Alphabetic Bureaus Of the Administration lare collectively burdened with, and ‘ in addition we have all the«*' damn I Bureaus on our backs. Yes, I would prefer a system that I allowed me to buy that-for which I | did not have,the money to pay, than a system that forbade me to buy that for which I did have the money to pay. s ^object to regimentation; ob­ ject to being ruled by a bunch of fan- tailed theorists who are attacking everything that has made America great—even the geography, the cal­ endar, the clock,-and the unchange­ able laws of' supply and demand. It is easy to rebuild our lost for­ tunes, but liberties and h-iman right 5 ónci- take i r.way aj-e not eas‘l? :e cap'ured pigs; hundred • qf thousands of breed sows; mo/e than 8'0 0:0'da'ry cows, not even allowing the hides to be »aved because that would lower the pr\f of leather, when at that time sho's were so high most people could not afford a new pair. I objected lo destroy ng hundreds of thousand*' of acres of growing farm products, the essentials and necessities of life. All this with millions hungry and un- WEALTH WEST