Vacation Bible School Belle Knife Hospital The Annual Vacation Bible School at the Baptist church has had a very Earl Griffith, of Bandon, entered fine attendance, even for war times, for treatment last Wednesday eve­ and has drawn in a lot of guest stu- : ning. dents from the other churches also. ! Four children of a Jones family here The closing program will be held in Coquille underwent operations for this Friday night at 7:30 when the removal of their tonsils last Thurs- students will demonstrate some of day. the things they have learned, and An eight-pound baby girt, named made, in the handwork classes. The Mercedes Ethel Evalena, was born to Sunday chorus will sing. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Smith of Riv- Everyone interested is welcome to erton last. Saturday, attend. Mrs. Russell Holimon. of thia ritv. Soroptimist Club Member» of the SoroptimUt Club were entertained during their Tues­ day luncheon meeting by .Marvel Skeels, who sang the following num­ bers, “Iris," by Wolfe; “Bitterness of Love,” by Dunne,** and “Bendemeer Stream,” by Moore. Florence Barton, retiring club pres­ ident, was presented with a pin and corsage. Myrtle Clausen was a guest. Fouiteen members attended. Pastor Attends Camp Meeting Of Church Of The Naxarene The Annual Camp meeting of the Oregon pacific District, Church of the Nazarene, is now in session at Yew Acres, just three miles out of Port­ land. This is the camp grounds of the District Church. The local pas­ tor, Rey. V. W. Anglin, is attending the camp this week with Mr. Allen and expects to return home next Monday. G A R G A G U Catholic Picnic To Be Held At Coos Bay July 30 The annual picnic sponsored by the Knights of Columbus for the people of southwestern Oregon, will be held in Marshfield at Mingus Park on Sunday, July 30. A potluck dinner will be served. All except service men and women are requested to bring their eating utensils. A fine sports program has been arranged. The most Reverend Archbishop will give the sermon for the occasion. Mass will be at eleven o’clock. Doesn't an animal grabs the lure usually with his hide? THE GIANT G O B R I L 1 A Is Coming SEE HIM WEST- COAST-SHO •ws ■SAFEWÄV Second Officer on “Coquille” Visits Here With Relatives rf/ate row Lieutenant Wilbur Elllngsen is vis­ iting relatives here for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ches­ ter Ellingsen of Oakland, Calif. They 2) BAKING POWDER, Calumet 25 ox. ......... 2 BAKING SODA, A & H 1 L pkg........ .........10c SNO-WHITE SALT pl. or iodized 23 ox. pk »c cake 3 for 10c Fleischman's YEAST, fresh Vanilla & Lemon, Westag flavors 8 ox. bot. 10c Schil'ings .Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon 1 ox. 20c BISQUICK FLOUR Clothes Hampers 12.50 WANTED . 40 ox. pkg................ 33c Krusteaz Pie Crust Mix 12 ox. pkg. 25c ■a Joy Cake Mix, Golden ¡2 ox. pkg.............. .15c Electric Ranges Sotftasilk Cake Flour, 2% ox. pkg. . ......... 28c WE CAN REPAIR THEM Royal Satin Shortening 3 lb. jar............... 50c Heaters Crisco or Snowdrift 3 lb. jar ...J................. 0#c WE REBUILD Davenos Chairs RíAllY fRfSH PRODUCI WATERMELONS CANTALOUPES LOWEST MARKET PRICE Golden Ripe — Top Quality Q _ Per Lb.................... ‘ CALAVOS Salad Frtlit Deluxe lb. 25c CELERY Crispy, Oregon Green lb. 14c ZUCCHINI SQUASH good bakers lb 7c CROOK NECK SQUASH local lb. 7c LEMONS SunWst, juicy lb............12t4c WATERMELONS half or whole lb. 3c TOMATOES red, ripe, delicious lb. 18c POTATOES New Crop 5 lbs. ....... xllc ÄV GUARANTEED MEATS j . i - SALE OF VEAL VO POINTS! A REAL VALUE! RIB CHOPS Lb. SHOULDER STEAK, Lb SHOULDER ROAST. Lb BREAST OF VEAL Lb. Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St Phone 08 S herwin -W illiams P aints J