FAO! fOUB B. of Adolf Hitler and Mr. Tojo. Their ravings will come to naught like the foam of churned water. In the U. S. of America for more than eleven years, we have heard the ravings of the new deal with its 105 varieties, more or less, alphabetical alphabets. The Sentinel!' TWENTY YEARS AGO A MM MMS I» A MW VMM H. A. YOUNG Keys made for aii locks. Stevens Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. tf PROKPT service I OH Surprising most of their friends in Coquille Dr. Mace Suggests A Fifth Freedom 10 Years of SERVICE to the Community he gano . funeral home T is now beginning its 10th Year as an in­ stitution of Service to this Community. Dur­ ing the past lb years I have been priviledged to serve families at a time when an under­ standing service was of paramount impor­ tance to relatives and friends. With sorrow comes responsibility. It must be met'with sympathy, experience and knowledge. . For the public confidence that I have enjoyed through these years I am humbly grateful and shall exert every effort to con­ tinue to merit the good will of the community. _ ____ ,. fine stock of caskets always on display, from {he (east expensive to the very finest The height of the log-trucking Th* truc* question will undoubted- season brings with it the perennial P°P UP a,,ln ,n the "*xt problem of load limits for the trucks ,ure The poundage load Recognizing the war emergency, the|Hmit discriminates against the small State Highway Department raised the j <’Perator who cannot aMord the **'. allowable load limit for log trucka by ' P«n81ve weighing equipment now in- about ten per cent for the duration. fltal,ed by nearly all large concerns. The State Police have used fine dis- 1 PoM,bly ’om* ™ he found to cretion in enforcement. And yet the welPerators, smarting under what they equipment prevails as before. Evi- re«ard as ‘'shake-down fines," is apt dently the mere raising of the pound to burst/into a general flame of pro­ load limit has not solved the problem te,t lhat wil1 force »w«*Ping changes completely although it has had the de-iln State Highway policy. The O. L sired result of increasing output per “D with its provisions for business unit for the war emergency. loana to returning service men will home is dedicated to. the"ho in eternal sleep repose herein and is for the comfort of relatives and friends. kmo (funeral (Home TtIXPHOne M ' JHfiULAHCt $CW/C€ - Ç0QUIL16 Corner Third « Coulter Coquille