankets, and other Ira Wilson. / The Holy Name Catholic Church 9:45 a.m. Sunday Bible School. Milkers, Haying Machinery, Elec­ 415 E. 1st St____ riding equipment. FARR A EL- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder spent Mass at 0:50 a. m. every Sunday. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Pas­ tric Milk Cooler^ or any kind of 812 S. Henry St........... WOOD. . s Sunday evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. tor preaching. Farm Machinery or Repairs, see 292 S. Moulton ........... DRAG SAWS In Slock tor XMMEDI. " NORTON’S—The place to buy your 7:30 p. m. Evening service, Pastor us—your McCormick Deering deal­ 458 S. Heath ............ ... Christmas cards for that boy or girl preaching. er. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s 890 E. 10th St____ .... in the service. tfs 7:30 p. m. Wednesday mid-week 449 N. Elliott____ ___ WMBAWY._________________ j^pix, Arizona, came In Monday eve- DEER BAGS—New eotton, keep your Prayer meeting. 851 E. 18th St. ............ kill clean, fly free. FARR A EL­ PLUMBING FIXTURES—Bath Tpbs nin< by bus from Eugene to visit her 815 E. 1st St...... ...... — Showers — Lavatories — Toil- (husband’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. WOOD. s 109 N. Moulton.... ....... ets — Pipe A Fittings. FARR A . Frank P’’“r',r Downing of Norway. ----------- FOR SALE—About 50 Hanson-strain Gould Addition ......... ELWOOD. - K Mr. and Mrs. Billie Banks, of Port- | White Leghorn Cockerels, suitable Sanford- Heights ......... I land, and Mrs. Alvin Weekley, of Those Early Editions of U m S oo - for fryers. Bring your own crate. Sanford Heights .... PURKEY has cocoa door mats in Clear Lake, Ore., were last week ! Noble Rovang, 500 N. Beach. 33t2s 485 N. Henry St........... three sizes. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank South- ’ 885 W. Sth St. . ........ ... mayd. They came in attend the1 FOR SALE or TRADE—Set of 8 ft 608 E. 9th St. ... ...... r.. ELECTRICAL GOODS—Wire, wiring Copies of funeral of Mrs. J. D. Barklow, Mrs. x 7 ft., 8 in. Garage Doors. H. E. 1053 N. Coulter 3000 devices, light fixtures, switch' Banks' mother and grandmother of Wood, 275 North Henry St. lt*s Paul Lentz place, across river. .. 2750 boxes, fittings. FARR & EL-, Mrs. Weekly. WOOD. _ a WE SPECIALIZE on permanent re­ 250 N. Heath .... ........... .. ........... 1500 ________________________________ Mrs. Cecil McQuigg's mother from 2700 Bert Folsom, next to store ....... pairs for cut or broken casings and For Refrigeration Service phone Portland is here visiting her daughter, 1050 tubes, any size or type. All work 5 Acres near County Farm shop, 1MJ; ladft« ot Mea«ant Point 106J; write Box 3fl7, 307, Co- Co-' 1 The ,aa,es peasant roint 525 In Riverton ..................... 1 .......... fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire k.. “ If Available, we ’ ll Neidle c>ub gave a picnic dinner for auille. well get Needle <* “ > «* ve • P icnic In additioa to the above I have Service. tfs it.” Garnier’s Refrigeration their husbands last Sunday at the Businew and Farm Listings, Service. ’ 27tfs Frank Southmayd picnic grounds. . USED CAM WANTED! sad »me real geed deals ------- ------------- -——————— | Those enjoying the picnic were Mr. SELL your car to us for top O.P.A. GEORGE E. OERDING NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing Bnd Mri Mike Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. ceiling price. No Red Tape. No B Realtor, Caqatlle of older roofs, all types and kinds, :Sig Eckholm and son, Geòrgie, Mr. trips to the Ration Board. We take done by the Standard Roofing Co, and Mrs Ellis Southmayd, Mr and FOR MONUMENTS care of all details and pay you in 893 North First street. Marshfield. Paul udvis Davis tuiu and family, Frankie ----------- Mrs. rBU1 ¿tunny, r rurmic Cement Grave Cover or Border. * cash the highest price for which Phone 858. Glen Wm. Curtis, Curtis, ! , Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Epper- Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone you can legally sell your car. See **8r--------------------------------------------- ■ son and daughter. daughter, Louise. Louise, Mrs. Har- 123L. John S. Senders, 541 West 8th, LOU BRALY at old Simmons and children, Mrs. Belle Coquille, Oregon. s Southwestern Motors Used Car Lot PURKEY has What-not shelves—the Lewellen, Mrs. Ella Bryant and Mr. Coquille Phone 248 Oregon WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows better type—>4.95 to W.95. and Mrs. Frank Southmayd. 