nu coQunx* valley sentinel . corvuxì . oìlég O n . '*--- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1, , T hursday . august m , im. ij _ ii -------- 1--------- are fighting with the allies in jhe ing to the Act of May 24, passed by Electric Fence Units, »14.79 and Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe­ various theatres of war and that the Congress, at the end of a ten-year up. Will work on 110-volt line, or der's Jewelry. Men's Wedding Rings bar against them to discriminatory period, this money if not used, re- hot shot battery, or automobile bat- in stock. tts * b» | and unjust. They do not ask that i verts to the Treasurer of the U. S. tery. Also Hot-Shot Bateries for LANSLKNKVK the bars be let down to ^permit unre- Since the act was passed in 193», sale. Geo. F. Burr. Motor. 18tfs w Insurance Specialist. V. R. Bull. ■ strictad immigration of others from it to natural to assume that the T- Much elation is expressed by game India. . Government wlU get the major por- officials throughout the United States, ' tion of the $150,000, as the .most that due to the increase in the ranks of There to still doubt in the minds of Coos county will receive will be the ducks the past year. They have many observers as to the signifi­ about $65,000 in the coming five- become so enthused regarding this in- cance of a vote in the senaft during year period. _ > I crease.Jhat the season has been ex­ consideration of the reconversion It is therefore proposed by As­ I tended and the bag limit increased. t bill which, on the face of it, would sessor Forrest that Coos county take Î If five mallards, widgeons or pin­ seem to place a majority of the sen­ immediate steps to encourage W H. tails (sprigs) are mixed with the bag, 4 I ators as being opposed to further re­ Horning and the Department of In­ fifteen birds are allowed as a day's 1 strictions on immigration. The vote terior to have this timber cruised as Washington, D. C.. Aug. 24—Care­ came on an amendment offered by a post War project. shooting limit Ten ducks were not enough;- a ful tabulation of bills passed or pend­ Senator Reynolds of North Carolina The cost of the work would amount couple of months season was not ing in the present congress, aside from which reads as follows: “After the 1 to about $75,006 and would be paid enough. The bag limit had to be in­ direct appropriations for the war ef­ date of enactment of this act, and for by the Government and charged creased to 15 ducks and the season fort, shows the astounding total of until the expiration of five years af- to_ the Wagon Road fund. The ex- ____. ____ __ of ___________ extended, making it an 80 day season. fifty billion dollars in IKnual expen- . ter the termination the present penditure would not influence the Why? Because the ducks had in­ diture unless theproposed amounts j war as proclaimed by the president, payment in lieu of taxes to Coos creased in numbers. are cut down or the measures are re- , no immigration visa shall be issued j county ahd would be paid for entirely As the situation to any immigrant.’’ Adoption of this 1 out qf money which would in five What a peach of a time it would jetted outright. be to shorten the season and cut the stands at the present tima,with the amendment would have the effect of years revert to the United States bag limit, or leave it at ten. Thia appropriations made or authorized, abolishing the quota system entirely , Treasurer. would mean a larger increase in the the annual government expenditure i and arbitrarily forbid the entry into I ’ " '¡gtag States of anyone not al­ birds the next season. It would mean Is approximately twenty billion dol- the United We carry a compiete une or V«- that when the boys get home from lars, exclusive of the cost of the war. ready a citizen. There was almost Belta for all make* of Refrigerator«, • their Jobs over there that they would .No peacetime tax system has yet no discussion of the measure and no Washing Machines and other equip- 1 have plenty of birds to go after in- becn proposed which will bring in this roll call, but it was rejected by an went. Washer Service Co. 365 W. stead of depleted flocks, caused by »mount of revenue. overwhelming vote. Front, Coquille. Phone 17. « an extended season and an increased 1 Government Revenues from taxa- —• O—— bag limit. And if disease should tion as of the present approximate An Indication of the opposition > strike the ranks of the birds the com- $45,000.000,0000, but this is on