The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 17, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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Belle Knife Hospital Pay Roll Peaks
'June Collins, of Coquille, under- ! Reached In 1943
went a major operation and nine-year
old Bonney Moultin from Portland
tonsilectomy last Friday.
On Saturday Mrs. Viola Phillips, of
Powers, underwent a major opera-
| tion, Mrs. W. E. Caver of Powers and
Jimmy Wilson, two-year old ,of Co-
lecturing pay
"Song of Bernadette
Screen Triumplr’
At Roxy Tue. & Wed
n * authorities grow
As long a* the human heart has
tor the first time in the state’s history,
| while the total earnings of workers the power to feel, to love, to suffer,
ito triumph, ’“The Song of Berna­
in all lines probably reached close to
I a billion dollars, it was revealed in « dette” will be remembered a* a great
motion picture, wondrously conceived
quille, submitted to tonsilectomiea. * recent analysis of wage reports from .
enthrallingly unfolded.
Mrs. Carl Briggs, of Powers, un­ approximately 10,000 employers cov-1
It is beyond all question the ful­
derwent a major operation on Sun­
fillment of all you had hoped it
sation law. The analysis was based I
1943 I would be . . beyond all comparison
Mrs. John Berglund, of Coquille, on the recent final, report on
! in its emotional sweep and power . .
underwent a major operation; Jim figures as submitted by the state I beyond all conception tn the miracu-
Oden, 14-year old Coquille youth Commission to the Federal .Security
' lous spell it cast over all have seen it.
an appendectomy, and Geo. H. Terry, Agency.
i Accolades will be bestowed—and
The 2,450 manufacturers reported
of Marshfield, entered for treatment.
with a lavish hand—upon 20th Cen­
$519,997,000 paid to employees last
I all three of them on Monday.
tury-Fox for the remarkable manner
I A Mexican, Santo Vargas, of Co­ year comparing with $114,912,725 in
i in which it has bridged the transition
quille, was operated for appendicitis
; from the novel to the screen. Great
ing the same period manufacturing
on Tuesday.
and universally beloved as was Franz
Miss June Sargent underwent a employment rose from a peak month Werfel’s story of “Bernadette” be­
of 98,260 in 1940 to nearly 200,000
major operation on Monday.
tween book covers, it is infinitely
Shipbuilding and
Dismissals the past week ha»e been I in June, 1943.
greater and more compelling as a
Mrs. Don Wheaton and baby, Donna plane construction employed 96,019
motion picture.
May Young and Mrs. R. Hollmon, last workers at the peak a year ago.
!• Only the highest praise will suf­
Employes covered by the unemploy­
Thursday; Mrs. Mary Hanson, of
fice for the director, Henry King,
Bandon, and Bonney Moultin on Frf- | ment law earned $788,623,052 last and the producer, William Berlberg,
day; Mrs. J. A. Watson and baby, ' year, according to-report* received by
into whose hands the destiny of
Mrs. F. L. Sextdh and baby, Mrs. the Commission up to June 30, 1944. bringing the novel onto the screen was
Betty Baker, Mr*. Hasel Fry and Representing an increase of a third entrusted. Each, in his respective
Mrs. Ralph Leneve Give*
Donald Freidrich on Saturday; Mrs. over 1948 and mor* than three times
capacity, records the outstanding
i W. E. Caver, Jimmy Miller, and W. ‘as great as in 1940, last year's pay-
Dinner Party For Three
achievement of his career. All credit
, Mrs. Ralph Leneve gave a pretty A. Schroeder of Bandon, on Sunday; roll* were by far the greatest'In the is due, too, to George Seaton for his
state's industrial history. Wages re-
dinner party in the Coffee Shop on , Wm. B. Cotter on Tuesday
screen play, which faithfully follqws
’ ported for each of the last three
Wednesday of last week in honor of .
the pattern of Werfel’s story.
quarters of 1943 were well over the
three birthdays—her husband’s, that Church of Christ Plans
i In the title role of the Maid of
I $200-mlllion mark and if bad weather
Lourdes, Jennifer Jones makes the
of her daughter, Mrs. Clara Wilson . Training School For Leaders
in January and February had not
most auspicious debut in Hollywood
The Church of Christ has planned slowed up production, first quarter
history. Here is a star—and one who
a week of Leadership Training, Au- pay rolls would have been consider­
had flared into being with a bril­
gust 28 - Sept. 1. Five classes will be ably higher. Here are the figures:
liance that shines with the mark of
taught in the cchoc'.:
“Teaching First quarter—9171,040.285; second—
greatness. /i bow to David O. Selz-
Adults,” taught by Mr*. Alda Nosier; $205,094,771; third — $205,853,388;
inlck for her discovery!
"Teaching Primaries and Junior*.” by fourth—$204,944,608.
i Matching Jennifer Jones’ perform­
Mr*. Wilbur Torgenson, one of the
ance are the featured members of the
state educational director* of the
Joe Berg, twelve-year old son of cast: William Eythe, Charles Bick-
Christian Church; “Teaching Pre­
Attorney and Mrs. J. A. Berg, went ford, Vincent Price,. Lee J. Cobb and
School Children,” by Mis* Doris Mc­
on his first fishing trip to the Rogue 'Gladys Cooper. Others in important
Reynolds, a worker under the State
Keys made lor all locks. Stevens Baptist convention; “My Christian river last Thursday. _ No apologies roles are well-nigh flawless.
From the moment, when “Berna-
Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore.
tf Beliefs,” by Kenneth Johnson of for his hick were necessary a* he
caught three salmon, one weighing dette Soubirous,” young daughter of
Northwest Christian College, and
20 pounds and two 18 pounds. He an improverished family, sees the
“Worship,” by Liston Parrish.
accompanied his father «nd C. G. vision of “.The Beautiful Lady,’’ “The
Any Christian teacher is invited to
Song of Bernadette” is a rare experi­
attend the school. More detailed an­
nouncements concerning the school
faith is from her
will be made next week.
heart. »Lourdes seethes with excite­
ment over report of the vision—the
increasingly con­
cerned, fearing the effect on the peo­
ple—but Bernadette holds steadfast.
Dramatic^ moments in the film are
Bernadette is hailed into court and
asked to deny she saw a vision. She
disarmingly replies, “How can I deny
it, when I did sec it?”
The grotto is ordered closed, as a
final measure.
Bernadette im­
pelled by a call from "The Lady,”
goes to the fence
townspeople away,
The young son of the Emperor
Napoleon III, lies dying—a drink of
water from the spring which has mi­
raculously burst forth at the grotto
revives him, and the grotto is ordered .
Bernadette is fold by Peyamalethat
she must accept her destiny—that
“The Lady” has chosen her, and that
she mutt choose “The Lady.”
"The -Song of Bernadette” is a
motion picture so deep in its under­
standing, so powerful in its emo­
tional sweep, that for one immortal
moment you touch the truth . . . the
final fulfillment ... of everything
yotj are or evw hope to be.
Standard of California
Rom where I sit... J/ Joe Marsh
Ella Sproule versus the
"Horseless Carriage"
3 ki
nome fro nt
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Bring your
Gat Our
I ----------------- 1 Yr.
____________ 1 Yr.
Southwestern Motors