The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 24, 1944, Page 14, Image 14

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****** 8
the Willam-
ette MeridiiH
Northeast quarter, Eart half of Northwest quarter'
77 “¿LeL.o<»I,orthw*,t <luart<r> SecUon 34,
eU^Me1PidianSOUU’’ R*n*e 10 WeBt of
NOrtT^.t1.iqiU^^,Jt‘„S^'th—«‘“rter. SecUon 36^
MeridíanP ” South’10 Wert of the WUlamette
quarter, Section 4, Township
.!?**' 13
of the Willamette Meridian
Timber «¡Southwest Quarter of Northwest quarter, Sec-
12 West ot the
Willamette Meridian. Per
.............. „......... ._.
Beg inning 60 feet East of Northeast corner of Lot 16,
Bkick 10, North Addition to CoquiUe, run East 200
100 i<et« South 100 feet-
West 100 feet, North 126 feet to beginning, Section
ÄflULiTi•“* 4
*■' ““
Beginning at Northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 6, Nub­
iers Addition to CoquiUe, run North 50 feet; Wert
JOfoet; Soirih 50 feet: East 40 feet to beginning,
Township 27 South, Range 13 West of
Land described in Volume 128, Page 115, Deed Records,
Coos County, Oregon, Section 36, Township 27,
South, Range 13 Wsst at the WiUamette Meridian ...
__________ in ___________
Und described
Volume 125, _ _ Page
559, Deed Records,
i I Coos County, Oregon, Section 36,
86, Township 37Ì
South, Range 13 West ot
of the WUlamette
Willamette Meridian
Meridian. ... ..
th west quarter, Section 22, Township 27 South, Range
.. 14 West ot the WiUamette
WUlamette Meridian
half of Northwest quarter, > oovuuii
Section ft,
27, Township
27 South, Range 14 West of the WUlamette Meridian
Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter,
quarter. Section 28,
Township 27 South, Range 14 West of the WUlam­
ette Meridian ............. .. ..................... ................. ..... .
4’ * Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter,
Section 6, Township 28 South, Range 9 West of the
WiUamette Meridian ____
South half of Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter,
Section 8, Township 28 South, Range 9 West of the
WUlamette Meridian
South half of Southeast quarter of 'Northwest quarter
of Southeast quarter, Section 6, Township 28 South,
Range 9 west of the WUlamette Meridian............ x.
Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 36,
Township 28 South, Range 9 West ot the WUlam­
ette Meridian . .........
-.................. . ......
Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, SecUon 36,
Township 38 South, Range 9 West of the WiUamette
Meridian ...... ... —.............................. ....... ......................
Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 34,
Township 28 South, Range 9 West of the Willam­
ette Meridian _______________ ___ __ ___ ___ ____
Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 36,
Township 28 South, Range 9 West of the WiUam­
ette Meridian ____ ___,L„___ __ ____________ ___
Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter. Section 36,
Township 28 South, Range 9 West of the WiUam­
ette Meridian.... ............. ......................... ..... ................
Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter * Southeast
auarter of Northwest quarter, Section 36, Town-
lip 28 South, Range 9 West of the WiUamette
Meridian _____ -................... .............................. .............
Lots 3 4c 4 A South half of Northwdst quarter, Sec­
tion 4, Township 28 South, Range 10 West of the
WUlamette Meridian ___________________________
Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 8,
Township 38 South, Range 10 West of the WUlam­
ette Meridian _____ _______ _______________ _____
North half of Northeast quarter. Section 8, Township
28 South,
of the ...
............... - Meridian
North halt of
of Northwest quarter of North-
east quarter,
16. Township 38 South, Range
10 West of tL
28 South;
18, .ownship
----- , quarter, . —
Range 10 West of the WiUamette Meridii
East half of Northwest quarter, Section 24, Township
South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian. ..
White cedar timber on North half of Southeast quarter
4c North half of Southwest auarter, Section 26,
Township 23 South, Range 10 West of the Wiliam-
ette Meridian
p<r M................................
Timber on Southeast quarter, Section 39, Township 28
South^ Range 10 West of the WiUamette Meridian
South half of North haif',’"¿" Soü’Üi' htó of ’Section 32;
Township 28 South, Range 10 Wut
West of the Willam
WUlam ­
ette Meridian _________________
__________________ _______________
________ _____
- —it. Jialf
half of ^Northeast
Northeast quarter.
quarter, Section
SecUon 35, Township
38 South, Range 10 Wert of the Willamette Meridian
South half of Southwest quarter 4c Southeast quarter of
Southeast quarter, Section 4, Township 28 South,
Range 11 Wart of the Willamette Meridian...............
