faoemt ■ CLASSIFIED > Cent a Werd Each taaeetloo No Adv. teas than 25 cento WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C. Lee, 507 Clark St.. North Bend, Oregon. Phone 5411. WE BUY WOOL—CASCARA BARK —HIDES — FEED BAGS — FARR A ELWOOD. . - FOR MONUMENTS Cement Grave Cover or Border. Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone 123L. John S. Sanders, 541 West Sth. Coquille, Oregon. s ELECTRIC FENCE Units, »14.75 and up. Will work on 110-volt line, or hot shot battery, or automobile battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 16tfs - 1 ' 1 —■ FOR SALE—Modern 5-room House at Elliott and Front streets. In­ APARTMENT COURT consisting of quire Jack Hale, Owner. It’s four three-rooms, and one of four rooms, all with baths and gar­ FOR SALE or Rent — 3-ruom and ages, and fully furnished; Gas bath House at 815 NortK Heath. ranges and oil heat. ' Priced at See Mrs. EtU Smith at Leach' ApU. »6000.00—aome terms. until Saturday. After that at Myr­ ONE large two-story modern apart­ tle Point It’s ment house with four fully fur­ nished apartments; gas ranges and PURKEY has wood-burning and oil oil heat; individual bath room» and | burning Circulators, »49.50 and up. garages; also duplex (two apart­ ELECTRIC Hot Water Heaters now ments of three rooms and bath) available for civilians for replace­ completely furnished; all modern' ment purposes and to Dairy Farm­ and well located. This last group; ers who need Heaters. See us at of six apartments is priced at, once for details. J. A. LAMB »7500.00—aome terms. COMPANY. s THE above properties are practically new and a sound and handsome in­ FOR SALE—3 pair Lace Window vestment. Shown only by appoint- ' Curtains, just like new. Also Med­ ment. * - icine Cabinet. can at 601 North GOOD five room house on Henry Henry, or phone 178M, Coquille, to Street just out of the City limits;' is modem with full basement; PURKEY has Wood Ranges, full chicken house; fruit trees; and, size, white enamel, »79.50. è Pioneer Methodist Church How The Plan Works In Hawaii Church Of The Naxarene • Ninth and Heath Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor 9:43—Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. is Sunday School time, 11:00—Worship hour. i with an interesting growing Sabbath The Coquille Townsend Club sub- j 7:00—Youth Fellowship groups. School. 8:00—Sunday evening worship. mite a letter received from the Town­ 11:00* a. in. 1® Morning Worship, i 7:30—Thursday mid-week services. send headquarters in Hawaii showing with the Pastor preaching on “Putting Our value for the world depends what the »60 at 60 years plan has Off the Evil Nature and Putting on done over there to reduce taxes. That upon what we are worth to ourselves. the New.” plan is similar to the measure which “As a man thlnkest in his heart, so is 7:45 p. m. Wednesday is midweek will appear on the Oregon ballot this he." Prayer meeting time. , fall, for adoption or rejection, and Cottage Prayer meeting is Friday as the Townsend correspondent says, night. -V. * Anglin. “See what the Little Townsend Plan V will do for us at 60. Try and beat it:" i Aug. 4—Claud D. Fry and Margaret The Assenndbly jd God E. Hare, both of Coquille. t Our Gross Income Tax has pro­ i Aug. 4—Clarence E. Caudill and L. C. Persing. Pastor duced so much money that we are Mary S. Stevens, both of Reedsport. compelled to cut the tax rate, 16*4 Ii Sunday: Aug. 5—Bennie Walter Beebe, of 8:45 A class for the study of the per cent. At times like this when i Charleston, and Luella Ewing, of Bible suited to every age. Bertha more and more money is needed, this North Bend. ' Byrd, superintendent. may be “something new under the | Aug. 8—Lawrence C. Peterson and 11:09 Morning worship; a helpful sun” and as you know our . rate was r"”nW" I Frances Tanner Allard, both of only 1% per cent . . . now 1. w ---------- Marshfield. They were married by service; the pastor speaks. 