The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 03, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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Norton’s have just received a ship­
ment of new 'handkerchiefs, white
and prints reasonably priced. Just
the right small gift to tuck ta a
A party was held last Monday night
at the Roy School for the children
who participated in thé square danc-
| ing during the 4th of July celebration
1 here. It was arranged by Ed Hughes,
head ct FSJi., who did the calling.
The group had been promised a treat
if they won a prize, which they did.
The adult team, also was included
and neighbors in the district. Ice
cream and cake, cookies and water-
rrfblon were esrved. Dr. Bunch con­
tributed the entertainment, showing
the fine techincolor movie films he
had taken of the parade and horse
Two men were ‘taken before Jus­
tice Fred Bull here last Wednesday
by the state police, charged with pos­
I Lloyd O. Wood, who has been session of ventoon during closed sea­
studying radio and radar at the Great
son. Both pleaded guilty and Carl
Marc Shelley, carpenters mate, who takes Naval Training ,tatlon
has been in the Navy for the past Chicago, came in last Friday on an Isaac Oakes was fined »50 and »4
... hto wife and son: “ costs, with a 30-day jail sentence
two years, is home on a 30-day de- n-day leav<
to see
and Mrs oT 1 added’ He paid *10
iln< and
i_—-7-. •
__ ___
from San Franctaco «There hto ship Woodt and hU other
^ th.’jail ^ntence to to be suspended.
— - has
- 1
, provided he makes monthly payments
seen a lot of > action
, ■ J
- __
Of »10 to Wipe out the »44 balance.
in the South Pacific, having been on
_____ .
He had to leave again
The other was Harvey Archibald
a destroyer part of the time, but has mornfng j,, report back • next Monday
more recently been in the transport for ten more months of study and Largent, who has not yet been sen-
, fenced, but who to being held in the
A. P. A. Service.
training in the two subject in which
i county jail. The; officers are await-
He took the examination in Febru­ he to specializing.
Even though
ary for a commission and was recom- i trains are crowded and traveling con- \ ing extradition papers from Washing­
mended for It at that time but it cjitioni are noj of the best, he said he ton, where he has a jail sentence
usually requires six months for the wouid nO( have missed this trip homp hanging over him on a forgery charge,
j Last Thursday Marion David Castle,
advancement to become effective, j for a goo< deal aven lf lt had been
i who lives up one of the forks of the
only for one day.
¡river, was brought before the justice
.------ —J----------- 1
| on the chargq of obtaining money un-
Sgt. David Smith Putting
' der false pretenses. He had given a
cjieck, which was cashed locally, and
*•' - In Busy Days On Furlough
which he had signed with a fictitious
Among the 42 soldiers with the Sec-
s»1- D«vid Smith came in last
name. Ha was bound over to the
_ ____________________
___ __ who Thursday from the Army field naar
Infantry Division in France,
performed Outstanding acts bf brav- Oklahoma City, where he to stationed grand jury.
King Mote Wilson paid »5, fine and
ery during _____
the Advance
in Normandy
- . at the weather observation base, just M costs, last Saturday after being sum­
and who were awarded the Bronze >n
jn time to help his father. J. L. Smith,
Star for gallantry in action, was with getting in the hay crop'and moned by the state police for having
, no tail light on hto car.
Lieut. John W. Rngram of Coquille, helping with other of J. L.’s agricul-
the only Oregon man in the list
Dave was overdue on a furlough Birthday Dinner
out from Army headquarters. No
mention was made of what the acta but anticipates he will have to leave
Mrs. Josh Ruble celebrated the
«in ktia
railim to
in /"klr
1 e»hzxsw«n City
/^<4«» about
- i ! on
hto return
eighty-fourth birthday of her father,
of gallantry were.
Mr. Theodore Zosel, with a dinner
The group was composed of five Aug. 10.
officers and 3» enlisted men. Among 1
--------------------- —•
party last Saturday evening, July 29.
A cake with eighty-four candles was
them were infantrymen, medical men, Maury Williams Makes 15,000
brought to him by his grandson, Ron­
artillery pointers and communications Mile Air Trip Over Pacific
ald Setch. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
men, all of whom were cited fori
ki _ u <nuniu«H
bravery under
fire „,
/ Williams stationed at Ham
“T ­ Mike Setch and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
complete disregard for their per- llton ?eld- CaU,o”‘la> writ*8 that be j Schram.