East half of Northwest quarter 4c North half of North­
east quarter, Section 14, Township 28 South, Range
11 West of the Willamette Meridian...........................
AU mineral and mineral oil on Southwest quarter of
Northeast quarter, Section 14, Township 28 South,
Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian...... .........
Esst I half of Southeast quarter and Lot 4, Section 18,
Township 38 South, Range 11 West of the WiUam­
ette Meridian . .......... -L—.............. ...... ....... ...............
North half of Northwest quarter, Section 26, Township
28 South, Range 11 West of the WiUamette Meri-
West half of Southwest quarter, Section 26, Township
28 South, Range 11 West of the WiUamette Meri­
dian -------------------------------------------------------------
it ■
11 in.»®»•■■■■■■<■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■«•■■»■ ■■»■I 11' —r------ ------------
Lot 11, Section 29, Township 28 South. Range 11 West
of the Willamette Meridian--------------------- ---------- —
80 feet East of Southeast
Undivided W of
ef beginning
ock 73, NoUey Addition to CoquiUe, run
corner, Block
Eart 41# feet, run
ru North 209 feet, run Wert 418
feet, run'"South 209 feet to beginning, Section 6,
Township 28 Soul ith. Range 12 West of the Willam-
eiie Meridian
meriman —----- ---------------- - ——---------------- ----- -
Undivided 1/8 land described in Volume 34, Page 175,
Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 8,
Township 28 South, Range 12 West of the WiUam­
ette Meridian ....
Undivided 1/8 land described in Volume 98, Page 527,
Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 8,
Township 28 South, Range 12 West of the WUlam­
ette Meridian ............
----- ---------- -
Bast half of Southeast quarter, Section 12, Township 28
South, Range 12 West of the WiUamette Meridian. ..
Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter. Section 20,
Township 28 South, Range 12 West of the WiUam­
ette Meridian ................ ................... ............ —x..........
South half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter,
South half of Northeast quarter 4c Southeast quar­
ter of Northwest quarter, Section 28, Township 28
South, Range 12 West of the WiUamette Meridian ...
Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 36,
Township 28 South, Range 12 West of the WUlamette
Meridian —_______________ ____ —-----
Land described In Volume 101, Page 435, Deed Records,
Coos County, Oregon, Section 1, Township 28 South,
Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ..........k_-
Undivided H land described in Volume 98, Page 507,
Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 2,
Township 28 South, Range 13 West of the WUlam-
ette Meridian ......
............. -.■■■■■
Land described in Volume 127, Page 203, Deed Récords,
Coos County, Oregon, Section 8, Township 28 South,
Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ......... .
Land described in Volume 132. Page 270, Deed Records,
Coos County, Oregon, Section 12, Township 28 South
Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ...............
All merchantable timber on Southwest quarter <rf South­
east quarter. Section 14, Township 28 South, Range
M West of the Willamette Meridian ....... -Per M
Lot 4, less part sold in Volume 106, Page 184, Deed Rec­
ords, Coos County, Oregon, Section 19, Township 28
South. Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian....
Land described inVolume 126, Page 293, Deed Records,
Cooa County. Oregon, Section 21, Township 28 South.
Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian
Saginnwig at a point 540 feet West and 879.9 feet South
of Northeast corner of Section 36, Township 28
South. Ratwe 15, run East 30 tort, run South 110
feet, run West 30 feet, run North 110 feet to be­
ginning in Section 36. Township 28 South, Range 15
Wat of the Willamette Meridian .....
Land described in Volume 93. Page 55. Deed Records.
Coca County, Oregon, Section 38, Township 28
South. Rung« i5 West ot the Willamette Meridian —
I South half Land described in Volume 127
Deed Records, Coco County; Oregon,
Township 38 South, Range 15 West of t
ette Meridian
____ ____________
$18,000.00 Land described in Volume 85, Page 42, less part sold in
Volume 85, Page 162 4c Volume 87, Page 327, Deed
k-vumj, Oregon, less VxVuniy
Records, Coos County,
County Road
Section 36, Township 28 South, Range 15 West
I 1,000.00
Wert o<
the Willamette Meridian
_________ .___
Begin on North boundary of Thompson Lowe D. C. No.
