The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 03, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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Just so long as game and hunter*
exist arguments will continue con­
cerning firearms—the proper caliber
of rifle to use for big and small game,
the proper size shot to use on game
The old 44 Winchester, now an al­
most obsolete gun in the woods
today, has accounted for more game
killed than any rifle Jn America.
Everything was slain with it. Hun­
dreds of thousands of buffalo, elk,
moose, black and grizzly bear and
thousands upon thousands of deer
layed low with this old block pow­
der shooting firearm. Yet today, it
would be almost an impossibility to
force such a rifle upon a, modern
hunter. He would scoff and Jest at
its shooting qualities, at its range, its
velocity, its killing power, and yet
that old gun has downed more game
animals, as we have already stated,
than, any modero firearm in Amér­
ica today.
Even the old muzzle-loading rifle
was a mighty fine “«hootin’ iron” in
Its day. In fact, it helped largely
tn winning our independence and
played an important part in such
battles as The Battle of Bunker Hill
and helped write into history the ex­
ploits of such men as Daniel Boone,
The under side of your
engine is enclosed by
This is a sort of swim-.
ming pool where hard­
working engine parte splash
around in
motor oil to
keep from
French fried potatoes, eta»
foul up your deep fat with
hard, burned particles of
thia and that? Well, oil in
your crankcase gets fouled
up, too.
One minute your oil
looks almost good
enough to put
on waffle«.
But a few "A"
coupons later.
Then it’s time to have
Shell put in fresh, safe
Golden Shell motor ofl.
And while they’re about it.
have ’em Shellubricate the
entire car. This is a pngr
tective service to keep you,
family bus from joining
the 6000 worn-out automo­
biles that limp to junk
Wfls everyday.
NAVI m «*• ,r
tails wlni gv»n
*1911 sbggN
kae*. Rasy to
rrag, Baev to gat
(FMV ei »bell.
gasoline powns TH
Again From Valley
We carry a complete ting at V-
Belts tor all makes of Refrigerators,
Washing Machines and other equip­
ment. Washer Service Co. 385 W.
Front, Coquille. Phono 17.
>15.08 to 845.00
Sewing Machines
822.50 to 840.00
Clothes 82.50 Hampers
Bed Coil
New 80 50 Mattresses
to $1840
Bed Complete > -
One-half or Full Size w ,
810.00 and up
Coos Poetry From
Southern California
• thing called a cranlrcaae
Speaking of oil, remem­
ber how doughnuts,
'Bay Golfers Win
Kit Carson and Davy Crockett. It
Revised 1844 County Fair
was also used by the greatest rifle
Premium Books Mailed
shot of all times—Doc Carver.
Over 1200 of the 1944 Fair Premi­
¿ome fifty year* ago some of the
um books have just been mailed from
finest shotguns ever to appear on the i One hundred and five 4-H club
Coos Bay golfers won the second
market w^re manufactured. We are members returned to their bomee inter-city match at the Bay last Sun- the office of the Secretary at Myrtle
Point, covering all of the prize* and
speaking of the Parker, the L. C._________
_ the
last Sunday,
close of _ a sue-! day by a large margin but the Co­ premi tuns for the events at the Fair
Smith, the Ithaca, the Fox and the cessful four^day encampment at
quille golfers came home happy for for tbe year 1944.
Baker And along about the wune Camp Myrtlew£d near Bridge
time th. Winchester people came out, Xry Seymour, .tat. club lead« they had the pleasure of playing with
With the revision this premium
very good sportsmen on an excellent
with a rifle with the slickest action from Oregon State College, who spent golf course. Credit for the fine con­ book is one of the most up to date
fair books in the state as the result
ever put out on a lever action gun. two dayg at the CBmp prtlUed
dition of the course goes to Glen of the diligent work by the State
Many persons own a lot of those
highly for th* splendid manner Fowler, greenskeeper, who is proba-
leaders of the F. F. A. and the Smith-
old guns today, still in fine shape. ,n whlch the camp was conducted, bly the best in his line in southern
Hughes, the county agent'* office and
We ar* speaking of both the shot- givlng much credit to the fine co-¡Oregon.
