I COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, OOQDflXE. ÔKtôON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17.1*44. PAGE FIVE 4w F—— F.S.A. Can Help Farmer Financing whelmingly evident in this war. They must be sustained by the Amer­ ican people with the full apprecia­ tion that they are vital to us and must Jim Clinton, of Myrtle Point, father Family-type, small and part-time always be prepared to go Into action of Theo. (Dutch) Clinton, won the farmers unable to place their opera­ to make effective the might of the Time was, when an angler could Tin Whistle tournament trophy last tions on a sound basis through other United SUtes. wend his way from the very head to Sunday at the Valley golf course. credit sources can secure counsel and the mouth of most any fishing stream Jim, a youngster of 78 years, played assistance through Farm Security Ad­ Congressman Harris Ellsworth in the costal country and never en­ a very good 18 holes of golf to win ministration programs, reports Ed Back In Washington, D. C. counter a single fisherman. And in the myrtlewood trophy which was Hughes, FSA Supervisor for Coos and Congressman Harris Ellsworth of later years it was only on week ends made and donated by Paul Snyder. Curry counties, Bank building, Co­ that anglers were apparent on cer­ George (Swanee) Johnson was quille. Funds for another fear were Oregon’s Fourth district returned the tain popular streams and then only in Jim’s closest rival with C. Mast a appropriated by congress to support first of the week to Washington D. C., very small numbers. But the pic­ near third. war food production and operations when the House of Representatives was called into session to consider im­ ture has changed and today it is an IndivHual scores were: 'of family-sized and small farms. Washington, D. C., Aug. 17—As of John Arnold------55 Stew Norton ... 46' I FSA services include farm manage- perative legislation. impossibility to enjoy a day along Ellsworth expressed regret that it 55 ‘ I meat some stream without encountering August 1 the shipyards of the United Jack uaui McLarrin. mci^arnn. 52 os A. a . Richardson rucnarosun . ..ao iiwm and ana loan loan assistance assistance to to help Help bring bring States had constructed 3,632 mer­ ¡Don McLarrin. 53 O. Hendricks ..44 ¡smaller farms up to full production would be impossible for him to com­ many fishermen. On Saturday/ and Sundays, both chant vessels since this country en- C. Mast........... 64 R. Holimon .....43 |capacity through providing needed plete the itinerary he had planned for the congressional recess. ..... Clinton ......... _ L. Holimon _ 46 during the trout and steelhead season, tered the war. They are still turning Jim ....... 75 - livestock, machinery, feed and seed, as well as upon week days, du^ng out »hips at Vancouver-Portland and Butch Briner.....48 B- Keener _____ ..... 28 building repairs, small water facili­ the latter mentioned run of fish, hun­ . Puget sound yards and presumably! N. Chowning.... S3 Dutch Clinton 56 ties and other essentials to efficient dreds upon hundreds of anglers may will be for another year. This raises FayOsterhout 35 L. Compton ....... 55 operation, explained Hughes. Ix>ans be found upon the banks of coastal the question as to what is to become John Geider ..... 34 Geo. Johnson ... 66 are limited to *2500, repayable up to streams. During the run of s'ilverside ot ‘his armada of American mer- O. Wood------ ,....47 H. Dement------ 56 five years and bear five per cent in­ and Chinook salmon, thousands of jchantmen - the largest commercial On Sunday, August 20, there will terest. --------* anglers frequent the different jfleet °f “ny country in the world, be an Epitaph Tournament for jhe Farmers eligible must be resident streams. They come from states * when the war ends. A percentage pleasure of the golfers, i ^** —-*• mb w v. viiv Valley v ■— operators or owners of family-type will * be afar, from half way across the con- “ ’ lost ‘ due "* * to enemy action orj This • tournament is played with par or smaller farnw, have a background tinenf. Boats on such rivers as The storm at sea, but the number will be M plus handicaps and the' seven of farm experidRce and. show inabil­ Rogue, Umpqua and even on the negligible. The fleet will be practi- golfers going the farthest around the ity to finance sound operations from cally Intact when the shooting stops, .course will win a free dinner at the regular commercial credit sources. lower Coquille are at a premium. There is an impression, shared by olub house, also a free dinner for Practical farm and home plans are Each year sees more persons taking up the sport of angling and each sea- many Americans, that with this mer- ¡the best epitaph There will be no worked out by the farmer With the son sees our game fish—especclally chant fleet the United States can entry fee lor this tournament. ( help of the supervisor and a county ocean-borne •Tournament Com. committee of resident farmers. Farm our trout—becoming scarcer. When carry 1 - all of its ------------ --------- -- cargo ------ and" the war is ended and the boys get »he cargoes of other countries, tenure is expected to cover the loan repayment period. back home, that means thousands of more anglers. And this all leads up hriee to death by hogging the off-, Information may be obtained at the to one thing—the total extermination »hore business. Shipping officials County FSA Office, Coquille, or from of our game fish over a short period here have other ideas. They favor the following FSA committeemen: of years unless, something