V. I THURäbAY, AUGUST 24. 1M4 Lota 1 to »1 40,*B?od 8° 4°’ Bloek 7 Lota * Lota 1 to 20, BlocL _ !k • Lota ito», , Block ...-------- 10 J lx»ts 9 to 11, _ __ *....... Block 11 j ' ...... Lots 1 to 8, 11, 20,"21, »8 to ML Bteeit !•---------------- Lota Lots 18 .nd ?» Bl«k V’ 80 Lota Lota l \124 to K,“ BkÄ “ Lots Lots IU lx>ts ___ _____ _ _ ___ North 2-8 of Lot 14 and all of 17 Biaek’oA North 2-3 of Lot 8. Block 27^ Ui ¿J BtodT^“* Z ® ° ,OCk ,OCM “ 580 Kooa Bay Plat “E”, Cooe hooe Cooa Coantv Or»».................. Parcel in Block G Oregon Parcel in Block G Parcel »4.8 g 180 feet jn Block f.................... Lots 9 and 18, Block 13 ............... ~' iA»ta 1, 2, 29 «nd 30, Block U."....................... I J" i 14JVS 4,« IV OIUCK 9 ’E* ........................... each each ' «a I aj I s 1 ‘ to 6, 9, 12, 16 to 19, Block 1 Lots 4 to 16, Block 2 ........’ Lots 6 to 13 and 1» to 24, Block »"”"“ Lots 1 to ». 6. 10 to 10 19 and 22, Block 4 . . I AltS 1 to 24, Block 5 ..... Lots 1 to 6 and 9 » to 24, Block 6 1 a » ts 4 to 6, 6, and 13 to 24, Block 7 . ...... Lots 6 to 18 19, and 23 and 24, Block 8 20 to J 9™"™ • — • M,~BÏori< - - Lots Fto *“ Lots 1 to 17, 20 to 24, Block 10 ........ Lots 1 to lA»tS 4 to Lots 8, 9, 12 to 15, 18 to 28, Block li"’.'.'. . Lots 4 to 21, 23 to 28, _____________ Block 14 ............. Lots 1 to 28, Block 16 ............. Lots 1, 2, 5 to 12,15 to 24, Block 16 Lots to 18 and 21, Block 17 Lots 1 to 9 and 16 to 28, Block 18 .." Lots 1 to 11 and 15 to 28, Block 19 I a »I s 1 to 5, 8 to 17, 20, 22 to 28, Block 20 ’ - Lots 1 to 4. 8 to 16, 22 to 24, Block 21 Lots 1 to 6, 16 to 20, 23 and 24, Block 22 Lots 1 to 6, 8 to 19, 22 ____ to 24, Block 23 . Lots 1, . 2, 5 ‘ to 24, Block \ 1 24* „............. Lots 1 to 4, 7 to 9, 11 to 24, Block 25 ... Lots 1 to 6, 10 to 12, 20 to 24, Block 26 _ Lots Uta Lots 15 to 24, Block 29 ................7“”” "...... ■I.-.,..,. Lota I 1, 2, 4 to 24, Block 30............... "J""' " Porter Addition to the City of North Bead. Coos County, Oregon Lots 24 to 28, Block 81 ........... ...................... Uta 8 and 10, Block 65 ....................'.Tl'™.".'.'"“" Schaefer’s Addition to Central Place, Coos County, Oregon Uta 3 to 8, 11 to 13, 17 to 26, Block 1 .. Uta 1 to 13 and 18 to 26, Bloek 2 Uta 1 to 17, 1» to 26, Block 3 ....... ......... Uta 1, 2, « to?, 12, 18, 16, 17 and 26, Block 4 Lots 1 to 26, Block 5 .................................. Uta 1 to 5, .. 7 to . 31, . - - 18 V» 21 2«- Block 6 Uta 1 to 13 and 16 to ¿6, Block 7 . _ Lota 1 to 3, 6 to 13, 16 to 21, 24 to 26, Block 8 Ute 1, 2, 6 to 22, 25 .nd 26, Block 9 .. Uta 1 to 26, Block 10 ................ 7“........ Uta 1 to 24, Block 11 ...................... . Uta 2 to 23, Block __ 12 ........... Uta 1 to 24, Block 13 ........... Uta 1 to 24, Block 14 ............ Uta 1 to 17 and 24, Block 15 Spokane Addittoa »» Cote Bay, Coes County. Oregon Lota 3 and 4, Block 3........................................... Teva of North Bend. Cooe County. Oregon Uta 14, 18 and 19, Block 25 .... T..7TT VmLl7i.M % c"W- O’«- I Alt» I to 4, Block 10 ................ ............. ........ Lota 6 and 7, »lock 11 ... ................................................. . 8 Block 13 —• . . ....... 1. 28'Block “ Ut 14. Block 35 .......................................... e,< each each each each each each each each each each each each each 1 each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each ; 1 * each each Lota 3 to 5, Bloek 37 . ........................ ......... each Lots » and . Block X3 ............................ each Let It. Block 47 .................... ...................... Ute 29 and 30. Block 47 .... ....................... eaeh Uta 5 and 6, Block 49 ......................... ...... each Ut 13, Block 49 ............................................ Vigors Addition to North Bend. Cooa C< inly. Oregon Ut 20. Block 1 ............................ -.............. Western Addition to North Bend, Cooe County, Oregon Ut 23, Block 87 ................................................................. each Ute L 24 and 25, Block 81 ............................................ Part West of Meander line of lota 14 and 16 in each Block »4 ....... -............ .. Part East of County Road Lot 3, All of 7 to », 'each and 14 and 15, Block 86 ...... ................................. . Part West of Meander line of Lota 14 to 28, Block 88 ............................ ......................... .............................. Part West of meander line of Lota 10 to 15 and each 24 to 32, Block »0 ...................................................... each Part West of meander line of Lota 1 to 13, Bik. 91 Part West of meander line of Lota 6 to 13 and each 18 to 22. Block »2 .... ...................................... ......... Woodlawn Addition to, The City of North Bend, c< Coes County, Oregon Uta .1 to 8, Block 1 ............... ...................................... ... Uta 1, 2, 5 to 16, Block 2 ..................... -....... .... Uta 1 to 16, Block 3 ......... ,'.............................. -............. Uta 1 to 8, Block 4 ............... ..