V •> CLASSIFIED THIS WEEK ONLY FOUR LOTS with good three-room house, at Coatedo. Stage line and high school bus. Price $600.00. LOST—Eight gl bills, tied in a lady's - Card of : st Junes’ Episcopal Church handkerchief, Saturday, July 1, I would like to take this opportun- Corner K. 3rd 4b Elliott Sta. between The Bootery and Gant’s ity to thank the many friends for the . The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicai Grocery. Finder please leave at cards and flowers »ent me while 11 Sundays: Sentinel for reward. It* was in the hospital. . 1 1st and 3rd—. Methodist Church | Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown. Pest ' 9:45 Sunday Schoo! hour. Claa I for ail ages from the youngest to the 1 oldest. '11:00 Sunday... morning worship 9:00 a. m. Holy Communion with sermon. —*■ - r hour. “That which gold cannot buy” 2nd, Sth and Sth— is the sermon subject for July 30th. 7:00 Sunday evening Senior and 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with ser­ Intermediate Fellowship hour. mon. 3:00 Sunday evening worship and inspiration hour. Youth takes the i "Wednesday: ’V' llead. 10:00 a. m, Holy Communion. I OR SALE—One wood or coal Range, RAISE Lily Bulbs for profit and with copper coift, also thirty gal­ Pleasure. This place conatoto of WANTED—Portable electric Sewing lon water tank; can be seen at 459 machine in good condition. Mrs. 80 lots, with five-room bouse with N. Coulter St, Coquille. E. G. Op­ L. P. Fugelson, phone 801RR, P. O. bath, garage and barn; one two- perman. box 154, Coquille. 28t3s For the kindness and expressed room cottage with shower and toilet; hot and cold water; close dn 1 FOUND—2 Blankets. Call 48X. l*s sympathy of friends and acquain­ W ATER SYSTEMS—Wa'stock both tances, and for the floral diaplay to Bandon—a real bargain. Priced Deep and Shallow Well, Automatic at the services held for my late at $2500.00 with terms, or liberal FOR SALE—Pre-war Baby Buggy, Water Systems; also Rotary and $15. Call Beatrice Rhule, at lllL, mother, Mrs. Clara J. Miller, I diacount for spot cash. Centrifugal Pumps. J. A. LAMB 7:30 Thursdays’ mid-week services. after 6 p. m. Ito desire to extend my sincere thanks COMPANY. • , Study in the book of Romans. 8th $1800 WILL BUY you a good home ................ — —.... ... ................... The Assembly oi God and appreciation. Leila G. Miller and 9th chapters. Second and Heath 8 to. HAYING EQUIPMENT — Harpoon y of five rooms with bath, basement FOR RENT—Furnish«»! Apt. A quiet place for quiet people. No pets. BRICK—We have a good supply, no L. C. Parsing, Pastor 10:30 Thursday. August 3d, Wom­ forks *- Salt — Rope — Sulfur — / and garage; there are three bed priority. FARR A ELWOOD. s Adults preferred. Hallingstad an's Society for Christian Service will rooms in this house; street comer Pitch Forks. FARR A ELWOOD, s Sunday: Apts., phone 96J. * lt*s meet in an , afternoon meeting at location, and garden lot in bottom 9:45 A Christ-honoring Bible school NOT1CE TO CREDITORS PAPERHANGING, Kstoonuiung, In- goes with this deal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that with studies that over a period of time 2:30 o’clock. FOR SALE — Five Room Modern terior and Exterior Painting. The the undersigned has been duly ap­ 8:00 Monday, July 31st, Official House, close in. Enquire Jack Hale, pointed by the County Court of Coos covers the entire Bible. Every lesson latest in Pittsburg, Imperial, Birge FORTY ACRES with three-room cot­ board meeting. All members take or study is adapted to the age of the County, Oregon, as administrator of Owner. lt*s tage, good water; some third growth Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 275 ’ | • the estate of Perry H. Brewer, de­ class taught. Bertha Byrd, superin­ note of this. , fir timber, located on Fairview No. Henry, Coquille, phone 686. If every one in my community were ceased, and has duly qualified as tendent. road aix miles from Coquille. This WASHING MACHINE For Sale — such. 8tfs doing what I do, what would the Phone 202M. . lt«s 11:60 Morning worship; the pastor ' is to be sold for $550.00. . NOW, THEREFORE all persons community be like? ; y PAINT—Inside or outside paint, high having claims against said estate will speak. The Cpmmunion service in quality, low in price. FARR & HIGHWAY Home—3.23 acres on Co­ SUREMILK—We have a good supply are hereby notified and required to will follow the message. on Ijand. 