6:45 Christ Ambassador service; m per cent. We have avsurplus of I Justice Fred Bull at his office here Mary Lou Newton, president. several million dollars. Do you know (on Tuesday. 7:45 Evening evangelistic; enjoyable any state with a tax rate so low as Aug. 9—Johnny L. Collins, of Jack- from beginning to end. The pastor ours that can cut'their rate because son, Tenn., and Winifred Massey, of they have too much money? Our law will speak. ' • North Bend. Tuesday 7:45 Prayer service night. is flexible and when too'large a sur­ Thursday 7:45 Bible study conduct­ plus accumulates, our Governor is compelled to reduce the rate. This is ed by the pastor. the second time the Governor has been forced to reduce the rate because Aug. 3—Hazel and Chas. Powers, 1 Si. James’ Episcopal Church of too large a surplus which proves petitioners, ,_________ ________________________ _ in the matter of cancelling Corner E. 3rd A Elliott Sts. the Gross Income to be a super, su- j ouuianaing outstanding ceriuicuie certificate cuverma covering z-ui Lot The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar 17, Block 8, Coos Bay Plat F. North Sundays: per tax. No more practical endorsement of Bend, registered under the Torrens 1st and 3rd— the'Gross Income Tax is possible. Title System. 9:00 a. m. Holy Communion with Aug. "4—State Unemployment Com­ sermon. pensation Commission vs. Alfred E. 2nd, 4th and 5th— Townsend Club No. 1 Notes Roberto. . 4 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. Townsend Club No. 1 met in regu­ , Aug. 5—Thoa. H. Offord vs. Wilma 9:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with ser­ lar aeMion this week with the presi­ Irene Offord. Sult for divorce. mon. dent in the chair. Thirty members Aug. 7—Wm. Earl Mack vs. Irene Wednesday: were reported as improving. T Bob . Mack, Suit for divorce. 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Harrison and Mabel Von Pegert en- i tertainod the club, with music. Mr.1 i Aug. 9—Marjorie E. McGarvin vs. Suit for di- Donald P. McGarvin. pilkey gave an interesting talk and 1 vorce. First Church of Christ, Scientist the door prize was won by Mr. Crow. Coquille, Oregon , For lunch next Tuesday there will Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. be an assortment of whatever you Two To Jail Here From Sunday Service at 11 a. m. bring. Don’t forget the caravan I North Bend J. P. Court Subject tor next Sunday, “Soul.” ~ meeting Aug. 27. Henry Johnson was brought to the Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 county jail on Monday, having been o’clock. I bound over to the grand jury by Jus­ Army Horses Brought Good Free public Reading Room at 239 Prices at Myrtle Point Last Week tice Olson at North Bend, with bail W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every set at »300 He was charged with be­ day except Sunday and holidays from A crowd of several hundred people ing the father of illegitimate children 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. was present for the sale of govern­ who are public charges. He is still ment riding and cavalry horses at in JWJ1 jail. Church of God the Fair grounds in Myrtle Point, j vii On Tuesday, Merton Delbert Jones, ' ---- --------- —-»i iuouaj, iwuituii xzvaLrvri. vu/iicrf, Corner of Henry St Seventh Sts. I Tuesday afternoon, and bidding was charged with larceny by embezzle- Walter Lee Greer, Pastor somewhat better than had been ex- , lnent, ~ was ___ -____ -; brought to jail ______ here after Sunday, Aug- 13 pected, all of the 44 horses offered being bound over to the grand jury, 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. being sold In about two hours. Al Hi» bail was set at »1000. 