cxkx S llé vall W mnto « u pao « rom The Sentinel' • * asse ».eta ia a mm tows SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT NORTON’S * TWENTY YEARS AGO H. a . YOUNGgdM^D. GRIMES (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, August *29, 1924) Geo. W. Bryant announces that the rirt in-Lffugiri I BB Coast Auto Lines will make a special Six Months. ..---------------- ---------- L00 round trip fare to Bandon and return Three Months.— ———••°|of 3LS0 on Saturday, Sunday and No subecription taken unless paid Monday. . , . The pageant Klahkama to^to »dvan«. This rule ia tmpera b. given at Bandon Saturday IL A. YOUNG. Editor Coois county voted yesterday by a vote of practically two to one in favor of issuing $280,000 in bonds to match state .funds In ' building high­ ways. Washington, D. C., August M—We sent abroad—to China. (Henry Wal- are arguing with the OPA and War lace was a recent visitor to the Orient Food Administration officials here ¡too). Washington newspapers have about removing ration points on all given a big play to this story. It is lamb and from the higher grades of referred to as the battle of Wash­ I ington. beef also. To my way of thinking the nau­ There was a lamentable lack of in- - Early this week I attended a con­ terest in so important a matter as the i ference with Marvin Jones, War Food seating thing about this dismissal of -r,' ■' ei-f evening and the Woodmen, of the budgeting of funds for school pur­ Administrator, which was attended Donald Nelson is that although he Entered at the CoquLBe Postaffice as1 World celebration on Labbr Day is poses heee Monday evening. Twenty I also by Congressmen from the states has done a fine patriotic job and Second Class Mail Matter. I the other attraction for which a spe- qualified voters were present to cast of Washington, Utah, Idaho and Cal­ has worked so hard and under such 1 cial rate is made by tbe stage com­ their ballots, which is probably lees ifornia. Jones and the WPA are terrific pressure that he has nearly pany. than five per cent of the property sincerely endeavoring to db a good ruined his health—the thanks he owners who have the privilege of job but the problem, especially the gets tlon is that he is summarily kicked meat ptUUWtl, problem, a* is kN* big «a and The following is the list of 22 voting on such matters. I llsCMl a tvs complicated. ¡As Food Administrator, Marvin Jones out. teachers who have been secured to •if The War Production Board under teach in the high school and grades Reuben H. Mast, Jr., came In ! fromntas the power to remove ration Donald Nelson's direction has han­ —i. a to - 1 pQjntj from lamb and fron> beef, too. this year: L. A. Parr, J. F. Cramer, Portland the first of the week PlBLIS Ruth Nissen, Esther M. Roeder, Car- spend his vacation with his parents. He may ultimately dp U, but not, I dled a production job that has ! oline G. Wilson, Gertrude Ellis, Ber­ Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mast. Reuben is fear until such action A» too late to amazed the world and ruined our tha Atkinson, Mary Druley, Keith now a full-fledged doctor with state' do the good that could be done if the enemies. It is one war agency that ¡points were taken off now. has attended strictly to its business Lèsile, Rosa E. Glossop, Freda Cum- certifcato. By R. T. Moore * —o— J Ration points are not needed now —the task of which it has been as­ j minga, Lena Crump, Louise Mathey, W. H. Wimer is getting the material for the purchase of lower grade Ikmb. signed. Under Donald Nelson it has The ghost of Samuel Gomperg, the LaVerOe Lamb, Anna Lewis, Launee George Washington of organized la- Miller, Mary Helllwell, Hertha Ditto, on his lot, just east of the M. O. ¡This means that you may buy any had the confidence and respect of bar, has éome forth to haunt Mr. Belva Gage, Anne Hendrickson, Vina Hawkins residence on Spurgeon Hill cut of lamb you desire without ra- the people. for the seven-room bungalow H, E. tlon points but such lamb will be cut | The War Production Board will Hillman’s National Citizens Political Cronk, Martha Seebaum. Shelley A Son will start erecting from a carcass that has been _ graded I now be run by 36-year old J. A. Action Committee. Mr. Gompers I —O— . lower than the commercial and good Krug who has been in the Navy the steadfastly kept his unions out of 1 At his old stand at the east end of for him Monday. and choice grades.. Contrary