V ■ fage » 7 real American way at life, enjoying 1 the fullest m ea sur e of freedom and ■ their souls knew no restraint. In speaking of the« e old pionee r», By Bob Harrison There we were, down in that hold, one might ask, were» they lawless? (Continued from Page One) black as the inside of an infidel; we The answer la, dertdedly, No; and Lammey, Jim Bullock, Ben and Bob I could still hear the throb of the en­ if you ask, were they charitable, the Harrison and a number of others. gine, but couldn’t tell which way the answer is, Yes, for their latch strings About four p. m. the Thistle hauled pld bark was headed, but finally we always hang on the outside. in plank and headed back down the felt her begin to roll, or at least we , A letter published _ in _ ____ the Daily river for Bandon, where more re­ were rolling back and forth with Herald, San Francisco, August 24, cruits were waiting to go along to everything that was on the floor of j 1855, has this to say about the Rogue the fishing job down on tije Rogue. the old ship; with all the the butter, i River district: "A correspondent, I The old bark tied up at the dock in ehaaas, i, cascara y— bark, barbed wire, writing from Whatesburg, gives the! Bandon for the night, with a schedule and a thousand Other fnllnu/inv AArvu,nt other delicacies, that [ following account nf of th» the mlntna mining | to sail across the bar at four vm. one might eahw expect , vi, on such au* an vwH- occa-' : operuuuns operations at the mouth of Rogue > - me mourn or “ nogue the following day. Quite a number sion. It appeared that when the Tug river. This mining district is proba- ' Washington, D. C., Aug. 31—Cost of the boys in the Bandon area had was just entering the bar and was biy the best yet discovered on the I of living in 1*39 was notably lower signed up for the job, among whom on the being the thA first fir.» comber, enmh.- they got o a signal' coast, the only obstacle >.-< — « “ than in 1944, and civilians now would were Le and Dan Kuntz, Ad Gross, from the station at Ellensburg, to [ want of water, but happily, that ob- ; like to return to the “good old days.” Sam Brown, Andy Perkins and sev­ stay outside, and when the ship was stacle will- soon be overcome, as we Donald Nelson, who is still boss of eral others whose names we have turned around in the combers was | have a water company from San WPB despite his mission to China, forgotten. when the guys in the hold got their ■ Francisco with an engine of twenty has been desirous of going back to [horse power, capable of raising at the prices of 1939 and was making -— .. ” In those “good old days,” Bandon “setting ------------- up exercises. was a free and easy, happy-go-lucky The Tug put out to sea for some least 30 ton heads, „„„ and also „ a U1VVI1 ditch moves to bring this about. A few place where no one lived under re­ distance but when they took inven- i Company has, by a great expenditure! days ago Nelson, who was a Sears- strait, and when any occasion pre­ tory of water and fuel, they found of labor and money, succeeded, or Roebuck executive before coming to sented itself, with a little excitement that they were too short and had bare- ; nearly so, in bringing a large amount [ the national capital, announced that in it, the gang would all gather at ly enough to make it in, and while of water from Indian Creek, a dis-, as soon as the war in Europe folded the place where they saw dust on the the crew in the hold was hanging I tance of some three miles, onto this , production would start on civilian floor, and start blowing the foam on like grim death, wondering what, beach. It has already reached the good»—not all, but on many of the off their suds, and thia occasion was it was all about, the hatch snapped [ flat claims, and will be entirely com- ; heretofore hard-to-get, and that the one they didn’t overlook. The sun­ open apd a big hoarse voice rang pleted in about six weeks, prices would be those of 1939. Mr. set sky in the evening presented out, “Hang on down there, heading “A soon as everything is in readi- Nelson had, according to the «ign., rather a wierd glare and some of the .back over the bar, win, lose, or n< teas for mining, there will clearly be won his fight against the brass hate, • “' * heavy amounts of mining done. More , When Nelson announced, a few old weather-wise guys shook their draw.” Then bang shut went the hatch and fnen will be required at that time [months ago, that a little material heads add said, “looks like a storm “grim despair.” Some of the inmates, than are now present on the beach. I would be released to permit manufac- brewin’.* _ . At daybreak the following morning, who had strength to speak, shouted, Wagee will range from .