TU COQUILLE VALUE SENTINEL, COQUILLE, GttGON, I Items About Local Boys In Senke Coquille. He is one uf the force which is guarding German prisoners at the camp Ted said Mrs. Peterson Ted Peterson, who operated a gro­ is still in the Consolidated Freight­ cery store on Front street, where the ways office at Roseburg. Dillard Market is, before he enlisted a couple of years ago in the Army, Cecil Finley Now A First spent part of his five-day furlough Class Pharmacist Mate from Camp White, near Medford; in Mr. and Mrs. Cince Finley have re­ C. H. S. Graduate Wins Bravery Award Sergeant and Mrs. Carl Johnson, who had been here for six days visit­ ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy C. Johnson, are leaving today for his station at the camp near Spokane, where he is a member of an Army Engineer company. Carl had had a 15-day furlough and they visited Mrs. Johnson’s parents in Provo, Utah, before coming to Coquille. He was not certain as to future assignments but rather anticipated that his outfit was to be sent over­ seas in the not distant future. Carl is looking well and the force of the Sentinel, where he was em­ ployed before joining the Army, were all glad to see him and wish him good lud^ " .......................... —7 Clark Gearhart Home From Italy Pfc. William Clark Gearhart, son of Coquille’s City Engineer and Mrs. J. N Gearhart, arrived hosae last Saturday after being overseas for 25 months, in England, Africa and Italy. He will have three weeks at home. Clark, as he is known to home folks, although in the Army he to William C., was with the Mediterran­ ean Aviation Transport Service, and when his furlough to over he to to report at Camp Ord, near Monterey, Calif., Sept, fl, but where he will go from there he does not know. Clark landed with U. S. forces in Africa in December, 1942, and had been in Italy for about a month be­ fore being sent home. He reports having seen in Italy a former Coquille boy, Ted Miller, son of Marion C. Miller, and says that Ted was the only one of a group of 13 he was with who survived some recent engagement. --------------- i--------- ' - Ted Peterson Guarding German Prisoners At Camp White ] Williams-Fetch Nuptials In Texas Sgt. Carl Johnson Here For Week THURSDAY, AUGUST »f, 1H4. The Presbyterian church at Cole- i man, Texas, was the scene of a pretty wedding of a Coquille valley couple j on Saturday, July 29, when Gene­ vieve Fetch, youngest vounaeat daughter of A Coquille High School graduate, vleve who before his induction into the Wendelyn Fetch of Riverton, became Army was employed at the plant here _ ~ bride of Aviation Cadet W. Phillip —Private First Class Oran V. Hol- i Wil" Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. brook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hol­ Williams of Coquille. The double ring ceremony was brook of Riverton—has been awarded a Bronze Star by his commanding of­ performed by Rev. John J. Mueller ficer for his gallanti^ and bravery in before an altar beautifully decorated with tall baskets of garden flowers action in the Pacific war theatre. The Japs were attacking on Vella aod white tapers. Mrs. Dorothy Williams, mother of LaVella Island and Oran’s counter the groom, attended the bride and a attack broke up the enemy threat. Alone, he crawled forward and classmate of th* groom, at the flying with hand grenades and his rifle, school, Robert K. Windmiller, was wiped out the enemy machine-gun best num. Flower girls And attractive crew. That loss caused the Japs to music, including the wedding march, withdraw and they were hurried in made it an event long to be remem­ that by the rest of Oran's outfit who bered by those present. Mrs. Williams, who is a graduate of were Inspired by his spectacular, brave action and poured in concen­ th* j Riverton High School and later was employed in the Swift A Co. trated rifle fire. —“ office here, will make her home in ,Col*ihan while her husband is at- i tending the dvlation school. The groom graduated from Coquille High 8chool and has been in the Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Aber have'Army A,r Corps since Feb’ 10’ 1943 V - was conferred on him just before he had completed his second year with Unde* Sam’s seadogs. ' Leo Aber A B-29 Bomber Engineer | «S'* Loretta Young. Anne Gwynne and Evelyn Anker*. Young to starred. At Roxy Theatre 8*np or Regulor Grind Or, if you prefer. Hills. N. J 1„ Mas­ kell House, Golden West, Chase & Sen- born, Airway and Nob'Hill Whole Bean. Don’t forget, Safeway can save you money on the»«, too. CHAMPAGNE tX i 1 A Dii A I APSE MAKMALAUt l TIBBETTS Orange and Brook Grapefruit 17c GUA RANTED MÍA TS SHREDDED WHEAT IQ- ■r.ll ___ — «b, 1W Kellogg* i OTHER MEAT MARKET FEATURES i VEAL ROAST Leg A Rump — Cut “A” Grade Ib. SHOULDER CHOPS, Arm & ORr Blade “A” Grade lb. Veal or Lamb Stew A & B grde Ib 19c PORK LIVER, fresh Ib. 24c VEAL RIB CHOPS A grade lb 36c GROUND BEEF A & B grade Ib. 29c BACON, any site piece lb. .. . 