I AUGUST M, IMA. R» - — — -v-r --- - ’ - City Caucus Set for r \ . .r ‘ r. Coquille Tqx Levy Down 2.6 Mills > - Everything Ready rlanCI JnCCD Concert Enjoyed By For Fair at Myrtle Several Hundred Point Sept. 2-3-4 Jack Howard, Navy, Suffers Head Injury Thomas Dungey Was Past Four Score Yean And Ten e • Jack Howard, home on leave from A pleasihg announcement to al! the Naval base at Shoemaker, Calif., taxpayers, made by Aseeesor Charles was brought to the Belle Knife Hos­ W. Forrest, ta that computations just compiled for the fiscal year 1844-45 pital lust night after he had been found wandering around the pasture show the county tax levy to be down It ta seldom a Coquille audience to : The preliminary work for the 33rd at his home at McKinley for some At the Monday evening session of 2.8. mills from the previous year's At the funeral services held tn the the city council a resolution w0 levy. The levy for 1843-44 was 14.8 given the opportunity which was annual Coos County Fair is almost hours. Schroeder Bros, chapel here Tues­ r ' , adopted setting Monday evening, mills, whereas the present levy ta to theirs last Friday evening whan completed, and from _ all indications According to what he has said in day afternoon for the late Thomas Marvel Skeels was heard in a con­ this will be one of largest and best semi-lucid moments, he was out look­ Dungey, hta pastor, Rev. Chas. G. Sept. 23, at 7:30 o’clock, in the Com­ be 13.3 mtlta. munity Building, ae the time and Asseeeor Forrest states the county cert of glorious music. Th« auditori­ organised Rodeos and Horse Shows ing for stock and atempted to jump Brown, paid heartfelt tribute to one place for holding the Coquille city millage has dropped 8.7 mills in the um of the Pioneer Churcb wae packd, that has ever been presented to ever a log. His foot caught in a whom he had come to know in the caucus to nominate city officials for last four years, from 18.8 mills in extra chairs being brought in and Southwestern Oregon grapevine and he was thrown violent­ past two years as a true and sincere According to an announcement ly backyard, striking his head on Christian and one who did not fear to some persons stood through the long six offices. 1840-41 to 13.2 mills.. from the secretary of the fair 'board. some solid object. program and said it was worth it The mayor and city recorder are meet hta God. The combined levies computed for elected each two years and those of­ the various cities varies to a great This was the third vacation visit in Perry C. Roper, new gates have now Mr. Dungey had not been able to It was not known at the hospital fices must be filled this year. Three extent in each locality, some mill­ seven years' time in which the gra­ been Installed on the horse chutes, I this morning whether it 'was more leave his home on East Seventh street council positions for four-year terms age dropping while others increased. cious visitor has included a concert there has been erected a new judges' serious than a concussion qr not. since last December, hta afflictions f during her .. public ___ „__________ _ stay and announcing stand, the grandstand and one for a two-year term are also In many cases the increase in millage open to .r the He was due to have left today to i being those of old age. to be filled at the November election. is due to money being budgeted for here. Coquille could not better ex­ roof that was damaged several years return to duty but, of course, can-ndl. He was born in Tunbridge. Kent John Purkey. M. F. Pettit and Dr. poet-war construction or improve­ press its pride and love fbr a gifted ago has now been put in shape for county, England, March 8, 1854, and young person, native to the com­ the saddle horse races and the buck­ G. E. Stark are the ones at present ments. was five months and ten days past serving whose four-yeer terms ex­ M /ears of age when he passed away The combined levy of the City of munity. than it did, for it was an at­ ing horses, and the many exhibit pire, and Geo. F. Burr, appointed Coquille shows the largest decrease tentive, appreciative and happy au­ buildings have been renovated and last Saturday night. There were many lovely repaired. since the 1342 election, holds the of­ in the county, it dropping from 48.8 dience. Before coming to the United 8tates, Almoat all dFthe new horse stalls fice for which a two-year term coun­ last year to 44.3 this year, a 2.« mill flowers, both on the platform in ar­ 83 yean ago, he was a landscape Supt. Carl E. Morrison calls atten­ cilman ta to be chosen. reduction. The combined levy of rangements and in gorgeous bouquets on the west side of the Fair grounds tion again to the high school regis­ gardener in England. He landed in If they will all consent to serv^ Marshfield is 50.1 against 50.8 far presented at Intervals during the nave been taken by local people who this county at a Texas port and after are entering their horses in the Horse tration dates as were announced last living some years in the Lone Star again the Sentinel sees no reason for last year. Combined levy of North program. week, prior to the opening of the city Besides the beautiful mezzo con­ Show. making a change In the