—......... ............. ............. Uta 1 to 14, Block 5 ....... —............. Uta 4 to 13. 17 to 21, 28 to 32, Block 6 —............ Lots 1 to 7, 9 to 14, 17 to 32, Block 7 . Uts 1 to 32, Block 8 ............. «... Lots 1 to 32. Block 9 ................................. Lots 1 to 16, Block 10 ---------— Uts 1 to 16 Block 11 ...... ............ ............ Lots 1 to 16, 24 8c 25, Block 12 ....... ..... Uts 1 to 26, 30 to 32, Block 13 —......... Lots 1 to 31 12. Block 14 ........................... Uts 3 to 8, Il, 13, 14. 27 8c 28. Block 15 Uts to 10, Block Uts to 10. Block Lots to 10, Block Lots to 10, Block ef Marshfield, AMMaa Undivided 1/12 of Lota 9, 10, 12 8c 13, Block 32 Undivided 1/6 of Lot 16, Undivided 1/12 of Lota 17 & 18, Undivided 3/12 of Lot 19, Block 34 Undivided 1/12 of Lot 9, Block 35 .......... Undivided 1/1» of Lota 9, 11 8c 12. Block 44 .... Undivided 1/1» of Lot 2, Block 61............................. Undivided 7/12 of Lot 5, Block 63 Undivided W of Lot 7, Undivided 1/12 of Lota 8*8, Bloek 83 ............................ ‘ Undivided 7/12 of Lot 10, Block 63 ................ - Undivided 1/1» of Lota 11 8c 12, Block 63 ......... Purt of 1 8c 2, Block 66 ............... ......... ....... -—■■■...... Boulevard Park Addition, Coes County. Oregon South half of Block 21 ....................... -.................... BIta 8. 11 8c 12. Block 7 Nanburr'* Addition to Marshfield. < ooa < onnty « j loss part sold .95/300, Block 2A Lota 3. 5, Block 2B Lota 7 8c 8. Block 2B .. Lot 1, Block 3B --------- Lot 7. Block 8 ......... Lot 4.'Block,. 10 Lota 1, 2, 15, 32 to Block 16 Lot 2 * Und. 2/3 of Lota 3 to 5, Block 18............ Lota 13, 14 8t 21, Block 21 .... .................... ............. Lota 1» 8c 28, Block 22 ......................... ........ ............. Lot 5, less part sold State Highway Comm, and all of Lot 20, Block 25 ................................. ...... each Lota 23 8c 24, Block) 26 Z Lota 11 * J2, Blocs 27 ... each each Lata _ 23 ___ & _ 24, „ Block 33 ____ _. _______ __ ____ Lota 3 8c 4, Block it ..... ____ ___ - .......... ..... ...... - - I, 34 each Lot 15, Block 36 ...... .................................. .......... . Lot 6, Block 43 ........................................................ New Bedford Addition, Coos County, Oregon Lot 18 to 2», Block 2 ................................. ...7.. L each Lota 1 to 36. Block 3 ................... .......... ........... each each Lota 1 to 8, Block 4........................... . ............... Lota 1 to 16, Block 5 ....................................... each » 30.00 North Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon »100.00 Lota 1 8c 2, Block 6 ............................................ .. each 30.00 Perham Park. Coos County, Oregon 30.00 Lot 13, Block 20 North half of Lot 1, Block 33 ....... .............. I 30.00 Lota 4 $ 5, Block 40......................... ............ ............... each Plat ■ Addition to City ef Marshfield. C om 25.00 County, Oregon 25.00 Lota 1, 2, 4, 9 8c 10, Block l.„...................... .......... .. each 25.00 Lota 7*8, Block 2 ................................. .................... each Lot 13, Bloek 5 ........................................ .......... ........... »100.00 ■allroad AddiUon to Marshfield. Coos County, Oregon Lot 1». Block 10 _________ __ _____________ ___ _ » 25.00 South haff of Lot 36 Block 13 ................................... 25.00 Lota 13 8c 14, Block 2» ..................... .......................... each 25 00 Lota 11 6c 12, Block 32 ......... ;........................................ 25.00 Lota 15, 18, 23 8c 25, Block 48 ........... ................ ....... each 25.00 Lota M 8c 25, Block 57 ................................................ each 25.00 Lota 23, 24, 27 to 30, Block 68 ............................... each 25.00 Roosevelt Heights, Coos County, Oregon each 25.00 Lota 1 to 10, Block 1 ......................................... 25.00 Lota 1 to 10 8c 31 to 40, Block 2 ........................... each 25.00 Lota 24, 25, 34 to 40, Block 5 ................................... each 25.00 Lota 17 to 20, Block 6 ....... ......................... .............. each ■ 25.00 Lot 1», Block 7 .......................................... .................... each 25.00 7.81 acres in Block A .................................................. 25.00 Schetters AddiUon to Marshfield, Coos County. 25.00 Oregon 25.00 Lot 5, Block 2 .................................... ...... ...................... 26.00 Sengstaeken'a AddiUon to Marshfield, Coes County, Oregon 25.00 Lot 1 8c North 20 feet of Lot 2, Block 7.._..........J... 25 00 Lota 1 to 4, Block 11........ .T............................. ............. each each 26.00 Town of Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon 25.00 Lot 1, Block 1 ................................................................. 25.00 Lota 1, 2 8c 6, Block 9 ..... .. ....................................... 25.00 Western AddiUon To Town of Marshfield, 25.00 Coos County, Oregon 25.00 Lot 5, Block B ............................................ .. 