33c 'Pork Shoulder Rst, center cut Ib 31c Pork Steak Lb. 34c Short Rihs Ih. 19c TOMATOES 15 Ib lug 1 A Q 1 Rochester Lb........ ....... ..... 10- Golden-ripe—and good! Lb. WATERMELONS Half or Whole $1 JLQ 1« IK Flat CANTALOUPES GRAPEFRUIT Ariaona Marsh Seedless Yellow Bantam, tender PEACHES BEET SUGAR Stamps 30-31440 1« Ib. MATCHES Favorite Ctn. of 6 OIL WAX PAPER G d H’keepng 150 ft. roll SWAN SOAP “4-in-l Soap Reg. bar CRYSTAL WHITE laundry Soap reg. bar OXYDOL Gran’lated Soap reg 24-os. BEANS Local Stringless C- •**» Lb........ ' Lb. POTATOES Yakima. White Rose SAFEWAY Lb. 11c 3 Vic 13c 4c nu - made I FRESH MAY0NNAIS6 I Quart 1u get your mone. back at once. Ask about Ourine Em .Jrnna tndav at Barrow Ora* Co. SAVE ON JUICES! with ifau Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe­ der's Jewelry. Men’s Wedding Rings in stock. I ceived word that their son, Cecil, who has been seeing action with the Navy in the South Pacific, has just been promoted to, the office of first class Pharmacist Mate. The rating rS received the following letter, written July 21, from their son, Staff Sgt. Leo George Folsom Home Aber who is an engineer on a B-29 For Couple of Weeks Boeing Bomber and who is stationed George Folsom arrived home last in Italy. He writes Interestingly as week for , visit with his follows: 1 parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Bert Folsom. “I’m fat and lazy. I went qn a , jje ^Is training at Camp Roberts raid th* other day. I got a good ¡n Calif., and was recently gradauted look at Germany and at anti-aircraft from TechnlcIan School at shells bursting. We call the jagged Fort slll> okta very near to hu fath. pieca. of steel that fly in all direc- er., old home place ln that ,ute tiona introduction George c _ ’s ■ sister, ■ ■ Eleanor, -■ _______ • ;—•— ’flak. _ ’ 1 I R got ot 8 a good introduction and ; daugh- to it A piece came througk the pl- m"thim in Eugene’’ and ca’me iot a windshield between the two pl- down to Coqtillle to be with him here lota and hit my boot. It cut my fly- for , few He wlu return to ing boot open but failed to cut my lKanaaai and from thereto Virginia, shoe, it just knifed across my toe. i Insurance Specialist V. R. Bull. • I was up in the upper turret and it knocked by boot off of the foot rest. It felt like some one had hit my boot with a sledge hammer. If it never I gets any closer than this, it stlU came too darn close. Lin Swain Awaiting "You can’t see the ’flak,’ you only Overseas Orders see the puff of smoke as it bursts. Duty orders to sea or to some shore i The ones you see, don't hurt you, station now await Bluejacket Lincoln it , ’s the ones you don’t see. Fremont twain, 26. of Coquille, a “Of the three crews that came here recent graduate of the Naval Train- ( the same djry from'Colorado Springs ing School for storekeepers at the —we’re the only ones left. . One Toledo, Ohio, Naval Armory. < crew ran out of gas and stopped at* Sent to the specialty school "on the ( another field. When they took off, basis of his recruit training aptitude they ( piled up and killed five of them. test scores. Lin has completed s . The other crew was on a raid and ws course of study that Included prop- hit | heavy ‘flak.’ It waa very accu- erty and financial accounting, type- , rater-right in our formation. The writing, English and correspondence. last | wt saw of them they pulled out of formation over the target and Son Born To Coquille started off alone (probably to crash land in Switzerland). That was the Couple Down In Texas A son weighing six pounds, eight last we saw of them. “The Germans are always looking ounces, and who has been named tor stragglers or crippled ships to Jtavld John, was born to Mr and Mrs. J. A. Barrett at Corpus Christi, ( shoot down. They rarely pick on a « ot «»»‘P«- “ - P*«»8»* Texas, on Aug. T. The The mother mother _ was was - rou - P ___ ,_ U we h*v* . 1 nn rui/inat a P nilMniila Tknu formerly Violet Cmrillo. . grodu.te They sariII wUl dog of "cl^ullle"7iigl\-and John" Barrett «6»“ »1« the devil out when wa. an employee at the plant here They ca» them . th. service before entering th* **rvW. ; fork-tailed devils. . We carry a complete nne or V- Belta for aU makes of Refrigerator*. Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. Washer Service Co. 365 W. Front. Coquille. Phone IT. -PAGE THREE Kerr JAR CAPS Dosen FRUIT JARS JEL8-RITE PECTIN Bernadin Ref- Kerr, Ball Gia Top. Vac* Seal 8 o* bot. 12e Pkg. ef 12 214 De*, qta. 83« •k