the office of Mrs. Bishop Dunn, along
barrels op
.ration of
of the
guns and the riflq*. But new barrel*
the local
local leader*.
leader*. The
The I
Credit for the good sportsmanship
have been developed^ and manu- schedule of activities for the camp goe* to all of the Bay golfers, as they with the Fair board and appointive
actured for both the rifles and shot- wag as fonowa: 7:00, Reveille; 7:30, j were all prompt and ready when committees covering each phase of
the book.
guns, the old ammunition that it roh
flag salute, and 4-H club i their foursomes were called and
On page 13 of tjie book will be
was safe to use in them has been pledge;
• — 7:46
--- -
• -— ---
------ ' really_gave the Valley golfers an ex­
8:15, —
found the many prizes for the Horse
taken from the market or "stepped Clean-Up; 8:45, Camp Inspection; cellent day of sports.
Show where some $400.00 will be dis­
up” In power until the public is Class periods from 9:00 until 12:13;
The Johnsons resumed their feud
warned against using it. Therefore, 12:30, Dinner; 1:30, Free Period; 1:45, after the tournament was over and tributed to the many entrants.
If you did not receive one of these
in order to play safe, it is either Rest Period; 2:15, Class periods; the last report was that somewhere
nuy wcure
books yuu
you , may
secure one
one Dy
by #enQ
send- _
necessary to purchase a set of new 4:25, Free Period; 6:00,Evening meal; up south Coo* River, two Johnson lin<
a card to the Secretary office at
barrels for the old shotguns, or a 7:00, Free period; 7:45, Vesper Hour; were trailing two Johnsons.
Myrtle Polnt Oregon
new gun entirely and the same ap­ 8:15, Campfire Program; 10:00, Tap*.
Bill Barrow had the pleasure of ,
plies to the old type rifles.
| Mrs. C. R. Leaver, North Bend, playing with the medalist, Dave Me- '
The sportsmen are kept "hopped was Camp Registrar In addition to Quire, who .hot a 68 or par for the D on «»MW p « Survived By
up" concerning the new type* of acting as a group leader. Ida Oerd- course. ™-------- ------ r-------
Six Half Brothers
ammunition that is appearing on the ing, Coquille, had charge of the Li­
Ray Hopp and Paul Vlke also did
In listing the half brothers who
market, how much harder it shoots, brary and the Lost and Found Depart­ very well with a pair of 73a.
survive Donald Phillips, buried here
the straighter string pattern it car­ ment.
Closest scores from the Valley were last Wednesday, that of Stanley Ar­
Mrs. Harland Montgomery
ries, etc., while at the same time Millington, was In. charge of the din­ McLarrin, 78, and Spike Leslie, 31. nold, of Hoquoam, Wash., was unin­
they are warned that It take* a brand ing hall and arranged K. P. duties,
Prizes were won by McGuire, mfcd- tentionally omitted.
new modem rifle or shotgun to han­ and Mrs. Wesley Frazier, Riverton, alist; Tony MUosovitch, longest drive,
dle thia super-speed stuff safely.
about 290 yards, and by our own
'served as a group leader.
See “Spike” Leslie for tne best in 1
Take it all in all, It appear* to
The campfire
programs, in charge Oscar, who came within halt a club Liability, or other Insurance. Office, I
us as nothing short of a big «ailing, oi
length from the cup on No. 5 on his 275 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg.: |
racket on the part of f "
different wert highlights of the encampment tee shot. Individual scores were:
phone 5: residence phone- 95L.
gun manuafeturer*.
gun* and ___
and ________
revealed __
much talent as well as
■ Coos
ammunition that performed perfectly ________
furnished ___________
entertainment 1 for the D. McGuire »
W. Barrow _
in past years, that killed game ani­ camper*.-” Boy* and girl* each had R. Milne
A. Richardson
mals and birds up to and including a their turn at furnishing the entertain- J. Peters
D. McLarrin
good shooting distance, should still ment at these program*.
