The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 31, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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Out-of-Doors Stuff
Howdy Folks
in Coquille
¡4>H Clubs To fnter
O.F.A. Administrator JA^ä hea,th are eligible for the
----- ;
¡Exhibits At Fair
To Get Live Lamb
Townsend Club No. 1
" i Climaxin^i a
auacMstul ¿jFrom Coos County,
* Club yssr, Coos County 4-H 1
A good meeting of Townsend Club,
thing that ben are enthusiastically —“
Marketina ■ No. 1, was held Tuesday evening with
The Coos Livestock Marketing
to change * preparations to participate in the an- Assn. last week shipped a live lamb 30 present. Bulletins and correspon-
in this state. Xt to nual Coos County Fair being held at to Chester Bowles, O.P.A. adminto- dence was read by Mrs. McCue and
.. tWQ new memners were enrolled. We
hs Iqte in opening.: Myrtle Point on September 9, 3 and trator, asking *•--*
that is.
he do certain
et back a month it J 4.
things, such as checking the animal’s are glad to see some of our members
would help. It would help in many | ' To promote the desire to “make weight, etc., as a concrete example who have been absent for some time,
ways. As it is at the present time, the
” every
’ beet
____ club
■ ■» member of what happens to the lamb market back at meetings again,
the season runs right into the rut-' to required to exhibit et a community when lambs are kept beyond the
Mrs. H. Ware received the door
| in charge
ting s eas on (running season) and ■ or county fair, at which time a com­ prime marketing stage and stocks prize. Mrs Travis was
there are many bucks kilted during' petent person judges the quality of kre allowed to accumulate In south- of the program Tuesday. It consisted
the latter part of the season that are workmanship. The group system of . west Oregon as they are now doing.
of several readings and piano music.
A copy of the letter sent to Mr. j ». Chas. Wetterman will be here MilI
unfit to eat. And the same applies to . awards win be used for all Homei _ /
^Kg||k season — many bulla are.^ Economics exhibits
with the out- Bowles, with a picture of the crated Tuesday evening to meet with the
found in poor condition during the' standing exhibit being awarded the I lamb enclosed, was sent by a Coos club so be sure and plan to attend,
open season. »W*
The “group system sheep man to Life and Time maga- He will also speak at Marshfield
During open season upon both buck ' of awards” means that all exhibits zines and the letter has also appeared Sunday, Sept 3.
deer and elk, a hunter to forced to worthy of a first place shall be given I in the Oregon daily press, and the
A good
——1 . --------
crowd 1 of ubout 100 at­
fight heavy togs, rain, wind storms 'a
! blue ribbon, all worthy of a second (picture also.
tended the caravan here last Sunday
and everything oh earth that makes I ' place will be given a red ribbon, and
The letter was as follows:
. .in W.O.W. hall.
it uncomfortable hunting, besides' all worthy of a third place wttk be!
' Cake and assorted pies will be
running the chances of killing an .given
a white ribbon.
Bandon, Oregon, August 23, 1944. served next meeting, September 5,
animal that to unfit to eat. It to lm- I Home Economics exhibits may be i I Mr. Chester Bowles, Administrator,
when Mr. Wetterman is present.—
possible to plan a camping trip on mailed or brought to the County Ex- ‘ [Office of Prjce Administration,
Press Cor.
account of encountering heavy rains. ' tension office by 5 p. m. Thursday. Washington, 25, D. C.
And as we have mentioned in pre­ Persons planning to bring exhibits Dei
Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe­
vious tozues of this column, if the to the fair grounds may bring them
der’s Jewelry. Men’s Wedding Rings
season opened before the start of any time Friday and until 10 a. m. rail
In stock.
school it would give a man a chance Saturday when judging will start. Sta
to take his family along, to camp ; All 4-H Club members who are plan- on
out, if they desired.
i nlng to enter exhibits are asked to lamb,
their official entry tag from their | You will note that due to the grave
We believe that we have the solu- get
leader or the County Extension lumber shortage, the pen is made of
tion to the whole problem of the local
season opening so late and that to < office.
split boards and held together with
Because first place winners will bo wooden pins and bound with reclaim-
the fact that the Forestry Service of­
ficials hays simply bluffed the State < eligible to enter in the state con- ed bailing wire,
Game Commission out. For it to a teats,
considerable interest to being
We are Aarerican citizens and tax-
kqpwn fact that in past year when a I shown in the special contests to be payers. We sre fully aware that our
suggested early season was about to J held on Monday, September 4. The Ration to engaged in a great and
materialize, a great howl was raised Canning
Contest, sponsored by the cruel war. Our own near and dear
from the Forestry Service. In fact, Spirckles Sugar Co., is open to al) ones are in active combat. We un­
from the way the woods are guard­ Canning club members and will be- | derstand that war means restrictions,
ed against hunters and out-of-doors­ gin at 10 a. m. Each contestant will regulations, and inconveniences for
men, one could easily be led to be­ can one pint of fruit at a booth pro­ civilians when American boys must
lieve that every man who packs a vided at the fair grounds.
die tor their country.