16 per cent protein. present the same to the undersigned Church nt Chriit ELWOOD. a I quille-Marshfield Highway just -4:45 Christ Ambassadors aervice, FARR A ELWOOD. * a in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, interesting »1« 24th day naj w* of II July, wy, IH and 3 TON International Trucks ' from highway; have a South ex­ Poultry Feeds, Metal Chick 1944, appointed by the County Court KOOS, 1830 on your dial, to Songs Sunday: Bible School 9:45. Martha Mul­ available for immediate delivery posure and command an excellent c?°* County, bregon. aa Admin Adml.H ­ of Metnory. Waterers, Milking Machine of Coos Oregon, a* to farmers and others, subject tc 1 view of the Coquille Valley. Build- key, Supt. Supplies, Bug Chasers far Gar­ istrator of the Estate of Violet L. Tuesday 7:45 Prayer service. Lorenz, deceased: and all peraons persona War Production Board authoriza- i Inga consist of good dwelling, six Morning worship 11 o’clock. Lord's Thursday 7:45 Devotional and den and Flowers. EATON'S having claims against »aid Estate are Supper. Special music. We will Jion for purchase. For particulars,' rooms with bath, garage, chicken „ FEED STORE, CoquHle. < tfs hereby required to present them to Bible study. *' II»—aww— I ■H SU.;.. H I. continue the series on “Life’s Un­ see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s house and other small outbuild­ me at the office of O. C. Sanfotri. At ­ FARM MACHINERY Repairs — We torney, in Coquille, Oregon, with' answered Questions." Message, FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room Apt.1 ings. Priced at $4500.00. Cash or Emmanuel Baptist Church cairy genuine McCormick Deering proper vouchers and duly verified, "Where la Thy Brother?" terms. v ,. with bath. ' Use of Electric Washer. repairs. J. A. LAMB COMPANY, s within six months from the date of R4v. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor Intermediate C L 3:30. i this notice. Adults only. No animal pets. In- . IF YOU Desire to sell your home, 19:00 Sunday School, ♦ We are Young People’s C. E. 7:00. Dated and published first time quire 351 So. Henry St. Flora E.I farm or business at any kind, list CEDAR SHINGLES—We have No. l’s July 27, 1944. We invite continuing well above last year's at­ * Evening service 8:00. it with me for immediate sale. I! on hand. PARR & ELWOOD. s Dunne. MURL F. PETTIT, tendance. Join our growing Sunday you to an informal fellowship with 28t5 Administrator. an evangelistic sermon, “Living On School. WANTED — General housework by Expediencies.” , 11:00 Morning Service. ' , the hour, for widower or bache­ Monday, 9 a. m. The boys will leave 7:00 Three Young People’s meet­ lor ’ » hojne. 70 cents per hour. quille.. -U AvailabK we’ll get >« » TW* BL for Boys' Camp at Camp Myrtle­ ings, Write Roa 25, Coquille. ||*» it” Garnier^ Bufrigmtlia' ^’band^and 800 ®vehing Service. We put wood. KLECTRICAD WIRE A WIRINO Service. /- 27tb and CliARL^S B. BONO some- »P^ial ptins to make the eve- WecL 7:30 Choir Practice. Don Farr, DEVICES — Limited quantities FOR SALE — Sturdy WUh-ly»». Krol-Kab Baby Buggy. Pre-War; time» known a» C. B. b 6 n O, or ning service worth while. Welcome. director. DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk- available without priority. FARR large tires, like new. $35. Call BON o 'ST no NO m BOT1STA Tuesday, Choir Rehearsal. A ELWOOD,. s ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get O ’ Dell at 31, Coquille. lt»s Church Of The N PT.ATWTTryR Thursday, Prayer Meeting and Jun- them at Pacific Feed & Seed So. tfs TD6BSR WANTED k r Choirs. ”—-- , Ninth and Heath WANTED—Fir Filing, Cedar pole». FOR SALE — “Fannera’ Bargains’ — BESSIE ASHTON and JOHN DOE USED CAM WANTED! Friday, Closing Program of the Va- , Rev. V. W. Anglin. Pastor i - Hen» — Sabbiti — Bull — too SELL your car to us for top O.P.A. , all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. »hip­ cation Bible School. Everyone to in- I 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. I Chest — Lambs — Want Hu X)as ping point, earliest shipment. ceiling price. No Red Tape. No vi ted to gttend thia program at 7:30 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding tank. See FARR * ELWOOD’S trips to the Ration Board. We take p. m. 7:45 p. m. Evening service, Prayer “Swap Board." -. “ $ Bldg., Portland, Ore. 24t7s - J - - ‘ -....... care of all dgtajls and pay you in if married: JOHN 1 » and Praise and Sermon. • . ■ li _Ja and JANE DOE cash the highest price tor which ELECTRIC FENCE Unite, $14.75 and 7:45 p. m. Wednesday — evening. GOOD HORSES For Sale — Burt HOLLOW1 —------ ..his wife, if married; First Chyych of Christ, Scientist you can tegally aell your car. See Midweek prayer meeting. up. Will work on* 110-volt Una, MRS. K M. McGREGOR and JOHN . Coquille, Oregon Neeley, Camas Valley. 