Surgical Dressing Work Progressing County Highway Employees Enjoy Picnic Last Sunday ton Howard, Mo_. four grandchildren and seven step grand Members of Local Union 502, em- children. ployees of the Coos County Highway ! Mr. and Mrs. Minor have lived in Department were hosts at a fine pic- Bandon for the past seven years, nic in Lavern Park Sunday. High- coming there from Oklahoma. light of the day was a delicious pic- ' She was. a devoted Christian from nic dinner, enjoyed by the hosts, their ««rly girlhood, being a member of the families, and friends. Later in the rir,t Baptist Church, was loved by afternoon, all were entertained by “>* who knew her, and her passing pitching horse shoes, playing base- will be of a great loss not only to the ball, swimming, and various races. family but to all who knew her. “WESCOTE Supreme Quality” Roofing is fully guaranteed and Under. writers Approved. It’s super-saturated with finest asphalt and has i coating that will not run or become brittle. 35 Lb. MICA 65 Lb. Picnic At Mrs. Ashton’s Home Honoring Visitors - - 2.39 Roll do 90 Lb. Slate red or green 2.65 Complete with Nails and Cement io AaJUfjt Coffee f^LIEECE TILLAMOOK LB. QQ/. V^nJtJCjJlL^Mild«eamchees^\£l^jM>iiits)^wT^V TAKlfZ I in the Bandon Townsend Hall CUDAHY’S Handy Canned Mett MARMALADE Sg ?n.25c ■ lb . ■■r-L Butter Macaroni Grade A Porter's Elbow . 45c J“ Cigarettes 77 $1.19 XT- 24c Beet Sugar, 10 lb. sk........ 62c Brown Sugar or pwd. lb. 8c Pcke Flour, Susanna 3Vi lb 18c Shortening, Ryl Satin 3 lb. 59c Flour, 50 lb. sk. ........... Kitchen Craft 1.99 Bread Julia Lee Wright lb. 13c Salad Dressn'g Duchess qt. 36c ciwuinew muís Mayonnaise, Nu Made, qt. 47c "Wesson Oil, Pt. jar 28c Morning Glory Oats 48 oz 26c Corn Flakes, Kellogg 18 ox. 12c Prince Albert Tobacco 1 1b 69c Geo. Washington Tob. 1 lb. 53c I Gregg Hardware 821 W. Front St Phone <8 S herwin W illiams P aints SAFEWAY