11:00 a. m. Worship: sermon, Lapan, of Roseburg, acted as auc­ "Christian Joy versus Worldly Pleas­ tioneer. ure." Tbe horses auctioned here had been Forger Given Four Yean 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service: ser­ Jn gnd coaft Marion David Castle, arrested re- mon, "The Drawing Power of Christ." for beach patrol work, for the past cently for forgery, pleaded guilty be- “But the fruit of tjie Spirit is love, two years or more, and came from fore Judge King last Thursday to the joy, peace, long-suffering, gentle­ Hauser, Bandon and Marshfield most- charge of forgery and was sentenced ness, goodness, faith, meekness, tem­ ly. They were fairly well blooded- to four years in the penitentiary. perance: against such there is no Sheriff Howell took him out to Salem geldings, their ages ranging between law.”—Gal. 5: 22-23. . seven and 14 years and all seemed on Friday. thoroughly broken and in good con­ The Holy Ñame Catholic Church f dition. Marriage Licenses contains approximately one acre of B1NDER TWINE and Bale Ties—Buy land of which a • your requirements NOW! J. a : bottom. Priced at »2650.00 cash. I , COMPANY. ■ I____________________ Shown only by appointment. WE SPECIALIZE on permanent re­ ' ■ FARM MACHINERY Repairs — We J. 8. BARTON, Realtor pairs for cut or broken casings and ___ carry genuine McCormick Deering Phone 21J tubes, any size or type. All work 3^ g T,ylor '¿L Coquille, Oregon repairs. J. A. LAMB COMPANY, a fully guaranteed, Thornton Tire j_____________________ 7 - ---------- Z— I Service. • tfs DID YOU BUY A HORSE? You WUl WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both ---------------------------------------------------- - I | find us headquarters for riding • Deep and Shallow Well, Automatic CUCUMBERS; fresh, Fur Sale. Phone * * equipment. FARR A ELWOOD. I Water Systems; also Rotary and 151R, or call at 567 East Eleventh,' .Centrifugal Pumpr. Jr A. LAMB street Coquille. Mrs. Wayne Han­ FOUND—A few weeks ago, pair of COMPANY. ' • bifocal Glasses, ■> gold-rlmmed, ... in ■ . ........... ................ ................................ cock. It’s Owner can secure black case. <_____ ___________ „ FOR SALE—Two/places of 40 and ROOFING—We have all kinds of roil 20 acres; five and four room them at Sentinel office by paying roofing and composition shingles. 35 cento for this adv. 8 . houses; garages, chicken house, FARR A ELWOOD. .1 - - -- ------------ barn and other buildings. Timber ! TIMBER WANTED FOR SALE—2 bedroom, partly fur­ WANTED—Fir piling. Cedar poles,. on both places. Spring water. Two miles from end of East Second St., nished House, with kitchen, living all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. ship­ Coquille, Write P. O. Box 14. C. L. room and bath. New built-in Kit­ ping point, earliest shipment. Alford. 29t4*s chen, new bath fixtures; laundry Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding trays and Garag«. Mrs. Edell Bldg.. Portland, Ore. 24t7s DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk- Bryant, 160 West 12th, phone 237M, I ———~———— ------ . ■ . . | ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Oat Coquilla. lt«S 1 them at Pacific Feed A Seed So. tfs hay, wjjh lots of vetch. P. A. Me- I _______ _______________________ HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy NEEL, Olendale, Ore. Phone 309. TOOLS gtock now almost complete and Poultry Feeds kt Pacific Feed 28t3»i -------......................................* | on hand tools, J. A. LAMB COM- tfs * -------- 11 .i n. ■■■ 1 -!■-■■ . pANY 8 m and 3 TON International Trucks,______ .. FOR available for immediate delivery FQR SALE OR RENT — Five-room to farmers and others, subject tc modern house in Bandon. Terms. equlty In War Production Board authorize- 1 Til. Bandon 6R4. 30t2’s on North Taylor, tion for purchase. For particulars, -------- - ___________________ -— high school wl see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s FOR PLUMBING repairs and 8*r- _________________________________ vice—call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM- conaMer ear as OUR HEN SCRATCH HAS CORN IN . PANY. ■ House now rent IT. Farr A Elwood.------------------------------------------------------- Coquille. 