official roster. Bend ta 62.8 as against 80.5 in 1843- state he moved by covered wagon to The FFA exhibits and the Smith- schools on Tuesday, Sept. 5. Mayor Wood has given pn efficient 44. Bandon remains about the same, tralto voice, Mtos Skeels to endowed Colorado, where he lived for a time. Those whcwvill be Seniors th Ivy ear and progressive administration as the 58.8 for this year, and for last year with a sweetness of manner which Hughes Departments will be well rep­ He and Mrs Dungey, who passed are asked to register on Tuesday, city’s chief executive, and Recorder 58 J. Eastside and Empire both show is the same both on and off the resented this year, and are under the away several yean ago, came to Ore­ Aug. 38, between • a. m. and 12 noon, Leslie has likewise been an efficient an increase in levy _ of ___ 8.8 __ and 10.8 stage. Public life, hee not worn down director of the County Agent's office or from 1 to 4:30 p. m. The same I gon in 1831, settling at Gold Hill in oobtateute^ and Mrs. Dunn. A new plan has | and painstaking city clerk, one who mills respectively. The levy of East- Jackson county, where he engaged in It been worked out for the taking of hours will be in effect for Juniors mining. Early in this century he and knows every detail of the city’s af. side being 44.» and Empire 48.7. i , toward - / her . outstanding '"CL ’ A r potae. tn har fairs as did hta long-time predecessor The total valuation of the county ffniM soes in in^ *‘?.r iadp *°ng and and har her listenttHI the exhibits and the entering of them on Wednesday, Aug. 30; Sophomores hta family moved to Coquille and he on Thursday, Aug. 31, and Freshmen lose their awareness in the office—John Lawrence—know is »28,118,848 as compared to »28,- never has since resided here, doing some ~------ _------ —-7 -------- of it ao that a greet deal of the delay on Friday, Sept. L Miss Skeels* choioe of numbers for heretofore occasioned win be dune ____ _ them. He ta courteous, accommodat­ 785.237 a year ago mining and, until a few years ago, The assessor's . Students now working may be reg­ ing, and ta willing to serve again if office is now busily engaged in he had the care of the Washington i„ the __ her Pr<>granl wug divided into four away with. rw. ' .11 assfrUmls It ta contemplated that ticket istered by appointment and those School building and the Fint Nation­ extension of the tax roll consisting iroupa a11 whteh aeemed the voters so desire. The four councilmen, three • of ot approximately 35,000 parcels of 1Uly BU‘ted «»< <«»/«> her surtound- booths will be set up at various places living outside of town may register on al Bank Building. any one of the four days. whom are serving by appointment, property, and in making the tax , •ln«» but to her own mood and, conee- on the street leading down to the Two daughters, Amy Willard of Students entering the «th, 7th and have given serious and conscientious; «tatementa. These will be certified quently, to that of her audience. A Fair grounds so that people can buy Eureka, Mrs. Ada McClellan of 8th grades, in the Lincoln building, decided quality of smoothness, known their tickets, and help alleviate the and In grade 1 to 3 in the Washington quille, are survivors, as are to singers as evennegs" of Une, to a congestion at the entrance gate. three sans, Thomas Franklin development which has come in Mtos Christensen Brae., of Eugene, who building, will be registered on the Alton S. Dungey, of Coquille, Skeels' voice since the days when she are furnishing the stock for the Ro- 1 opening day of school. Lester H. Dungey, of Scappoose, Ore- Parents are urged to see that the returned from Study abroad- This Xsay that a great many riders of ten grandchildren and six great noticeable quality to extremely p ie ce Paottoo Northwest will be oom- registration dates be observed. grandchildren, survive Mr. Dungey. Ing and gives the effect that petang fbr the prise money. They are Interment was in LO.O.F. cemetery, Lngiy she sings Red Allen from Miles City, Calf Rop­ No. 3. earlier styte a er and Dogger Jack Sherman toon draOsMM'-but wttb Kin m ath Falta, Celt Roper BUmi' sustain the present smooth flow Thetapeen tone. * Hor se! idei and Bullrider John Scott At the city council aeasion Mon- Ghnreh Next Sunday The program, which was a long one of Eugene, not to mention a number day evening a pennit was granted to Rev. Albert Nielson, missionary with the inclusion of additional num- ' of local entries from Coos and Curry Jack Hultln to haul logs down Sec- from Africa who to a special speaker ben by Ranald WiiHems, young counties. ond street from -the operation north it the Coos Bay Baptist Cpmp, will student violinist, and an impressive Friday, Sept. 1, will be entry day and aaat of the city's Rink crek rae- speak at the Coquille Church on Sun- organ group by Bobby Bums. How- for the exhibits and the horses and ervoir. A load limit of 18,000 pounds day morning. There will be no eve- Oscar Hendricks got hot in ever one felt throughout a liveliness ! will give people a chance to look over par axle for dual wheels, and «,000 nlng service at the church, for all of entertainment and absorbing an- j the Rodeo stock. The rodeo proper