Lieut. Bill Pook Home And Married Miss Skeels Delights Rotary Listeners First Lieutenant Wm. R. Pook, who had been in Australia and New Guinea for two years last April, ar­ rived in San Francisco last week, from which point he called up his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pook, telling them he had to take a de­ tail of men to Fort Lewis, before coming home, x < Again Monday afternoon he called and said he and his fiancee. Miss Helen Austin, formerly teacher in the Myrtle Point schools and more re­ cently teaching in Corvallis, were to fly on Tuesday to Pocatello, Idaho, home of Miss Austin's parents, where they were to be married. They ex­ pect to be in Coquille next week. Bill just recently received his com­ mission as a first lieutenant and does not know where he may be assigned to duty when his furlough is over on Sept. 24. He has seen lots of ac­ tion on New Guinea the past two years and, if censorship rules per­ mitted, could probably tell a lot of interesting stories about Jap warfare in the South Pacific. * The Sentinel joins their hosts of friends in Coos county in extending congratipations to the newlyweds and wishes them every future happi­ ness. Miss Marvel Skeels, of New York, was a fueet of the Rotary Club at their noon luncheon meeting on Wed­ nesday and, accompanied by Mrs. M. O. Hawkins at the piano, sang three solos in her most delightful manner. Her selection of songs were ‘¿Old Re­ frain," by Fritz Kreisler; "Bitterness of Love" and "Ma Lindy Lou" and the continuous applause showed the appreciation of her listeners. President Jess Barton read a letter from District Governor Shannon, of Seattle, Mfho visited here recently, ex­ pressing his appreciation of the cour­ tesies shown him at that time. Arrangements were ccgnpleted for the stag dinner at Laurel Lake on Thursday evening. • ' Other guests present were J. H. SCHOOL SUPPLIES .AT NORTON’S A. C. Schultz Also see him for • Ante Lubrication by Msnhankn • Ante Repairing of an kinds • ÁaoeaMrios, Washing. Polishing Gilmore Service Station Insurance Beai Estate A (ûmhud Summertime work takas just as much energy . J and effort as winter woi ■ore reason, then, why a good substantial breakfast bi________________________ ______... ____ _ of rollad oats is ready-ior-anything feeling that everyone wants in the morning Try Morning Glo’ry Oate-eoon'l Oikth £k»akliut JunfdjtdionA: SUZANNA VEGGM [E IdffOl WHEATIES f - f ^ HONEY EDWARDS XiT Blue Mill Cocoa or Our Mother's lb lie Canterbury Tea, black 48 bags 36c Marmalade Tibbetts Brook 2 lb jar19c Rayol Satin SPRY Shortening 3 lb. jar 70c 1 | 3 lb. jar 50c SNOWDRIFT 3 lb. jar C»c Peanut Butter Real Roast 2 lb. jar 39c Margarine, Sunny Bank (2 pts) lb 18c TILLAMOOK CHEESE --------- DUCHESS SALAD DRESSING CIDER VINEGAR Old Mill....... SPINACH, Gardenside —......... Ferro Brand Jelly No. 2’/2 can 39c Kitchen Craft Flour 50 lb. sk. $1.99 STRING BEANS Lorraine ...... < StHWAV tor*-frit* PMDUCC NOW IN STOCK SAfiWAŸ B.E Goodrich SILVERTOWNS lb. 38c lb. lfc lb. 31< BOLOGNA type 2 VEAL ROAST “A” SLIC. HALIBUT CANTALOUPES .... GRAPES Seedless GRAPES Malaga HONEY DEWS ....... WATERMELONS .: POTATOES ...... PEACHES .............. AVOCADOS .......... CORN ............ ........... CELERY ............. TOMATOES z......._ SAFEWAY