pAGÌ fi)vi The Sentinel We en delivering No. 2 Priority order«. Consumer* not having already received their ¥4 year’s supply may order now. COQUILLE WOOD CO. TWENTY YEARS AGO Four Men Draw Unemployment Benefits The Past Four Weeks Only Tour men were included among the 27 persons who drew un­ employment benefits for each of the past four weeks, and three of these four were past the age of retirement, the State Unemployment Compensa­ tion Commission revealed today. Ages of the four unemployed men were 54, 09, 72, and 74 respectively. Of the 23 women drawing benefits, six were belovtf the age of 40. Most of these were cannery workers in Coûter. Timely Topics LOWELL T t ANDAR? ASBt5TOS ROOF iCOATINC D oans P ills Your local representative for STANDARD of CALIFORNIA people realize that a large part of the alcohol required to make the medical supplies that are being used right this minute to alleviate pain, combat infection and save human hves is produced by the beverage distilling industry. For nearly two years this entire industry has been working night and day producing nothing but alcohol for the fovernn lot's program.” " ¿Nobody knurs better than J. Judge, what an important contribution to our war effort that has been.” I