The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 31, 1944, Image 1

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    IM' »
19-Year Old Boy
Being Held hi ■
Coquille City Jail.
Next Monday Is
Labor Day —
Go To The Fair
Curry County
Powers Couple
Killed In 200
Foot Drop Sunday ;r
Lamb To Visit New Dealers
. —i..
City Organizing
For Waste Paper
Salvage Drive
,, -— •
Practically all places of business
in Coquille wilt be clbeed «text Mon­
day, Sept. 4, permitting a general
Recognizing the culprit from the exodus to Myrtle Point, where the
How their 17-year old son, who
A concerted effort and drive by
description given him by the State third and last day of the Coos A was driving the car, ever survived the
local organizations to insure that
Police, Chief Robt. H- Creager ar­ Curry Counties Fair will be attract­ 200-foot drop which killed Mr. and
Coquille does its part in accumulat­
rested a mtyi. clad to,a Naval offi­ ing hundreds and thousands of vis­ Mrs. Charles Alfred Humphrey of
ing and shipping its share of the
cer*» uniform, across the street from itors and sightseers.
Powers earl ly last Sunday morning,
eight million tons of salvaged and
“V that will n«v*r hdb
the Sentinel office last Thursday
The carnival for the fair has al­ is a mystery
waste paper needed' to., the United
morning, and he has since been held ready been set up and is now oper­ cleared up.
States this coming year, will be start­
in the city jail, where he reads all ating, and both the old and neW race
They had taken a friend to China
ed Friday when a meeting of heads
night and sleeps daytimes, ’while hone stalls have already been en­ Flats that morning and the accident,
of organizations is held.
waiting for F.B.I. officials to come gaged.
whatever caused it, occurred about
Amzy Mintonye, to be installed
from Portland and get him.
next month as Legioq Commander;
Christensen Bros, of Eugene who five and one-half miles south of
He is | 19-year old youth, over are furnishing the stock
Dr. C. G. Stem, the past commander,
for the Powers on the road to Illahe.
six feet tall, who is charged with im­ Rodeo, say that a great many riders ' State Police Officer Tally, who as­
and Mrs. Geo. H. Chaney, paper sal­
personating an officer and who is' of the Pacific Northwest will be com- sisted to bringing the bodies up to
vage committe chairmafi of the
I the highway, said that it was neces­
wanted in , Washington
Woman's club, have sponsored the
_ for theft of a ___
__ , prize
___ ______
ear to IMS. His name is Martin E r Allan from MUea clty calf roper
sary to use ropes, that the cliff waa
call and the effort will be made to
Maher, but he has a dozen or more dog<er; Jack Sherman from Kiamath so steep they could not be carried up.
save tons of the waste paper which
Identification cards which he has Falls, calf roper; 81 im Thompson from
Just how much of the fajl was
is now being sent to the garbage
evidently stolen here and there.
Baker, bareback horse rider and bull sheer drop, or how often the car hit Bowles, had his picture taken aboard the express car at Marshfield before dump here each week.
The police have checked and learn­ rider; John Scott of Eugene, not to the earth to its downward plunge is
Pledge cards will be distributed to
starting for Washington, D. C. The letter from the Livestock Association,
ed that he purchased the Naval of- __
___ ___ a number
_____ ___
each home in the city, with a space
of local entries not known, but the auto is too com­ addressed to Mr. Bowles, appears on page seven of this issue.
pletely wrecked to be worth hauling I
fleer uniform at a Portland atone,
Coos and Curry counties.
left for designation of what service
man, the waste paper is given for,
Friday, Sept. 1, will be entry day up for salvage.
In some way the son, Donald Leltoy
and it is hoped that Coquille can
for exhibits and the horses, and will
ship a goodly number of tons by the/
give people a chance to look over Coats, had managed to get up to the
time the Legion drive closes on Sept..
the Rodeo stock. The Rodep proper road, to a semi-conscious condition
By Bob Harrison
will start on Saturday, Sept. 2, and and suffering from shock, and was
on a forenoon of a mid- ['
Walter William Winegar, a resident
I The need for waste paper, cartons
wiU last through Sunday and Labor passed by O. U Wood and Rttaw
of Coquille for six years, passed away - — - --------- —---------- when
------- the
— • ~~
and all kinds w
of paper is acute ~~
¡a ride they drove right by and did at his home here at five minutes be- little town of Coquell City was set [the following extracts from a bulletin
not even see whore the car had left fore midnight, Tuesday. He had boon | »bustle by the deep blast of a marine f,ent from the War Food Administra­
the highway.
