PAGE SEVEN Barklow weeks. They returned Tuesday eve­ turned, Tuesday evening, after accom­ panying Mr son and 'wife, Lt and friend, ning. Mrs. Birdie Randleman of Bandon. Mr. and Mr*. R. R. Neuhaus and Mrs. Harold Norris, a* far a* Eugene. The Myrtle Grange is sponsoring a Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Strong were They came back by Roseburg and vis­ mou.n«w anq Messrs. Dbvid Maomaw basket social this Saturday night. Sunday afternoon callers at the J. ited at the Kenna Hughes home. At and Junior Gulstrom drove to Mamh- Oeld last Tuesday. The girl* went to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder August 12, at the Grange Hail in Myr­ H. McCloskey's. Mr. Neuhaus just Eugene they visited with Mr. and have their eye* tested. ' spent Wednesday of last week at the tle Point to be followed by a dance. arrived Sunday afternoon for • Mrs. Ralph Zenor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ladewig, of Wm. Ziedrick, of Coquille, will home of their daughter and family, AU Gangers are invited to come and cqpple of weeks’ vacation. •how a group of colored slide* at the Mr. and Mrs. Severt Iverson, at Rose­ bring a full basket and anyone else I Mr. and Mr*. Ellis Southmayd and San Fernando, California, visited at who cafes to, will be welcome. | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leatherman at­ the Lloyd Teagarden home for a Arago church this Friday evening, burg. | "Cap” Keller received a telegram tended a picnic Sunday at the Allie week. Also there were Mr. and Mrs. Aug. 11, at 8:00 p. m. — Everyone is ------ - ----- _l Mr*. Laura Broadbent, of Sacra- cordially invited and the ladle* are mento, Calif., and Mrs. R. R. New- Tuesday morning from their... son. Bartlett home on Catching Creek in Raichart and sun, Danny, who to in on the fill near the Jim Jenkin* ranch. asked to bring a few cookie* and the haus and daughter, Cynthia, of Berke- Howard Ketler, at Green River, Wy­ honor of their son, .Phillip Bartlett, the U. Navy, and daughter, Ledora, Wilson, the only ocupant of the car ladies will serve coffee and cookies ley, Calif., were last Eriday luncheon oming, that he was, leaving for home who is borne on furlough. of Denver, Colo. They left for their Mr,, and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder were home last week-end. Going also was was not injured and neither was the after the picture*. guest* of Mr. Ur. and J. H. guests ot and Mrs. Mrs. J. H. Mc- Mc- Aug. 8’on furlough. ear damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Rylander and last Sunday afternoon visitors at the Mr*. Lloyd Teagarden’* sister, Mrs. Choir practice was held Friday eve- Clo*key Mr. and Mr*. - Ray __ Dean, Ray’s dad, ’ nlng at the home of Mr*. v#. O. **, H. Aasen Thursday of last week Mrs. ucs*. Gfco. his mother, Mrs. Mary Rylander, Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. Stover in Myr­ Bertha Graham, who is visiting now , -, . naacii j ' iiiuiouaj ui wvti\ rai». ____ a___ * - ■-- * . _ fc” anti' Mrs. Vernon Trigg and Mr. and tle Point. » in Portland with a daughter. t^r’-Tran.C^S‘ *nadeua u/itk wlb 4k. 11>e A.M following in attendance: Hoffman and hör sister-in-law, __ Mrs. Mr. and Mr*. J. F. Schroeder spent a pleaaapt call last --------- week. • "Doc ” MeSdame* Word has been received from Har­ .. ,--------- "Doc" Mesdames Albert Lillie, Albert G Gul- ul- ¡ : Ellis Southmayd drove out to Can- Mrs. Howard Leatherman attended iiean, now residing in Portland, is strom, Werner Plaep and S. C. .Me- yonville, where they met Mrs. Belk a -picnic dinner held on the lawn at Monday afternoon visiting at Walter old Young that he to now in France. J. F.' Schroeder in­ His brother, Russell, to stationed in ne of the state’s oldest newspaper- Allister wdth