37 Section 36-28-15 approx. 880 feet West of center
f 8,000.00
line running North and South through Section 36.
run South 460 feet more or less to North line of
Helena Street in Bandon Beach, North 80 degrees
8 8,000.00
37 minutes Wsst 420 feet to Northwest corner of
Bandon Beach South 9 degrees 23 minutes West 520
feet North 80 degress 87 minutes West 100 feet South
• rlggrsss $3 minutes West
____ __________________
400 feet South 80 de-
grees 37 minutes East 665 feet. South 705 feet more
or less to line of 160 acre tract conveyed by Thomp­
son and Emma Lowe to O. Nelson, V. A, P. 446
thence Southwesterly 790 feet thence East 765 feet
more or less to beginning, in Section 36, Township
28 South, Range 15 West of the Willamette Meridian
$30,000.00 Beginning 2602 feet North & 459 feet West of % Section
corner on South boundary of Section 36-28-15,
$ 800.00
thence South 200 feet, thence East 146-12 feet, thence
South 1415.06 feet, thence Northeasterly 85 feet,
North 1588 feet, West 290 feet to beginning ................
2.50 Land described in Volume 85, Page 348, Less sold in
me 113,
112, Page 195, Volume 113,
112, Page 180, Vol-
ume i:*
-------- Page 147,
112, Page -----------
180, Volume 112,
110, Pag«
Page 442, Volume
114, Page 378 Volume 114,
Page 165, Volume
' ime ....
117, Page 356, Volume 119, Page
166, Volume
-V.WUW 118, Page 271,
271, Deed Records, Coos
I 2,400.00
31 Township 28 South,
County, Oregon, Section 36,
Range 15 West of the Willamette Meridian____ ___
Land described in Volume 90, Page 318, Deed Records,
Coos County, Oregon, Section 36, Township 28
South, Range 15 West of the WiUamette Meridian ...
$ 100.00
Northwest quarter in Section 28, Township 29 South,
Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian ...............
$ 2,000.00 West half of Southwest quarter. Section 9, Township 39
South, Range 10 West of the WiUamette Meridian..
Northeast quarter. Section 18, Township 29 South,
Range 10 West of the WUlamette Meridian ..... —.
Southwest quarter, Lots 4 4e 5, Section 26, Township 29
, South, Range 10 West of the WiUamette Meridian .
$ 450.00 Timber on Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter, and
Northeast quarter of Northwest quarter, and South
half of Northwest quarter, Section 34, Township 29
South, Range 10 West of the WiUamette Meridian
$ 350.00
Per Men...... ......... -----------------a..____ ______ _______
West half of Southeast quarter, end Southeast quarter
$ 3,000.00
of Southeast quarter, * Southwest quarter lying
South and West ot Roseburg-Coos Bay State High­
way, less County Road, Section 34; To
Range 10 West of the WiUamette M
West 21 feet of Lots 8 4c 7, Section 86, Township
South, Range 10 West of the WiUamette Meridie
75.00 Timber on Lots 6 4t 7, Section 24, Township 29 South,
Range 11 West of the WiUamette Meridian Per M
Timber on Lots 5 & 12, Section 34, Township 29 South,
Range 11 West of the WiUamette Meridian Per M
8 800.00
Land described in Volume 124, Page 394, Deed Records,
Coos County, Oregon, Section 28, Township 29
South, Range 11 West of the WiUamette Meridian.
South half of Southeast quarter, Section 30, Township 29
South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian.
South half of Northwest quarter. Section 32, Township
29 South, Range 11 Wert of the WUlamrtte Meridian
Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter, 8c Southwest
8 800.00
quarter of Sutoheast quarter. Section 33, Township
29 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian
AU mineral and Mineral oil on Northwest quarter of
$ 800.00
Southwest quarter, Section 35,’Township 29 South,
Range 11 West of the WiUamette Meridian ...'.......
Lot 16, Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 11 West
of the WiUamette Meridian ........... .................. .............
8 1,600.00 Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 10,
Township 29 South, Range 12 West of the WiUamette
Meridian ................................... ....... ..................... . .......