J. McLarrin
R. Hopp
be gopd enough to use today.
the recreation program proved to E. Lemley
T. Clinton
But it appears that the manufac­ be a popular activity and was in Al Johnson
L. Compton
turers of firearms and ammunition charge of B. W. Dunn of Coquille. R. Oderkirk 3
Geo. Ulett
have fallen into the same “groove” Regular classes
2% L. Holimon
and tournament B. Rodgers
as th* manufacturers of automobiles play-off* were held each day. F|na| L. Jones
N. Chowning 0
and by the slight changing of models, , winners were: Boys—Croquet, Joe O. Stone
IH S. Norton
unload million* of. them each season ! Harry, Myrtle Point, and Dean Rus­ R. Epling
1% R. HolimotT
onto the public, that when you come sell, Randolph, Badminton, Joe De­ F. Peter*
8 C. Mast
right down to hard fact* will find Marsh and Jim Larsen, North Bend W. Young
a R. Bowers
in few, if any, ways superior to your i Horseshoes, Dick Monson and Bill R. Chine
Geo, Laird
old model car, shotgun or rifle. We Ready of Hauser. Giri*—Badminton, W. Horne
D. Keener
did not naoan to drift Into the auto­ Jean Haga, Hauser, and Colleen L. Quick
O. Hedricks
mobile field in this dicuasjop and are Smith, Sumner. Croquet, Beverly C. Wray
J. Gelder
still sticking to the firearms aide of Mason, Empire and Cgrrqjl Meyer, T. MUosovitch 3
G. Johnson
the picture. We merely “drove the Sumner. Final playoff In softball B. Brjner
I W. Bosaerman
car in,” in order to strengthen our between Coos Bay biys and Coquille R. Downer
I L. Lundquist
argument. But looking at both sides Valley boy* was won by th* Coquille P. Vika «
•h E. Leslie
of the picture we cannot help believ­ Valley team captained by Norman T. Johnson
% H. Dment
ing that Barnum was right.
J. Lauderback
A. Bagley
Chezem, Fairview.
Final score Coos Country Club,
Swimming and Life Saving instruc­
tion was conducted for the entire 52%; Coquille Valley Country Club,
enrollment by Mrs. Mary Cowan, 19%.
Both club* hope to have another
Reedsport, and Mrs. Harry Ward,
North Bend. Many who came to inter-eity meet in September, the
camp unable to swim were able to do date to be set later.
Because it so accurately and aptly
On Sunday. August 8, at the Co­
so before th* end of the four-day pe­
describes conditions and the beauty
riod. A swimming demonstration was quille Valley course there will be a
of scenery and atmosphere In south­
conducted Sunday morning and was replayed shot tournament in the
ern Coos county, the Sentinel is
morning, followed by a mixed two-
followed by a mixed swim
pleased to print the following which
C las s** In Home Emergencies and ball foursome after lunch.
was sent us by N. V. Maben, a native-
Handicap* will be established and
First Aid were conducted by Mrs
born Coos countyite, who now lives
Ethel Littler, Douglas County Health posted before that date and will be
in Inglewood, California;
Nurse, who also served aa Camp used in both morning and afternoon
—Jack McLarrin.
Nurse and Health Inspector,
Other cl »see* were conducted a*
I’ve roamed through the glades in the follow*;
Mr*. Wilma Pioneer Methodist Youth
springtime, when the perfume of Brigg*. Marshfield; Nature Study and
Return From Camp
flower* filled the air
Birds, Mias Helen Guilkey of the
The group of young people who
And the creamy white plume* of the Herberatum of Oregon State College,
Squaw Flowers could be seen and her sister, Miss Guilkey; Yarn went from Pioneer Methodist church
blooming everywhere.
Cartooning and Scrap Books, Mias to the Institute held at the Fir Point
camp grounds, near Glendale, Ore­
Enormous clumps of Azaleas bloom­ Helen Cowgill, assistant elub leader, gon, found their way into the home
ing far over my head,
fold on Saturday, after a week of
Gave out cloying but heavenly fra­ Crepe Paper Craft, Mrs. Kelly Jones,
life at one of the truly great Insti­
grance from their pink and white
tutes of the state. Miss Pearl Sher­
blossoms outspread.
