PAGI futi THE COQUILLE VALIA Y MENTI NEL, COQUILLE. CUÛON, THURSDAY, AUGUBT ti. 1944. ■-BW1 JU'------ ----------------------- 1----- j~ Items Abouilocal Boys In Service | Letter From Ken Red Cross Unit Not Lane inS.W. Pacific To Meet This Week I Belle Knife Hospital meat of a badly fractured leg. Mrs. H. M. Dupell, of North Bend, was admitted for treatment on Tues­ day. X Dismissals the past week were Santos Vargos and Jimmie Oden last Friday, Mrs. Carl Briggs on Sunday, Earl Avery and Chas. Beyers on Mon­ day Smith, of Bowers, under- went an appendectomy last Thurs Patterson Chaney Coquille Red Cross will not hold Rs day. Following is the letter recently re­ Dick Avery Helps Keep who Archie Martin, _____ of , Riverton, . ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane regular meeting on Friday, Sept. 1, Now In Normandy Them Flying Over Europe • from their son, Kenneth, who is in due to the fact that a number of the suffered a skull fracture when he Private Richard B. Avery, son of Patterson Chaney, private first the Navy on a vessel operating in the I regular workers are planning to leave fell on the curb, last Saturday night Mrs. I-ela Avery of Coquille, and class in the quartermaster corps, has southwest Pacific: ; town on Friday to remain away over was brought to the hospital. who at one time wds employed on been in Normandy since early in Hubert McFarlin, ef Bandon, and Labor Day. the Sentinel, has been in England since July. Prior to this he saw a lot of T Alarm Clocks repaired bdirue< The next meeting date will be John E. Leeper, of Arago, each un­ Dear Parents: I have been in­ last fall. He is one of the trained England and Scotland where, to his der's Jewelry. Men's Wedding Ring» derwent tonsilectomies on Monday. tending to write for several days but ‘Sept. 8, from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m., in mechanics which are the backbone great enjoyment, heawas able to see . tfg Mrs. W. J. Baines, of Fairview, was in stock. haven't seemed to be able to get ¡Guild Hall. Yarn wi 1 be ready for of the "Ninth Air Force which is giv­ the f)ne old cathedrals and had the distribution; cut-out articles for brought to the hospital on Monday around to it. ‘ , '7 ing the Nazis so much discomfort opportunity to sketch some of the As I can't think of anything to home or workroom sewing will be for treatment of arm and other se­ and trouble daily over Europe. countryside. In Prance he is with an write about, I will tell you of a little ready and the general work table rious injuries she received when a Getting there "fustest with the evacuation hospital outfit, is in good ■ will be available for those who deer jumped in front -of the car which trip I took the other day. mo ¡teat” is an old Yank custom that spirits, has' obtained some French Mrs. Baines ? was driving, on Fair­ h Some time ago, some of us bought crochet or sew. is being carried on today by the water colors and gets in some occa-f Mrs. D. B. Keener, chairman of view mountain^ and forced it oft Ninth Air Force Service Command sional painting. Pat has been gone ,• a native canoe. It is 18 feet |png, 125.00 to $30.50 I production, wishes to thank the fol­ the road. ( with an 18 in. beam, dug out of a log. to support air offensives over the from here since last December. Dorothy Pedro, Coquille, and Per ­ A person always thinks of a dugout lowing women who assisted during French battle fronts. Its shuttling as being a crude sort ot boat, but her absence: Mesdames K. P. Law- na Brault, of Riverton, each under­ cargo planes and truck convoys move Sgt. Harry Smith Somewhere they have a lot ot wonderful work­ ■ rence, G. B. Howe, and J. A. Berg; went major operations on Monday mountains of equipment according to In France For Second Time manship put into them. The aides also those who continued their reg- and Jas. L. Frazier, of Coquille, an I the needs of medium bomber and appendectomy the same day; Sgt. Harry D. Smith, writing to his ,’of ours are only about one-half inch jitter work, contributed yarn, etc. I fighter groups. Its work-shops of­ 112.50 to 195.00 thick. Two men can easily carry | — ----------------------- Frank Flam, of Bandon, who was parents here, Mr. And Mrs. W. z B. fer quick repair facilities for aircraft i it but it is so narrow you must sit Golf Club Notes shearing sheep on his ranch, suffered nt huge depots or in the field. And Shepard, says to tell all his friends , flat in the bottom to keep in upright,; the mighty roar of Ninth Air Force “helio" for him and that he hopes to and then it takes lots of practice.' The group from Myrtle Point and a broken hip when an automobile hit the he was Coquille which calls themselves the.