25.00 South half Lota 1 8c 2, Block K each 26.00 South half of Lot 3, Block K ................... . 26 00 South half of Lota 4 to 6, Block K ........... each 25.00 Lota 5 8c 8, Block L......................................... V each 25.00' Englewood Gardens, Coos County. Oregon Lot 8, Block 8 . ........................ ,... Lot 2, Block 9 .................................................... ................ .................... ... » 75.00 Lot 2, Block 10 75.00 Ferndale Park, Coos County, Oregon Lot 11 ........... ........................................................................ First Addition To Marshfield. Coos County, Oregon » 25.00 NW Vi of Lot 12, Block 10 ......................................... 26.00 Lot 10, Block 11 ............................................................... 25.00 i^ot 5, Block 14 ........................................ . ........................ 26.00 Lota 1 to 24, Block 21..... *.............................................. each 26.00 That part of Lot 4 lying Northwest of County 25.00 Road in Block 27 ....’.................... ............................. 25.00 Subdivisión of Lota 1-2-3, Block », First AddiUon 26.00 To City of Marshfield. Coes County, Oregon 25.00 Lot 8, Block D ..... .............. ..................................... ......... 25.00 Lot 6, Block F .......... .*........... 25.00 Marshfield Heights, Cooe County, Oregon 25.00 Lota 1 to 12, Block 1 ...... -........................ each 26.00 Lot 12, Block 2 ....................... ...................... ...... ........... each 26.00 Lota 3 to 12, Block 4.................... .......... .. ............. ....... each 25.00 Lot B, Block 6.............................................. ............ ....... Holm Park. Marshfield. Coos County. Oregon » 50.00 Lota 6 8c 7 ......................................... ............ ....... ......... .. IV, XXIBL nail of l»l UUl LII null Lot 10, East half Lot 10, 13. HUI North half Ul of Lot IV, 14, num! North half of a Lot 23 South, » 75.00 —- a . 15, Section — — - 17, - > Township 7.—.. .... — ------ h Range 11, West of the Willamette Meridian . ............ 100.00 luarter of Northwest quarter. Section 2, 900.00 Southeast. quarto *3 South. Range 12 West of the Wil- Township 23 100.00 •idlan ......... ~ lamette Metibian x- 175.00 Southtast quarter of Northwest quarter, Section #, 126.00 Township 23 South, Range 12 West of the Wil ­ 100.00 lamette Meridian............ ............ -..... —............................. 500.00 Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 16, Township 23 South, Range 12 West of the Wil­ »35.00 lamette Meridian .....-......................... -—....................... — Undivided 5/6 boat house lota 12-13 8c 14 of Hopes Boat 75.00 house lota on Western bank of ditch which connects 75.00 what is known as North Slough County Landing with North Slough and being the landing terminating the 50.00 road from Lakeside to North Slough and distance by Metes 8c Bounds in deed to L. J. Simpson and C. M. Byler from Vangurger and Divelbiss Dec. 10th, 50.00 190», Book 55, Page 326 of Deeds; Atoo 1909, Also all right, Otoon has in and title and interest which Andrew Olson 60.00 I 1 acre parcel now occupied by Andrew Olson for occi store, purposes being the Andrew Olson Store on 50.00 North Lake Ten Mile and at or near the North 50.00 Lake, County landing on which is situated said store and two warehouses, Section 17, Township 23 50.00 South, Range 12 West of the Williamette Meridian. 30.00 .00 .00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 26.00 each » I 26.00 Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter. Section 21, 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 2500 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 60.00 > each each each 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 500 00 each 50.00 500.00 50.00 100.00 each each 250.00 300.00 50Ö.00 each each each each each each each each each each each each each ea^h each 35.00 35.00 35.00 35 00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 each 500.00 200 00 125.00 each 1,500.00 75.00 65l>0 100.00 Township 23 South, Range 12 West of the Wil­ lamette Meridian........ .................... .... ................ Land described in Volume 87, Page 188, Deed Records, Cooe County, Oregon, Section 21, Township 23 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian Land described in Volume 123, Page 15», Deed Records, Cooe County, Oregon, Section 25, Township 23 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .. Beginning at Northeast corner of Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian, run South 210 feet, run West 418 feet, run North 210 feet, run East 418 feet to the beginning, Section 29 Township 23 South, Range 12 West of the Wil­ lamette Meridian .............. .^..~ North half of Northwest quarter 8c Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter. Section 33, Township 23 South, Range 12 West of t’te Willamett- Meridian . Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter, East half of Southeast quarter, Section 33, Township 23 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian ............. North half of Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter. Section 24, Township 23 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ................................................. Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 24, Township 23 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ........................ ......... Northeast quarter bf Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 36, Township 23 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ................................... Lot 2, Section 1». Township 24 South, Range 10 West of ' the Willamette Meridian —...................................... —• Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter. Section 15, Township 24 South, Range 11 West of Willamette Meridian ................... -........................................................... Southeast quarter, Section 16, Township 24 South, Range II West of the Willamette Meridian ...... .............. Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter. Section 24, Township 24 South, Range 11 West of the Willam­ ette Meridian .......................... -...................................... West hslf of Northwest quarter. Section 25, Township 24 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian Land described in Volume 117. Page 258, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, in Section 17, Township 24 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian ... Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 18, Township 24 South, Range 12 West of the Willam­ ette Meridian ..................................... ............................... Land described in Volume 110, Page 3», Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 31. Township 24 South. Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .... Land described in Volume 123, Page 337, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 31, Township 24 South, Range 12 and Section 6, Township 25 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian ................ Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter, and Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 32, Town­ ship 24 South, Range 12 West Of the Willamette Meridian .............................................................................. North half of Southwest quarter, Section 33, Township • 24 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meri­ dian .................................... 7...................... West half of Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 33, Township 24 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .... larter of Southwest of West hilf of Northeast quarter Southwest quarter ----- action 33, », Township 24 South, Southwest quarter, Section Range 12 West of the Williamette Meridian Northeast quarter of Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter. Section 34, Township 24 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian —- -------------- 1 V » 5 » I 50.00 * » >5.00 » 700.00 500.00 South half of Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter 150.00 of Northeast quarter. Section 11, Township 24 South 150.00 Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian................ Land described in Volume 111, Page 416, Deed Records, » 225.00 Coos County, Oregon, Section 14, Township 24 100.00 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian 100.00 West half of Southeast quarter, Section 16, Township 150 oo 24 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian 150.00 100.00 Tideland fronting Lots 1, 2 8c 3, Section 22, Township 34 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meri­ » 300.00 dian ............................................... ................... ........ ... ....... Land described in Volume 25, Page 168, Deed Records, 75.00 » Coos County, Oregon, Section 24, Township 24 75.00 3 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette lan 75.00 Tideland fronting Lots 1, 2, 3, less meat 75.00 Anderson, Section 25, Township South, Range 13 West of Willamette Meridian.........I............................. » 200.00 Tideland fronting Lota 1, 2, 3 8c 4, Section 27, Township 24 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian 50,00 Tideland fronting Lot 1 and part of Lot 2 in Section 50.00 35-24-13. Beginning at Southwest corner of Sec­ 75.00 tion 35-24-13 and running thence along meander » line of Haynes Slough as follows; North 15 degrees East 2.50 chains, North 29 degrees, East 9.00 chains, North 32 degrees. East 10.00 chains, North 35 35.00 degrees, East 9.00 chains, North 44 degrees, 30 min­ 35.00 utes East 5.50 chains, North 55 degrees East 4.50 50.00 » chains, North 47 degrees, East 4.00 chains, North 1.00 chains to low water. South 47 degrees West 4.00 chains. South 55 degrees West 4.50 chains. South 44 1,000.00 degrees 00 minutes West 5.50 chains, South 35 de­ 75.00 grees West 9.00 chains. South 32 degrees West 10.00 250.00 chains, South 29 degrees West 9.00 chains, South 15 3,000.00 degrees West 2.50 chains. South 1.00 chains to place 175-00 of beginning. 