pounds to the axle for single wheels ’ friends are invited to attend the af- Flag Tournament last Sunday caused Larry Lundquist to ex | w||l start on Saturday, Sept- 3, and was set as the maximum which can ' ternoon rally at the camp located 17 ■MN A ' himself a little. By doing so, L The necessity of education for « will last through Sunday and Labor be hauled on the pavement. ‘ /mites up South Cooa River. took hie flag »be farthest around the sfoger who hopes to rise in ooncert Day, Sept. 4. Each show will be re­ ......... ■ " 1 course, winning a dinner and also i re«im was evidenced when Miss plete with thrills galore. Oscar tn to — Mt t hta dust. i leaving Mvin. nwwr m . dn.t Skeels sang the aria from the opera, No expense has been spared by the Several other golfers also won “Mignon," in French. Her organ ao- board of the Coos County Fair As­ Considerable complaint has been dinners in this contact. They were* sociation to make thia 33rd annual (Continued on page eight) lodged with Mayor Wood, he stated at Fay Osterhout, John Arnold, Clay- Fair the biggest and beet ever, and W f oouncil meeting Monday evening, ton Mast. Spike Leslie,' Bill Bar­ they wish to extend a hearty invi­ about people who haul theli own gar­ row and Roland Bowers. j tation to all residents of Southwest­ bage out to the dump grounds east Sunday, Auugst 27, there will ba a ern Oregon to come to Myrtle Point of town and, finding the gate locked, Mixed Doubles Tournament, played on Sept, I, 3 and 4, to see Cooe coun­ dump it off alongside the county road.. with combined score of ladies and ty’s own show. The business section of Coquille This is a violation of state law and men, minus th* men's handicaps. anyone convicted of doing it is liable Several prizes have been arranged 1 was being disturbed Wednesday Warrant Out For Forger to a fine besides haying to clean up for this enjoyable tournament, , I morning by a man who wanted to Of A $20 Chock get Into the Quells Cafe before 7:30 the ground and remove their trash. for apme breakfast. “ Let me In," he Henry J, Haas and Charles Richaid The key for the gate at the dump Coos County Baptist Camp called In hta qjUirally loud speaking Ranta, arrested by the state police grounds Is always available at the In Session On Coos River voloe. After he had repeated It sev­ last Wednesday for being drunk on Benham Transfer office, in the form­ The Coos County Baptist Camp eral times, « head waa thrust from a public highway, were taken before er Coquille . Hospital building, and anyone hauling his garbage out'the opened Monday afternoon on the new one of the hotelwindmva, and the Justice Fred Bull last Thursday, Second street road should get the key grounds 17 miles up Coos River, on query was made, "Don’t you know where they pleaded guilty and were the ranch belonging to Rev. Mr, people ere trying to sleep here?" fined »30 and »4.00 costs each. The Picture Taken by Edgar McDaniel of the Coos Bay Harbor on Trip to before going up there. * ■ This brought forth several sharp Judge ordered their 30-day jail sen­ ' The reason for keeping the ground Barnes of the Marshfield church. The New Coal Development Project locked upto that it is necessary to enrollment Tuesday was up to ISO rejoinders by both parties and about tence suspended on condition that Last week a group of Civic leaders ¡modern coal cutting machines that that time Chief of Police Creager ap­ they^pay the »54 assessed by Aug.-21. keep the garbage all In one section so and more were coming In. I eliminate the constant shooting of the A staff of local pastors, ~~ aided by peared on the soene and, for a few They did not pay Monday and war- visited the coal properties of the that |b it uiexjr may be ‘-'V burned 1**N at stated pe- v riods. Garbage allowed to fester 1« ; R* «nd Mrs Rodney Brittan, state momenta, the hungry man thought rants for their arrest j»ve been is- Coast Fuel Corporation, five miles 'coal with powder which results in south of Marshfield, and were taken the fracturing of the coal and conse­ the sun to a menace to health and director of Christian Wduoation: he was really gqjng td get hta break- sued. , | The justice has also issued a war- on a tour of inspection by T. O. Toon, quently hastens distintegration into no right-minded citizen will leave Rev, Albert Nletoon, missionary from fast at the city’s expense! . such matter along the public high- Africa, and Miss Lota Tomkina, state Thta story was told us by Phil Al- rant for a man named Fred Donner, president, and Jack Isgrig, superin­ small pieces. Under-cutting the coal produces a solid fuel that ta the re- women's worker, carry on the camp born whose brother, Evan, aays the ............................... ....... .. who has not yet been found. The tendent of the mining company.