— —. fence - — near — ■ which —-— engines over France today assured be seeing them soon. He is with a Allied troops of secure air support is Quartermaster Salvage Repair coin­ The position is very tiring. It also i “Lady Golfers," has been meeting ( woYking, caused him to fall. He was proof that Vie old American custom pany and has been overseas since takes a lot of practice before one once a week at the club house for brought tp the hospital on Monday, USED FURNITURE On Tuesday Mrs. W. B. Petty, of pays off. ” last November. Novemkfer. Just now he is some- cun paddle" it more than a mile with­ lunch and golf. Last week the ladles Phone 119L Dlck Avery was a C. H. S. gradu- where in France, his second trip out getting out to rest. ' But it is veby held a business meeting and elected Bandon, was admitted for treatment ate in day, 1940, and had been bu.i- across the channel Jrom England. Two men can keep up with the -Mrs. R. C. Bowers, of Myrtle Point, and A. I. King, of Powers, for treats . .. ... —.___ ... slower outboard motor boats. president; Mri. Frank Martin, of Co­ ness manager of the Hi-Times. Be­ Before being sent over he was sta- Well, ,another fellow and myself quille, vice president, and Mrs. Ver­ - fore entering the service in Jan., 1942, tioned at Camp White here in Ore- got tdro days off and started to visit non Estelle, of Myrtle Point, secre­ he was llhotype operator on the Etna, gon. a native village on another island, tary and treasurer. -The group has Calif., Western Sentinel. Mrs. Avery about 15 miles from here, but the had many pleasant days together and is living with her parents In Tucson, Coquille Valley Boy 1 way we had to go, following the coast I will continue as long as the good Ariz. Missing Since July 15 line to avpld as much open water as . weather lasts. to choose from Hans are in the According to official war notifica­ possible, made it further. We stopped < ‘ making for bridge afternoons for Pvt. Floyd Smith Here ’, tion, given the Sentinel by Mrs. Wm. to rest several times on the way and ¡those who do not play golf. The V On A D-Day Furlough Knabe of Scottsburg, their daughter, look at Jap defenses. Some places!, course is now in excellent shape. the guns are still as the Japs left Private Floyd B. Smith, whose wife Mrs. Betty Spry, the former Betty Several Sets Available with Twin Beds t ' ■" '"•r ' ’ them, with tons of ammunition lying I 1 ( is the former Anha Holmstrom, came Knabe of Arago, has received notice around them but the Japs didn’t go I Coquille Grange that her husband, Pvt. Wm. H. Spry, in last Friday from Camp Roberts, anywhere. I picked up a .Jap skull ■ ®,x new members of the Orange /■ where he had just finished his basic has been missing since July 15, the with'a piece of shrapnel still sticking were initiated at the regular meeting last action, against the enemy in training in Field Artillery. He has a in it. v i 1“,t Friday evening. They were Mr. nine-day furlough, which he is spend­ which he was engaged. The notice i Well, we approached the village !and Mrs. Geo. Gosline, Mr. and Mrs. did not say whether it was in Europe • ing at Mrs. Holmstrom's home. When in action, in the afternoon. There was not a, Frank Schram, Mrs. Sue Aiken and he leaves here he is to report at the or not that young Spry was soul In sight anywhere and we were ®4rs. Maud Dean. Army Camp Robinson in .Arkansas, “ about to decide the place was de- I The refreshment committee served When he resided in Coquille Floyd Franlt True In From serted when we heard a drum begin , m®i°na “nd coffee, from an attractively was employed at the Fitzgerald Ser­ Fkrragut Last Week to beat and after that we saw twodecorated table, on which the Victory vice Station and later at the Smith Frank True, son of Mr. and Mrs. natives on the beach. We' began to °wden idea was carried out with plant. train- wonder what a reception use of and ferns. The F: C. True, who had been in _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ kind ____ of _ _____ r___ , we _ vegetables _ ing as a Navy Signalman at Farragut, would get but found they were all iconunlttee consisted of Mr. and Mrs. ncy wvix au -------------- ------------------------- • —— • ~ ——— George Stewart, Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Wai- They are are Seventh Seventh Day Day Geor 8e Stewart, Wal­ Electric Fence Units, ¿14.78 and Idaho, for the past nine months, came aS church. They up. Will work on 110-volt line, or in last week for a few days at home! Adventists and quite religious. The|ter Laird and Elsie Wheaton. hot shot battery, or automobile bat­ , and left Saturday for San Bruno, women all wore mother hubbards.' .................. tery. Also Hot-Shot Bateries for j Calif.; for further training and as- They are awfully careful about their I We carry a complete tine of V- sale. Geo. F. Buft* Motor. 