27t3*s ‘ EDU BRALY at DOE McGREGOR, her husband, if I V. W. Anglin. or hot shot battery, or automobile married; also the unknown heirs of < Sunday School at 9:30 a. m Southweetern Motors Used Car Lot battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries the above-named defendants, if de-! Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Coquille Phone 246 Oregon * Church of God for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 16tfs ceased; also all other persons or Subject for next Sunday, “Love.r 28tfs parties unknown claiming any! Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts _ _ ___ _ , Wednesday evening meeting at 3:00 PLUMBING FIXTURES — Tubs — right. title, estate, lien or interest Walter Loe Greer, Pastor CLEAN YOUR OWN CARPETS with j Shower stalls — Lavatories — Toil­ ;ribed in in the the real real estate* estate des described in the the ‘»’‘■lock. Sunday. July 30 complaint herein, Karpet Klean without taking up. ____ Free public Reading Room at 239 ets — Laundry trays. No priority. DRIVE IN and let us Inspect your 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. DE FENDANTS. W . second, Roxy Bldg., open every A safe, odorless powder, easy to .FARR A ELWOOD. . tires for hidden defects before you * 11:00 a. m. Worship: sermon, use FARR A ELWOOD. s take that trip. This service is free To: BESSIE ASHTON and JOHN day exc*Pl Sunday and holidays from by the pastor. MONUMENTS “________________________________ 1:30 to 1:00 p. m. and may save you trouble »nd ex­ FOR RENT—A furnished Apartment 8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service: ser­ Rave good buys on small monu­ pense away from home. Thornton at Wilson’s Apartments. Phone ments which can be installed soon. mon by the pastor. Insurance Specialist. F. R. Bull, s Tire Service. 11» 143L. Ito Also have concrete building blocks. "And we know that all things work — ,i i .. FOR SALE — One 100 -chick electric together for good to them that love . _ and' JAidr*DOE ’ HOL­ Jno. S. Sanders, 541 W. Sixth. Phone God, to them that are the called ac­ Brooder, $9; 1 Octagon Mirror 22 LOWELL, his wife, if married; MRS. 123L. tie in. diamter, $2; 1 polychrome Mir­ K. M. McGREGOR and JOHN DOE cording to his purpose.” Rom. 8:28. FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser­ ror, 16x30 in. $4; 1 pair 18 In. McGREGOR, her husband, if mar- These Early „ . i ried; also the unnkown heirs of the vice—call 3-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ New Prewar Heavy Top Shoes, size I above-named defendants, if deceased; day Journal PANY. ■ 9, $15. Phone 196L. Ito also all other persons or parties chased while .... un- --------- I known claiming any right, title, ENAMELWARE Large assortment FOR RENT — Comfortable rooms, tate, ___,___ lien __ or __________ interest in ___ the real real es­ nlnger’s . $15 per month. Breakfast if de ­ tate described in the complaint here­ FOR SALE—Stock, equipment, hay , just arrived. Percolators, Double in. Boilers, Dishpans, Tea Kettles, Brandon’s sired. 815 West 4th St Phone and growing crops on 23-cow dairy- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Water Pails, etc. J. A. LAMB Dillard MM. 54J. 8tfs Two yean left on present lease. OREGON: COMPANY. s NOBLE CROWNING. You are hereby required to a Arden Floyd, Myrtle Point, Ore­ WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C. and answer the Complaint Journal Mgr. gon. 27t‘s ROOFING—Roll roofing — composi­ Lee, 507 Clark SU North Bend, kgsinst you In the above er Court and cause on or before last tion shingles — slate roofing—Roof Oregon. Phone 5411? LOST in Coquilto—Red Agate Brooch, date prescribed In the Order for Pub­ coatings — Roof cements — Roof­ a keepaake; in family 74 years. Re­ lication of Summons herein, and if WALL BOARD — Ney supply Just you ers' supplies. FARR A ELWOOD. » fall so to appear and answer, for ward for return to Sentinel. 