to-the last three months. He is reputed to politics. His belief was that the in- First street brieve, corner of Henry G. W. Taylor, who was down here idea held by many people the grade ■ be the only 100 per cent new dealer trusión of politics would tend to dis- street, J. E. Quick is fitting up apart- ‘ ----- ------------ ------------- —5- applied —.... only — to . the .. . entire —... ji^, wPB and has had practically no time ago from Eugene, .... visit- terms are rupt a labor movement composed of menta for,six families. . . The sixteen a short voters of all political faiths. Mr. Hill- furnished apartments in the new . ing his son, purchased the Dayne carcass and not to specific cuts of business experience in the field of man, on the other hand, appears to Nosier concrete building on the cor- I Hudson place on Fourth street, op- meat The difference ia that the leg private enterprise. He worked for We critically need our fore»«» belfr ve that because a large majority ner east of the post office are already — “* “ “ Christian church, —«• — —1 of -• * lamb —•- you *- ......... —*----------- posite the and « * he buy without expending TVA. NOW—wood ill« 1300 mili­ and Mrs. Taylor expect to occupy it ration points will not be quite so . of union members favor a fourth all occupied. tary uses. in the near future. ■ i good as as a leg of lamb purchased with SAU8AGE CRISIS DUE TO OPA term for Mr. Roosevelt the minority - op­ We aeriousiy need our fore»« ¡points. members, even though of the opposite I Announcements have been received when we return for job» and PEPPER PRICE CEILING Mrs. C, L. Tuttle left Sunday morn- o ■ of the marriase of Audrey view, should accede to the will of the in I Coquille 7 . Qte Brother—a »-armies/ The ceiling price on biaqk pepper majority and support the fourth term T. Fredricks to Eloise, daughter of Ing for her home in Coalinga, Calif.,1 The House passed the Surplus should be 6t4 cents, said OPA, al­ campaign. He seems to construe the W. V. Hill, at Eugene last Saturday but expected to be back here by the Property bill this week. A similar though the average price for 120 voting right as similar to other fuunc- Audrey, who is the eon of Mr. and middle of September as she and bill is now under consideration in the years has been a dime. Pepper im­ Itqns of democratic government Mrs. E. E. Fredricks, is quite well Sam are returning then to make Co- Senate. 'The Senate bill has some porters refused to sell. Federal quille their homs. 1 major points of difference with the wherein the majority prevails. Now known is this section. Surplus Commodities corporation bill passed by the house—perhaps the tried to requisition pepper for civ­ comes evidence of disagreement with most important point being that the ilians, lost put in U. S. district court, and disavowal of Mr. Hillman’s pol­ business. It reads a good deal like Distance Oregon M on House provides for aAninlstration platform of the Republican party And icies by CIO locals. ,.g the ___________ hantment which ruled, that if the - importers by à single administrator while the Freedom to vote as the conscience and yet its makers are probably all didn’t want to sell their pepper at Clarence Shoemaker, formerly the Senate version calls for administra­ 8ti cents, they didn’t have to. dictates is one of the cardinal at- Democrats. It is suggested as proof tributes of democracy. Without it, that-the overwhelming majority of Sentinel pressman and who'has been tion by a board or commission of Thus, with six million pounds of i . national unity would disintegrate, Americans, regardless of political employed in the government printing eight pepper in U. S. stocks, the public ___ the _ _ passes ___ ________ When Senate its bill the finds itself almost pepperless. Hard­ our economic strength would be dis- tags, want the same things economl- office in ’ Washington, D. C., for the . PROMPT past couple of years, and Mrs. Shoe- j wo w m then be taken into* a sipated ,and our body politic destroy- cally, r est hit may be farmers who make ed in a poRleel Armageddon between J Another conclusion to be drawn maker write from back there as fol- conierence committee of House and their own sausage. Sausage season­ SERVICE • Senate members. This conference rival pressure groups, each seeking from the sentiments expraaed in low*: ing manufacturers must have pep­ --------- i committee will then endeavor to put reasonable hates to annihilate the others tn a mad this Florida declaration is that the If we were without the Sentinek-^- tye two Pmg together in a way that per, and at once—not in midwinter. scramble for power. 