Point; Predatory Animal Control, lock, head of the Christian Education­
The lpikiets of bells on the sallal with Clarence Mullens, government trap­ al work in this state, directed the
their background of dark, shiny per; Seed Identification, Harold Fin­ camp program. Other leaders were
nell, Oregon State College, Corvallis; Rev. Frank E. Brown, Rev. Gene El­
Held up each tiny bell to the sun­ Fire Control, Wayne Young, Marsh­ liott, and Rev. Averett Gardner. Rev.
light and added perfume to the field, and Forestry, John Queei^
• •
Marshfield. A|1 classes werp «q«aJv I
The brilliance of Indian Paint Bru*h> ly popujar w||h the c|ub members
__ ________
Sunday morning services
were eon- Plop cook at «II camp*. In »pit* of
blazing like flame |n tbe sqn.
t Rev. M*rl"n tw® *'r*'bed Uree, on the return
Was rivaled by Rhododendrons w|th duptfd a| g a. m by
4-H Club Camp
Very Successful
Out-of-Doors Stuff
PAGE rive
their rosy pink blossoms far flung. Stern «f the Brethren ehuroh at Myr-
tie Point. Mm, A| Gels» was or- Ured but a“ured thw
The hazy blue of wild lilac, merged
ganiri for th« service and was
w|lh flip b|ue of the sky,
slated by 8 «hoir of elub members ten and "»methlng to be thankful for.
With an Indescribable beauty fha| th«
and leaders directed by Mr*. Pearl■
■ ---------------------------- —
use pf mere wards defy.
Batchelor and Al Geiae. Mrs. Marlon f
Sea breezes blew over the glade Miller, of Dora, brought her portable
lands, mingling the scent of the organ to camp and this was used to
furnish the music for all the vesper
And It seemed that all things grew service*.
greener in that land of sunshine
No camp is successful without good
and showers.
food and this was in charge of Mrs.
These are memories I cherish, of J. E. Malone, of Coquille, and Mrs,
Lena Thomas, Arago. Mr%- Dorothy
beautiful, beautiful things,
Greatly* enhanced by the glamour Bishop Dunn was director of the
camp at$ «tas assisted by A| Qe|m. 1
that only homesickness bring*.
assistant poupty agent.
"TONIGHT and all week
Mor« Jhaq A Mjllioq Boy
Scput. h UR NoW
For th« f|r»| lirpe In th* history of
th* Rpy SpuuM pf America, there are
more than on* million Boy Scouts, ac­
cording to report released last week
which «Iso Indicated that the greatest
gain ha* been in the cubbing program
for boy* 8, 10, and 11 year* of age.
Boy Scout registration is now 1,-
006, 081 which represents an Increase
of eight per cent, K. A. Wells, scout
executive, reports. Total member­
ship in the Boy Scouts of America is
1,725,311 boys end men.
The gain In cubbing was 34.8 per
cept bringing the number of boy* par­
ticipating |n the younger-boy pro­
gram th 153.909 The gain In clubbers
—adul| leader»—tv«* beep 40.1 per
........... -..... v -..... , ‘ '
Pasfor Reports Fine
Camp Meeting
Rev. V. W. Anglin who returned
from the Oregon Pacific Nazarene
Camp meeting Monday, reports the
best Camp meeting for year* at Yew ,
Acre*, Camp Ground near Portland.
There were estimated around 1000 in i
attendance at many of the *erv|c«a
and many professing faith |p Christ,
most noticeable were the young peo­
ple who |n these day* of trial feel a
need of the anchor of Jesus Christ
for the soul. The Church has put In
about $4500 in Improvement m the
cajnp grounds this year and it is
free of debt.
The camp grounds
contain 13 acres of grove on the edge
of Portland, one of the beauty spots
of tbe ¿W-
- -------------- -
-------------- Ride on the---------------
-------------- Ride on the
’RfcE ----- Featuring ------ FREE
Bob Mathews and King Tuffy the
Lion with the Human Brain
A Solid Mile of Glittering
Fairy Laad of Fun for