The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 24, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE TWl»
ifrday noon Mid will return to Port,
Waterman And Bride
land to make their home, this coming
history. There were many great men
Harn To Visit His Parents
mentioned, as well as art,in pottery, i
Air. and Mrs. D. L. Waterman are
great Indian .pointer» .and sculptors,
enjoying a viait
visit this week
weefc from
irom their
and many wgrds in our vocabulary, I
time candidate for Coos county queen |
the fqr Cll*CUlt COUft Cases
which came as a surprise to many,
A very interesting luncheon meet­
awwrt' of their j>ngir>. Coos-Curry Pioneer Historical Asso- has enlisted in the WAVES, .nd II mer Althea Reed» daughter of Mrs.'
ing was held last Thursday afternoon 'T*10 W<IT.
Roy Hutchinson ot Portland They i Aug. 17—Frank C Schi ,pl v,
Indian . foods/
>- were discussed,
- .
instructed the secretary to awaiting gsignment to the U. S.
in the basement of the Church of
there was also a surprising variety of notify member» through the press Naval Training school for WAVES, were'married in Vancouver last Sat- 'state Industrial Occident Commission*
Christ, sponsored by the Missionary
' that all who joined Ipst yekr and have ¡New York city, yesterday reported
Society, under th^ leadership of its
. , i A i
•. Mrs Pearl Cardwell led the devo­ not paid annual dues of 50c for this ¡Chief Paul «. Connet, recruiter tn
president. Mrs. ArthRr Towne.
tional exercises.
ytitt should pay directly to the sec­ charge of the Marshfield U. S. Navy
A program round the tables in­
About twenty-five ladies enjoyed retary or to the membership chair­ Recruiting substation, which handles
cluded a vocal solo by Florence Hal­
this meeting, and many expressed 1 man of their community and be re­ applications for WAVES in this area.
lock in full Indian costume, with her
their pleasure at the fine display of ceipted for same.
' I Following six-weeks.judoctrination.1
long hair braided and an Indian head­
Indian relics about the rooms, con- • ■An enrollment of 400 members Í work at the New York training
dress. She sang “Pale Moon,” ac­
tributed by ' many local residents '• . within one year after adopting the school. Miss Hatcher will be assigned
companied by Mrs. Mary Hatcher at
Among them was a huge rock-with, ' constitution and by-laws of the As- to an advanced WAVES school or to
the piano. Martha Mulkey gave an
a rock pestle, used to grind corn, isociation' is most gratifying,
Tlie active duty at a Nava natation. She
inspirational talk on Indian contri­
many beautiful beaded baskets, moc- membership fee of one dollar and the received the WAVES oath at the
butions to our life. Mrs. McMltchell (
......... ,
nt coib
told of early pioneering in the church ■ ««sins, and finely tooled leather work. annual dues of 50c each seems a WAVES enlistment headquarters for
• small sum in itself, but collectively is Oregon. 735 S. W. Alder street, Port­
at Cave Junction, Ore., and how a few 1
¡enough to maintain the expenses of land, from Lieutenant (jg) Elizabeth
people banded together to hold ser- |
the Association with some extra that A. Hill.,
vices, first in a school house and in
Previous to volunteering In1 the
may be used to develop something
various buildings, until a church was
Miss Hatcher was a cash-
definitely established.
U. met at the home oCj as a Pioneer Historical Museum.
ier at the Seaside Grill, Port Orford,
In the afternoon, the regular busl- | W. C.
- T. ....
ness meeting and mission study were Mrs. James Richmond last week with ! The membership chairman ap- Oregon. She is the second member
enjoyed. The topic,
“The Indian a regular business session» and pro­ pointed by the president are as fol- of her family to sign up for a full
time war job.
Her sister, Frances
American,” was further enlarged by gram. The program consisted of up­ lows:
Bandon—Maryette Morse.
Alene Hatcher, is a cadet nurse now
Myrtle Kelley, who gave many to the mlpute poems and special mu­
Coquille—S. M. Nosier.
in training at St. Vincent’s hospital, 1
highlight, on what the Indian has sical numbers by the children. Those
Eastside—John Merchant.
contributed to our. country. In pro­ taking part were Joan Savage, pi­
Empire—Daisy W. Codding.