$50 to $75 turers to prepare models or samples the heavy surf could be heard, as it “why not kick the bottom out of the per month. We have semi-monthly to be sold to the public-after the beat at the rocks along the shore, old can and let her sink?" communications from San Francisco war, he met with hostile opposition The engines had been stopped for via prescent City and Port Orford, from the war department. while a dozen or more huge swells Nelson were chasing each other across the some time, which lent some extra Politically we exercise a decided in- ' argued that the war department has bar, and billowing clouds sped like misery to the guys below but this fluence in this county, casting 70 [ stockpiles to provide for their needs I frightened demons across an angry time they heard the clang of the “go- out of 200 votes, at the June election.' and that he would divert a small por- ahead” bell in the engine room. Then No prevailing sickness except beach tion to the manufacturers, but the sky. At four bells sharp, the deep bam The old ship began to tremble once fever and that is easily cured,” brass hats refused to admit that they blast from her whistle, gave notice more from the throb of the engine wrote, Dr. McWhite. have a sufficiency of anything. that the old ark was going out to and the old Tug headed for the bar. ~ It is quite evident that the first Came the show-down, and Nelson face the storm, and a few minutes Then after a short spell, the boat be­ settlement at the mouth of the Rogue came out on top. If there is a par­ later, the full-speed ahead clang of gan to roar and plunge, as she started was called Whaleeburg but on the ticular war item that may be regard­ the bell was heard, and the Thistle to ride the combers, while the roar occasion of this narrative, the R. D. ed as short it will not be disturbed, of the mad surf could be plainly Hume Cohnpany was monarch of all | but there is no shortage of aluminum headed for the bar. As they neared the bar, Cap’n hoard, and with the creaking of the it surveyed along the river and the nor magnesium and these metals can Schwartz called the Mate up to the old ark, plunging from one comber to cannery, Bay View hotel and some 'be fabricated into innumerable ar- wheel with him, and strapping them­ another, the barrels of butter and all other buildings, including Chinatown, I tides. In addition to the war depart­ selves to the pilot, they set their other loose commodities burst out all op the south side of the river, ment, Nelson had the opposition of anew and like frightened demons, against the rocky bluff, wete called {Certain j of the big industries now faces into the storm, which by now in war production. These farther west, ¡engaged , was rolling the waves mountain high. began racing down their helpless vic- Ellensburg. while i time and here, we think that in hia' ' around q - the flat was the Gelispe concern» did not want to continue on the flat, The old Tug with her low bow and famous novel, “93,” Victor Hugo holdings, while farther out along the' working on government contracts and forward propeller, never would could have improved, had he been flat, were the county building. . little manufacturers get the jump climb over a high roller, but would on the Thistle that day. The flat claims mentioned in the| on articles which the big companies dive straight through the thing and The trip in over the bar was of when she came out from Tinder a short duration but was a rather old tetter were evidently this flat ; hope to produce but which they can­ nèt touch until their «“<- contracta — have v-— swell, you can bet your last sou, rough ordeal, as the first comber she area in the neighborhood of the old that her deck was surely washed. slid down from made her nose hit hard county buildings, and it may be pos­ been completed and they can re-tool. Some of the crowd on deck when the enough onto the sand to tear away sible that some good placers are , If the proposal and promise of Donald Nelson become a fact there old ship took off, didn’t hear the the guard from the bow propeller. still out in that part. However, the Rogue is still rest­ should be a stirring in peace industry order to go below, on approaching But she straightened up with the before the end of this year, inasmuch the bar, end whqn the first comber next big wave and slid into river ing in the same old bed, all theae years, but evolution, or revolution, as the general impression seems to be rolled over the old Tug, they had to like a swan. has nflbed havoc wiW the works of that Germany will cave in within get busy to stay abroad. This we Down in the hold, the lubbers were man since 1888. We still remember two or three months. Nelson said know, because the writer was one of the gang that stayed on deck,’but taking the melee in a serious way, not with kindness many faces that we that he wants civilian goods produced however we all scrambled up into knowing where, or which way, they met in that yesteryear, as well as to regardless of how long it takes to the pilot pen, where we hung on like were headed, but as soon as they remember the names of Dutch, Slim, exterminate the Japanese in the Pa­ a book agent. In that panorama of Mt' the thing level up and quit Ffcnchy, Fat and many others, for cific. This policy would plaoe the diving through combers, we >11 got bucking, the hatch was thrown open in those old days, nom-de-plumes Pacific coast at • disadvantage in our shirts and sox well laundered, and the way that bunch swarmed | were very prtvalent and, tt is »aid, some respects, «g the coast must con­ and while we weren’t hanging on like up out of that dundgeon was no- i , that some men actually forgot their tinue to produce for the war against i true name, on aocount of being called , Japan and wait while the Industrial grim death, we were busy dusting body’s business. sort is back in peace production. Reaching the deck where they something else, . the coating off our stomach, and as a rule, w.