Mrs. Aasen __________ ____ _ _______ ______ at the piano. __ Lewellen and her ________ daughter, Mrs. Ella the Guy Grant home at Broadbent last Schroeder’s. Tien, although now retired. He «t They wifTmeet in meet at at 7:30 7:30 at at the the church church Bryant, Brvant. and and brought brought them them home. home. Mrs. Mrs. Sunday, following church services. stalled a pressure pump* for Walter North Carolina and has been pro­ moted to first sergeant They are one tim« owned and • published the [this Friday evening instead of *t Bryant'» daughter, Mrs. Frank Park- There were some twenty-five or Schroeder while there. % The H. M. Brights who have been sons of Mrs. Lloyd Teagarden. old Coquille Herald — 'way back 8:00 p. m. (er, o( Klamath Falls, brought them thirty present. Mrs. Roy Morten, of'Seattle, moth­ where in th* < inewhero the SO*. 80’*^ '_?fri,’.yera ’ Moomaw and Mias Ethel «■* a* far Canyonville. They .......................... avaamas MUIPI a*s* as can VUtlJUilVlltC. 4IIVJ had UOU been UWll _ Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett, Mrs. occupying the Lena Kellenberger IhCr® ___ _ __ _ tiaivAUK sas. a > m ere to ooe bear r that never ___ hi- Fish attended Summer School — at a , Co- visiting at Mrs. Parker's home for Julla and her «rand*on, Rudy apartments at Norway have decided er of Mr*. Cortland Ellis, is here Vis* Rudolph, visited Saturday afternoon not to move for the present. itlng. mrnate*, that cannot be trapped, to.quille all last Wednesday and Thurs- the past three weeks, Miss Deloras Bright came down with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wanna- Harold "Bus,” Berry write* he to seldom stopped during*** charge and to day. i | ; Mr . Harold Prihhu >»3.50. • Dority, Kent Hlckam and Pat Mc­ Cool, Mr. and Mr*. Chester Ellingsen, of Oakland, Calif., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl last week. Mr. and Mr*. Nile Mill«' received a letter from their son, Wallace, last week that he will be home on a short leave about Aug. 27. Rev. G. A. Gray, of Coquille, con­ ducted the regular Sunday morning 'b- church service. Sunday school fol­ lowed with an attendance of 28. There ¡will be service* again next Sunday, 'preaching at 10 a. m. and Sunday HaflM Mtassunf OwrMKH uit.aiLïriWiMî'tïS S^vJsirtÄS iss X7 ‘yß ¡school at SFn" keLlUli tn«nd«d by Sold .ad HARROW DRUG CO.,’ • Mr. and purchased ¡make their there for the time with people who have no other way to get to their Jobs. When men who know tell me it may be months before I can iy new tires—that I’d better take care the ones I have—nurse them along by careful driving—have them recapped Just as soon as they need it—that’s warning enough for me." Despite tremendous progress made in the * f synthetic rubber program, America still faces a serious shortage of tires for civilian use. Military needs for rubber are tremendous. The manpower shortage is pinching tire manu­ facturers just as every other industry. The tires we now have must be made to last indefinitely. That’* the hard truth, Mr. and Mrs. Amerlta. And it calls for another hitch in the 1 1 2 Drive only when necessary. Ask yourself "Am I playing fair with our fighting men?” Keep under As miles per hour. The government regulation for war­ time driving is doubly important now. 5 Keep tires Inflated to recom­ mended pressure (usually 32 lbs. for passenger cars). Check thsm regularly. _ Drive carefully ... avoid hitting holes in the road, atones or curbs. Avoid sudden starts and stops . . . "jack rabbit" driving scuffs off pre­ cious rubber. y belt for you, the Joneses, the Smiths and us. Thornton Tire Service SPARE THE CARCASS Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete • Broanwav at Cunts. Marshfield. Tel. ‘ 340 W Front, Coquille, T A .1.