Miss Hatcher has been active in
moting better understanding of this ano; Coleene Chowning, Thelma
Gold Beach—Qollier H. Buffington. war work as a U. S. O. hostess and is
race, she emphasized the life of Saca- Bestal, Joan Peart, Ruth Kenney, Kay
Langlois—Al Sweet.
i a member of Bandon Baptist church.
jawea and her contribution to Oregon Simmons, Bonnie Stormer.
Tbe following facte were given
Marshfield—J. Albert Matson.
--- --------------
from The American Business Men’s
Myrtle Joint—Henry A. Schroeder.
Research Foundation:
The grain
North Bend—Elmer Russell.
Nicely Finished »nd Decorated
Drs. Witcosky & Crawford
used for distilled liquor and beer for- North Bayside—Emil Peterson.
Phone 14U
Phone 6O6JJ drinking, in the year 1M3, would feed Powers—Ella Lalngron,
Six-year old Donna Jean Dal­
underwent a tonsilectomy;
Mrs. Zada Bush, of Coquille, a major
During this month of whiskey “holi­
Bex Í31
. Coartile, Oregon U
operation, and Mrs. Keith Kribs,
day” there will probably be used;
who lives on the Fairview road, a
500,000,000 pounds of grain. During
goitre operation, all last Friday.
the jrear 1043 there >ere used for
1 Roger Williamson, Coquille, had
alcoholic drinks 800,000 tons of sugar.
[ his tonsils and adenoids removed on
The government gave the American
The Coos County Natal Day Asso-
Can- Co., the rigid to make (from elation will meet in the Bandon Saturday.
good, much-needed Un) 80Q cans per Grade School building. August 26. j An 8*4 pound baby boy, named
Charley Ray, waa born to Mr. and
minute for beer.
.There all ceremonies will take place,
Mrs. L. R. Anderson on Tuesday of
The hoetem served refreshments to :
, Including registration and the “Star I
the io'*<2'[ngr 1’t"
Ipp,nt Din',er’” *hloh
»* »erv«i this week.
Wm. Betty» entered for treatment
Laws, Bessie Cooper,
U,p^' at 12:15 noon, w|th C. C. Johnson, of
on Monday and the same <lky a Mex­
MartiOrfprd’ actin*
Pearl P^dweli, Bjrdte Btarte, M.
Re<lstrjltion will begin at 10 a. m. ican, Bvenardo Villareal, underwent
a major operation.
Persing, Ione BllUngs, Nellie Pur-
LIW J1MUI1 nail.
Back tom in Shipping /
vance. Guests were: Marie Cooper, I , The opening ceremonies will begin ‘ Mrs. Harry Collier, of Arago, un-'
derwent a tonsilectomy on Tuesday.
Mrs. Berry and Dennie Billings.
¡at 2:00 p. m. with Mrs. Grace Norton,
On Wednesday, Aug. 23, a seven-
¡president; C. C. Johnson, Port Or-
po«)nd baby girl, named Mary Lou,
Electric Fence Unit», »14.78 »nd , ford, vice preMdent, and Mrs. Ethel
was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Claude
up. Will work on 110-voit line, «ifiyanjah, secretary-treasurer, as the
Freedle. Their home is in Califor­
hot shot battery, or automobile bat- DreMding officers
nia and she came to be with her
Also Hot-Shot Batertes fori^”"’
I The evening program -at eight
lfitfs o’clock, wm Include numbers con- mother, Mrs. Rpwe, for « time.
sale. Ge®. F. Burr Motor
, . DiMiiih.sal.-, the past week were Mrs.
I trjbuted by Coos county chapter and
¡Vio|e Phillips last Saturday; Mrs. T-
will uopclude wjfh an informal dance
DeLa Rhue, Mrs. Woodrow Wilson
in honor of Natal Pay guests. To ¡¡•nd June Collins on Monday, and
this dance all husbands and escorts
I Jimmy Oden on Wednesday. .
