F AGB FIVE It’l See “Spike" Leslie lor the beat in Liability, or other Insurance. Office, 275 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg.; phone 5; residence phone 95L.” . ...JI.____ LJJJL. -U. ■ 1 ____ Tin Whistle Tourney. Set For August 13 »•■■■■ - - I --------- I------ — br Phone 14U Phone MEJJ VETERINARIANS Box 337 A Coquille, Oregon tl Schultz Gilmore’’ Gilmore Service Station Southside Frwt st at Willard Coquille, Oregon Coos Co. Assessed Valuation - Down i Considerable interest was taken in | Capt. Edward E. (Bo) Johnson, a the kicker or replacement shot tour­ ¡formerly well-known Coquille young nament played at the Valley golf man, brother of Mrs. Georgianna Many times we have made brief course last Sunday morning. Of the comments concerning that great i Vaughan and son of Mrs. Flora John­ twenty-two players. Spike Leslie had ganlzation. The Boy Scouts of Amer­ son, has received the Merchant Ma­ the best and very good score of 35 ica, In this column but, even at that, rine Distinguished Service Medal for gross, minus his handicap of seven, we feel that we have slighted this heroism in running the ship of which which gave him the low net of 28. organization ___ _ he is skipper past Jap raiders in the of young Americans by Budzle Johnson also got hot and not dwelling more at length upon Pacific in order that the gasoline -be­ c*rdvod Not unm German> j,,. dollar saved, whether in bonds or life down fasetam and keep America fm. j vaded Qreece wlth # flotuia Qf )|dera our forces. and clean during the generations that1 »...i— -»a are to come, for as they grow into , , . department wake up and examlneepeci he jtion with them, so that they might ¡made „ to and para. .follow their doctrine, It would noj^ b his position. He recently raised a “Conditions are just right now for fuss with a magazine which inter­ another Tillamook forest fire, unless viewed him, and threatened dire absolute caution is practiced by those ___ •i» „ »w over the article prior to its publica­ prevention leader, as he stressed the tion. He has been what might be need for 100 per cent co-operation by said to be the Fly in the ointment. the general public in the drive to Keep Oregon Green. “Don’t be a Colonel Edmund W. Starling has saboteur. Fires that never start, passed on. People who knew him don’t have to be fought.” “You berry pickers need the ber- best were the police and sheriffs and rie«* for food and 'the government the working ptess in the capital. "needs our forest for lumber,” the The colonel bossed the presidents, KOG chairman stated. “We can both and they had to obey. It was his get what we need if you use care job to guard the president and mem­ while in forest areas.” Jbers of his family. On the many " 1 presidential trips to the Pacific Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe- northwest of Wilson, Harding, Hoover der’s Jewelry. Men’s Wedding Rings and Roosevelt the colonel went ahead in stock. „-------------- tfs, like the advance man of a circus. He SPORTCLAD* SWEATERS Long-sleeved slipovers in neat Baby Shaker stitch. Novelty-knit coat sweaters. Part wool, ^^sy O MEN’S FART-WOOL 4^0 part strong cotton. Wears well! 36 to 46. BOYS* SLIPOVERS AND WARM COAT STYLES All-wool slipover with popular V-neck. But­ ton coats: plain knit or with all-wool plaid, herringbone, suede cloth front. Sizes 8-16. •Reg U. S. Pat. Of. . .... — s