te ill health for some time and was craft whistle, and on rushing out to tion office to Washington give some
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhule, who had forced to give up his position aa tele- the water front, the curious eyes of idea of why the aalvage is needed
stopped to view the scenic beauty of grapher at the S. P. depot here a year the populace could see the dingy and what the condition to stores'
i grey
craft, as it camo plowing up, a wrapping paper and bags stocks is
the hills and canyon, were the ones
! who saw the car lying to the chasm
Funeral arrangements, which are in great white spray at its bow, while likely .to be unless America does
and called the police.
charge of the Gano Funeral Home, the deep, heavy throb of its engine, wake up and save its whale paper:
Mr. Humphey, 43, is the third will not be completed until the arri­ and the billows of black smoke that War Needs Come First
Packing and packaging of supplies
Sept. 1, 3 and 4. to see Coos county’s member of his family to meet a val of his children who are able to rolled from the huge stacks, showed
vioMit death; his father/ Chauney ®<*ne.
her to be an eld “salt" from the briny for shipment to men on the fighting
own show.
Humphrey, having been killed to a
Mr. Winegar was born to Sloan, deep, and true enough, it was the
(Continued on page three)
logging railroad accident near Powers Iowa, Dec. 28, 1884, and was eight old tug Thistle, a “whale back” or
30 years ago, and his brother, S. I m months and one day past 5# years of double ender, with the drooping bow
waa killed by a dynamite
age. He had been an agent-tele­ and stem. After some backing and
near Powers nine years age
grapher for railroad companies since hauling, the craft was finally tied up
Mrs. Humphrey, 48, was t
ha was 17 years of age, and had to the city dock and all the stir and
to the
“One of the finest Rotary parties ter of Mrs. Mabie Quick of
handled the telegraph key at the bustle soon died down to normalcy
> will yef given” is U m unanimous designa­
The suuwnir’i warmest day to Co­
(tepot bare since coming to C/vaaii» «nd toe big show .waa oft, aud every­
was on Tuesday this week
tion of the Coquille Rotary club’s
■rtiey are also survived by
in 1938, until forced to retire. He body went home.
the fall
when when the recording thermome­
party given at Laurel Lake children, ranging in age from 3 tei hod been employed
~ - i
ter. aoVfeet above the ground and
hursday evening at which 17 years. Three of them were Mrs. > western in Iowa and the Rock Island
than 100 were present, includ­ Humphrey's children by ' a farmer : in Colorado
T-~ before - - coming
______ "...
of Gold Beach, and waa out on a on the north side of the house, showed
Principal and Hoc ing Lions ijlub members end other marriage, Donald Coates being osw | I
R. J
He is survived by his widow, Ma- misalon, looking for laborers, to work 82H degrees. This was 3H degrees
guests, who enjoyed Rotarian hospi­ of them; two were Mr. Humphrey's belle Winegar; three sons, Leland of In the fish cannery at Ellensburg on higher than the 79 of a few weeks
by a former marriage, and they Were j Seattle; Kenneth, who waa to the the Rogue River, of which R. D. agp. On Monday the maximum was
The tables had been arranged near the parents of the other two,
[Army Air Corps and is now apris- Hume was the general manager at 78 and yesterday it was 72.
minimum at night the past week was
the J. A. Barg cottage and Rotarian
Later information to that Donald oner of war in Germany; Harold, a that time. The word soon got around
committees had devoted considerable probably was thrown from the ear ' seaman first class in the Navy, who and quite a few of the unemployed 47, five or six degrees below the
minimums of the previous two weeks.
time that day to have things to readi­
“has been to the south Pacific and was about the city Went to and signed up
The barometer Tuesday night was
ness for the arrival of the guests and
expected home on leave In about a
members between 8 and 7 p. m.
week. A fourth son, Curtto passed Bogue, at the, top wage of 31.30 per bdlow 30 and the little sprinkle of
rain thia morning gives cause for hope
It was a most delicious meal to
day, with found.
sway to March, 1942.
which all did full justice. The nine
By mid-afternoon, when the ship that the rains may quickly put an
He to atoo survived by three daugh­
salmon, the piece de resistance of
ters, Mrs. Catherine Smith, of Port­ was scheduled to sail, quite a num- end to the danger 6f serious fires in
the dinner, had been caught by Jack
I land; Mrs. Dorothy Trindle, of Over­ ber had signed, among whom were the woods.