the , which may be expected in the senate j ing season, as it has in the past, con- . basis of a national income of about I to acceptance of the international | wa > ditions would be gltiful. $150,000,000,000. It is not contem- . monetary agreement reached at Bret- [ In the first place, ten ducks are too plated by anyone that th« post-war ton Woods to contained in a letter many for any family, and Just what is income of the federal government can written to President Roosevelt and to be done with 15 of them? The have any such basis, and there is the signed "by 26 senators, including Sen­ time to conserve any specie of game practical certainty that a demand for ators Cordon and Holman of Oregon animals or birds, is when it is plenti­ tax reduction will follow''shortly af­ and Walgren of Washington. Objec- I ful and not war upon it constantly, by ter the cessation of hostilities. These tion to the agreement to based on its 1 creating large bag limits and ex­ reductions cannot be made as soon alleged failure to recognize silver, tended seasons, owing to the fact that as the war ends, of course, but the on a parity with gold in defining the the birds or game had a good breed­ demand cannot long be, ignored. It obligation which shall be assumed by ing or nesting season and happen to is, however, the considered opinion the several nations in establishing be plentiful, really plentiful the first of government officials that tax rates the stabilization fund. While the list must be maintained sufficiently high of signatories includes senators who time in years. Especial note is taken' of the fact to bring in approximately $20,000,- have heretofore steadfastly advocated that the mallard, the king of all 000,000 a year for an indefinite pe­ the remonetization of^silver, It also duetts, is on the “preferred list”— riod in the future. * contains the names of several who Under the most favorable of con­ h$ve not hitherto been identified with preferred by the game officials to be shot in the large numbers. Mallards ditions, it to estimated that the post­ that movement and opens the pros­ are not plentiful in* every district, but war national income may reach $120,- pect that a two-thirds majority for ______ of the agreement to less this evidentaly was never given a 000.000,000 and on this basis an an- ' ratification bri^k‘Àü^a ZttoTrf fact, it thought. Becoming enthused at the nual revenue of twenty billion will of‘?”tion to not now believed the Bretton great numbers of ducks reported in by their field representatives, game . than has ever been imposed in the Woods agrément can be put over officials simply “went hog wild” in 1 United States in other than war time. in its present form. • declaring an extension of the season 1 The only alternative would be con­ tinued borrowing in sufficient and a 15 bird bag limit. As we have already stated—15 I amounts to make up the difference Wagon Road Lands » vvwm uuiiuj ducks are too many for any one fam­ betwen income and outgo. This, with ¡ ily, just as ten ducks are. A sensible a war debt already approaching the Will PdV MorP ’ . bag limit would be five such birds, or $300,000,000,000 mark, would invite!” According to Information received six at the most and it would insure an economic condition bordering on NatlsMl Distiller« Product» CornoraUea a large number of ducks for years to , bankruptcy, according to arguments by Charles W. Forrest, county as­ . 88 Proof I hy senators who are opposing legis- »essor, from W. rf. Horning, chief New York come. ,4 Some people point out the fact that ; lation which would make further in- forester for the Department of In­ terior, Coos county will receive a a hunter may give ducks to those who roads on the treasury. It was the presentation of these considerable larger sum in lieu of do not hunt. This is done, it is true. But at the same time, both the Fed­ facts, together with the inherent un- taxes on the Coos Bay Wagon Road eral and State game laws state that soundness of the measure, which re- Grant Lands for the fiscal year 1944- such birds must be killed by a hun­ sulted tn defeat of the Kilgore-Mur- 45 than the county’s allotment for the ter who possesses a hunting license 1 ray bill in the senate, and It to be- fiscal year 1943-44. and that possession of game animals lieved they will have a deterrent ef- 1 Assesfor Forrest has for some time « protested the assessed value placed Z" and birds is unlawful if the party feet in the house. r—s • °" | upon much of