1 THURSDAY, AUGUST IV, 194C ... . 4 CLASSIFIED Nazis' Civilian Slaughter House r» per month. W. H. Fortier, 3411 One Cent g Weed RaaA Imes South Heath street No Adv. tom than tg sente H FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room Apt. PUP8 FOR BALE—WoU-bred Sbep- ' herd pupa. At Eaton’s Feed Store 1 with bath. Use of Electric Washer. Adults only. No anirfial pets. In­ . Mte. 13-o’clock Saturday till 5 p. m. Aug. 19. t . if»! quire 351 So. Henry St. Fibre E. Dunne. g WILL TRADE—Corn cutter ar young WATlfiil WYLL Drfillng — Fred C. horse for a Manure Spreader. BUI j Stevens, Myrtle Point, phone 9R13,1 Lee, 507 Clark St., North Bend, M. P. Oregon. Phone Mil. \ lt*32s 1 *4 and 3 TON International Trucks HELP WANTED at City Cleaners, some one handy with sewing ma­ available for imthecHate delivery chine and has driver’s license. ’ -It to fanners and others, subject tc War Production Board authoriza­ FOR SALE — 1936 Nash - Lafayette • USED CARS WANTED! tion for purchase., For partinrfara Sedan, or will trade for panel or SELL your car to us for top OP.A. we GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s pick-up. Houston, 155 So. Hall, celling price. No Red Tape. No CoquUle, after 4 p. m. It NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing > trips to the Ration Board. We take of older roofs, all typts and kinds, care of all details and pay you in HOUSE TO RENT—3-room house at done by the Standard Roofing Co., cash the highest price for which 545 North Henry. Inquire at 830 893 North First street, Marshfield. you cat» legally sell your car. See Carter Ave, C. A. White. it* Phone 859. Glen Wm. Curtis, LOU BRALY at Mgr. _________________ . ELECTRIC FENCE Units, »14.75 and ;_______ Up. Will work on 110-volt line, ’ Coquille FARMERS—If you need a Tractor. or hot shot battery, or automobile 28tfs Milkers, Haying Machinery, Elec­ tric Milk Coolers, or any kind of •- FOR MONUMENTS Farm Machinery or Repairs, see Cement Grave Cover or us—your McCormick Deering deal­ VEE BELTS: We can supply your Also Cement Buildi , Phone needs. FARR A ELWOOD. er. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s 123L. John S. Sanders, 541 West 8th, s WE HAVE a number of extra good FOR SALE—Golf Clubs — 8 Irons — Coquille, Oregon. 3 Woods — Bag. Popular manu­ PAPERHANGING, Kalsomintag, In^ facture. Good condition. Also few terior and Exterior Painting. The pre-war Golf Balls. Phone 248M. s latest in Pittsburg, imperial, Birge Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 271 AFTER Sept. 1, Mrs. C. P. Sleek will No. Henry, Coquille, phone 284. be ready to launder curtains. DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk- 8tfs lt*s ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get J Write her, Box 664, Coquille. them at Pacific Feed A Saad So. tfs For Refrigeration Service phone BARB AND WOVEN WIRE — BUY shop, 1MJ; write Box 387, Co- BOY SCOUTS: We have pup tents, NOW WHILE STOCK IS COM­ quiHe. “If Available, well get canteens, mess kits. FARR A EL­ PLETE FOR THAT FALL FENC­ H.” Garnier’s Refrigeration WOOD. ING JOB. J. A. LAMB COM­ Service. 27tfi PANY. s FOR SALE—Girl's pre-war Bicycle, . —a*-------- ..------------------- ------------ 1% and 3 TON International Trucks in good condition. Has balloon DRIVE IN and let us inspect your available for immediate delivery Tires Inquire at 4M North Tay­ tires for hidden defects before you to fanners and others, subject to lor, Coquille, after 8 p. m. lt*s take that trip. This service is free War Production Board authoriza­ and may save you trouble and ex­ tion for purchase. For particulars, FOR SALE—2-bedroom House, com­ pense away from home. Thornton see QEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. a pletely furnished, with electric Tire Service. tfs range and washer, on lot 50x90. ...... . ...... . ■ ... '.... ............ ...... . FOR SALE—Two places of 40 and Rabbit Hutches, 14 RabMts; Chick­ We PAY CASH for Hides, Bark, Wool, 20 acres; five and tour room en House, 6 Chickens. Garage, Mohair. FARR A ELWOOD. s houses; garages, chicken house, Woodshed and' wash room extra. barn and other buildings. Timber H. ft West, 410 E. Oth St., Coquille. DRAG SAWS in Stock (or IMMEDI­ on both places. Spring water. Two ATE DELIVERY—J- A. LAMB lt*s miles from end of East Second St., COMPANY. a Coquille, Write P. O. Box if. C. L. WEED KILLER: Sòdi urn Chlorate Alford. 8914*8 weed killer. FARR A ELWOOD residence lota near the School In Coquille. Write Mrs. L. Pendelton, Orland, Calif. Special easy *.ns on the installment plan. 29t3*s FOR SALE—Buck saw, one-man saw, Handle Axe heads; Plumer tools, wire closet auger, flat steel, sewer rod, Liquid Closet Chemicals, Plumber’s putty, pair Rubber Boots, size 8, Books, Story of the Great War, 8 vol. by Collier. Collier’s Encyclo­ pedia 10 vol. Encyclopedia Dic­ tionary 4 voL; I.CB. Reference Li­ brary, 3 vol.; Ths Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia, 3 vol.; Carving 3-plece set. Buckthorn handle in case, celebrated IXL cutlery, Sheffield, England.) Redwood Boards, 12 pieces, 1x9x48 in., dear lumber. ’ Violin in case, water damaged. Guitar in case, water damaged. Fruit Jars Camp Cot, folding, inquire Mrs. Flora E. Dunne, 351 So. Henry. . . Its WANTED—A long-haired kitten­ male — preferably yellow. Call 210R. • FOR SALE OR RENT — Five-room modern house in Bandon. Terms. Tel. Bandon 8R4. 30t2*s ROOFING—Roll roofing, composition shingles. FARR * ELWOOD e FOR SALE ANYONE wishing > ntoe, new Wheel lib ACRES good hill land, several Chair, get in touch with Lee Good­ springs on place, some timber, man. It*» some poles. Lots of wood; good HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy pasture land part black soil, near and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Peed county road. Inquire Brownaon A Seed Co. * tfs Bros., Bridge, Ore. lt*s FOft RENT-I-rqqm fyrn|shed A m 0- FOR SRHt—8 pom|ng 2-yeer flW fneqt at Wetf Sfcth sfregt. Jersey and Guernsey heifers, rom- (Mil w pN>»e IMM I»*w . |ng fresh in November. T.B, and Abortion Tested Dwight Culver, WANTED — Experisnoed »riertrily phone 3R14, Bridge Fire Patrol. Cail qt Lorens Pejrt »tore, ___ Must be sold at once. 39t3*s DECALS—' ' Decorate your home FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser­ this easy way. FARR A ELWOOD. vice-call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM- BOARD and ROOM—Reasonable, 241 ' PANY. • « South Hall Rt. Women and men. DEER "BAGS—Clean cotton bags, Mrs. Wilkerson. • • it*» large enough to hold your deer, buy now. FARR A ELWOOD. PLUMBING FIXTURES - PIPE — FITTINGS: Farr A Elwood. ARP or APPONE WWInf. ajy Urne, apywhers. day pr n»gh|. TRIM^-feafly PM|ed Wsltyapef *| Prjncf Awtp MrWc, Rom pregg Haftftrary. _________ » Taylpf, ppquIRe, PhflPS tf» -4 Ity cMflfr . . po priority en materials. A ELWOOD. i’OR SALS-^Gpe 4-piece Universal FARR 1 Pw______ . I I Pioneer Methodist Church Of The Naxarene Ninth and Heath Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor 15 a. rp. is t^e Sunday School Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor 8:45 Sunday School hour. “Seek ye the Lord." 11.00 Sunday morning worship hour, * 7:00 Youth Fellowship, Senior and Intermediate. 5:00 Sunday evening, .“What the Sea said to the Pi1 aether." 