The humidity was so low Tuesday
Rankin, Bob Greene and Hode
land, Kansas, and Miss Helen Wine­ Joe Waltermier, George Gay, Nels
that logging crews were laid off that
Caughell out in the ocean, and they
gar, who lived with her parents;
(Continued on page five)
were taken hot from the bakery oven
also by three grandchildren.
................. ,r
here and warmed up upon arrival at
Mr, Winegar was a member of the
the picnic ground. The salmon were
Church of Christ and of the Masonic
only a part of the menu which was
execellent in every respect.
It waa a delightful evening out of
One of the most remarkable series
doors and when darkness began to
County Clerk Oddy has received
Ed Parent, manager of the Western
of pictures ever shown in Coquille from the Secretary of State’s office
fall many card games were started in Condensary plant, just east of the
the cabin, some of which did not river bridge here, where the fire
was the one by Wm. Zledrich at the in Salem a certified copy of the meas­
Stewart, Social Science
Rotary club luncheon at the hotel ures to be voted upon at the Nov. 7
break up till after midnight.
department was called at 11:30 laat
A telegram from Maxwell Dixon to
logman. Mathematics.
Friday night, says that the damage Mr». M 0. Hawkin» Monday told of Wednesday. The photographs were election, and of the list of candidates
Elfleda Endsley, Gen Set, Girls To Celebrate Sth Birthday
in color and were thrown on a screen whose names will appear on the
to the roof cost less than 3100 to1
the passing last Saturday night of an­ by a rather complicated projector and
Phy. Ed, Spelling
other Cooa county pioneer, one who depicted many beautiful scenes to
<, Ruth Shaw, English snd Library. With Groat Grandmother
With the need to get the ballots
Mr, and Mrs. M- O. Hawkins left
had lived to Loa Angeles tor many California, New Mexico, Montana,
Ellen Arrell, Reading snd Health.
printed earlier thig year so that they
last evening tor Weott, 30 miles the plant was operating as usual years.
may be airmailed to boys in the ser­
bv th. .trikm J
,,nnle O- D1XOn* Idaho, Wyoming and Old Mexico.
Hasel Hanna. Principal. 5th grade. south of Eureka, Calif., taking their
Evan Al bom, dhairman of commit­ vice overseas, who have requested
Lehnh^ wai
Mrs. Marlon E. Barton, 3th grade.
laat tee to arrange for the publication of ballots, it will be necessary to have
that he might celebrate hjs fifth of a blower propkller on a pteee of y,. owner of the land ln the
Jane Creager, 4th grade.
' a folder advertising the recreational the ballots printed this year just as
birthday, a« he had eaoh preoeding
century, on which the city of Myrtle and business features of trie Coquille
Lavtola Peart, 4th grade,
quickly as possible after the Septem­
one, with his great grandmother, Mrs. dust ooljeetor room which started the Point stands. He laid out the town ..Valley, was present and made an ap­
V|o|a Min tony e, 3rd grade,
ber 22 deadline for independent
George Fattiaon, who |s coming from
and was its founder.
Althea Harrah, 3rd grade.
peal for pictures to be used on the candidate filing.
fire department soon had everything
Dorothy Page Fisher, Ind grade.
project- A committee was named to
Applications for ballots from Coos
easton. Mrs Fattiaon, who 1» 85 under control.
to the Coquille and Myrtle Point co-operate.
Arlene Robertson, Ind grade.
county voters now in the service
Florence Breedlove, let grade,
Fred Horne, of the interclub com­ total 625 at present and more are
company intends to install a system Angeles has made a trip up here
■father, Thomas Gimmick,
Gladys Cook, 1st grade, ,
mittee of the Marshfield-North Bend being received daily.
-- — ...j........... .
nearly every year. She was M of club, offered the full cooperation of
Helen Thomas, Remedial.
eliminate any further 'Hanger of a 85 years of age.
Due to ths change of the high Thos, Dungey Funeral Services
his club in any interclub matters.
fire from explosion of the dust which
Her husband, W. L. Dixon, was
school schedule, It is necessary to add Held At Gano Funeral Home
Other Rotarian guests were Judge
is a hazard tn that kind of a
buried in the Myrtle Point cemetery Da| M. King and Jesse Clinton, of
another teacher to the high school
The Sentinel owes Mrs. Gladys densing operation. •
several years ago and she is survived Myrtle Point, and R. H. Bennett, of
faculty for Library and English. Thia
Gano an apology, which it hereby
by two sons. Maxwell and Don Dixon,
position is not filled at the present
makes, for not stating to last week’s
Wednesday's mall, via the South­
both of Loe Angeles, A daughter had
lime but it is hoped that a full roo­
Other guests were Brick Leslie, ern Pacific from Eugene, did not
issue that the funeral services for
preceded her |n death,
ter of teachers will be on hand for the I
Geo A, Ulett, Fred W. Ingham, and reach Coquille until four o'clock in
the late Thomas Dungey were held
opening day.
