* " ->■** X V T ♦ I « » PÀûkui FOR RENT—One Bedroom House,: furnished, electric stoves, etc. Near . CLASSIFIED KOrOry yjOVemOF Vicifr Morn VI3II IICIC t One Ctat a Word Each Ineerttoo No Adv. toes than 25 cento I town on Sth St. No objection to T- children. Inquire at 451 W. Sth I • '■* St. B. R. Billings. It* Clubs have been organized in 13 St James’ Episcopal Church countries o( the Americas and in Aus- I Comer E. 3rd A Elite« Sts. tralia, Ceylon, China, England, Fin- The Rev. Robert L. Greene. Vicar land, India, Kenya, New Zealand, Sundays: Northern Ireland Sweden, Switzer- ut and 3rd- land and the Union of South America.' 9 00 a. m. Holy Communion with ............... *------- I sermon 2nd, 4th and Sth— 7:S0 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:00 a. m. Morning l*rayer with ser­ "Physician heal thyself,” was not mon. proved true last Wednesday evening when Dr. Gerald E. Stark had to Wednesday: 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. call on his partner, Dr. Jas. Rich­ Pioneer Methodist Chnrch Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor 9:45 Sunday School hour. Classes for all ages from oldest to youngest. 11:00 Sunday, morning worship hour. Sermon subject, “When Faith Falters.” 7:00 Sunday evening Youth Fellow­ ship Groups. 8:00 Sunday evening worship hour. A growing interest in the evening worship hour to evidenced these past weeks. Summer slumps are left be­ hind. • 7:30 Thursday’s mid-week services, mond, to perform an appendectomy studying the Bible with a special em­ on himself. He to still in the hospital.: Emmanuel Baptist Church phasis on the 8-9th chapters <4 Ro­ A baby girl, weighing nine pounds Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor mans. and who has been named Lillian 1 10:00 Sunday School. “The religion that doesn’t start with Loueen, was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. 11:00 Morning Service Communion. repentance to in danger of ending on B. Lackey of Coquille, July 27. the rocks.” Even good resolutions C. W. Myers entered the hospital Deacons in charge. 7:00 Three Young People’s Groups. will not quite suffice, religion in ac- from Bandon last Saturday for treat­ 8:00 Evening Service. Women’s tion produces results. ment. • A baby boy, Denpis Don, who Mission Society program. Bob Thursday, Prayer meeting. weighed seven pounds, was born to The Assembly of God _ Olson in charge. Second and Heath Sts. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wheaton, of Co­ FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room Apt. FOUND—Bicyle, on S. P. right of way with bath. Use of Electric Washer. near Bunker Hill. Owner can have ; Adults only. No animal pets. In­ same by paying for this adv. and , quire 351 So. Henry St. Flora E. proving ownership. Call evenings , Dunne. tf , after 6 p. m. A. R. Ocheltrfee, Sth and Collier, Coquille. 29t2* WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C. Lee, 507 Clark St., North Bend, FOR SALE 4- One 3-yr. bld mare, Oregon. Phone 5411. about 900 lbs. One 5-yr. old geld­ ing, 1150 lbe. V. L. Cornelius, FOR SALE—“Farmers’ Bargains”— 851 W. 4th St. Phone 134L. It* Rabbits — Pigs — Water pump and electric motor — Jersey Bulls — BIKE FQR SALE—in good condition. DeLaval milker units — Hereford I Phone 127-L. It Bull — ice Box. See FARR 8r --------:----------- ELWOOD’S “Swap' Board.” s !----------------- for SALE ------ —81600 cash, or no — rea­ sonable down payment refused for NOW all car owners can buy new equity in duplex house and 3 lots Goodyear Inner Tubes without a on North Taylor, one block south of I 1 ration certificate! Protect your high school on highway. Would j « precious tires . . . replace those consider car as down payment. old, patched, leaky tubes with a quille, on Sunday. House now rented. Phone 5R22, L. C. Parsing, Pastor safe, strong Goodyear tube today. » a Mrs. Marion Butterfield of the Mc­ Church of Christ Coquille. 