7:30 Thursday mid-week service hour. ’ (From Eugene Register-Guard) Editor’s Note: The only war ear-, respondents permitted to accompany the Ruseian armies except for occa­ sional conducted tours of the front are Russian. One of these Russian correspondents has written the fol­ lowing special dispatch on the Ger­ man crematory at Lublin. By Roman Karmen Soviet War Correspondent Lublin, Poland, Aug. 11—(Delayed) A petition for administration of the In the course of all my travels into' estate _______ WMU 1|TTT of _ Finley Oswalt, who died , in liberated territory I have never seen North Bend JiLw” 30 ~1*943*"wu a mere abominable right than Maid- ln probaU rourt 7" an. ney Lubin, Hitler’, notorious ( Mabie E. Crunk was on Aug. 10 ap- vermchtungslager extremination pointed administratrix of the 31700 camp-where more than half a mil- MUte of Elmer William Crunk, who lion European men. women and chil- dUd in Douglas county June 3 1941 * C R Wade Friday named F Baby Yar, the Kiev graveyard of M administrator of the 3169.12 estate home 100,000 civilian., was a country by Nlchola, who died cemetery compared with Maidan. in thi, county June 23, 194*2. Evw now, when SS guard, no longer E. N. p^reon on Monday this call to each other from, the watch week wa, appolnted gutrdlan for tower, and there are no more barking Ira Patenwn. Apprairers named by dogs, I cannot believe my own eyes ^e probate court were Elmer Russell, walking through Maidan, officially clarence Kibler and S. R. McCarter known a. Dachau concentration camp Maude E. Law ha. been appointed No. 2. This was not a concentration MuardJan for Caroline Elizabeth Bor- camp: it was a gigantic murder plant, Save tor 1000 living corp^ the Qeo. E. Wroe wm on Tuewiay kp- Red army found when it entered, pointed executor of the will of Clera v 1/rT he™ MiVe A’ Wr<*’ who dled M »H4. Car- Yet full trains daily brought thou- men Andrews, Ed Elphick and Isham sands here frotn all parts of Europe E. Webb were named as appraisers of to be coldly, brutally mastered. ¡th. estate which is estimated to con- In the center of the camp stands ,iit of 31250 ln real property. • huge stone building with a fgc- ___________ _ tory chimney—the world's biggest m. Morning Worship, Pas- Probate Court Items . Church of Christ East 4th A Coulter Liston Parrish, Pastor Bible Study and Prayer meeting Thursday, 1:30 p. m. We will con­ tinue our study of “Stewardship.'* Bible School 9:45.^ Martha Mul­ key, Supt. An interesting program is planned for all. Morning worship il o’clock. Lord’s Supppr. Special music. \ Message, ‘ Religion in a Crisis." Intermediate C. E. 8:30. Young People's C. E. 7:00. Evening service 8:00. Wed. 7:30 Choir Practice. Don Farr, director. « Circuit Court Coses ■ of it still stands—a bronze monu- Au<. io_Wrn. Belt, administrator ment to the third relch. estate of Annie L. WHson, vs. S. P. Groups of 100 persons would be Holt et al. brought here to be burned almost ( Aug. 14^Dorothy Pike vs. Edward Church of God Cbrner of Henry A Seventh Sts Walter Lee Greer, Pastor Sunday. Asg. 20 alive. They alreedy had been w. Pike. Suit for divorce. divorce, 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. stripped and then chlorinated in Aug. 15 — Ruth D. Ludwick vs - Aug. 15—Ruth D. Ludwick •armón. special gas chambers adjoining. The Bennett Swanton as executor of the , 11:00 a. m. Worship: “The Leaven of the Pharisees, and gas chambers contained some 250 estate of J. W. Bennett Leaven.” person, at one time. They were. Aug. 15—Iris Greenwood vs. Low- Other ' 8V0 p. m. Evangelistic service: Mr- closely packed in a standing position eff J. Greenwood. Suit tor divorce, so that after they suffocated from the ....................... - 1 mon, "Seeing the Invisible." Aug. 19—Mabel Loveland vs. Ggo. Th e r eto r. As«. 17 chlorine they still remained standing, w 'Loveland Suit for divorce. 8:00 p. m’. Prayer meeting. Executioners then would enter, re. . __ _ “Mark the perfect man, and be­ move the suffocated victims, »ome of1-------------- -— hold the upright: for the end of that whom still stirred feebly, and PlaooS I NOTICE the bodies In special oarig. The carts NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that man to peace.