We know I
Demonstration contests will begin only too well the vital need of food^
gun or a fishing rod was a firebug.
Today there are areas closed at 11 a. m. Bach standard club has In winning the war and are proud to
througout the state—closed so that a an opportunity to enter their best' do our part whatever it may be, and
person may not pick berries, camp demonstration team, constating of I more than willing to redouble our
out or fish. While w< are strictly two members, in the project in which I efforts to help win as quickly as
In favor of preserving our forests, they are enrolled. It is expected j possible this g*at
it struggle.
we cannot help but believe that thto there will be demonstrutton teams la slogan, “Food will win the War,”'
“Keep Oregon Green" business u Cooktag, Clothing, Hememaking, and has more than a deep significance to
Health. Cooking ciub members may us 'who produce it* We abhor the
carried toe far In s lot of cases.
In the old dsys when the pioneer* enter the spejcal ’’Dairy Foods Con- waste of a single pound of moat,
gave their kids s box of matches sumption” poptest sponsored by the i We sfacereiy and resepctfuily re­
when they went forth Into the woods, Kraft Cheese Co. This oonteet to in,1 quest that immediately upon the ar­
with instructions to “touch off the form of a demonstration showing rival of thia Curry County lamb that
woodrats nests and new starts of un­ the use of dairy products. There are you place said lamb in your main
derbrush, our timber was free from two divisions to thto contest one for office, that you instruct your as­
vest accumulations of underbrush a team of two members and one for L sistants, and workers to weigh the
limb every day; record, tabulate,
that created a real ftre hazard. Be­ an individual.
The Style Review will begin at h chart, compile, correlate and analyze
fore the Forestry Servin P*m« into
power, before patrolman, fireward­ |:00 p. m. This to open to a|l mem- ¡the dally weight at said iamb over a
ens, etc., were In evidence there were bees enrolled ¡i) Qloth|a< 11, HT, IV, perjod of at least 30 or M days (we
not a tenth of the forest fire» that and V, Members may enter into any (are shipping feed and if you find it
there are today and people could roam one of the following divisions: (1) necessary you can, we presunte, call
the woods at will during any season Wash Dress, (3) Wool Dress or Suit. the Department of Agriculture for de­
of the year, burn their stump lands (3) Beat Drees, or (4) Informal Party tailed Instructions In the care and
and slashings without endangering Dreas. The grand champton will be feeding of lamb).
the forests. But with the creation of eligible to enter In the State Contest.
After many years of sheep and
Judging contests in any project stock raising we think that lamb
fire-pap-oto, fire wardens, etc., and
extensive logging operations, which will be arranged only where fouir or gains In weight (if fed) until It be-
left acres and acres of unburned, more teams have pre-enrolled. These eoanea prime and at that point, with­
cut-over l»r>d and which eventually will begin at 4 p. m-
out delay, muM be marketed.
Due to Inadequate facilities at the
developed Into fife trap«, the fire
It FUU WiU carefully conduct the
menace has become more acute e««h f*ir poundg, two fonteota for Oaok- above experiemnt, you oan aeo, “with
season. The Bandon fir« to a shining ing III member« are being held the your own eyoa,” and determine, w«
example of the year after year ac­ week before the Fair. The Dollar sincerely hope, the truth or fallacy
cumulation of underbrush growing Dinner Content In which the oon- of our conclusions.
teeUnts prepare and serve a company
over unburned acre« of Jand
Respectfully your«,
A certain amount of fires may be dinner for four people, the cp«t to be
F, M. Brown, Curry County
prevented, but In seeking to keep kept a« peer th 0 dollar as possible.