28tfs «cured for mailing .or'oaa and calves for Mink feed. B. T. «Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCloskey were NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hepler, Bullards route. Phone I Notice is hereby given that the un- visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both direct from the 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 45 4$ | dersigned dersigned was 21st day Deep and Shallow Well, Automatic was on on the the 21st day of of Pat Pat Easley Easley and W. T. Brady at '‘77 -I Water Systems; also Rotary and AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. in Coquille, NOTHING OVERLOOKED Centrifugal Pumps. J. A. LAMB Bring your car in------ wa can start Administrator of the Estate of Loyd not 8 8' *•*!. COMPANY. s A. R. Bennett and Harry Druiiner ' PAULINE TALBERT work at once. Southwestern Motor Earl Green, deceased; and all persons no matter how large and elaborate claims against said Estate are re-roofed the residence of Mr. and Co. s having NO SHORTAGE OF FEED at Farr & hereby required to present them to «... the reale upon which the funeral me at the oflce of O. C. Sanford, At-,°uy M’nn P““ week Elwood’s. s FOR RENT — 3-room Furnished torney, in Coquille, Oregon, with arrangements are to be made That Sunday after church dinner guests Apartment in court, $25. Mrs.,Geo. proper vouchers and duly verified, of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wolff, of WANTED—Elderly couple or woman is our policy—that is our proud Chaney, phone 52L. lt*s within six months from the date of Norway, were Mr. and Mrs. Marion on farm. House furnished and claim after many years of experi­ Dated ^nd published first time Stern8 Bnd ehndr*"- Vernon and wages. Write Box P, care of Sen­ GAINES DOG FOOD—The choice of Dr. De La Ilhu ence A conference with us will August 2< 1944. .Eliine, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Aasen, tinel. No phone calls. lt*s Byrd’s Antarctic expedition, good be to your advantage ' Eyeeight Raymond Jasper Green, ’of Arago, and Mr. and Mrs. Frasier for YOUR dog. inexpensive. FARR 3215 _________ Administrator. Hoffman. FOR RENT— Furnished Apartment, Specialist A ELWOOD. s newly redecorated, 3 rooms and NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Mr 8nd Mrl Martin Schmidt and Eyas bath, oil circulator, gas range and WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Mrs. Charles 8mith went to Marsh- automatic water heater; quiet resi­ Reception room jointly with duly field Thursday of last week on busi­ service all makes of washers. dential section. See B. W. Dunn, Dr. J. R. Bunch Washer Service Co. 345 West appointed Administrator with the1 ness. Will Annexed of the estate of Oscar i 281 South Heath, phone 58J. its Coquille I (andon Front St. Phone 17. tie Nilsen, deceased; and that all per-1 Mrs. W. A. Soper, of Norway,- is Lairg Balldins KWH 1083 HARNESS—We have full set, also GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ sons having claims against said es-'taking care of her granddaughter’s traces, back pads, hames, etc., for J" surance. I give service. F. R repairs. FARR A ELWOOD. s Bull. s therefor, to the undersigned at his Bosh, is in the Knife Hospital, n National Bank ! Mrs. Nicotine Elznor and grand­ WILL TRADE—Corn cutter or young Building, Coquille, Oregon, within six | dht Mi«« Anita Terfsen wer. ARC ot ACETYLENE Welding, any months from the date of this notice. ‘dau8nter’ MlM Anita Tedsen, were horse for* a Manure Spreader. Bill time, anywhere, day or night. Dated, and first published Augifllt Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Stevens, Myrtle Point, phone 9R12, High Sehool ‘— Bta Mrs. Ernest Clausen at Broadbent. Prince Auto Electric, 280 North io, 1944: ClassicaI M. P. lt*32s Credits Harry A. Slack, . Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfs Mrs. Tom Hall, of Sweet Home, is Administrator with the Will An- Given FARM MACHINERY Repairs — We nexed of the estate of Oscar ’’Nilsen, visiting at the home of her mother TIN CANS FOR HOME CANNING— carry genuine McCormick Deering deceased. _ 30t5 and brother, Mrs. Martha Jane Mul- Pre-war supply. Can this easy, repairs. J. A. LAMB COMPANY, a economical way. Sealer for rent. NOTICB OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IHnS “nd JUn’ °f NorW“y NOTICE is hereby given that the Mrs. Julia Leep, Mrs. Gusaie John- FARR A ELWOOD. a undersigned has filed her First and and , son, — ** — Leonard ’--------- ‘ Lawhorn ----------- J Mrs. k Mrs. and Final Account in the matter of the1 U4 and 3 TON International Trucks IdXutSirf IM ¿tote W jl A r * ere s « turd «y diI™r administration of the estate of A. R. i available for immediate delivery Winton, Clinton, deceased, ami and that the County i «u«*« of Mrl MarX Ga«e ' to farmers and others, subject to Court of the State of Oregon, for Coos The thermometer registered »0 War Production Board authoriza­ County, has set September 26th, I SERVICE degrees in the shade Tuesday at 1:30 , t tion for purchase. For particulars, 1944, at the hour of 10:00 A. M , as i the time, and the County Court Room l P m Norwy, which is more than Phon« 83 see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s in the County Court House at Co- warm. Night Phone 1MR quille, Oregon, as the place for the ■■ ...... ■ ■» BABY BUGGIES, Folding Buggies, hearing of objections to said First and __ Reed Buggies, with good rubber; Final Account and the settlement of, What men want is not talent, it is ; purpose; in dther words, not the $4.00 and up. Wanted Baby Strol­ said estate. Agents Oregon-Nevade-California Fast Freight ^sther, . *2 .'power to achieve, but ’ will to labor. ' lers and High Chairs. Brooks Fur­ Office Phone 5 „5 g niture, Phone 119L. s 31t3 A. R. Clinton, deceased. . —Buiwer-Lytton. One Cent a Word Each insertion yoR SALE—Fruit jars. Na Adv. leas than 25 eenU i Werth. ^ pad ^' v “ y "’ A- Out of Town Folks! » Coquille StuJ Attention