Personal Mention AUGUST Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Axtell were among the hundreds of B. P. O^Elks and their families who attended the Marshfield Elks' annual picnic on Coo« River Sunday. 25 - 26 - 27 The following real estate transac­ tions -were completed by George E. Oerding, a Coquille realtor, this week: The home at 452 Carter avenue, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hol­ laway. was sold to Mr. and Mrs O. V. Young. Mr. Hollaway is leaving for California, where he goes into defgpse work and the Youngs will taka possession soon. The house at 241 S. Heath, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Fox, was sold to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Shaw. The Foxes have been here since Saturday from Portland, completing the deal. Mr. Fox has been In ill health and will enter a hospital in Portland soon. Mr. Shaw intends to make improve­ ments on his newly purchased prop­ erty before moving in. He is one of the Smith Wood-Products office force. The most recently built home in Coquille, located at 11th and Carter streets and owned by Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Short, he being a Coquille .minister, was sold to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hart of Marshfield for invest­ ment. The Harts have taken pos­ session and will complete the house. F. C. McNelly, superintendent of th« county farm, announce« that they will can for the public on Tuesday, Wednesday, Jhursday and Friday only of each week and urge« that ap­ pointments be made to avoid un­ necessary delays. We carry a complete line or V- Belts for afl makes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other equip­ ment Washer Serviqp Co. 365 W. Front, Coquille. Phone 17. u ■ IRlGGtR Remember —' Norton '■ for school and home suDplles. RUTH TERRY 808 NOUN -v a. SONS OF IM HONORS • Another Film Must hove your Camera Saturday 10 a. m. While they last. . * HIT NO. TWO 1 JAP ATROCITIES AVENGED BY TWO YANKS BENT ON REVENGE! NEWS MATINEE . . - - 1:45 COMEDY Matinee - - • 16e - 40c Evenings 16c - 50c LI HERTY AUG. Ì AUGUST 2LJ 24 ~ 25 - 28 tlxp't'vteA W. J. B. Head left Monday for Portland for one of his periodic ex­ aminations at the Veterans’ Hospital. Mrs. Walter Moore, proprietor of Iola's Beauty Salon on North Heath, returned Tuesday morning from Port­ land Where she went last Saturday to hear Paul Rilling on beauty treat­ ment and attend a one-day beauty ’ school in the Benson Hotel. Ward McReynolds will be here again next Tuesday, Aug. 29, at the city hail, between nine and four o'clock, to receive applications of those desiring drivers' licenses and to conduct examinations. . Never better man as The Nameless Outcasfl JEAN SULLIVAN-LUCILE WATSON-Rooul Wals! LATEST NEWS • COMEDY BUNNY CARTOON MATINEE Sat 1:45 Comedy ADULTS