1 of member! of the Order of the East­
ern Star are invited. ■‘Bum” Oartin’s
Insurance Specialist. F. R. Bull. a
[orchestra will provide music for the
[dance, at #;30 or ¡0 p. m.
Indian Program Af
Missionary Meeting
ecials at Purkey’s
New Shipment Box Sprinqc
W.C.T.IT. Hears
Liquor Facts
Bleached Walnut Dining Set
$99$5 o H
5 piece Breakfast Set
Belle Knife Hospital
Natal Day At
Bandon Aug. 26
4-pieCe Waterfall Styled
Bedroom Set .
Comfortable Swing Rocker
Special $3750
Purkey Furniture
Birthday Party
Little girls have a way of growing
[up and Nancy Perrott is no excep-
jtton. Last Friday Nancy celebrated
her ninth birthday with ».party from
¡two Uli five o'clock. There wae a
pretty birthday cake with candles,
, favors for each guest and a very good
j time was enjoyed. Invited were Jane
I Gould, Dianna and Rarla Schroeder,
(Mary Kleiner. Joyce Michell, Le-
I anna Pownder, Marcia Mauaey, ijqb-
bie Jean Harris, Marcia Jeffry, San­
dra Story, Judy Perrott, Karen and
[Leon State, Mrf. J. J. Stanley, Mrs.
j Craig Perrott arid Mil I-»on S|ate.
Specials Thurs., Fri„ Sat %
Ice Cream Mix KiZ Pkg- ISc
COFFEE Hills Red in glass jars • • lb. _ 32c
PERgy’S BOAST BEEF, large can 43c
Leadership Training School
At The Church of Christ
Saturday Evening
This Week
AUG. 26
The Coquille F. 0-L kon®
Hans have been completed fog |hg
Leadership Training School at the’
Church of Christ, E. »th and Coulter '
streets. The school will run foe fjye
days, Aug. 28 - Sept 1, and five1
classes win be offered-
The sea- ’
slons will begin promptly at 7:B0 each j
.evening and close et >:J3. The first
period will run from 7;30 to 8:1$:
then there will be a short recess, fo<- j,
lowed by a devoiional service. The
second ptriod~will run from 1:39 to
8:15. The classes being offered are:
[“My Christian Beliefs,’' which will
I stress the great fundamentals of the
Christian faith; "Wotphip,” which ■
will be a study of techniques of wor­
ship; “Teaching Pre-School Chll-:
drep;" “Teaching Primaries and Jun­
ior»,* an» "Reaching Adults.” The
I last three course» Bff’ajl methods'
courses, which should be ui Interest i
to every Bible School teacher An#
one is invited to attend.
Gal. 45c
WASH. FOWDEB Super Suds Ige. pkg. 22c
CLEANSER Sunbrite a real value 3 cans 14c
MILK Kx.,lfi"
Case $4.49
Soroptimists Hear Mayyel
Skeels At Luncheon
* »
Vinegar tejS.t6,''"'
The SoropUmigt Club observed a 1
guest day last Tuesday at their Co­
quille Hotel luncheon meeting. ¿very
member had brought her own guest,
whom she presented or Introduced t*>
the members. Marvel Skeels wm a |
guest and sangagroup of songs, ac­
companied by Mrs. M. Q, Hawkins
The numbers were, “The Old Re­
frain,' "Let My $ong Still
Your i
Heart,” “Malindy Lu.” “I Heard the
Forest Praying.” and “My Johann»,”
Visitors attending wr< Mesdame* C.
A. Rietman, Leia Elrod, Salma
Caughell, Ruth Axtell, O. 1. Stem,
Luckey Bonney, Lorraine Simpson
L. B. Gould and Patsy Barkwell.
Proceeds For Building Fund
Old papers ac •
oum J*
Fresh Fruits Bud Vegetables
! CORN Golden Yellow- Fresh full kernels
• CANTALOUPES from Dillard
doz. 39c
lb. 9t
40 lbs. 45(
Pears and Peaches for Canning