is really dividing up the business and consider i Ranchers who will have brush land Ed Detlefsen and Bob Geaney, of Co­ done io protect them, unless more that if SO per cent of the American to burn over this fall prior to seed- | quille; J. A. Corrie, of Prosper; or and more fish are planted in our commerce is carried in American bot- Ing for pasture land “development Bert Davenport, Myrtle Point. Com­ streams. ' itoms that will be sufficient. England, were urged to make application for pleted applications are reviewed by Did time anglers, as well as com- I “Iso, considers that 50 per cent of their burning permits immediately so the County committee and approved mental fishermen, will toll you of the America^ business is enough for the that the wardens will have an oppor­ when they are practical, help war decrease in the ranks of the salmon American merchant marine -or prob­ tunity of making necessary lnvestiga- food production and make for sound in the Coquille river. At one time, “hly less u „ .u* j ¡lions before burning season arrives. farming operations. Special consid­ _____ ______________ Nothing y war(Jen during the salmon run, ______________ a person could ‘ - has been settled and the KeJ eration will be given applications of stand upon the banks of the lower »abject is still open to negotiation F1re Patrol Ass’n, announced returned war veterans with farm Coquille, and a. far a. he could see, !lt *» — umad that the United State. g procadure wUl be helpfui In background. both up and down the river. flwr.; maydisproe of a targe part of it. m-lti7g it pomibta to i burning when Jas. Clinton Wins Golf Tournament Out-of-Doors Stuff w^u. He expected, at the time of his de­ parture from Roseburg, that it would not be possible for him to return to Oregon prior to the general election in November. “I had hoped," ho said, “thâF it would be possible for me to meet with friends in all parts of the dis­ trict, but I feel it is imperative that congressmen be in their places In Washington in these critical times. I will be glad to receive communica­ tions from any residents of the dis­ trict to whom J can be of service in the national capital.” a SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT NORTON'S Insurance Specialist. F. R. Bull. u. «he, ““"- Ask For Burning Permits At Once were hundred, of salmon leaping .nd «nerriiant fleet to foreign nation^ ' conditions are most favorable splashing. Just try and witness such shipbuilding nations such as England, Arrangements have bean made • -«ht today. ¡rrT.-i ^727"" 7T 'with a Ceding"and dusting company t up, U stop Uie. intend to roviv. their own ship- " ranga land for thoae commercial fishing. < Commercial Pin* industry to provide employment avaUabto 0 fishing in our riyers is not a drop'«nd to again sail upon the seven seas, who are interested in having it done in the bucket toward the extinction of They will prefer to build their own in that manner. In repartition this our fish. One fishing fleet operating »hips rather than to buy from the activity at a ranchers meeting held outside our Mh-bors, will bring in United States and surplus vessels in Bandon last Monday evening Coun­ more fish at one trip than all the that will be anchored, in our ports. ty Agpnt, George Jenkins, urged all commercial fishermen catch on the Incidentally, the foreign countries of those who will havd* land to seed can build ships cheaper than can Coquille river in twenty yean. by plane to list the acreage and legal You do not hear a big cry raised to American yards, and it was to offset description oFWch land at his office slop outside commercial fishing. No, having Americans order ships built j so that a map may be prepared in ad­ it is always to stop it in some coastal foreign that the federal maritime vance for the use of pilots doing this stream. We should like to inquire 'commission is permitted to pay the seeding. The etat of this serVRe will idifference in cost and thus keep this why? I be approximately *1.20 per acre, it Just so long as thousands upon work for American yards. J was announced. * « The foreigners can also operate a thousands of boats ply the waters of Rural fire crews or committees the Pacific, patching hundreds upon ship for lees expense, wages for sea- ■ have been organized in most com­ thousands of tons of salmon each I men being much lower than the munities In Coos county to assist In season, there Is bound to be a growing ■ American scale. One thing js reason­ I supervising the burning program, shortage of salanon run* into our ably certain, -however; American making arrangements to have an ade­ coastal streams. ■ To cut off local net ' merchant ships will carry more goods quate seed supply available and for UWM. they MK. wv»vr,v the «MW war. W*. • fishermen for the gratification of the, than did before the use of the airplane where needed. sportsmen fishermen is not fair. It is ,» —o— The chairman of eech of the commit­ not getting to the seat of the trouble, j One of the first organizations to tees will meet m the near future to It is Uke during a battle, killing off ujge an appropriation for a new west coordinate this work and io the _________ _______ S___ A n., A l.elrn la tka ma_ a few snipers of - ... the _ enemy and not coast ki«kw. highway to Alaska is the as- meantime those who are interested in firing a shot at the main army that islsoeiatlon of hotel men of California, the program are Urged to make early storming your position. And the The hotel men realize that there will application for burning permits, list main army that is