Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward und Gerald and Mr. and Mr* Stanley Haltes and Mrs. Ida Myer* drove to Port Orfqrd ia*t Tuesday evening and were dinner guest* of Mr. and I awrence Barklow. Mr*. Gene Robison gave birth to a boy at the Mast hospital in Myrtle Point last Tuesday by Caesar­ ian operation. The young lad weighed eight pounds and a few ounces and has been named Larma Gene. Both mother and babe are doing nicely. Mr. and Mr*. Frank Herker and family,, of Rink Creek, moved last Saturday into their new home on Fishtrap, which they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Knabe several , month* ago and which they., have been repairing. ' ; Frank Lane and Mrs. Althea Har­ rah took Mr*. Lane to North Bend last Tuesday. She entered the Mercy Hospital there for medical treatment 'and she will remain for a while. Mr. and Mr*. Ward Evans, Pamela and Maureen and their guests, Mr. ............. _. ... ___ _ and Mr*. R. D. Even* of Everett, Wash., and Dona and David Moomaw. enjoyed a picnic dinner on the Han- don beach last Thursday. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans and Pamella and Maureen, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Evans drove to Myrtle Point and were dinner guests of Mr. .Democrats Met Here Sunday. The first Democratic get-together , was held in the Circuit Court room here Sunday when precinct commit­ and enjoyed a picnic dinner there. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kellison and teemen and women and candidates Choir practice was held Thursday' Bobby came in from Sixes Saturday for several of the office* to be filled afternoatrat the home of Mrs. O. H. evening and spent the night at tbelr at the No. 7 election assembled to greet their state chairman, Henry Aftsen with the following in attend- j home in Arago. I aqce. Mesdames Albert Lillie, Albert I Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow Aiken. County Chairman Fred Bull pre­ Gulstrom, Stanley Halter, .Werner spent the week-end at their home in laep and S. C .McAllister.. Arago, returning to Port Orford Sun- sided and announced the appoint­ Ward Evans and Maureen and R. day evening. T '* ment of Mrs. Alice Lenz as county D. Evane hiked up to the old miU [ Mr. and Mrs. Shelby McAllister, treasurer for the central committee. Fred Dover, congressional candi­ above the Stanley Halter place last Scott and Marc, of Port Orford; Mr. Friday evening. and Mra j E Wannamaugher, of date for this Fourth district; Geo. H: Chaney, candidate Cor state senator Alien, Mayre Lee and Howard Laf- Bandon, and Mr*. Ella Lawson, of ior Coo* and Curry counties; Karl ferty returned to their home in Rose- ! Woodland, Calif., and Mrs. Bill burg last Tuesday after visiting at Marsh, of Phoenix, Arizona, were Steiner, candidate for state represen­ tative for Coo* and Curry district, the home of their grandparents, Mr. i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. and Cha*. Forrest, Coo* county as­ and Mrs. George Hampton, for aev- S. C. McAllister. Mrs. Lawson is a eral days. " cousin of Mr*. Warmamaugher and sessor, all addressed the meeting and outlined the platforms on which they The Robison reunion was held last Mr. McAllister. would seek the voters' support at the Sunday at th« home of Mr. and Mrs. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Charl^ Griffith, election. .. George Robison with quite a large Clark, Tommy, Loretta and Mary Ann crowd gathered to enjoy the day. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Mr »nd Mrs. Avoi» Wilcox, Willis, and Mrs. Ralpfl Cameron in Coquille. Marjorie, visited at the Mrs. Charles Griffith received word Aug. 17—Vito Bonando, of Lo* An­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller last Tuesday, of the death of her brother, Sunday Sunday evening. , Cpl. Robert Gilbert, in an Army hop­ geles, and Hattie Parker, of Marsh­ field. They were married the same Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were pital in California. day by Rev. G. H. Newland at hi* Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr*. home on the Bay. , Frank Fish in Coquille. . ,, ----- Mr. and Mr». Wayne Woodward and per a Id and Mrs. Ida Myers were The Grange is . sponsoring a com­ Wednesday evening, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg at Nor­ munity picnic to be held Sunday, Aug. 27 at LaVerne Park. Everyone way. Gerald Woodward left Thursday