4.45 acres of tideland fronting Lota 1 106.00 8c 2, Section 35, Township 24 South, Range 13 West 75.00 of the Willamette Meridian ............................................. Lota 3 6c 4, Section 7, Township 25 South, Range '10 108.00 West of the Willamette Meridldn................... ............... lOO.oo Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter, and, North­ 100.00 east quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 4, Town­ 100.00 ship 25 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette 100.00 Meridian............. ................ .......................................... » 250.00 Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 5, Townsijjp 25 South, Range 11 West of the Willam- ette Meridian ........................................................................... 50.00 » Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter. Southeast quar­ ter of Southwest quarter, Lota 5, 6 81 7, Section 6, Township 25 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette 50.00 Meridian................................................................. ...™. .3..... » 50.00 East half of Northeast quarter, and Northeast quarter » of Southeast quarter, Section 10, Township 25 » 650.00 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian ... »32,500.00 Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 11, Township 25 South, Range 11 West of the Wil­ lamette Meridian............................ . ................................... » 250.00 Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter. Section 12, 75.00 $ Township 25 South, Range 11 West of the Willam­ 500.00 ette Meridian ................................................................ ........ 75.00 Land described in Volume 42, Page 413, Deed Records, 100.00 Coos County, Oregon, Section 32, Township 25 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian 500.00 » Land described in Volume 79, Page 438, Deed Records, 3 500.00 Coos County, Oregon, Section 32, Township 25 500.00 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian . West half of Northwest quarter, West half of South­ » 300.00 west quarter, Section 34, Township 25 South, 1 Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian .............. Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 2, 50.00 Township 25 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette 35.00 Meridian ................................................................................. 35.00 Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 3, as.oo Township 25 South, Range 12 West of the Willam­ ette Meridian ................... ......... ........................................... 25.00 West half of Northwest quarter of Lot 4, Section 6, » Township 25 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .................. j.......................................... 50 00 Southwest quarter of Lot 14, Section 10, Township 25 » 50.00 » South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian 40.00 West half of Northwest quarter, & Northeast quarter of Northwest guarter. Sectton 11, Township 25 South, 40.00 Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .............. 4000 East half of Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, J 40.00 » Section 17, Township 25 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian ............................... ............. 2,500.00 » Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 20, Township 25 South, Range 12 West of the Willam­ ette Meridian 2,400.00 Tideland on Coos Bay side of Lot 2, Section 30, Town­ ship 26 South, Range 12 West til the Willamette Meridian .1............. ... 3 800.00 Beginning on Township line 2039 feet East of Township 25 and 26, Range 12 8c 13, run North 45H degrees. East 276*4 feet to left bank of Catching Slough, run » 550.00 South 75*4 degrees East l»9.80 feet, run South 68 degrees East 129 feet, run South 53 degrees, East 142.8 feet, run West on Township line 621.40 feet to » 400.00 beginning in Section 31, Township 25 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .... ........................ Tideland fronting Lot 2, Section 11, and part of Lot 5, Section 2, described as follows: Beginning at Me­ ander corner between Section 11 and 12, Township ,<■ 25 South, Range 13 and run thence South 10.50 ! chains to low water line; thence North 28 degrees West along low water line, 20.9 chains thence North 61 degrees 30’ East and 4 chains to Meander line; thence South 30 degrees East 12 chains; thence South 32 degrees East 7 chains; thence South 54 de­ grees East 2.50.chains to Point of beginning, contains 11 acres. Section 11, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian.............................. .. Tideland fronting Lot 5, less Steamboat Addition Tide- land fronting Lot 4, Sections 10 8c 15, Township 50.00 » 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meri­ dian .......................................... ...................... ......... ................ Land described in Volume 66, Page 387, Deed Records, » 400.00 Coos County, Oregon, Section 15, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian . North half of Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter » 100.00 of Southeast quarter, Section 16, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian Land described in Volume 43, Page 492, Deed Records, 80.00 Coos County Oregon, Section 18, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian . ______________ Land described in Volume 96, Page 295, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 21, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ... Land described in Volume 92, Page 213, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, 2.66 acres, Section 22, Town 25.09 » ship 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian __ _________ ____________ _______ ______ — Land described in Volume 125, Page 540. Deed Rec­ ords, Coos County, Oregon, Section 22, Township 25 » 1,200.00 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian .._ Land described in Volume 77, Page 72, Deed Records, » 1,200.00 Coos County, Oregon, Section 24, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian... Tideland fronting Lot 2, Section 24, Township 25 South, 200.00 Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ................ » Undivided 1/18 of Tideland fronting Lot 4, Section 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian .. 150.00 Land described in Volume 12», Page 469, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, less 4.26 acres. Section 26 Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Wil­ 100.00 lamette Meridian ....................... .................... ..................... Beginning at « point on meander line of Coos Bay 11.2 » 400.00 chains North and 1.75 chains East of Northeast cor­ ner of Lot 2, Section 26, Township 25 South, Range 13, thence North 6*4 degrees, West 1.65 chains 400.00 thence South 1 degree West 1.49 chains thence West 34*4 degrees East 0.18 chains, thence East 4.38 1,600.00 chains to beginning. Section 26, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian............... Land described in Volume 76, Page 338, Deed Records, 400.00 , Coos County Oregon, Section 26, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ............. 500.00 Land described in Volume 102, Page 574, Deed Records » Cooe County, Oregon, Section 35, Township 25 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ... 300.00 Lot 1, Fractional Southeast quarter of Southeast quar- » and tideland. Section 25, Township 25 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian ...».................. .... » 400.00 South half of Southeast quarter; less 5.46 acres sold in Volume 108, Page 570, less following description pro: Beginning at a point in the Southwest auarter 50.00 of Southeast quarter of Section 36, Townsnip 25 » South, Range 14, Southwest comer of th* said Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 36 bears South 28 degrees 24% minutes a distance of 50.00 1214.28 feet and running thence North 1 degree 12 » minutes West for a distance of 246.48 feet and running thence North 1 degree 12 minutes West for a distance of 246.48 feet to point on North boundary 800 00 of said Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 36, thence South 89 degrees 13 minutes West for a distance of 100 feet thence South 1 de­ gree 12 minutes East for distance 246.48 feet; » 800 00 thence. North 89 degrees 12 minutes East for a distance of 100 feet to a point of beginning contain­ 50.00 ing 0 566 acres more or less being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Southeast quartor at Section 36, Township 25 South, Range 14 also less Lot 3, » 50 00 Block 8 (Tract A-162 0.566 acres Lot 2) Also less Block 10 (Tract A-193 Proposed plat of Barview Acre , Tracts, less Lota 10 and 11 Block 11 (Tracts A-224 and A-225 2.75 acres) Lota 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, Block » 100.00 : J I I » » » » » » » : » » » » » » » » » i 500.00 I » 50.00 » 700.00 » 700.00 » 1,000.00 » 800.00 1 800.00 » 3Ò0.00 I 1,800.00 » 800 00 » 250.00 » 250.00 » 100.00 » 100.00 » 1,500.00 » 800.00 » 450.00 » 40.00 » 150.00 » 1,500.00 » 250.00 » 375.00 » 3,000.00 » 500.00 » 3,000.00 » 3,500.00 » 100.00 » 250.00 » 15. od » 50.00 » 1,000.00 » 800.00 » 2,500.00 » 1,500.00 » 100.00 I 1,800.00 » »00.00 » 100.00 » 100.00 » 600.00 PAGE THREE 11 Tracts A-219 to 2», 6.8» acres) Lota 17 and I» Block 11 (Tracts A-217 and A-218, 2.75 acres all in proposed plat of Barview Acre Tracts, less that part of 4th street in Barview Acre tracts from East line of Lot 4 to East line of South half of South­ east quarter less reservoir, Section 36, Township 25 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian.. Land described in Volume 23, Page 175, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 36, Township 25 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian .. All of Section 16, Township 26 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian .... ....... . ............... ......... ......... Lot 4, Section 3, Township 26 South, Range 11 West of of the Willamette Meridian ..'