. .
recently returned from a 13,000-mlle
'The"^^ bore the brunt of the
Insurance ¡speciali«. T. R. Dull.
fighting on the northern sector of the
Ulp *"
work as an Instructor in the Ground
front and has been in almost con­
School of the Air Transport Com­
tinuous combat since the landings on
mand. The tilings which impressed
June 0.
me were the ease, speed and safety
' ot travel by air, the importance of air
Lieut. Wm. Pook Is Due
transportation in this world war No. I
On Furlough From So. Pacific
2; also the fine job and the great I
Lieut. Wm. Pook has notified hto credit jiue the men who are fighting
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T A. Pook. ¡the war in the South Pacific under Copies of
that he to on furlough and will wire obstacles which must seem almost In­
them from San Francisco as soon as surmountable at times. I was also
hto ship dcks there. BUI has had a! impressed with the many helpful ac-
lot of experience in the south Pacific.: Uvltles in which the Red Cross to
——... ... —.----- —
( men jn
Besides spending months of the past engaged in this area for the
two years in Australia, he has been the service.1
on New Guinea for considerable
stretches at different times.
V-Mail Letter From
. .................. . . —
Marc Shelley Home
For Thirty Days
show. He also Showed other interest
ing scenic films.
'Treat For Square
Dance Winners
'Deer Hunters
•In The Toils
Calling card*, bn tor Si.iu­
Drs. Witcosky & Crawford
Phone SO«JJ
of California
John Ingram Gets
Bravery Award
reasonable bates
Living Room. Ensemble
1—Kroehler Davenport and Chair
1—9x12 Axminster Rug
1— Coffee Table
2— End Tables
1—Lamb Table ,
1—Occasional Chair
Special $169.50
2$% Down—Balance One Year
Purkey Furniture
Mark Seeley In Europe
Tom Martin To Be Home
On Leave Next Week
Mark Seeley writes from Europe,
whether he is still tn England or
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Martin over on the continent he did not say,
have received a wire from their son. that his brother, Dr. John Seeley.
Tom, who has been in training at to in England; Everett to probably In
Ohio Weslyan that he to being sent ‘ France, and Linus’ last letter, written
to St. Mary’s in California for his June 10, Indicated that he was in a
pre-flight training. He is glad to hot spot in the Pacific theatre,
come back to this coast and will have
Mark says that, while he to not a
a 24-day leave which he will spend Republican, he thoroughly enjoys the
' at home.
weekly column of comments in the
| Sentinel by Congresseman Harris
Ellsworth and Representative Ralph
j T. Moore.
He finds them very
! thought-provoking.
Lieut. H. A. Norris, C. H. S.
Grad, Now A B-29 Flyer I
Lieut, and Mrs. Arnold H. Norris,
who arrived this week from the Army
Air Base and training field at Roe­
well, N. M., were Sentinel callers
Wednesday morning, in company-with
his mother, Mrs. T. H. Benham of
Lieut Norris has just
i been advanced to a B-29 Bomber pl-
j lot rank and does not know just how
soon he jnay sent overseas. He is
due to report next week at Lin­
coln, Nebr. He is another CHS
graduate who is a flyer in .this war,
| having graduated in 1938.
Specials Friday and Saturday
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
TOMATOES fancy field ripened 30 lb. lug $2.39 2 lbs. 25c
fancy Hales
20 lb. lug $2.29
firm, golden meated
fancy Sunkist » -
- * -
MILK Alpine tell cans
case $4.49
HONEY Floradale Pure Honey 5 lb. lin $ 1.19
Jim Isaac Is Now
A Technical Sergeant
Mrs. Jim Isaac has received word I
from her husband “somewhere In
England” that he has been advanced
to Technical Sergeant. Sgt. Isaac has
been overseas since April 1.
Milton Tyrrell, seventeen year'old
son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tyrrell,
enlisted in the Navy last week while
i in Portland from Wednesday till
| Sunday. He Was the only boy from
here, though some went from Marsh­
Circus Is Attracting Crowds,
Runs Through Sunday
The West Coast Victory Carnival I
circus, sponsored by the Coquille'
, Aerie, F.O.E., opened across the river ■
from town Tuesday and has been
showing to very good crowds.
One of the most amazing features
of the show to the trained lion act
which alone to worth the price nf
admission.' Another feature is the
giant gorilla, Gargagu, and ¿here are
other unusual stunts and entertain­
ment features.
The postotflce crew was short-
handed yesterday. Leland was ab­
sent on his annual vacation, having
left that morning with his family for
Bandon beach, and Vernon Smith had
| to lay off because of a sprained ankle.
COCOA Hershey's Boz. tin
2 for 25c
WALNUTS Fang Oregon Franquelfes 2 lbs. 65c
SALMON Alaska Pink Large cans
WASH. POWDER Soper Suds tee. ph. 22c
KOOLADE healthful refreshing all .flavors 3 pkgs 14c
LARD Swift's Silverleaf
4 lb. pkg. 69c
We Pay Highest Price for Fresh Eggs