depleting the sal- be a great surge of travel following acreage and legal descriptions of mon supply today is the outside the war and they wish to see a high- land to be seeded by plane, and make (meaning beyond the bars) commer-'way constructed that will enable arrangements for a suply of seed to fleets of fish- tourists to travel from California dal fishermen, the vi be available. through Oregon and. Washington, tak ­ ing boats that ply the ocean waters While the cost of good seed is ex­ ing off for Alaska from the Puget from southern to northern waters. pected to be high this season, benefit sound territory. The hotel men have We do not caU it sportsmanship in payments available through the Agri­ any sense of the word, for angling petitioned congress to support the cultural Conservation Program will clubs and individual sportsmen to proposal and they specifically State offset a large percentage of this cost 'that they do not wish to use the constantly clamor upon the subject and ranchers who have attended the ¡southern portion of tfae Alcan hlgh- of stopping commercial fishermen series of meetings just completed are jway, whiqh is in Canadian territory from dipping their nets in such riv­ ¡making plans to-burn over as much ers«u>e^MM —— On the ----------- ■------ and ,ar removed the P’ciflc range land as possible this year and ers as'the Coquille. Coquille river especially, are found a mighty 1 coast, as a tourist route. When the seed it with good seed in order to de­ fine lot of fellows who fish commer- matter comes before a committee of velop better pasture for their live­ dally; they are glad at all times to congress the hotel men will throw in stock. lend their co-operation to the sports- the influence of the entire Californio men angler and yet these are the sort delegation to reinforce the delegations bill. It is thought possible that south­ of men that are "warred” upon, with from Washington and Oregon in ern Oregon climatic and other condi­ never a word being uttered against ' pressing the cause. tions would give encouragement to the real menace to our fish—the out­ an experiment of similar nature. « side fishermen----- - f Backers of the China-American After all the commercial fisherman council of comaserce are not broad­ A west coast shipyard would like is merely seeking to make a living casting their activities, but the head to know what yard in the Puget wherever he may ply his trade, but office in Naw York city Is accumu­ Soupd area called up Portland area if the -angler-sportmen are bound to lating some important daU which and wanted to sell surplus material. put him out of business, then why will be of special interest to the porta don’t they start at the seat of the on the Pacific coast from San Diego Remember — Norton's fer office, trouble—outside fishing—and not on to Seattle. There will be little pub­ school and home supplies. 37tf« tlie fellows on the small streams who licity on the work of this organiza­ have just as great an interest toward tion until after the war, when the data Insurance apeeranst. V. R. Bull. the conservation and propagation of collected will be available to the sea­ _________ _ __ salmon as has the average sportsman- ports aldhg the ____ wes( ............. coast. It will fisherman. Why not be fair about it, necessary to lay part of the pro- and really show some true sports'- [^*^7£ department of .Lie, manship |n the metier? Phone MSR, to Art Hooten for your electrical wiring and repair needs He is located north of the ball park ou the Fairview road. Mtfs 'sueh as legislation to permit a free [flow of commerce -between China and the United Stale» The council wish­ es to be prepared to open business re- ' latipns before the British stake out itheir otaima. As a post-war project to- provide 1 employment, California is asking gov­ ernment aid in the development of a cork oak industry. In the past four ' years 150,000 of these trees have been ' planted and the product is said to be equal to the cork obtained from Spain jor Portugal. The exact form in whiqh |he plea will be submitted to congress has not been disclosed but the matter is being considered by membet» of tho California delega­ tion to determine the terms of the Winning The War With T ransportation Coquille women have been asked by their Government many times, and in many ways, to “fight waste” on the home front Homemakers of the na­ tion have been asked to save tin cans, kitchen fats, waste paper, food, fuel and many other vital civilian services and commodities . . which they have done with stimulating success. The Office of Defense Transportation is ing to American women to le" of transportation .... to stay and discover the nearby sources of amusement and entertain­ ment that the “old home town'* and vicinity has to offer during the sum­ mer vacation. The fact that trans­ portation is necessary to our con­ certed war effort is illustrated by the words of the United States Army Major General C. P. Cross, Chief of Transportation, “Our railroads are essential to our nation's capacity to make war. That was proved in World War I and has become over- ——————— r WESTERN’S SUPREME QUALITY l WESCOTE Supreme Quality” Roofing is fully guaranteed and Under- writers Approved. It’s super-saturated with finest asphalt and has a coating that will not run or become brittle. Watch Your Kidneys/ 35 Lb. MICA Iy j -¿fi» 45 Lb aX^Lsro» «Mama D oans P ills $1.13 Roll 1.69 Roll . 65 J-b do 90 Lb. Slate red or green 2.65 Complete with Nails and Cement HARRY M. JOHNSON, Prop—Authorised Dealer 15* South Taylor, Coquille 2.39 Roll ■