8 3,000.00 Tlmbor on East half of Southeast quarter, Section 15,
ToSvnship 29 South, Range 12 West of the Wil­
lamette Meridian .......... . ......................... . ...... .Per M
8 350.00- Land described in Volume 130, Page 312, Dee<J Records,'
Coos Couqty, Oregon, Section 25, Township 29
8 600.00
South, Range 12 Wert of the WiUamette Meridian
Undivided H of Northeast quarter of Southeast qu
ter, Section 29, Township 29 South, Range 13 W
8 150.00
of the WiUamette Meridian .......... . ....... ........ -.....
Nertheast quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 30,
8 1400.00
• Towryhip 29 South, Range 12 West of the WUlamette
Meridian .......... ............. ................ a...-........ -............ .
East half of Northeast quarter, SecUon 20, Township 29
South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ..
Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 29 South,
Range 13 West of the WUlamette Meridian ...............-
15.00 White cedar timber on Northwest quarter of Northeast
quarter and North half of Northwest quarter, Sec-
34, Township 29 South, Range 13 West of the WU­
lamette Meridian..... . ........ ............... —---- ------- Per M
South half of Southwest quarter, Section 34, Township
29 South, Range 13 Wert of the WiUamette Meridian
$’’8,000.00 AU mineral and mineral oils on Lot 15, Section 34,
Township 30 South, Range 12 West of the Wiliam-
8 800.00 ! -- ette Meridian .......... «........... ............. ............................
West half of Southeast quarter. Southeast quarter of
Southeast quarter, Section 1, Township 30 South,
8 5400.00
Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian............
Lots 3 £ 4, SecUon 3, Township 30 South, Range 13
West of the Willamette Meridian...............................
$ 2,000.00 Lots 1-8-9-10 and South half of Lots 7, Section 6,
Township 30 South, Range 13 West of the Willam­
ette Meridian .........
—........ . ............... —... .......
$ 3,000.00 North half of Southwest quarter, Section 12, Township
30 South, Range 13 Wert of WUlamette Meri­
dian .......... . ....... ..................... ..... .......... ........ .................
8 1,200.
orthwest quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 12,
Township 30 South, Range 13 West of the WiUam­
ette Meridian ...... . .................... .............. ........ ....... ,.....
$ 1,200.00
orthwest quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 13,
Township 30 South, Range 13 West of the WiUam­
ette Meridian .............. ..... ................. . ......... . ..............
8 800.00 South half of Northeast quarter of Northwest quarter 4c
Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 21,
Township 30 South, Range 13 West of the WUlam­
ette Meridian —....... . ........... .............. ............ .............
North 39
rds of
of Southwest
quarter, Section 23, Township 30 South, Range 14
West of the WUlamette Meridian_______________
$ 500.00 AH mineral and mineral oil on Northeast quarter of
Southwest quarter and Lot 3, and Southeast quar­
ter, Section 18, Township 31 South. Range 11 West
of the WUlamette Meridian ...... ................. ZS.........
50.00 North 10 acres of Lot 2, Section 3, Township 31 South,
Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian.... ......
Land described in Volume 123, Page 356, Deed Records,
County, Oregon, Section 5, Township 31 South,
$ 75.00
Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian ...........
AU SecUon 26, Township 31 South, Range 12 West
$ 1,300.00
of the Willamette Meridian..... .. ......... ................... .
Undivided >4 of Northeast quarter, Section 28, Town­
ship 31 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette
$ 900.00 ’ Meridian ............
».......... ......... .
Undivided 2/12 of Southeast quarter, Section 28, Town­
ship 31 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette
Meridian .......... . ............................... ....... ........................
$ 1,500.00 AU of Section 35, Township 31 South, Range 12 West
of the WiUamette Meridian.................... ....... ...........
Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 11,
$ 400.00
Township 31 South, Range 13 West of the WUlam­
ette Meridian ..................... . ...................... ...................
Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter. Section 13,
Township 31 South, Range 13 Wert of the Willam­
ette Meridian . ............. „................ ......... .......................
East half of East half, Section 18, Township 32 South,
Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian..........
Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 34,
Township 29 South, Range 13 West of the Willam­
ette Meridian ........................... ........... ....... ......... .........
150.00 South
half of Lot 13. Section 12, Township 29 South,
Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian ..... _...
Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter of Southeast
K 375.00
quarter less road. Section 1, Township 29 South,
Range 15 West of the Willamette Meridian .............