Ralph Christianson
down the real menace of f|re by pre­ The Oregon Wool Qrowers' Associa­
J. J. Goaney
venting (he burning of underbrush, tion offers special ¡*izoa for the two
(The latter two are president and ,
both in Umbered areas as well as cut­ dinners featuring lamb In the menu secretary of the Coos Livestock Mar­
over laflds, it Is easy to see the re­ In the Breadbaking contest the con­ keting Assn.)
sult It simply means that eventu­ testant Is judged on her procedure
ally along will come a real fire that in making bread.
wiU make a clean sweep of the whole
Members planning to take part in
the speical events are asked to prto
Half the time burning permits are enroll so special arrangements may
¡«sued when it to too wet to bum. be made for any required equipment.
Moro than 1200 young women front
and now that new-fangled idea has
Oregon are among the 75,000 WAVES
developed that burning slashings and
on duty at 500 shore establishments
fern patches will destroy young
i of the U. S. Navy in continental
growth. In our opinion, it is far
1.98 to 3.98
OXFORDS, all sizes
I United States, according to Chief
better to destroy a few acres of young
to 12.98
RAINCOATS, all sizes -
growth Umber by fires of prevention,
Renewal of basic "A" gasoline ra- Marshfield Nsvy recruiting station,
than to build up to a real fire by
7.95 ta 29.95
tlons which expire September 31 will which handles WAVE applications in |
seeking to preserve old cut-over
1.29 to 2.49
areas, fern patches, etc.
If the old pioneer and Indian cus­
Applications for thto area are included 'in the contri­
tom had been kept up of burning tive, announces.
out all underbrush, we wouldn’t need renewal may be made now and will bution of patriotic Oregon women to
ANKLETS, all sizes
any Forestry Service today. < But as
Through the aslgnment of these
the score now stands, we are gradu­ Indicated. These forms are obtain­
75,000 WAVES to shore establish­
ally buldlng up to the point where able at your local service station.
All renewal applications must be ments, 32,700 enlisted men and 4575
one of these days there Is going to
be a fire, or a series of fires, that accompanied by the back cover of officers have been directly released
cannot be controlled and will sweep the current “A" book, Janney em­ 1 from these necessary jobs at home to
FANCY SOX, all sizes
.29 A .35
The applicant who has fill vital and Important lobs st seal
the timbered areas to a "farethee- phasized.
.98 A 1.25
well.” It’s Okay to keep Oregon lost or thrown away the cover of his
.89 A .79
green, but for the “fava Pefa” Jet's "A” book will have to prove to the other men are serving afloat because
use some judgment ;n the matter.
board (1) that he has a car which ; the women of the Navy were trained
entitles him to apply f<< an “A" ra- an4 ready to fill necessarily expand­
2.98 A 3.98
tion; (2) that th» oar to currently ing complements at home.
_____ -___
NORTON’S- The place to buy your
WAVES in two yean have replaced
Christmas c.rtto for that boy or girl . ¡¡£
as many men in the Navy’s shore sta-
in the service.
tn .
tasued for It and no application for Uons as would be required to man '
a renewal is pending at any board. t*n battleships, ten large aircraft
1.98 to 3.98
Janney said the new “A" book will carriers, 38 cruised and 50 destroy-
2.49 to 3.98
provlde the same monthly ration as era—approximately the size of the
2.25 io 4.95
SCHOOL PANTS, age « to 17
the old—eight gallons or approxi- active peace-time Navy of the United
mately 120 miles s month. However, 'States.
coupons in the new “A” book will be’ The WAVES who have added this
worth four gallons instead of three, fighting strength to the Navy are
the value of the present coupons, now performing almost every type of
To make thia simple, no risk hear­
ing test If you are temoorarily deaf­ Six of these four-gallon^oupons will duty which the shore establishment
ened. bothered by ringing buzzing become valid every three months. At of the Navy needs.
head noises due to hardened or coagu­ present eight three-gallon coupons
More WAVES are neded, to bring
lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine are validated every three months. A the total to the goal set for this worn-
Home Method test that a
new form known ea a mileage ration- «in’s reserve—100,000 by January 1,
has enabled them
Ing record will be issued with every 1M5. Women between 30 and 38
You must hear I
thissimpte test or
renewal of a basic “A” ration, re- years, with no children under 18,
placing the tire inspection record.
who are U. S. citizens and who are
Drops" todav at fa
Work Well-
The only tool of its kind
of a few in Oregon.
MtW Ma Service
D oans P ills
too ¿
sewtcc •
Talk about dealing!
More than 5000 times
your dietrfb-
If it should ret out of
dis tri b-
Smart and Sturdy School Clothes
1200 Oregon Ladies
"A" Gas Rations
Due For Renewals
(And 6000
For Girls
For Boys
Wanted! Men And
Women Who Are
Bard Of Hearing
Lorenz Dept. Store