“—Psa. 37:37. ■ ' .......... .. ■ ■*' ' .un.<^r>* Centrifugal Pumps. J. A- LAMB with diabolical efficiency. The vic­ Downey, deceased, and has qualified Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. COMPANY. tims’ oharred bones end ashes were as such. ___ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. . mtn an »dininln« NOW' THEREFORE all moved Into an adjoining department having claims against Subject tor next Sunday, “Mind" where Ml Incredible process want on.' hereby notified and Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 These human bones' were mhchani- *«nt the same, together o’clock.. «A puivnad. Free public Reading Room at 239 dersigned was on I thiMth day of July, tin cans and shipped back to Qer- , Coquille, Coos County. Oregon, with- W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every 1944, appointed by the County Court day except Sunday and holidays from of Coos County, Oregon, as Admin­ many for fertilizing the German in six months from the date hereof, Dated thia Mth istrator of the Estate of Violet L. fields. 1:30 to 8*0 p. m. Tf if — ----- »* ' ' l81s It in is Hiffinult difficult tn to hollaua believe it myself, Lorenz, dec« having claims but my eyes cannot deceive me. Ii- Mrabp _____ ____ me at the office of O. C.* Sanford, At­ see the human bones, lime-barrels, / torney, in Coquille, Oregon, with I chlorine pipes and furnace machinery. proper vouchers and duly verified, I see the enormous dumps of shoes, within six months from the date of sandals and slippers In men’s, wom­ this notice. Dated and published first time. en’s and children’s sizes, bearing the trademarks of a dozen European July 27, 1944. zw.lit. MURL F. PETTIT, countries. inc uinlla wbhs oi one room Asti coi- Administrator. 28t5 lapsed under the weight of these NOTICE TO CREDITORS shoes which the Germans were sal­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, vaging for their own people. that the undersigned has been duly The cremation fumacq wax rqn* appointed Administrator with the Will Annexed of the estate of Oscar ning day aqd nigh, and Its chimneys Nilsen, deceased; end that all per­ never »eased smoking The capacity j sons ha- i vins '-- claims against — >-■ — agM Ms of |ts five oompartmenta was 1400 tate she dally, But that was too small for*! V» »’ A the Germans, who had begun to build theffW, the an annex when the Red army arrived, * law office in the Building. CoqulU«, Oregon, within six breaking ground and piling up bricks Early of the months from the date of this notice. Dated, and first published August for its construction. The Russian array arrived, in time while 10, 1944. . Harry A. Slack, to save the last set of victims ear­ Administrator with the will An- nexed of the-estate of Oscar Nilsen, marked for slaughter. I U|hed with deceased. 30t5 many of these living oorpses. That NOTHING OVERLOOKED means I did a^osl of the talking, be­ NOTICETO CREDITORS o< them cou|d either speak no matter how large and elaborate NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that cause the undersigned has been duly ap­ or movq. the reals upon which the funeral pointed by the County Court of arrangements are to be made That Is our policy—that is our proud claim after many years of expert Dr. De La Rhne ence A conference with us will IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND I be to your advantage Eyesight FOR 0008 COUNTY W” U th* undersigned In Ctaquille, Coos County, Oregon, MARJORIE E. McGARVIN. e PLAINTIFF, i within six months from the date i 1 hereof. • I ouldn/r:îihn|Ân^iS Out-of Town Folks! •w, «“Mr «.NAU. ^^■¿¡iroroAOT E|pctr|c Silver Overlaid 9-cup per­ FARM I MACHINERY Repairs — We 2?U-...__W,I ---------- To; DONALD P. M