37t2a arrived. Gregg Hardware, ■ went thereof, the Plaintiff» will ap­ FOR SALE — 1941 18-foot Schult ply to the Court for the relief de­ ARC ’or ACETYLENE Welding, any trailer house, sleeps four adults, WANTED—A Bicycle, second hand. manded in said »aid Complaint, a suc suc- ­ time, anywhere, .. day or night. good rubber. Mrs. Elsie Smith, $35 Must be In good condition. Write cinct statement of which to as follows: Prince Auto Electric, 290 North * E. Second St, Coquille,Ore. lt*s to Ruth Sumerlln, care of M. G. That said defendants and each of Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfs them may be required to set forth Sumerlln, Coquille, Oregon, Mc­ the nature of their claims: that all FOR SALE — 80 ton of oats and vetch CONVERTED Ice Cream Cabinets for Kinley Rt. 28t3s adverse claims of the defendants may NOTHING OVERLOOKED hay, with lots of vetch. P. A- Mc_ be determined by a decree of this frozen food for sate. No priority NEEL, Glendale, Ore. Phone 309. NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing court, and that said defendants and needed. Garnier's -Refrigeration of older roots, all types and kinds, each of them be forever enjoined and no matter how large and elaborate 28t3*s , ' Service, phene 160J. 27t2s debarred from asserting any claim PAULINE TALBERT done by the Standard Roofing Co., whatever In or to the South Half the scale upon which the funeral FARMERS—If you need a Tractor, 893 North First street. Marshfield. (SH) of the Southwest quarter FOR SALE—1934 Hudson Coupe, 90 arrangements are tn be made. That Milkers, Haying Machinery, Elec­ Phone 859. Glen Wm. Curtis, (SWV4) of Section (23) in Townahip per cent rqbber. See O. R. Liver­ to our policy —that is our proud tric Milk Coole’t or any kind of (36) South of Range (IS), West of i - Mgr. 9 more, care of Wm. Roth, Fat Elk the Willamette Meridian in Cooa Farm Machiner. or Repairs, see claim after many yean of expert Road. H*» us—your MbCormick Deering deal­ FOR SALE—Logging truck and tan­ County, State of Oregon; advene to hr. De La Rh ence A conference with us will the plaintiff», and for such other and dem trailer, new 130 motor, new further relief as shall seem meet er. J. A, LAMB COMPANY. s WANTED—Young Lady wants work be to your advantage Eyesight tirea, complete equipment. H. A. and equitable therein. in a home in Coquille, for room, 1H and 3 TON International Trucks This Summons is published pursu- Specialist Dean, Valley View Ranch, Camas board and salasy. Have a small 1 snt to an Order for Publication available for immediate delivery Valley, Ore. Mt6*s I thereof made by Dal M. King, Judge child. Mrs. E. Harold Langdoh, Mos Examined ■ Gia to farmers and others, subject to Sitkum, Oregon. It*« of the above-entitled Court, on June War Production Board authoriza­ GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ 26, 1944. The date of the first pub­ ! rtwipnun room jointly with surance. I give aervice. F. R. lication at this Summons Is Juns 29, I tion for purchase. For particulars, FOR SALE—2-wheel Baby Go-Cart, Dr. J. R Bunch see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s Bull. s 1944, and the date of the last pub­ ! lair« Hnlldiag rubber-tired, in good condition, liandu* Cequilte lication of this Summons is July 27, $5.00. See Harry Jensen, four miles 1083 I 109H WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows a UTO PAINTING and Body Work. 1944. from Coquille on Marshfield high­ HARRY A. SLACK Bring your car in------ we can start [ and calves for Mink feed. B. T. Attorney for Plaintiffs way. H*» work at once. Southwestern Motor Hepler, Bullards route. Phone Residence and Postoffice address: 1 * 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11, 45 Coquille, Oregon. 24t5 w Out of Town Folks! Attention to Details SCHROEDER BROS MORTUARIES, Inc. 09ltY99»9H-Stll^» BARROW DRUG COMPANY WRECKER SERVICE PhoasB Night Phone 1MB I: WANTED—Preferrably a woman to cóme to my home day times from 6:30 a. m. to 6:00'p. m. to care for my three children while I work. Otherwise would.like to board them with reliable person close enough to school or school bus, for two i oldest ones to attend school. Would consider boarding and paying aj reasonable wage to out of town school girl who would take cam of them. See Elsie Rae Cotter at 250 N. Heath, Coquille after 6:00 In the evenings or write Box 224, Co­ quille, Oregon. It*» “Ì Instructor of Piano High Schoel THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE Benham’s Transfer (Jimeral (Home ¿'TEUPHone loo • mhulmcí Southwestern Motors MISá INEZ ROVER sew/ce * coquille Storage SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight "v 27S S. Hall !