is invited. Coffee, cream and sugar noon for Eugene, where he took the iwill be furnished by Grange. Bring train for Texas. He will be taking basket dinner and have a good time., Games ’and swimming will be the en­ advanced training for a short time tertainment. there. , . * Gail and Bobby Brewer spent three j Mr. and Mrs. Frazier Hoffman, of Myrtle Point, called at the home of days at the Benham home last week. They accompanied their mother to| Mr. and Mrs. S, C. McAllister last Reedsport Sunday and brought back • Wednesday. Miss Frances Hall, of McMinnville, I company to spend the week with came in last Friday evening for a j them. Mr*. Mabel McKinley, of Sacra­ visit at the home of her sister aqd family, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Plaep mento, visited at the T. H. Benham Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mr. and Mrs. home last week. Mrs. McKinley is a CREAM O’COOS j T 8 s . Benham. She went 8. C. McAllister and Mrs. Werner [cousin cou,ln of M “f Plaep and Miss Frances Hall at- l^“a_r!h“l‘d._ ~ ’i “ a? r r. afternoon to tended the voeal recital given by j visit and left on her return to Sacra­ Miss Marvel Skeels in Coquille last mento Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and Friday evening. ohildrep, of Gravelford, called at1 Mr- and Mr*. W. L, Dority and JDougias Shriver, of North Bend, 'Bill Noah’s Saturday. They were ac- I epent the week-end visiting at the companjed to their home by Dorene home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mason , Frye, who wtH visit several day*. y , Fireman l/c Bill Noah surpriaed > and family. . of hl* parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Wm. North, Mr- and Mrs. Oliver Myers, Myrtle Point, were Saturday eve- by stepping in on-them Wednesday ’ ning visitors at the home of Mr*. Ida evening. He ha* a nine-day leave, He bates came to San Francisco direct from ' Myer*. < The young folk* heM their choir the South Pacific, Mr. and Mrs.' Andy Parka and the church last Wednea- , day evening with Mrs. Jake Moomaw, Glenda Clinton made a trip to Rose­ David and Dona entertaining. After burg Sunday to look for fruit. They ■ are taking order* for tomatoes and i a short practice, game* were played peaches now, (and refreshment* were served to the Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Stevenson, of following: Misses Pamela and Mau- Coquille, and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. seen Evans, Glenda Lillie, Thelma and Nola Crawford, Geraldine Holy­ Ryan were guests Sunday at the cross and bona Moomaw and Messrs. Charles Geitner home. Several Boy Scout* from Coquille Junior and Darwin Gulstrom, Ken­ camped over the week-end at La­ neth Dority and David Moomaw. Misses Thelma and Nola Crawford Verne Park. Among them were the gave a party at their home last Satur­ Stevenson boy*. The 4-H girls will enter biscuit* as day evening with the following guests present: Misses Dona Moomaw, Ger­ their project at the County Fkir. They are under the leadership of Mrs. aldine Holycross, Pamela and Nola Crawford, Glenda Lillie and the Cortland Kills. Rev. John M. Falconer arrived i Messrs. Junior and Darvdn Gulstrom, Thursday evening at the home of Darrell Holycross, and Kenneth Do­ rity. Games were played and the his niece and family, Mr. and Mrs Cortland *£111*. He lives In Kan»a» I hostess served candy, nuts, punch, City, Kansas, where hf (* pastor of cookies and ice cream. * The' regular annual Sunday school the Baptist chupch on Ruby avenue. He, Mrs. Roy Morfen and her father, pienje will be he|d at {he Bandon John Falconer, were guest»' Bunday ■ beach Friday, Aug. 25. Everyone |s emulile coptyapy jnvj|ed- Anyone wishing a at th* Philip Je««en home. They rieje |s asked to 0« ^t the church at planned to |egve far Seattle Wednes­ - - 10:20 a. m ap 7, 1944. Virgie ingptpi wa« W» Tuesday ap­ pointed administratrix of the $500 estate left by Loren R. Ingram, who died in a Jap prison camp, May 11, 1943. F. C. Hudson, C. G. Canghell and Leo J. Cary will act as apyra^era. The same ^hret; will appraise this $1,000 estate left by Margaret W. Myers, who died at Myrtle Point July 20, 1944. J. Arthur Berg ^aa named as administrate^, up Tuesday. Pimples Disappeared Owe Weht ß. B. HOWE Wholesale Distributor Ph°np 11$J. Oguill«, Orycqn Your local representative for STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA i Distributora, Coquille