! '.*f » ‘ . I. 'if - - - . ' I THE COQUILLE VALLEY ttNttNtt, ÔÔQUnJÂ OREGON, V dur • • PAUtTWO ' . Teachers Enjoy Four Hartwell Family Together At Riverton Days' Course RqSges Wahmt Binette Set Moo Brooks Used Furniture » •v * Bf AREFUL! J j -1» THURSDAY, AUOUST IB. 1M4. - , -- ----------- ----------- -HU to Myrtle Point by her father and Surprise Party At 1 mother and on their return, at Bob’s Country Club suggestion, dropped ip to see what To celebrate the birthday oCtheir was doing at the Club House. A gay daughter Anne, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. evening resulted for everybody Out- ’ Fifty-two teachers gathered last Harbison entertained Tuesday night of-town guests were Mrs. Glenn i A happy family reunion at Riverton this week whs when Chas. Grant week at the Washington Building, with a large dancing party at the Kayne Payne of Portland, surer sister ol of Mr. Mar- Har- Hartwelli coXlwain in the Navy now,, QjMUille, 4nd thirty-five at th« Country Club from eight to eleven biaon, Mr». Lubke and daughter, returnepf UJk|n< newspaperl ara wW )n . ing guests were Mrs Elizabeth Galle- the uJa|e# and only the actorg wear ; gher, of San Francisco, and Mrs. T?chto-e makeup-the women look. B. Currie, both formerly of Coquille. llk, modern Amertoan Chinees. Dr. Christian O, Arndt, head of the A V 'if A Get a good Book at Norton s Rent-1 Far Eastern Affairs brahch of the J »1 Library. tfs u. S. Department of Education in g'ujeii---------■ -------------------------- — ----------- ... -------------- _i—j.. 'Washington, D. C., spent a week with ?” I I Dr. Chan and also worked with teach- v I ers who were Interested ln knowing j all of the material available on ! it China, Japan, India, Philippines and THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU- Thailand. I The Budapest String Quartet, the PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING finest of its kind in the world was spending six weeks in concert and PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE teaching in the Bay area. Cherie Mae i was able to sit in On their rehearsals ■ as well as their concerts Miss Au- 1 1 drey Avis Aasen, a Coquille High School granduate, took violin lessons . from Mr, Roismann, the first violinist, and quartet WOfk from Mr. Kroyt. ^TtLtPHOne 100 JUItUlMCt S€M!C€ • COQUILLE I the violinist- * (¡ano funeral (Hörnt Family Reunion At Riverton Macy Anderson's visit here before ! z' leaving on Wednesday for. a port of | i Insurance Are You Adequately Insured? My Office Can Serve Yon. Real'Estate List Your Property with me and I’ll Work to„Sell it for you Also ? SERVICE ON BIRTH CERTIFICATES AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GEO. E. OERDING Bank Bldg. t. Tyr old size Crib & Mattress 13.90 4—Swing Rockers f $20.00 OtlCers at Reduced Prices 1—9x15 Blue Wool Rug $82.50 1—12x15 Rose Wool Rug $109.50 - . ' 8-pc. Living Room Group I Including Axminster Rug, Occasional Chair, Tables Regularly $210.00 Special $169.50 7 '■ *- ♦ . -, /.,.,/.• I .... ■ Purkey Furniture I (When You Think of Furniture Think ef Purkey) limili’ 1 ■—■ i , <4 ERNlfc Soroptimist Club............................> m°v‘e’ Insurance upeennst. T. lt. Bull. . L* Howdy Folks: everyone gathered upstairs and en- his travels through our state this fAll. joyed the program. The topic was, Dr. Chan showed Chinatown to a “The Sacredness of Our Money.” The special grou$. They were given a society was granted the privilege of six-course dinner, although they listening to three beautiful vocal didn’t have to use chopsticks unless solos, rendered by. Marvel Skeels. .they wanted to. They were guests After singing, “Have Thine Own at a private showing of Chinese Pot- Way,” the meeting was dismissed with tery Museum by the president of the prayer. Chinese-American Cultural Society, ............... . .......... I who has just finished playing in and hta J2-year old son, Stewart, an appendectomy last Saturday Sally Jeffrey, granddaughter of Elmer McCue, also underwent an ap­ pendectomy on Saturday. Three entered for treatment Sat-' urday, W. A. Schroeder of Myrtle Boint for an injured arm, Mrs Mary Hanson, of Bandon, and Mis w . Link, of Powers Mrs. Woodrow Robison, of Arago,I underwarit a major operation on Sun­ day, and Chas. Beyers of Coquille a major on Monday. Besides Dr. Stark’s on Saturday, dismissals have been Mrs. Marian Butterfield last Thursday and Mrs. R. V. Britton and son, of Greenacres, on Sunday. embarkation was the occasion for a "" family reunion at Riverton on Tues- A day. Gathering tor the day at the home of Mrs. Mettle M. Petersen and her daughter, Mrs. Brault, were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Lubert Bemetz, of Marshfield; Mrs. Kay Howard, a sister of Macy, of Hauser; Mrs. Mary Rocco, Mrs. Graydon An­ derson and Mrs. Darrrel Anderson Mrs. Macy Anderson and daughter, Darlene, whose home is in Spokane, will leave for there soon. Macy is a warrant officer in the Air Corps. 1 Dorcas Society Sewed For The I Red Cross At Meeting Thursday The Dorcas missionary group met I witif Mrs. Amos Payne last Thursday, the afternoon being spent sewing on duffle bags for the Red Cross. The hostess, Mrs. Payne, served ice cream and punch to the following la- ' dies: Mesdames Belle Hooton, Lou Hutton, Mary Bums, Arthur Hooton, ¡Willard Sloan and little granddaugh­ ter, AJ Erickson, Ralph Hadsall, I Mary Ann Newton, Ann Dungey, E. *'M. Randleman and Jennie Lafferty. J 4 • J DillardMarket Specials Friday anil Saturday ¿7 - 68c PEANUT BUTTER Garden Fresh 24 oz. jar 29c 34c SYRUP Wellmans Fancy Table Syrup 24 oz. jar 35c FormayJIb, jar - MAYCNNAISE, Durkee's FinesJ Quality, pt, jar POTATO CHIPS Regular 25c package Kitchen Cooked—Made at Myrtle Point—Fresh, Delicious— 20c SWEETPICKLES Heinz Fancy, pints • 35c BORENEWASHINGPOWDER, LargeSize . 23c sugar HI Pure Cane ‘ 19 lb. bag - 63c ORANGE MARMALADE No Points, 2 lb. iar - 45c 4 Wellman’s Bitter Sweet—No Points NESTLES SWEET MILK COCOA ?oz. tin Cudahv's duality, 14 oz. jar -K- 2^c PIGS FEET Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ORANGES Fancy Sunkist APPLES - . doz. 59c 3 |fcs 25c Fancy New Gravensteins TOMATOES Finest quality Dillard - 201b. box $1.95 PEACHES—Early Crawfords in bushels from Dillard and _____ __ Hales JromColijornia at-LOWEST PRICES* A