* way. -___ __ suit of not subjecting the coal in __________ Plans of the new __ bunkers, gigs _ and program, including studies, sports, real news of the story ta that Phil complaint was filed by the First Na­ camp fires, projects. A very enthu- was down town as eAly as 7:30. tional Bank and charged him with washery were shown to the group and place to violent fracturing which ta Mrs. Britton Did Not Take ■siaatic spirit Is being manifested. It would hardly do to say which forging the name of W. A. Spalding the mining and handling of the coal the result of blasting procedure, Over Mrs, Cotton*» Office Twenty-five are registered from Co- one of the Itft States’ employees it to a »20 check made payable to Er­ was explained by Mr. Isgrig. Clar- Under-cut mining results in coal ence Coe, chairman of the Industries dropping on to the shaker conveyors | quille. Sunday wUl be rally day, with was whs In Service without having obtained a permit. Mountain States Power Company, ex­ coal. Mr. Isgrig said he felt that and Insurance business as was an­ there, and at the local churches. All Have Applied For Ballots His jail sentence of ten dsys was .sus­ plained to the group the operation of users of Coos Bay coal will be well nounced. She did, however, take friends are Invited to attend the af­ County Clerk Oddy has received pended when he peid the »23 fine the transformer bank that was in- pleased with the quality product over the rental and collection of ternoon services at the camp. Lunch ' stalled on the property by the Moun- which can be supplied. rents of the Drane building, corner and supper arc free Sunday but applications from 430 Coos county and »4.00 coats. (tain States Power Company which Mr. Toon explained the possible lo­ young men who are in various of Second and Hall streets, which guests are asked to bring cake. ( will supply over 000 H. P. of electrical cation of a townsite and the installa­ branches, of Uncle Sam’s service, Mrs. Cotton had been handling, and Coquille Seems Like Heaven energy for machine mining equip­ tion of housing for the employes both at home and abroad, asking that the latter closed down all the other Fred True Will Make To Recent Arrivals From Calif. ment. The route of the new road to which will afford them living quar­ ballots be sent them so that they may business she had been conducting in A County-Wide Campaign Appreciation cast, a vote at the general election Mrs. Lee Wood, who called at this the upper block of coal on which the tan near the mine. her office in that building before her â second mine was expressed by Mr. Toon on behalf “ * is planning 4 Fred C. True, republican candidate this year. One hundred such appli­ office Monday to add their names to corporation removal to Eugene. th« Sentinel's still-growing sub-' Was outlined by Mr. Toon. This road of his company, to the Chamber of for County Assessor at the Nov. 7 cations were received on Tuesday. -5-------------- ------ - election, ta beginning to get out h|s scrjptlon list, said that she and Mr. . is being built by the Federal Govern­ Commerce members, the City, Coun­ K Kansas Man Interested printed material and intends to make Wood came to Coquille from Fresno ment under the Public Roads Admin­ ty and State officials, who have given Eagles Dance Al Gravelford ' an aggressive campaign r|ght up |q • couple of weeks ago to make their istration at a cost of over 123,000. freely of their time to help in estab­ In Oregon’s Coos County Saturday Evtaihg home here, She said It seemed like With this block of coal accessible, it lishing this Jndustry in Coos county. election eve. re ­ The Sentinel has received two Remember ths dance to be given "going to heaven" to enjoy the cool will be possible to develop a tonnage Especial appreciation was expressed mittances thia week for a year’s sub­ in excess of 400 tons daily and all for the cooperation extended by State in th« Graveiford Hall this coming Coquille Valley climate. Mrs. W. E. Suli|van, Jr., the former scription from people in other sjate« the coal will be delivered by gravity Senator Wm. Walsh, who never has that Saturday night, given by the Coquille And why wouldn ’ t It appeal # who have their eyes oq Oregon and Melba McCoy, and her daughter, F. O. Eagles for the benefit of their way to those from the hotter cll- system through the washing where been too busy with his legal affairs Machelle, have been here the past expect to settle out here after the war. building fund. There will be' good I mates’ In the last two months the clean quality coal will be available to help get the coal business on its The second was from a man in Lyons, week front Portland visiting her feet, and to Judge Felsheim, who Mr. music and an enjoyable time for ev- minimum registering of the thermom- for the consumer. Kansas, who ta Interested in Coos mother, Mrs. Lurene Simpson Mr. Isgrig explained to the visitors eyes coal operations as another tax­ eter at night has been right around eryon«. Sullivan has been over on the Bay, county, and whole friend, Robert 40 degree, while the maximum so far the superior coal that can be pro­ payer for the county and an employer Meyer in Port Orfprd, has gKen him where his father is quite seriously duced by mining the coal veins with of Coqs county residents. to 78. calling cards, be tor IÏM ill. some interesting information, he says. < * To Be NonlMted Registration Hours At Coquille Schools Logging Trucks To T reverse Second St. Larry Gets Dinner, Oscar Eats bust This Practice A Menace To Health Coast Fuel Corporation Td Operate Soon Many People Knew He Wanted To Eat •