m OOQtfflXf VALiJY 8ENTINEL. COQVI1XR. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 84, 1944. _----- ii------- j ....... ....... ■ff CLASSIFIED O m cam^a WerdMBseh BOY SCOUTS—We have mess kits, FOR SALE—17-jewel Bulova Mans'kJ WristWatch. See Gene Johnson at i canteens, pup tents, FARR & EL­ WOOD. s a „, I ™ jKedS cum. ... j Concert Enjoyed 1 j. «nffMaeff<*f------------- I Pioneer Methodist Church SL J umi ’ Episcopal Church Corner E. 3rd * EHtott Sta I The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar For Refrigeration Service phone FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, 3 1st and 3rd— , (Conpnued from Page One) shop, 1MJ; write Box 3S7, Co- rooms and bath, oil circulator, gas 9:00 a. m. Holy Communion with e«<&... “If Available, we’ll get ran*, and automatic water heater, companist, Bobby Bu^nC* is quoted as I it” Garnier’s Refrigeration quiet residential Section. See saying, *!t was gootf French, easily sermon. 2nd, 4th and 5th— Service. 17tfs j B. W. Dunn, 261 S. Heath. Phone understood by French people." In FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room Apt. with bath. Use of Electric Washer. Adults only. .No animal pets. In­ quire 381 So. Henry St. Flora E. 86J. if ?OR 3ALE—’36 Nash Lafayette Se- _ ______________________________ Dunne. dan, good motor and rubber; would FOR »^LE Shetland Pony, guaran- WATER WELL Drilling — Fr^c' llke to buy Pickup or Panel Truck. teed gentle for small children. Can Lee, 507 Clark St., North Bend. 158 S. Hall, Coquille, near Third be seen on Wm. Johnson ranch on Oregon.* Phone 8411. , St., after 4 p. m. It’s Fat Elk. I$rs. Thos. E. Nelson; It’ ELECTRIC DRILL — Mi in. hole CARD TABLES—Yes, we have them. WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both shooter. FARR 8t ELWOOD. a J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s Deep and Shallow Well, Automatic LOST -Hom-rimmed glasses in case, 1H and 3 TON International Trucks last week in Coquille. Reward for available for immediate delivery| p I mpanv P^P' J A return to Hal Stutsman, Bullards, I to farmers and others, subject to ‘ Oregon or leave at Sentinel of­ War Production Board authorize- ARC oi ACETYLENE Welding, any fice. tion for purchase. For particulars, time, anywhere, day or night, Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor 9:48 Sunday School hour. Classes and rooms for all, of all ages. 11:00 Sunday morning worship hour. A special service this morning. 7:80 Youth Fellowship, Senior and Intermediate. - 8:00 Sunday evening worship hour. Organ prelude and song service with a brief message by the pastor. The first of a series on “The Mountain Tops of the Bible.’’ 7:30 Thursday evenings mid-week services. Studying the 9th chapter of Romans. 10:30 The first Thursday of the month is Woman's Society meeting. The church succeeds exactly in proportion to the faithful aervice of its individual members. What have YOU given to help your church? 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. her second group were two numbers, 9:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with ser­ one by Richard Strauss, “Dream in - —' the Twilight,” and the other by Franz mon. Schubert, “Impatience.” These two Wednesday: 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 1 were rendered in German which, of ; course, -adds full advantage to the Church ef Christ j composition without loss contained East 4th 8t Coulter in translation. Liston Parrish, Pastor As Miss Skaels started singlnft “The Lord’s Prayer,” the light went on * Thursday 7:30. Bible Study and inside the suspended cross above the Prayer Meeting. Bible School 9:45? Martha Mui- organ and choir loft. The number was outstanding and so impressive. hey, Supt that several seconds elapsed before Morning worship 11 o’clock. Lord’s see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s. Prince Auto Electric, 290 North there was applause. Probably there Supper. Special music and message FARMERS—If you need a Tractor. Milkers. Haying Machinery, Btec- FOR SALE--“——- j fhone K4M tfs was no greater contributing factor to bY the paator■ Church of God tric Milk Cpoler» or any kind of Intermediate C. E. 8:30. Rocker with leather upholstery. WILL TRADE—Corn cutter or young the success of the concert than the Corner of Henry 8t Seventh Sts. Farm Machinery or Repairs, see Young People's Ç. E. 7:00. Desk Chair, $3.00; Davenport, 82 horse for a Manure Spreader. Bill ability ef the accompanist, Mrs. M. Walter Lee Greer, Pastor us—your McCormick Deering deal­ Evening service 8:00. An informal in. wide, opens into a large bed, Stevens, Myrtle Point, phone 9R12, Hawlllns She th® artist’s Ideal Sunday, Aug. 87 evangelistic service with a message er J. A. LAMB COMPANY. S $38.00. Fruit Jars, small mouth M. P. lt*33s’in oW w,th the 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. by the pastor. Mason, qts. 85c per dozen; Kerr, l " —-------------------- —----------------- — i music but 18nds herself to the singer 11:00 a. m. Worship: sermon, USED CABS WANTED! Monday - Friday, 7:30 - 9:18. Lead- wide mouth, qte. 85c. Presto, pints RENT~’ Room furnished house. always and gives oye^to the artist's “The Perfecting of the Saints.’* SELL your car to us for top O.P.A. ership Training School. Anyone 18 75c, qte. 81.00, with lids, I Ac,r,J“ highway from Smith Wood. interpretation. 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service: ser­ ceiling price. No Red Tape. No I Again In the third groups, the ef- ; invited to 'attend. One-man saw, good, $3.00; Iron C linton, 31 tfs mon, "Sin’s Unrest.” trips to the Ration Board. We take Thursday, Aug. 24 Skillet, $1,00. Liquid Closet Chem- HAVING TROUBLE WITH FLEAS? feet was augmented when In “Ave] care of all details and pay you in The Assembly of God Maria,” the piano accompaniment , Icals. ? U*- 8:00 k>. m. Prayer meeting. , cash the highest price for which Ask us what to use on them. FARR Second and Heath Sts. led a mild sustained background very Story of the' Great War, 8 “For as the rain cometh down, and you can legally sell your car. See & ELWOOD. s L. C. Persing, Pastor delicately executed by Bobby Burns , Collier ’ s Encyclopedia, 10 vol. t -------------- --------------------------------------- the snow from heaven, and returneth LOU BRALY at TRIMZ-ready pasted Wallpaper at on the organ. Two beautiful num- I Si I nnday : 1. S. C. Reference Library. not thither but watereth the earth, Southwestern Motors Used Car Lot Gregg Hardware. s bers followed in the same group with ! 9:48 Sunday School with classes and maketh it to bring forth and bud Violin in ease, water damaged. Coquille Phone 24» Oregon the ofgan accompaniment only. ' for every age. Bertha Byrd, superin- Gas Range - - - $15.00 that it may give seed to the sower 28tfs GOOD SERVICE makes Good In- i The organ group offered by Bobby tendent. Check Writer - - $2.50 and bread to the eater, so Shall my surance I give aervice. F. R. I Burna assisting with the program ' 1'1:00 Morning Worship, WE BUY HIDES — WOOL — CAS­ Camp Cot, folding - - $1.00 word be that goeth forth out of my BuH. ' ( demonstrated his ability aa-a talented I 8:45 Christ Ambassadors’* Hour for CARA BARK — MOHAIR — 10 gal. Stone Jars , . mouth: it shall not return unto me * SACKS—"Farr & Elwood. s Inquire Mrs. Flora Dunne, 381 So. DRAG SAWS In Stock tor IMMEDI- ' musician. Strains