1-2-3, 4c East half of Southwest quarter, Section
35. Township 29 South. Range 15 West of the
Willamette Meridian .....
$ 3,500.00 P. O. Cedar on Lots 11-12 4c South half of Southeast
quarter, Section 7, Township 30 South, Range 10 West
of the Willamette Meridian. Per M ..........
Southwest quarter, SccUoi. 8, Township 30 South
$ 155.00
10 West of the Willamette Meridian ................. .......
South half of Northeast quarter 4c East half of South­
east quarter, Section 9, Township 30 South. Range
10 West of the Willamette Meridian.............. . ...........
Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter. Section 11,
Township 30 South. Range 10 West of the Willam­
I 300.00
ette Meridian .....................................................
Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 12
Township 30 South, Range 10 West of the Willam­
I 200.00
ette Meridian ____ ______________________________
South west quarter
west quarter,
„____ of
„. h less 100 foot
strip of Right of Way sold 4o Coos Bay Lumber
Company, Section
Section 14Z
14, Township 30 8outh, Range
10 West of the Willamette Meridian
Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 15,
Township 30 South, Range 10 West of the Willam­
ette Meridian .--------------------------------- ------- .„---- -------
North half of Northwest quarter. Section 17, Township s
30 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meri-
Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, and Lots 1-2-3,
Section 30, Township 30 South, Range 10 West of
the Willamette Meridian..... ...................................... ._
Timber an:
East half of Southeast quarter 4c Southeast quarter of
Northeast quarter^ Section 30, Township 80 South,
Range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. Per M
Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 34,
Township 30 South, Range 10 West of the Willam­
ette Meridian____________ —_ __ a............ -,__;__
All white cedar on North half of southeast quarter and
Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, flection 19,
Township 30 South, Range 11 West of the Willam­
ette Meridian. Per M____ _______ ___..___________
P. O. Cedar on Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter,
and Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter, 4c
Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter. Section 34,
Township 30 South, Range 11 West of the Willam­
ette Meridian ..................................................................
Lots 1 t 2-3-4, Section 35, Township 30 South, Range 11
Wert of the Willamette Meridian....... .......
of North half of ^orthwest quarter, Sec-
•y K. 8. ««WINS
Ctntral Prtu Corrtipondtnt
$ 2,500.00
$ 3,000.00
8 i .600.00
$ 2,200.00
Farewell, My Lovely; or Death Comes to an ice Box
$ 1,000.00
ERATOR has departed thia life,
at the age of nine years, 10
month» and 18 daya
During its lifetime, thia re-
tngesator aiw./» kept cool —
which is more than 1 can say for
myaeif upon occasion; so 1 feel
obliged to pay tribute to the
memory of thia ict box. not only
tpr ita own sake but to give the
historians an idea for a chapter
in their books about U m war qn
the home front.
1 might state that the old toe
maker is still purring away. You
had better wipe the smile from
your face and keep your Ungers
1 can remember when we, too.
had little ice cuuee by the tray-
fuU at our bouse. You never
when misfortune will
favor you with ita icy stera in
these war times.
As I have said, our refrigera­
tor was a pretty good piece of
machinery in its day; yet I will
concede that there were some
things about this household ap­
pliance that 1 used to complain
about right smart. For in­
stance. on the very day that thia
refrigerator aame to bless our
union we discovered chat it was
too small-
' Many times -in the past dee-
ade. when I undertook to get the
bottle of drinking water from
the refrigerator, I would spy the
b-ttle nemmed In M the Far
East and 1 would have to get
down on my hands and knees
and set out on the floor such
Items as the milk, butter, head
lettuce, breakfast iaeon. a tew
eggs or a collection of left-over
Sometimes I would run across
a container of rare hair sham­
poo in our refrigerator, because
It said on -he bottle that It
should be kept in a cool piaoe.
But although our box woo—
and still is— too small for our
needs, my admiration for it has
grown greatly since its demise
—sort of like the way the people
began to think better ot Lincoln
after he had died.
8 1,500.00
8 2,500.00
8 1,800.00
■ *♦ .