th? land classified as having them in their possession does Latest demand for removal of the Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands, not have such a license. So, if you come right down to it, it is really un­ ban against orientals has come from The Congressional Act of May 24. lawful for any friend of yours to be ah organization of India farmers in 1939, states that these lands shall be given ducks, or wild game, when he central California, which 'claims to appraised, assessed, and taxed in z- speak for members of their race in equitable and rationable proportion does not possess a hunting license. California, Texas, Arizona and Wash-'to similar lands within the county, Juvenile delinquency is discussed ington. In a letter read to the sen- , It has been Assessor Forrest's cdhten- throughout the U. S.. Various step« ate they ask passage of senate biH tion that this was not being done. His are being taken to curb it Ideas are 1595 which would permit the nature' argument was based upon the fact being advanced as to how it should alization of 3,000 natives of India that approximately 171 parcels of the 1 be curbed, from college professors, now tn the United States. The letter ]ancj covered by the Act, were actu- li from police departmental heads, from points to the fact that their people ia||y assessed considerably lower than ' 1 any other properties within the coun- governors of various states, from wel­ -------- I fare workers the church, and yet it of-doors sports, Just the same as the ty, some tracts being assessed as low seems that no one has actually struck ■ boys. No boy, no girl, nor no man t u 25c per acre on the government upon a plausible solution to the for that matter, ever went wrong rou, whereas, the basic and minimum problem. The writer of this column roaming the forests, the streams or land value on privately owned siml- has a suggestion to make concern­ indulging in the sports of the Great Ur property was assessed at $3.00 I per acre. ing this grave problem. It is simply Out Of Door«. It to a proven fact that the prisons ' Mr Homing, in his letter to Mr. this: give every lad a flshin' rod, send him forth Into the out of doors, of our land do not harbor one master, Forrest, states that he was unaware SEPTEMBER 1st ENTRY DAY or sign him up with The Boy Scouts criminal who was ever an ardent out- of thil discrepancy in the assessment Buy the girls a membership in The doorman. This to something for you of th« lands in question and* that Mr. Forrest has hto approval and support CamDfire Girls. Interest them in out- adults to give careful consideration. to increase these assessments to not less than $3.00 per acre. Assessor Forrest states that this will be done 1 on the 1944-45 tax roll which will .shortly be prepared and computed on the Wagon Road Grant lands. Oaks Pavilion, Sept. 2-3-4 — I^st of Music f The benefit to Coos county, al­ though not great, will ease the tax burden somewhat upon individual taxpayers, at the expense of the Fed­ COW HORSE JUDGING - - SUCKLING COLT CLASS eral Government. The estimated ad­ - SADDLE HORSE RACES ► - - - ■ STUNTS ditional allotment to the county will COW HORSE REINING CONTEST - • $400 PRIZE MONEY vary from year to year, but will be In the neighborhood of $500 addition­ al to the regular payment in lieu of taxes by the government of the United States to Coos county. Another matter under discussion between the assessor’s office and the Department of Interior is the pro­ •r posed cruising of the Coos Bay Wag­ on Road timber lands. The timber now assessed op these lands to based 4 upon an estimate only. It is there­ fore not very accurate tor assess­ ment purposes, nor for estimating » * $ 1500.00 PRIZE MONEY the quantity and quality in the event of sale of the timber by the Depart­ ment of Interior, Assessor Forrest states a fund is set up tn Washington, D. C., in which the money received from the sale of timber on the Wagon Road lands is Admission to Grounds, Rodeo and Hone Show deposited. This fund has grown to Adults I1.M, tax 20c, total |1.20 an amount well over $150,000, of I Service Men, Women and Children 12 to It, 50c, tax, 10, total Me t which Coos county receive» about $12,000 or $13,000 per year. Accord- Out-of-Doors Stuff mimmmmiwwo? w oo vov» ovnn. K H «’»uCoos County«“:,',, a À MYRTLE POINT, OREGON September 2, 3, 4 Community, 4-H and F. F. A. Exhibits Commercial Exhibits • ÒANCING Brahma Bulls Calf Roping Bucking Horses Bull . Bogging Carnival-Concessions