*-r the first paroxysm of could see the land, their sea sickness 1 The Rogue river, from its multi- , sea sickness takes a patient, he is was gone and instead, they were fam­ prong source, to its very confluence It is apparent that the resolution afraid that he is going to die, but a ished with hunger. They didn’t have * with the broad pacific, has meant introduced by Senator McKellar for little later on, he is afraid that her to wait long for the crew was soon [ much to mankind and especially to retention of islands in the Pacific It was __ anything won't dJe. ’L » . -r- but a i scrambling over onto the docks of those who have enjoyed living within recovered from Japan was intended pi»..»,,» pastime be dipped intn into ! Ellensburg (I— to' k » «unrt-ri Ellensbure and headed for the Bay its domain, for it has ever been a merely as a gesture and is not to be the briny d^ep at three minute in- j View hotel where everything that land of opportunity, even to the taken seriously at this time. Its tervals, for two or three hours at a stopped hunger was served. It was a “finny tribe” that course ijs water- immediate consideration was not stretch, and durinl all this time, sight to see that bunch of lubbers 1 way, the untold millions in the yel- asked and It was referred to the there was only one thing that he sea-legging along, their eyes looking l<)w metal that mingles with its sand, committee on foreign relations. The could yearn for, and that would be a like two drops of blood In a dish the fertile valleys that drink from its resolution covers all of the islands in big solid island. I* “lt» “nd whlle they w*re *° cooling waters, and even to the the Pacific held by or mandated to O~. through th. «1 <■»!»-.?-*» '"“.i": yugged terrain guarding the “Hells Japan, as well as Bermuda and the pants up with both hands, regardless Gate” through which its frothing West Indies. So far as the Bermudas bar, the old Tug had nothing to do, of the suspenders, a little later that water lunges; all these give romance and British holdings in 'the West but to plug ahead, clipping the tops hungry mob was seated around the and grandeur to this grand monu­ Indies are concerned, Mr. Churchill off the big swells outside, and all tables and did they soak up the ment of the west, qnd there is no has made it clear that Great Britain that day she chugged ahead against viands! doubt that the Red Men of the ages will not relinquish title to any part a heavy sou-wester, which at times It must have been a gala day for past, loved and reverenced the of the empire, and there is no pros­ would blow the waves down smooth, for a minute, and make them look the populace of that region for it Rogue, and now we, as their suc­ pect that this issue will be raised in purpie to a guy that had gagged him- 1 *“ • rather cosmopolitan crowd cessors, could wisely follow their the senate. As to the Islands in the Pacific, it self goofy. The storm faded out about [which lined up along the dock to example, and imitate their reverence, mid-afternoon, and the sun came out greet that lot of wayward sons, from and wave salute to the River Rogue. la certain that the old cry of imperi­ alism will be heard if the United ________________________ and fried our laundry, that is some behind the great hills.. The new­ States attempts to hold anything more of the spots where thk sun could hit, comers soon blended with the crowd Passenger Car Registration In than Japan captured from this coun­ but the rest of the laundry was left and found them to be a very kindly Oregon Down 130 In Year ~ try after Pearl Harbor, and the con­ salted down for a future day. Our and friendly lot; some old-time is already pledged to relin­ There are 130 less private passenger gress I sea sickness had finally subsided, on friends met, and all In all, it was an account of there being nothing to occasion to be long remembered by cars in Oregon today than there < quish the Philippines as soon as the were a year ago, according to regia- • Japs are driven out. There has been be sick for, but when we arrived off all hands. tratlon figures compiled in the office no indication of what is officially r The Rogue river, tn those, old the mouth of Rogue river and got into the muddy rollers that old "yoric days, was very muddy from the min­ of Bob Farrell, secretary of stata, contemplated for the Japanese-owned or mandated islands and it is recog­ yoric” took us over again, and when ing operations along the upper stream. at Salem. At the end of the first seven nized that there is a possibility of the old Cap’n yelled, "everybody go From the fact of the very roily water, I below” believe me, we aU went