60 00
tion 38, Township 30 South, Range 11 West of the
Willamette Meridian ___ __________________ _____
$ 799.00
Timber on East half of East half of West half of South­
west quarter, Section 14, Township 30 South, Range
12 Wert of the WUlamette Meridian ............... Per M
South 30 acres of Southeast quarter of Northwest
and Northeast
quarter of
• west quarter, and West half of Northwest
quarter, less four acres sold in Volume 99, Page 178
Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 21,
Township 27 South, Range 13 West of the Wil­
lamette Meridian ...........
...Per Acre
$ 100.00
I SHALL, in compliance with said order, on Saturday, the 23rd
day of September, A. D., 1944, commencing at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day at the front door of the Court House in the City of
Coquille, and County of Coos, State of Oregon, offer for sale and aell
at public auction the above described real property to the highest and
best bidder, on the following terms and conditions, to-wit:
For either cash in hand at the time of sale, or if the pur­
chaser elects, for not less than thirty per ceni (30%) of
the purchase price in cash, the remainder to be paid
under written agreement at terms arranged between
the purchaser and the County Court, all deferred pay­
ments to bear interest from the date of sale at the rate
of 6% per annum, on any and all parcels the purchase
price of which equals One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars,
or more.
No sale shall be made of any of the above parcels of real property
for a lesser amount than the minimum price shown thereon.
* Dated at CoquiUe, Coos County, Oregon, this 9th day of August,
A. D„ 1944.
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon
ertcy P«t-
• tmds as
c a r»d - in
y «* 1 can
burned out. You’ll have to send
it back to the factory and they
will send you a rebuilt unit."
He mentioned a foe. which led
me to conclude th a. cold air
comes higher than hot air that
one stirs up on a typewriter,
for Instance.
“You mean you can't Ox the
unit, yourself?" I asked..
“No, sir." the man leplled. “It
will have to go back co the fac­
tory. That's the only way you
can get it fixed “
That makes two people In the
world who are indispensable. 1
thought to myself: President
lhe max rati if t method we are
using tins developed into a great
Roosevelt and
man who
made the unit for our refrigera­
tor . . .
Anyway, the serviceman gave
me the name and address of a
district representstlvs of the re­
frigerator manufacturer, who
could serve as a go-between in a
transaction involving ths ex­
change of the hermetically
sealed-in units. I wrote a letter
and sent t special delivery.
I described our refrigerator in
minute detail, listing its style,
model, serial number and every­
thing else that waa Inscribed on
the box. except the Anger prints
on the door.
I told the representative that
if be could not replace the unit
to let me know where one could
bs obtained. I called him “Dear
Sir" and closed with "Very truly
yours.“ as cordial-ilke as you
But 1 never received so much
as a penny poet card in reply to
my letter. It seems to be charac­
teristic of “big business” to dls-
regard customers in these war
times Of -»urse. the war will be
over some day and tnen maybe
tne manufacturer will be beg­
ging me to buy something again.
Meanwhile, we have been
forced to resort to makeshift
methods I have removed one of
ths mrtal shelves from the re­
frigerator to make space for 50
pounds of ics in ths defunct ap­
This arrangement la not en­
tirely satisfactory, I hear by the
grapevine and observe
$ 2,700.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 1,200.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 1,650.00
$ 1.650.00
up our box every other day As
you can visualise, a 50-pound
cake of Ice, when in ful. bloom,
occupies a proportionately large
amount of apace and rather
sharply reduces the room left
for anything else. But that con­
dition is remedied the next day.
whon the ice has melted to the
sue of a golf ball and there is
more room for our penshnhiea.
1 suppose this kind of a set-up
will go on for a while yet. al­
though ws are braced tor the
sad news any day we cannot
buy any ice.
Just last night one of the pat­
riots living near us told me ns
went to the ice plant to get e
dime’s worth of ice and they did
not have any; and this fellow
had the oarti to |>ay for the ice,
loo I thougnt it queer that there
should be shortage of ice which
m made largely of -/alee. but the
problem is a shortage M man­
power. I hear
modern inconvenience, in the
bottom of the ice-box we have a
shallow glass dish to catch the
- drippings from the ice on the
ehelf above.
The dish la not broad enough
to go under the entire qake of
ice; so we took the lid from a
vegetable hydrater and deviaed
a lean-to, propped up by a cou­
ple of peanut butter jars, which
shunts the rest of the melted ice
into the glass iish.
It's not so bed in the day­
time. when people are awake
and can empty the drippings
dish. But high Ude occurs about