Dr. J. D, Rankin, of Coquille; A. the afternoon, eight hours late. The
at the Gano Funeral Home, as they
Finds Grandchild More
Langfell, of Marshfield, and R C. delay was caused by *a fallen tree
Davis, of Eugene.
The letter from the Coos-Curry Fun Than Traffic Cases!
The rugh of preparing fop pub­
across the tracks, five miles above
Grandpa Fred Bull is having such
lication on Thursday dup|ng the ffrst Livestock Association, printed on
Reedsport, which caused the engine
thrpe days q( the week occasionally another page of thitf issue, about the a grand time with his grandson,' Bruce The F. S. Emerys Here
to jump the rails. The engtne did
is responsible for inexcusable errors lamb surplus in the Pacific North­ Lattto, that it's fortunate there have
not turn over nofr were any of the
Someone turned |n » fiye aiaw» as this one was.
west has had some effect and the been no justice court cases for him From Elgin A Few Days
passengers injured.
s|)out 8:34 o'clock fast evening, which
Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Emery and
fact that O.FA. director, Chester to hear the past week. Mr. and Mrs.
,_______ .J-... „
Bull , ’s daughter,
palled the department opt fo 8|xth August Tax Collections
also given
____ waa
_ the
_ facta ____
____ , Mrs.
____ ____
___(Miss Betty came to last Thursday df- Boy Our Thieves From So. •
Street, Where a gras» fire w»8 smol­
l.w was
— „■
in the ,,W(,.|
—— a aww
few vaaa^aa
days . come back
..... Roseburg
_ to make ternoon from Elgin Ore. and left
Amounted to |3|,9|&48
-__ -----
_____ —
—___ who
dering in the w«t bottoms, across the
ago, helped to bring
the OP.A _____
her - home - here.
Mr. - Lattin,
was [again
¡again Monday
Monday morning
morning for-
for home.
home California Being Held Here
II, . r, rl 3 4
----- —3* as
A. O. Walker, for the Coos Ttt decision Wednesday to validate a a member of the State Police will Furb timed
Three southern California boys,
street and down the hll| from the
his vacation so he could
Department, made the turnover of spare 10-potet ration stamp for lamb enter the Navy Sept. 7. -—
Consolidated Freight depot.
, oe here
uvrv tor
iw the
ore Rotary
nuvauy party
1'J at picked up to- Curry county,
to the Coos county
George Oerding had Issued a fire August collections to County Troaa- ’ purchases ln the Northwest.
The [
.¡Laurel Lake Thursday evening and----
— —
„ . jail
— on
_ he and Mr. and Mrs. Monday where they are being held
The stamp is good beginning next Sunday
department permit to do the burning urer Chas. Stauff yesterday.
The B k P W. elub, which
rias Friday evening
—A private
___ ___ re-
_ * OR
__ .—a. . went
— ■ — a down to Gold III
D f officers nrwmm
, been* meeting at
F. v L. Greenough
tu 411
til V F.B.L
come frsw
for iHmm
and the department turned the truck amount so transferred was 332,998.48. and is for a 43-day period.
aroqnd and returned to the city hall
------ -This action, officials said, will per- cently, will resume its regular ses- ' Beach for a couple of days at fishing. They are charged with stealing to
The fire was not spreading, nor
mit extra Iamb purchases of an ap- siona in the Guild Hall next Tuesday, The run had stopped a day or so be- Los Angeles the car they were driv­
threatening to.
the owner having
proximate average at two pounds per Sept. 3. All members am urged to fore they got to the. Rogue and they ing and they are to be prosecuted
piled it up for burning.
< under the Dyer Act.
person during the 49 days.
attend that meeting.
bad no luck.
W. W. Winegar
Died Tuesday
Those Who WUI
Teoch This Year
Rotary Party One
Of Best Ever
Season's Warmest
82l/2 On Tuesday
Ziedrich's Pictures
Shown At Rotary
$100 Covers Loss
At Condensary Fire
Absentee Ballot
Requests Over 625
Coos Pioneer
Passes In California
Fallen Tree
Delays Mail
More Lamb Can
Now Be Purchased
Just A Grass Fire
Last Evening
x m