29t2*s Sunday: Southwestern Motors Goodyear Kinley route, who suffered tom liga ­ East 4th 8c Coulter 9:45 Graded classes and selected The Rotary Coquille Store. • HARNESS nA.nnr.ai»— We we nave ---- --------- - Club ------ — of — -y-------- will ments in her hip and back when she have ■ a uuaejr husky «rv set w of Liston Parrish, Pastor teachers for every age. You will do ----------- -- -------------------------------------- ! double harness on hand. FARR & welcome on Aug. 9. William D. Shan- was thrown from a horse, entered the YOUR CAR needs a good battery in ; 1 ELWOOD. Thursday 7:30, Prayer meeting in yourself and your children a service g'non, Governor of the 101st District'of Summer as well as in Winter. charge of John Sanders. by bringing them to Sunday School. _ __________ ______ ! Rotary International, which includes hospital on Sunday for treatment. Southwestern Motors Goodyear GIRL WANTED — To assist with Donna May Young, Coquille, on Bible School 9:45. Martha Mul­ Bertha Byrd, Supt. 95 c| Sts ubs in Oregon, Washington, Ida- ------- VIMMO w uomugiuu, g Ud* Monday; Phyllis Arley Maiden, of key, Supt. Store had a new shipment of just Dedication service for house work. Phone 280M. 611 'ho, British ~ "___ 2 Alaska. .‘2—2 ~ Mr. 2 811 Columbia and 11:00 Morning worship; we invite and Mrs. conference delegates. sthe kind you are looking for. Stop Burns Acres. Mrs. George L. May- j Shannon is a consulting civil en- McKinley on Tuesday, you to this helpful service; the pastor Morning worship 11 o’clock. Lord's speaks. This to Missionary Day too. in today. ' • nard. j . Ito (gineer in Seattle, Washington, and Donald Fredich, of Fairview route on Wednesday, all underwent appendi­ Supper. Special music. 6:45 Christ Ambassadors service in 0,6 Club’ «e TOOLS—Stock now almost complete WALL BOARD - New supply just U B rnem‘>er, citis operations. • ... -. Intermediate C. E. 8:30. I charge of the young people of the arrival. Gregg Hardware. . T.7T . “on hand tools. J. A. LAMB COM­ 1 Dismissals the past week were Del­ Young People's C. E. 7:00. PANY. ‘ » _____________ ”_________ 3_______ : Victoria Conference held last April bert Cotter on July 26; Earl Griffith ' Evening Service 8:00. Mrs. Alda church. Mary Lou Newton, president. 7:45 Evangelistic service; good sing­ WANTED—Electric Range. Will pay and was formally elected at the 1944 and Albert Duke, both of Bandon, Nosier will bAng the message in the ing and special music, the pastor IVk and 3 TON International Trucks I cash for Jate model. Telephone Convention of Rotary International last Friday; Mrs. T. S. Stevens, of Co­ absence of the pastor. available for immediate delivery speaks. 57J or call at 525 North Heath. lt*s in Chicago, Illinois, in May. quille, on Saturday; Gladys Benham, Monday 8:00 Board meeting. to farmers and others, subject tc I Mr. Shannon will visit the Rotary' Monday—Fellowship meeting in Wed. 7:30 Choir Practice. Don Farr, our church in North Bend. Morning War Production Board authoriza­ FOR SALE—Two places of 40 and Club of Coquille to advise and assist on Sunday, and Harry Spaulding on 20 acres; five and four room President Jess Barton, Secretary Monday this week, and C. S. Flower- director. tion for Durchase. For particulars, 10:30, afternoon 2:30, evening 7:30. houses; garages, .chicken house, Hode Caughell and other officers of day and baby on Wednesday. roe GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s You are welcome. , PAPERHANGING. Kslsbmining, to-( bam and other buildings. Timber the club on matters pertaining to Tuesday 7:45 Prayer aqevice. Church Of The Nazarene on both places. Spring water. Two Card of Thanks Thursday 7:45 Devotional and Ninth and Heath terior and Exterior Painting. The, miles from end of East Second St., club administration and Rotary Ser­ ■ We take this means of expressing vice activities. He is one of the 140 Bible study. Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor latest in Pittsburg, Imperial. Birge 1 Coquille, Write P. O. Box 14. C. L. Governors • of Rotary -international our sincere thanks to friends who by 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood. 275 1 Alford. 29t4*s who are supervising the activities of their sympathy and kindness were so 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Pas- Church of God No. Henry, Coquille, phone 286. helpful during our recent bereave­ 8tfs GOOD HORSES For Sale — Burt 5,200 Rotary Clubs with a quarter of itor preaching on “Achieving Faith.” Comer qf Henry h Seventh Sts. ment and for the beautiful flowers at a million* members in more than 50 --------- — —------ Neeley, Camas Valley. 27t3*s Walter Lee Greer, Pastor the services held for the late Donald 1 7:45 p. m. Evening Evangelitslc DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ countries throughout the world. Service, Prayer and Praise. Pastor Sunday, Aug. 8 D. Phillips. ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get PERSONAL—Gentleman — Wants to Despite the war, this world-wide preaching on “The Reason for the 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Mrs. Viola Phillips and Donald hear from Lady, between 55-60 service organization continues to them at Pacific Feed A Seed Sq. tfs Coming of Jesus Christ.” 11:00 a. m. Worship: -sermon, (Write Box L) Care Sentinel. grow in numbers and in strength. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips, Mr. 7:45 p. m. Midweek Prayer meet­ “True Joy.” ROOFING PAPER—We have a good and Mrs. Clarence Ash, Wm, Cecil, 28t2*s f- Since July 1, 1943, 150 new Rotary ing Wednesday evening. 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service: ser­ stock on hand. Repair roofs NOW! Eugene, Bertul, Harry and Stanley V. W. Anglin. mon, “Repentance." L. A. LAMB COMPANY. s GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ FOE MONUMENTS 11 Arnold. Thursday, Aug. 3 surance I give service. F. R Cement Grave Cover or. Border. CEDAR SHINGLES—No. l’s on hand. • 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting. BuU. First Church of Christ, Scientist • Also Cement Building Blocks. Phone FARR A ELWOOD. a If it to insurance, see me.—F. R. “The fear of the Lord to the be­ Coquille, Oregon i AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. 12SL' John s- Sanders> 541 West 8th, BuU. , ginning of knowledge: but fools de­ FOR SALE—8 Coming 2-year old Bring your car in------ we can start j Coquille, Oregon. s Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. spise wisdom and instruction.” — NOTICE TO CREDITORS .... Jersey and Guernsey heifers, com­ Sunday Service at 11. a. m. work at once. Southwestern Motor BRING Your Tire Troubles to Thorn­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Prov. 1:7. ing fresh in November. T. B. and Subject tor next Sunday. “ Spirit. ” Co. s ,, ....£ ton’s, the most completely equipped the undersigned has been duly ap­ Abortion Tested. Dwight Culver, Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 pointed by the County Court of Coos phone 3R14, Bridge Fire Patrol. FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser­ , shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ County, Oregon, as administrator of o’clock. The Holy Name Catholic Church perienced workmen. Best quality the estate of Perry H. Brewer, de­ Must be sold at once. 29t3*s vice-call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ Free public Reading Room at 239 Masa at 8:30 a. m. every Sunday. _____ _ ___________ __s____________ materials and equipment used. AU ceased, and has duly qualified as PANY. s W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every FOR SALE—1942 18-foot Schult work fuUy guaranteed. Thornton such. NOW, THEREFORE all persons day except Sunday and holidays from Trailer House; sleeps four adults, SUREMILK — No shortage of cow Tire Service. tf having claims against said estate 1:30 to 5:00. p. m. t good rubber. Mrs. Elsie Smith, feed at FARR 8t ELWOOD. 