gill netting was carried on during I months of this year, there were 323,- conflict of ihteresta when the subject below, for the Rogue bar was surely the day time, as the salmon were not 543 private passenger cars registered is taken up by the United States, • on a rampage and that old muddy able to see the nets and became en­ in the state, a drop of 130 from the Russia and Great Britain after the war. water from out of the river didn’t tangled for that reason. At that time i registration figure a year agb. The reduction in the number of there was ■ very large run on and help things very much. passenger cars operating on Oregon Well, we Were all down in the, the fishermen were piling up a huge In spite of the widely-voiced com­ tot, to be put in cans. This new highways and streets is attributable hold, with a lot of barrels of butter plaint of too many federal bureaus, to individuate leaving the state, cars and other bric-a-brac that had been bunch of cannery workers soon found agencies and boards the week sel­ not registered due to gasoline and th,r™ir'\b1uri*r1 to dom passes without some member of bar-crossing panorama, and while »»oh- ^[* ***** 016. o . f ***** j tire restrictions, and to natural scrap­ congress proposing a new one, and mnat of *** had the “hlu” hiccoughs, were about all Chinook and of a page, Secretary Farrell said. always with a nice, fat salary at­ that XndetTmuch rather large rise. Some of the ftah tached. The latest is the brain child "better the rest of us were clamping 1 would make ■ ful1 01 th* canned of Senator Hill of Alabama, whose bill would create a three-member • butter, or may be an OUvar Chill ’v- ’ federal transportation authority, plow ar a bale of barbed wire. Well,' In those ojd days the Rogue, with many of the activities of which would there we were, all crowded in a the surrounding hills, out of which duplicate the work now being done dungeon* not a soul had time to the river semed to gush with little by the intersate commerce commis­ speak and, so far as we knew, the or no tide service, presented a ro- sion. Each of the three members old Ark was headed for some of the mantle, as well as a picturesque would receive an annual salary of Jones’ family frigldalre. While that scene. The inhabitants of that region $10,000 and there is, of course, provi­ would have been a good time to think added to that romance, as most of sion for the employment of counsel " about making peace with the Great them had Uved there from the very with handsome pay Spirit, yet none of us could get a .early pioneer days, and had lived the departments or Back In The 80’s t w » V nn transportation would be transferred I of state’ ’s i office disclosed today in to the “authority” by by presidential presidential I ' urging Oregon driven to avoid ac- order, and the new agency would ---------- ------ cidents this year. have the right to demand information The Labor Day holiday toll for the from carriers, require them to keep past four years is as .follows: 1943, records and make regular reports. tan fatalities; 1942, two fatalities; What, if any, benefits are to be de­ 1941, nine fatalities; 194(J, four fa­ rived from creation of this board talities. • probably will be outlined when the Speed too great for traffic condi­ measure is reported out by the com­ tions and lack of good traffic Judg­ mittee on interestate commerce to ment in passing were the two chief which it has been referred. factors in these accidents, according to the safety division. The exercise of good traffic judgment -is particu­ Observing The Law Will Cut larly important in such matters as Labor Day Accidents passing cars on a' busy highway. Labor Day week»end weekrend traffic acci- acci­ Passing on curves or when approach­ dents have claimed a toll of 24 lives ing the brow of a hill is dangerous in Oregon during the past four years, and resulted in several of the Labor the safety division of the secretary Day fatalities in past years. »■ Insurance Real Estate Are You Adequately Insured? My Office Can Serve You. List Your Property with me and I’ll Work to Sell it for you Also 1 SERVICE ON BIRTH CERTIFICATES AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GEO. E. OERDING From where I sit... Joe Marsh Recipe for a Perfect Marriage Dee and Jane Cuppers cele­ brated their Golden Wedding Anniversary last Saturday. Having so many friends, it seemed like half the town stopped in that evening to pay their respects. Little Ida Moffat brought a home-made poem to read, called Love Enduring. Bert Childers Mddled “Silver Threads Among the Gold." Will Dudley made a speech and proposed a toast. And as I watched that toast- Dee with his glass of beer, Jane with her buttermilk-I thought to myself: There’s a recipe for No. 92 of a Serie» happy marriage. Two folks with different tastes-no doubt an honest fault or two-who through the years have learned to live in tolerance and under­ standing. From where I ait. Dee and Jane are a mighty good example to young married people of today—an example of how mod­ eration, tolerance and under. standing can build lasting happiness wod solid homes.