29t2*s —-----------------------------------------------------PURKEY has several damaged or any FOR SALE CHEAP - On. bedroom ! lhopworn gwing Rocker, at very house furnished, electric range, etc. I prices. Close in on Sth st. Inquire at 4511-------- — —------- ... ' ..... It*. PURKEY has one Used Wood-burn- W. 8th St. . tfs ----- ing Circulator with coil, »35.00. Ü8U) CAM WANTED! ANYONE wishing a nice, now Wheel Chair, get in touch with Lee Good- SELL your car to us for top O.P.A. FOR SALE—»2,200.00 caah—4 lots —m— price. —4— No M. Red 1 — w_ and f.mnm 7-room hnuaa house, nrilv partly fur­ ceiling Tape. No! ' irvl lt’s nished. Also one 3-room house; tripe to the Ration Board. We take care of all details and pay you in ' Lumber for garage; 18 fruit trees. cash the highest price for which { Good garden space. Also five does and one buck rabbit and five hens. you can legally sell your car. See Must sell by October 15." Mrs. L. LOU BRALY at Southwestern Motors Used C*r Lot J Knox, 198 E.” Sth or phone 282J, Coquille. It’s Coquille Phone 248 Oregon 28tfs FARMERS— If you need a Tractor. i Prices paid for the animals ranged Maas at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. Overseas Edition of The SHORTAGE OF FEED AT FARR Milkers, Haying Machinery, Elec­ from »87A0 to <197.50, with an aver­ HAVING TROUBLE WITH FLEAS? & ELWOOD’S. : tric Milk Cooler or any kind of age for the 44 sold of »113.29. Ask us what td*use on them. FARR Farm Machiner*, or Repairs, see So far as could be learned, most . Ortend^Calif. Special apto NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing & ELWOOD. ua—your McCormick Deering dul- of the successful bidders were from 1 can bo of older roofs, all types and kinds, er. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s the Coquille valley, and fair and1 on the installment plag. done by the Standard Roofing Co., be sew horse show officials are anticipating 893 North First street, Marshfield office by FOR a marked increase tn the number of Glen Wm. Curtis, Good __ Phone 859. horses entered In the horse show Mgr. a te model here next month in connection with akaa this PAPERHANGING, Katoomming, In­ the Fair —Myrtle Point Herald. Clifford Sum- terior and Exterior Painting. The Board. ” Ore. Box >2. lt»s latest in Pittsburg, Imperial, Birge Norton’s Christmas cards are now Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 275 ROOFING, Supreme Quality, see in and ready for your inspection. The FOR Lantern Cottage No. Henry, Coquille, phone 28« Western Auto,Coquille, for our low overseas mailing daU is almost here. _ place at Bandon; 2 lots, 132x182, 8tfs prices. s Buy your cards now while you have two modern double and one single tiene of the Sna- a good stock to choose from. cottage; fine business corner. Blan- FOR SALE—8 Coming 2-year old I FOR RENT—4-room furnished cot­ y again be pnr- ‘ keto, sheets furniture and equip­ Jersey and Guernsey heifers, com­ ng year Saturday tage, with two bedrooms; also one, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ment all goes. Mrs. R. A. Offerle, ing fresh in November. T. B. and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, | two-room furnished cottage, with at Hen- Bandon. It’s that the undersigned has been duly ' Abortion Tested. Dwight Culver,, wash house and shower baths. appointed Administrator with the 1 phone 3R14, Bridge Fire Patrol. Lights ahd water paid. Call at Will Annexed of the estate of Oscar I For Refrigeration Service phone Must be sold at once. 29t3’s 945\4 North Coulter St. Ito Nilsen, deceased; and that aU per­ shop, 1MJ; write Box 307, Co­ sons having claims against said es­ quille. “If Available, well get ELECTRIC DRILL and many other ¡Ute tate should present the Mine, same, duly, duly. WANTED — To buy for cash, fairly i it" Gamier’s Refrigeration tools, our stocks are in good shape I (verified, an(i with proper vouchers good car at reasonable price. See > therefor, to the undersigned at his Service. 