1 leftist New Deal is definitely out. approved by both They say that right now they could­ ON The sanctity of the ballot main- Bor if this declaration accurately ex- well, it would be awful. We do en- wIU joy it so very much and if we could ^though this seems a slow and cum- n't supply the needs of one single talns the delicate balance of power presses the views of the southern county. , so necessary to our economic forces democrats, * and it is reasonable to only be home! That’s all we can bersome way of doing it I think the Manufacturers are willing to pay think of any more. 1 procedure on such an important and to direct their use for the con- assume that it does, the inevitable It’s a shame to think how far plece of le The election of Mr. Roosevelt, smother for sure. The humidity is Speaklng of property — course of service and impartial just- therefor, would not necessarily result See "Spike" Leslie tor the oest in tice. It is as intimately dose to the 1 in a continuance of his policies since 90 high. material and equipment no longer Liability, or other Insurance. Office, Jeannie, [their daughter], is much needed f or war — there is some avail ­ heart of the people as communion he would be forced to make his views 275 So. Hall, in former honpital bldg.; with their God and the practice of • conform to the wishes of the coalition, better now since her operation. We aWe now The Army hag phone 5; residence phone ML. sure have had our share of sickness leagjnK used trucks and a few Jeeps their religion. Compromise it and He would have to reform his cabinet, you destroy the very soul of democ- which he should *have done long ago, out here. But weare all well now (whk,h have been declared surplw • CALLUS WHEN knd Clarence is not yet in the service J racy. Yet Mr. Hillman seems bent' remove objectionable federal person- -and are being sold. To obtain a YOU NEED ANY OF on doing just that in his mistaken be- nel from office and adopt a more so I believe I have much to be i piece of such equipment the proper _ ,,w with ___ tliinkful for.f, __ —_______ lief that he is promoting the good of'conservative course conflicting procedure is to address a letter to these services campaign promises. The election of I Clarence still works 16 hours a mu Mr . u«u iivwi Olrich organized labor thereby. xzm avss care vsu w of v» * Procure- «wui«J and 18 bolding up fine. ment Division Division Treasury Department It is readily conceded that the Mr. Dewey would require very little, ment Treasury Department Please remember us to everyone at Washington- D. C. outlining what you fourth term strength lies mainly in if any, adjustment of his personal told the populous centers where labor is ’ views since he had already adopted a (“home.” Sincerely hope this finds de#ire an(J you wlu then controlled by the large unions. Mr. program that harmonizes with the everyone there well and in fine spir- where guch equipment is located and ita. Roosevelt has succeeded in capturing Florida declaration, how to proceed in securing it. J the imagination and loyal support of { This declaration is only another VISIONS AND THE LEGION millions of these people, aided by the link in the chain of evidence to show i Donald Nelson long time heed of Coquille clever propaganda of leftist elements that the American people have pretty Our fighters in the front lines and the War Production Board has now who see in his re-election their own well made up their minds on domes- the fox-holes aw fired by no such been handed the customary new deal retention of power. But the , large tic policies in the post-war. These ' futile fanaticism as characterizes the ' elimination routine. He is being unions also have many who do not policies will be at considerable vari- Japs and the Nazis. Our men have a accept Mr, Roosevelt on faith. These ance with those of the present ad- job to do—they’re doing it because ' insist that he should not be immune ministration. Even if Mr. Roosevelt’s 1 they want to finish it off and get to political analysis and candid ap- ' great personal popularity should car- home. » praisal merely because he says he ry him into a fourth term, he will Neither emperor worship nor hero favors organized