16 are hereby notified and required to 335 East Second Ct., Coquille. lt*s per cent protein. s 1*4 and 3 TON International Trucks present the same to the undersigned HAYING EQUIPMENT — Harpoon These Early Editions of the Sun­ available for immediate delivery in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, ion. forks, pitch forks, salt, sulfur, rope. day Journal may again be pur­ HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy TIMBER WANTED to farmers and others, subject to within six months from the date FARR A ELWOOD. s chased while doing your Saturday and Poultry Feeds at Pacigc Feed WANTED—Fir piling, Cedar poles, | War Production Board authoriza­ hereof. Dated this 25th day of July, 1044. 19< shopping*« Huy A Seed Co. tfs all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. ship­ tion for purchase. For particulars, J. ARTHUR BERG, ninger's — ping point, “ earliest shipment. see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s 2815 Administrator. HOUSE for Sale—At 785 E. Collier. Brandon’s — Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding------------------------------------------ - Four rooms and bath, completely Bldg., Portland, Ore. 24t7s I BRICK—We have a carload. Build NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dillard MkL Notice to hereby given that the un­ that fireplace now. FARR A EL­ furnished. Reasonably priced. NOBLE CHOWNING, was on the 24th day of July, WOOD. s dersigned Phene 139M or 229X. It’s ELECTRIC FENCE Units, 814.75 and Journal Mgr. To make this simple, no risk hear­ 1944, appointed by the County Court up. Will work on lJO-volt line, of Coos County, Oregon, as Admin­ ing test. If you are temoorarily deaf­ ARC or ACETYLENE Welding, any BINDER TWINE and Bale Ties—Buy or hot shot battery, or automobile istrator of the Estate of Violet L. ened, bothered by ringing buzzing 3. A. time, anywhere, day or night. Lorenz, deceased; and all persons head noises due to hardened or coagu­ your requirements NOW! battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries LAMB COMPANY. a for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 16tfs Prince Auto Electric, 200 North having claims against said Estate are lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfs hereby required to present them to Home Method test that so many say me at the office of O. C. Sanford, At­ has enabled them to hear well again. PLASTIC MOULDING — Colorful WATER PIPE — We have a good torney, in Coquille, Oregon, with You must hear better after making drainboard, sink, linoleum edge stock. FARR A ELWOOD. s FARMERS—If you need a Tractor, proper vouchers and duly verified, this simple test or you get your mone; mouldings. FARR A ELWOOD, s Milkers, Haying Machinery, Elec­ within six months from the date of back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows tric Milk Coole’s or any kind of this notice. Drops todav at Rarrew Dreg Co. WANTED—Strong woman, man or Dated and published first time and calves for Mink feed. B. T. Farm Machine! v or Repairs, see .' boy for general clean up work, from Hepler, ouilards route*. Phone us—your McCormick Deering deal­ July 27, 1944. MURL F. PETTIT, 5 to 9 p. m. Good wages. Longer 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 45 er, J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s 28t5 Administrator. hours, if wanted. Coquille Coffee U8ED CARS WAITED! Shop. Its WANTED to Rent or Buy at once— NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Modern two-bedroom house in Co­ SELL your car to us for top OJP.A. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the WANTED—To buy Typewriter in quille. Write Box A, care Sentinel. ceiling price. No Red Tape. No Final Account in Estate of Mary Julia good condition. Call 105J. J. O. Ito trips to the Ration Board. We take Elrod, deceased, to filed in County * Berglund. Its care of all details and pay you in Court of State of Oregon, for Coos County; that the Court set August WANTED WORK — Elderly lady cash the highest price for which 22, 1944, at Court House, Coquille ELECTRICAL WIRING A WIRING NOTHING OVERLOOKED wanting to keep house for old you can legally sell your car. See City, Oregon, as the time and place DEVICES—We have a good stock. couple or care for children. Ad- I for hearing of objections thereto and LOU BRALY at FARR A ELWOOD. * S no matter how large and elaborate dress Mrs. Howe, 443 N. Elliott St, Southwestern Motors Used Car Lot settlement thereof. PAULINE TALBERT Iris Elrod Coquille, Oregon. Ito* Coquille FOR RENT — Comfortable rooms, the rcaie upon which the funeral Phone 246 Oregon Mrs. Etta Sacchi — 815 per month. Breakfast if de­ 27t5 As Executors of said Estate s arrnngements are to be made. That 28tfs —r- - sired. 815 West 4th St. Phone WANTED — Night clerk, apply Co­ r* is our policy — that to our proud quille Hotel. Reference required For Refrigeration Service phone NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8tfs 54J. ■ claim after ipany years of experi­ —experience not necessary. s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that shop, 106J; write Box 307, Co­ L)r. De La Rhu*> WE HAVE a number of extra good the undersigned has been duly ap­ ence A conference with us will quille. “ If Available, we ’ ll get pointed by the County Court of Coos residence lots near the School in FARM MACHINERY Repairs — We it.” Garnier’s Refrigeration County, Oregon, as the administrator he to your advantage. Eyesight carry genuine McCormick Deering Coquille. Write Mrs. L. Pendelton, Service. 27 tfs of the estate of Hugh Thomas Specialist repairs. 3. A. LAMB COMPANY, a Orland, Calif. Special easy terms Downey, deceased, and has qualified on the installment plan. 29t3*s STOCK MOLASSES—«00 lb. drums, | WATER SYSTEMS—We stock both as such. Eyes Examined - Glasses F NOW, THEREFORE all persons Deep and Shallow Well, Automatic we have them. FARR A EL ­ FOR SALE—48 Bass Accordion and Reception room jointly with Water Systems; also Rotary and having claims against said estate are WOOD. _ s hereby notified and required to pre­ case; good as new. Marvene Hena- Dr. J. R. Bunch Centrifugal Pumps. J. A. LAMB sent the same, together with proper gin, 5th and Collier streets, Co­ Coquille Kandori COMPANY. s vouchers therefor to the undersigned Laird BalMtag FOR SALE—60 ton of oats and vetch quille. lt*s at the office of J. Arthur Berg in I09R hay, with lots of vetch. P. A. Mc- 1083 WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We Coquille, _______________ _____ „ With- Coos County, Oregon, NF.EL, Glendale, Ore. Phone 309. HAY FORKS—We have a couple of service all makes of washers, in^ix months toom the date hereof. 28t3*s Dated this 25th day of July, 1944. harpoons. FARR & ELWOOD. a Washer Service Co. ELBERT SCHROEDER, Front St. Phone 17. NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing 115 Administrator. of older roofs, all types and kinds, done by the Standard Roofing Co., 893 North First street. Marshfield. Phone 859. Glen Wm. Curtis, Mgr. s Belle Knife Hospital 9 I » I Out of Town Folks! I Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Bard Of Hearing 4 r Attentiorv >to Details — j SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, lac. f BARROW DRUG’COMPANY WRECKER SERVICE 4 - Phone 83 Night Phone 1MR Southwestern Motors PLUMBING FIXTURES — Bathtubs Showers — ‘ Toilets — Sinks — Lavatories — Pipe and Fittings.; FARR & ELWOOD. S THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE Benham’s Transfer WANTED—Portable electric Sewing machine in good condition. Mrs., |_LP. Fugelson, phone 601RR, P. O. box 154, Coquille. 28t3s HEADQUARTERS For Dairy & Poultry Feeds, Metal Chick Waterers, Making Machine Supplies, Bug Chasers for Gar­ den and Flowers. EATON’S FEED STORE, Coquille. Ciano Chinerai CHomc V KixPHone loo • emulano . scw/ct • cooume Storage SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone 5 s. H .. 1