4 CiKl of Thanks Dorothea Yarbrough To Join WAVES Dorothea Elaine Yarbrough, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L.*Yarbrough, > 77 L East Second street. Coquille, Ore- ■ gon, was enlisted in the Waves at the i Portland Waves enlistment headquar­ ters, 785 S. W. Aider street, last Sat- , urday, according. to a release by Chief Specialist Paul H. Connate re­ cruiter in charge of the Marshfield There will be a potluck dinner and ¡navy recruiting sut>-statlon who pro­ clean-up party at the Country Club, cessed Miss Yarbrough's application. Friday evening. August 1*. Please For the past year Miss Yarbrough come and bring your friends. , • has been employed in the Coquille ; office of the Mountain States Power Co., and follows Into Jhe Waves two of her closest friends, Margaret Stew- >rt and Donna Dean Bosserman. Miss Yarbrough has been active in ; the work of the Bachelor Girls' Club in Coquille as well as in other civic and social activities. After a period of inactive duty Miss Yarbrough will be transferred to the- Waves indoctrination school in New I York where she will undergo train- Mr. and aars. Chas. B. Kash, who ¡tlg for a period of six weeks. Upon were here Saturday on one of their completion of her basic training, she infrequent visits to Coquille from wm be transferred to an advanced Camas Valley and Roseburg, said that school for further, specialized training Mrs. Julia Johnson, who accompanied or to an active duty station where Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lawrence to she wln trained in her work "on southern California recently, expected the job.” Through her enlistment to stay there with lier son, Phillip E., unc| other trained navy man will be and family for the next few months, released for duty aboard ship or at at Glendale. an overseas station, heluiiut the navy Rev. and Mrs. Charles G. Brown, who have been enjoying a vacation at Manzanita, Oregon, expect to be home Friday. ’ “ SPONSOR ANOTHER BIG Julius Ruble drove over from Idle- lyn Park in the Umpqua valley last Saturday bringing back home 4Mrs. Ruble and Laura Emily and her two guests, Eula McCracken and* Karen Henninger, all of whom had been visiting over there the past two weeks and string at the Kentucky Homes cottages. The ladles say it was not too hot on the river and that the fish­ ing was good. Oregonian Carriers Have Picnic At Broadbent Tuesday B. Burger and both of North Anni* and Velda They Mrs. - Pauline Talbert, Oregonian circulation representative tn.Coquille, took the six carrier boys on a picnic to Broadbent on Tuesday this week. The boys enjoyed swimming, the eats, and a general good time. They were Preston Willis, Roger William­ son, Wayne Morgan, Junior Ran­ dolph, Bud Trout and Junior Tracy. I destr* to express to all my friend and acquaintances my sincere appi. elation for the kindness and symp * thy shown me in my recent bereax. merit, add for the floral display at the services held for Mrs. Hartman Marc Hartman Several Full Spring Constructed Davenports and Chairs $159.50 to $199.50 Axminster Rugs $39.50 to $129.50 sises r r X ir r to ltxis ONE 12x15 ROSE FLORAL PATTERN—All Wool $109.50 Purkey Furniture GOOD MUSIC AND LOTS OF FUN ASSURED Close-Out INGS Dillard Market PREM Sale Price the finest lunch meat $10.95 SALMON Alaska Pink - - - - can 25c ! PICKLED PIGS FEET Ige.jar29c - pi : 35c E SWEET PICKLES Heinz. - Formay Shortening 3 lb. can 68c MAYONNAISE Durkees or Luxury pts, 29 c OATS or ROLLED WHEAT 10 lb, bag 57c CORNFLAKES Kelloggr - * oz.pkg. 5c FLCÜR Fisher's Blond 50 lb. bag S2.J9 Reg. $1*.M • Sale $13.00 All Ladies Summer Values up to S4.85 Pastel Felts Greatly Reduced Store Oldest Home Owned Store in Southwestern Oregon All Varieties iiniiHinnniiNniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiw Personal Mention