labor. They de- nevertheless be compelled to do an worship appears in their dreams of mand proof that Mr. Roosevelt ddes about-face und adopt many of the glory; they dream, in moments be- ' indeed hold the key to a labor Utop- policies he has heretofore opposed, tween pulverizing the enemy, of the ia. They refuse to support him blind- The mandate will be that the success- jobs they’ll come home to, the fami­ 4 ly. | ful candidate will be expected to lies they have or will have, and most The numbers of union members Field at all times to the will of the often of the little shop or business of this frame of mind are variously people as revealed in the Congress, they will start for themselves and be estimated at from 20 per cent' to 30 Conflict between the executive and their “own boss.” » i Ì per cent. But mere numbers are legislative branches of government Perhaps no one knows all this bet­ not as significant as the tact that will not be tolerated, nor will po- tor than the men of the American * SUPER POWER BATTERY there are union members with the iitical domination of the judiciary, Legion, for they once were soldiers fortitude to speak right out in meet- ■ The general course of government themselves and now are the dads Today's driving demands the rugged durability ing even though their views are an- will be the same no matter which of the lads in the ranks. Thus the .1 of a WIZARD Battery. WIZARD S built-in fea­ popular with the majority. And Candidate is. successful. The main tures provide surging power and ample reserve . • postwar program just announced by where there’s a smoke, there’s a fire. difference will be that Mr. Roosevelt, a Legion commission commands, as it . . . Oversized “Oxl-Vlte” plates, Port Orford The situation is viewed with secret the older man, would be adopting the should, the attention of all who sin­ Cedar Separators, and one-piece molded case. satisfaction by conservative friends prescribed course 'by compulsion cerely have at heart the welfare not Allowance of |1.00 makes WIZARD the out­ of union labor. They see in it the while Mr. Dewey, being the younger, alohe of the returning servicemen standing value! Buy a dependable WIZARD and evidence of revolt against regimenta­ would do it because his heart is in it. but also Of thè' country they went POCKET SAVINGS NOW! tion within union ranks and an indi­ forth to defend. 51 Plates No. 1C Case— Insurance Specialist. F. R. Bull, s 45 Plates No. 1 Case— cation that individual union mem­ 1 The Legion advocates “employment for '37-39 Chevrolet, for most Chevrolets bers will deal harshly with autocratic fostered by a system of free enter­ •33-39 Ford V8, Hud­ Dodges, Ford “A" and labor leaders who betray their stew- prise embodying the greatest en- ' son and others. 09820. Plymouths. 09810. ardship of fair administration and couragement to individual initiative impartial justice. Whether or not and to every sort of sound business you think this too optimisitic a view leadership, along with an effective and that labor unions are too firmly implementation of a national pro­ in the hands of professional leaders gram of fair and impartial treatment With t-Year Guarantee to be readily extricated by the indi­ for both management and labor.” vidual members, it does seem true Of unquestioned patriotism, from that the seed has been sown and that' a background both military and pa­ I the judgment of Samuel Gompers rental, and with a quarter-century of will have been vindicated. v experieifce behind it, the Legion speaks—end makes sense! * i Rxohange A declaration of principles for con­ There is a WESTERN GIANT to Insurance specialist. T. R. Dull. fit your car ... . PRICED LOW! stitutional government made by a TRADE NOW! group of reputable citizens in the U. state of Florida has attracted wide attention in the business world. Dn. Witcosky & Crawford These principles embody states right, Phone 141J Phono MCJJ freedom from fear and compulsion, VETERINARIANS limited federal taxes, promotion of Standard of California HARRY M. JOHNSON, Prop.,-Authorized Dealer . individual initiative, free enterprise, Coquille. Oregon U Í5S South Taylor, Coquille and withdrawel of government from Timely Topics OH BROTHER! MCBMCMBM TORACE ISTMBMIM CAL CARIASI $1.00 ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY 18-Month Guaranteed Wizard NEWS by LOWELL THOMAS P.M DON LEE-MUTUAL Western Giant Super Power Battery Otite