18tfs signment to duty. eating white man’s food, afraid it, Belts for_all makes of Refrigerators, —> might have pork in it. ¡Washing Machines and other equip- ■ They were very friendly and gavefment. Washer Service Co. Sts w. 0 Phone 17. us a hut to ourselves to stay in [ Front, “ ‘ Coquille. ~ ~ 1 and when we shared our food with 9 them, they would have given us the SCHOOL SUPPLIES whole village. They gave us a lok A| NORTON'S of shell beads, polished shells and * * 7 ‘cat’s eyes. Nothing that amounted - to anything but the best they had. I I will send some of it home. , After supper one of them broke | out a home-made guitar and we sat u around a fire and they played until ' about midnight. I i •F' The next morning we shoved off |' and arrived back at our ship that' | evening, tired, sore and stiff. It was 1 . the first time in fifteen months that j | I Circulators Ranges Brooks' r 24 Bedroom Suites $54.50 to $268.00 16 Only, extremely coiiifortabe SWING ROCKERS with Springs $49.50 and $54.50 Purkey Furniture slob your lTROUBl£S befo« I r Dillard Market they * I L INSPECTION I Careful, quick and complete! Our I are trained tire specialists 1 ? inspectors — they locate small cuts and breaks I and faults that you might miss. I I ¿CORRECTION i I Wo give you reliable service at reasonable cost —coned air pres­ I sure. check wheels and brakes, put I tires and car in condition for low-cost I long mileage. I I 3. PROTECTION I Don't guess — don't gamble! H your tires are smooth, ask us When to I RECAP. It is too lake when the tread a is wom into the fabric. You pay no ■ more for G oodyem extra - mileage i HECAmsa. ■ J I had spent a night away from the I ship. • > The war seems to be going along favorably but the end doesn't seem to be in sight yet. I I am in perfect health and am in no danger, so don’tworry about me. 1 I —Love, Ken. I | ------------------ ,------- ‘ Jap Flag Received From Sgt. Carl Wilson In Pacific Mrs. Bertha Wilson is showing to her friends a Jap flag of some kind which her son, Sgt. Carl Wilson, cap­ tured or found on New Guinea. He had been trying since last May to se­ cure permission to forward it to her and only recently was he able to clear it through the mails. Carl is a grandson of that Coos county pioneer, Dan Wilson, and he has been in Australia, on New Glinea and in the southwest Pacific since two years last Apri|. He writes that he will be due for a furlough before long. Ray Taylor In Hospital On Hawaiian Islands * Alfred Taylor, of 137 South Beach, Attention drivers1. 7 Coquille, has received word that his son, Ray, a graduate of Coquille High and now serving with the Ma- rines'ln the Pacific, is now in a hos­ pital at Hawaii, receiving treatment for shock concussion. Ray is a pharmacist mate, but the communi­ cation did not say at which one of the Marine engagements with the Japs he was injured. tew “Blimp” Hurlbutt Now At Army Air Base In China UifM to •eedyeer's "UUfTf TO YOUTH" Taesdey. (iteti—), fTtoeJ Southwestern Motors Goodyear "Store 352 So. Hall Phone 184 A letter from Mrs. Ralph Hurlbutt, who now resides in Springfield, says -that their son, Private First Class Donald “Blimp” Hurlbutt, a gradu­ ate of Coquille High, who has been » in the Army Air Corps in Africa and India, is now stationed at a base in China and is a member of the crew on one of the B-28 Super Bdhnber Fortresses: . * z’ . ■ - ■ . Keys made for all kicks. Stevens Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. tf j Specials Thürs., Fri., Sat £££ Prem or Tang Lunch Meat 36c LIBBY'S TOMATO SUCES 01. Jar 15c COFEEE Hills Red, Golden West or M. J.B. lb. jar 31 c ViilAfISV Pure Cider Gal. A dn Winebag Bring Container BISQUICK The Easy Way Pork & Beans _____________ , , , _______________ , SYRUP Wellman's MAYONNAISE Ige. pkg. Festival No. 2V2 tin 34c 19c 74 oz. jugs 29c 1 33c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CANTALOUPES. Dillard Quality - lb. 7c TOMATOES Fancy Dillard No. l's box $1.19 Elbertas and Hales PEACHES and Bartlett PRICES [lUGHW PEARS in apple boxes 4- - • I-