ship­ BRING Your Tire Troubles to Thorn­ ton’s, the most completely equipped white shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ Just perienced workmen. Best quality in a materials and equipment used. All work fully guaranteed. Thornton Tire Service. tf Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull. - Norton's have just received a ment of new handkerchiefs, and prints reasonably priced, the right small gift to tuck greeting card. Personal Mention Plans for the new fiscal year, to­ Keys made for all locks, titevens gether with reappointed and new Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. tf members of the- Coos-Curry County ‘ FSA committee, were announced this week by E. W. Hughes, County Farm •Security Supervisor, Bank Building, Coquille./ Bert Davenport, Myrtle Point, was re-appointed for another year, while J. Q. Corrie, Prosper, was named a new member of the committee, re­ placing Ralph Christensen, Coquille, whose term expired, June 30. After serving for three years, committee­ men cannot be re-elected until a “We’ll give them a chance to sur­ year has elapsed. Mr. Corrie oper­ render,” the Oregon Leatherneck ates a 70-acre dairy farm. He be­ said, and motioned for his Japanese longs to the Dairy Co-op, Grange, American Legion, I OOF lodge and interpreter to make contact. We waited. Even on a push, every has served on the school board in his community. , lull in the advance found tired ma­ , “ First, important new work being rines stretching out for a quick “20 winks." These men had battled ( taken over by the County FSA com­ through Oarapan, hiked to this north­ mittee for the new fiscal year which ern end of the island over steep, began July 1, la an inventory of com- twisting mountain roads to begin the , munity and individual borrowers drive to the sea. This was the third needs for Farrar Security loans and day of gruelling work and fight. They services,” Hughes said, “This wijj provide the basis for fitting the F9A were tired. Lt. Seeley contacted the battalion program to meet local farm condl- commander, reporting the pocket of . tions both in tertns of individual com- munity and county needs. 9 Japs ahead of us and their condition. All FSA loan applications for oper­ The radio brought the word to stop and retire. Organized resistance on ating goods, water facilities, 'group the island was over. The Japs would services and farm ownership are re­ viewed and approved by the commit­ surrender. tee to make the best possible use of Taut nerves relaxed. You could available credit and management as- feel the tenseness lessen. The lieu­ i sistance, reported Hughes. Funds tenant’s ' smile brightened his be­ | appropri ited for the new year pro­ grimed, bearded face. vided about the same amount for re­ “Maybe we’ll sleep tonight,” he habitation loans as last year, but 1 farm ownership loans will be heavily curtailed due to difficulties in secur­ ing good farms at reasonable prices. “Work of the County FSA com- mittee has been largely responsible CARTOON ' • ‘for the local accomplishments of the I program and I want to publicly thank Matinee Saturday them for the time and thought they have given to this important job,” Hughes sajd. “With funds again available for FSA activities, I am sure their stewardship of the pro­ gram will add further to the welfare, war food production and farm assets of every community.”. TWO KNOCKOUT PICTURES i ICf1 A Aitali kmSSiOl! THUR. FRI. SAT august ] 3 - 4 - 5 I ......... ■» z yov cannot hide’.. you dan never; escape /or wherweryou qo, I ,..!// *. NEWS 1:45 ( sun I. 1 MON . TUE. “J “Spike" Leslie for tne œst in I Office, j Was he thie/j killer, lover_ -this man who kept his captive sweetheart under his strange spell ? NEWS CARTOON Another Film Party MATINEE SUNDAY 1:45' ADULTS Saturday Morning at 10 a. m. Bring In Your Camera Lucien LeLong Face Powder $2.00 Glass Gift Jar LATEST NEWS EVENTS SPECIAL SELECTED^ SHORT SUBJECTS New asst of Stationery 50c to $2.00 Greeting Cards Bibles Permanent Wave Kits 59c GENE LOCKHART