.......... .......... ........................ South half of Northwest quarter, and Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter ii Lot 3, Section 5, Township 26 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian ... Lot 1, Section 7, Township 26 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian.... ....................................... . ..... Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter, Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter. Section 7, Township 26 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian................ Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 8, Township 26 South, Range 11 West of the Willa­ mette Meridian ..... ........... t.............................................. Northeast quarter, Section 26, Township 26 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian ,_______ Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter. Section 28, Township 26 South, Range 11 West of the Willa­ mette Meridian .................................... . ........ .................... East half of Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter, less 1 acre, Section 4, Township 26 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .............................................. Southeast quarter, Section 12, Township 26 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian.................... . . Timber on Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 26 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meri­ dian Per M . ..................................................................... ..... North half of Lot 3, Section 21, Township 26 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .............. South half of Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter. South half of Northeast quarter of Southeast quar­ ter of Southeast quarter, North half of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter. Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter, North half of Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter, Northwest quarter tit Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, North­ east quarter of Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter, South half of Southeast quarter of North­ east quarter of Southeast quarter, Southwest quar­ ter of Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter. Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of South­ east quarter, Northeast quarter of Northwest quar­ ter of Southeast quarter. South half of Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter, Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter, Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter, South half Of Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter, of Southwest quarter, Northwest quarter of North­ west quarter of Southwest quarter, South half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of South­ west quarter, North half of Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter, South half of Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter, North­ east quarter of Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter, South half of Northwest quarter of South­ west quarter of Southwest quarter, Northeast quar­ ter of Northeast quarter of Northwest quarter. Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter of North­ west quarter, West half of Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter, South half of North half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter, South­ west quarter of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter, South half of Southeast quarter of South­ west quarter of Northwest quarter, Southwest quar­ ter of Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter. Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter of North­ west quarter, Soqjh half of Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter. South half of Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter of North­ east quarter, Southwest quarter of Northwest quar­ ter of Northeast quarter, North half of Northwest quar­ ter of Northeast quarter, North half of Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, South half of South­ west quarter of Northeast quarter. Northwest quar­ ter of Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter. North half of Southwest quarter of Southeast guar­ ter of Northeast quarter. South half of Southeast auarter of Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, forth half of Southwest quarter of Northeast quar­ ter of Northeast quarter, in Section 23. Township 26 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian Per Acre..........'............................................................ .. Land described in Volume 73, Page 556, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 29, Township 26 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian .. Land described in Volume 116, Page 229, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 1, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian .............. Land described in Volume 84, Page »5, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 1, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian.............. » Land described in Volume 105, Page 474, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 3, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian......... Undivided % of Land Described in Volume 91, Page 428, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 12, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the» Willamette Meridian —.... .............................. :................ Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 14, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willa­ mette Meridian .................................................. .’................ Northeast. quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 15,— Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willam­ ette Meridian ...................... ...-............................................ Undivided 3/5 land described in Volume 68, Page 239, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 24, uC Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willam- '(• ( ette Meridian ......................................................................... East half of Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 24, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ....... —................................... Timber on Northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meri­ dian. Per M................. ........... —-......................................... North half of Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter. Section 33, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ......... ..... Beginning at a point at low water mark on Isthmus Slough 164 feet South of Utter Wharf, run West 80 feet, run South 50 feet, run East 80 feet, run North 50 feet to beginning, in Section 34, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian Undivided Beginning at Southeast corner of Utter City Com. Co., thence South in a straight line with the front of said store 22 feet to beginning thence South 50 feet in a straight line, thence westerly at right angles from said line 60 feet to bldgs. West of the straight line or front line aforesaid, thence northerly in a line at right angles from said line to place of beginning, Section 34, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Merdian ... Land described in Volume 77, Page 224, Deed Records. Coos County, Oregon, Section 34, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian................ Land described in Volume 37, Page 190, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 34. Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ... Land described in Volume 62, Page 41, Deed Records Coos County, Oregon, Section 34, Township 26, South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ... Land described in Volume 37, Page 1»1, Reed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 34, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian............. Land described in Volume 77, Page 224, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 34, Township 26 South, Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian ... That part of tidelands fronting Lot 7 lying South of Cape Arago Highway, Section 1, Township 26 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian ............. Tideland fronting Lot 1, Section 11, Township 26 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian Tideland fronting Lota 3 8t 4, Section 13, Township 26 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian ... Land described in Volume 65, Page 315, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 14, Township 26 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian ..... . Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter less part sold in Volume »6, Page 490, Deed Records, Coos County, Oregon, Section 27, Township 26 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian................................ White cedar timber on Southeast quarter of Section 34, Township 26 South, Range 14 West of the Willa­ mette Meridian. Per M ................................................... White cedar timber on West half of Southwest quarter. Section 35, Township 26 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian. Per M ............. ........ ........... Lot 6, Section 7, Township 27 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian .................................... Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 8, Township 27 South, Range 9 West of the Willa­ mette Meridian ---------------——-----------------------—— f I 950.00 ' » »5.00 »10,000.00 » 450 00 I 450.00 » •00 00 » 1,200.00 » 400.00 » 1,800.00 h » 380.00 » >50 00 » 1,500.00 » 3.00 I 0 230.00 » f r -i i 1 j J 1 f » N * 4 4 » » 15.00 75.00 • » 50.00 » 100.00 » 100.00 » 180.00 » 550 00 550.00 » 150.00 » 250 00 » 2.50 » 300.00 » 80.00 i i » 50.00 75.00 » 30.00 I 30.00 » 30.00 » 80 00 » 100.00 I i 180.00 9 250.00 » 1,800.00 » 300.00 » 15.00 » 15.00 » 1,000.00 » 1,000.00 •