27 tfs FARR Ik ELWOOD. ' « D. L. Foottf 945*4 Nbrth Coulter, is law office in _______________________ the First National Bank PREVENT EAR WORMS IN YOUR RANTED—Portable electric Sewing : , —' — —77—---- —------ _- ■■ ■_----- Building, Coquille, Oregon, within six from the daU of this notice, CORN—Ask us. FARR A EL­ machine in good condition. Mrs. FOR SALE—Alpine Pop Corn Stand, months Dated, and first published August three doors from Liberty Theatre WOOD. Ur. Üe U Rhue L. P. Fugelson, phone 60jRR, P. O. ; 10, 1944. on First street, Coquille. Also | box 154, Coquille. 28t3s Harry A. Slack, Eyesight Plano in good condition, and good Administrator with the Will An­ CAR BATTERIES, 15 Plate guaran­ Radio. O. T. Nelson, 815 East First nexed of the estate of Oscar Nilsen, Specialist 30t5 I teed it months, »6.95 exchange. St. lt’s deceased. I Western Auto, Coquille. - s NOTICE TO CREDITORS MUFFLER and Tail Pipes all cars. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Reception room jointly with Western Auto Suply, Coquille. s the undersigned has been duly ap­ i i Dr. J. R. Bunch ■ pointed by the County Court of Coos NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Fhooe tt-J WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We County, Oregon, as administrator of « « Islrt Baitela* PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the the estate of Perry H.'Brewer, de­ « service all makes of washers. proving ownership- Call evenings pjna) Account in Estate of Mary Julia ceased, and has duly qualified as 385 West Washer Service Co. a- after 6 p. m A. R. Ocheltree, 8th Elrod, deceased, is filed In County such. Front St Phone 17. tfs NOW, THEREFORE all persons and Collier, Coquille. 29t2* Court of State of Oregon, for Coos ------------------------------------------------------- (County; that the Court set August having claims against said estate •oil Isene/f-ef M mh AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. 22, 1944, at Court House, Coquille are hereby notified and required to Instructor of Piano Bring your car in------ we can start ^9™«°"’, “ (th' t,m* •nd, Pta<* present the same to the undersigned t a _ a f°r hearing o£ objections thereto and in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, High School work at once. Southwestern Motor gettlement thereof. within six months from the date raUMRHTWAWOr hereof. Credits Iris Elrod Co-____________________________ • i Dated this 25th day of July. 1944. Mrs. EtU Socchi Given J. ARTHUR BERG, GOOD SERVICE makes Good In- 2715 As Executors of Mid Estate 2815 Administrator. surance * I give service. F. R.; * 'NOTICE TO CREDITOR« Bull. s NOTICE TO CREDITORS BARROW DRUG COMPAMT __________________ _ i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Notice is hereby given that the un­ BOY SCOUTS—We have pup tents— the undersigned has been duly ap- dersigned was on the 24th day of July, ► 1944, appointed by the County Court Coos County, Oregon, as Admin­ WOOD ,si U- -¿Gw o< Bu«h Thom,. of istrator of the Estate of Violet L. Downey, deceased, and has qualified SOMETHING NEW - MIIU m - S ‘5^ -^ «»«*<1 Lorenz, decease^: and all as sucn. ____ « claluto against sa|d £i Machines, Vacuum Pumps,' NOW, THEREFORE all persons having SERVICE he«by required to U me at the office of I C 3 Phone 83 In Coquill dífrWSÍ tors, will soon be in stock. I gent ihe same, together with proper torney, Ä«S» SAND AND GRAVEL Night Phone I58R Eaton’s Feed Store, Coquille, s vouchers therefor to the undersigned proper vor*“— - six ______ months from the date of COAL - FURL OIL - STORAGE — | at the office of J. Arthur Berg in within six FOR SALE—17 heed, middle ige Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, with- this notice. Dated and published first time Agents tar Orefon-Nevath-Cqlifornia Fast Freight black-face ewes. »150 each. M. in six months from the date hereof. _______ July 27, 1944. G. Sumerlin, McKinley route, Co-1 Dated this 25th day of July, 1944. Office Phone 8 W 8 Hull MURL F. PETTIT, EtBERT SCHROEDER, ♦ p Administrator. I ___ c quille. • lt*»2815 Administrator. Circuit Court Cases 4 Oregonian I Out of Town Folks! MISJ INEZ ROVER Benham’s Transfer WRECKER Storage Southwestern Motors I»