The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 27, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    Bang's Disease
Control Program
Townsend Picnic
At Fat Elk
(Continued from Page One)
Funneral services were conducted
teat and a retest at M-day Intervals at *he Gano Funeral Home, Wednes-
until one clean teat has been obtained 4«/. «•* LUton Parrish officiating,
in herds where reactors are found.
for Donald D Phillips, formerly of
Optian II which includes one an- Fairview and Coquille, who passed
nual test, removal of reactors, retests
last Wednesday, July It. st
at 90-day intervals in cese reactors S®" Bernardino, Calif. He had been
are found, and vaccination of calves 1 there but a short tjrr.e, having gone
will be advocated and encouraged in down from Eugene.
areas which are thought to include
Be was born Sept. 25, 1912, at
some herds of moderate infection.! Oakland, Oregon, the son pf Mr. and
These include Arago and the road Mr8 Geo Phillips, who furvive
from Fishtrap to Myrtle Pojnt; Twin/ *He
also survived by his widow,
Oaks from Lundy Cheese Factory to the former Viola Johnson, and their
and including Dement Creek; high- two-year old son. Donald Degn of Co­
way from Norway to Myrtle Point; quille; one half sister, Mrs. Eunice
North Bank Road from Coquille- Ash, of Drain, Ore., and five half
Marshfield Highway to Riverton; Lee brother»—Wm. Arnold, Coquille; Ce-
Valley from Hervey Bridge to Co- «1 Arnold, Spokane, Eugene, E, Ar-
quille-Myrtle Point Highway.
'noid, Seattle; Bertsel Arnold, Port-
Option III method of control will land; Harry Arnold, Oakland, O/e
include mainly the vaccination of • Interment was in PO.O.F. cemetery,
Keys made Jor all locks. Stevens
Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore.
are four months old in an effort to
build up a herd immune from the KJ re Hnrrv Fnlcnm
effects of Bang's disease. Testing of *V,r5, narr7
mature cattle In these herds wiU not
be advocated, but vaccinated calves
will be . tested approximately six [ Mrs. Harry Folsom, formerly Jotty
weeks following vaccination and l . Watson and a stater of Mrs. Clar­
is in just prior to breading. This ence Tuttie of this city, passed away
option will be encouraged in the fol- Sunday morning at the Sacred Heart
lowing communities: Fat Elk from Hospital in Eugene, where she had
Fishtrap to Coquille and the Bandon undergone an operation the week
Highway to Riverton; Highway from before. She was born In Empire on
Judge Dal M. King in circuit court CoqUille to, and including Norway;. Cooi Bay. Aug. 21, 1878, and was
this week granted divorces to Jhe highway from CoquUle to North-Bank .¡even months and two days past «7
plaintiffs in the foUowing cases:
Road Including Cedar Point Road.
¡year» of age-
Bethel L. Davis vs. S. J. Davta.
,• Bang’s disease inspectors will be j interment was in Sunset cemetery at
Vlron B, Cade vs. Oladvs May Cade, asked to keep a complete record on the Bay. foUowing services at the
Ray E. Caudle vs. Mary E. Caudle. all cattle tested and on all calves Campbell chapel In Marshfield ,at
Blythe C. Pellet vs. Bertha L. vaccinated and tested, according to
Judge Felshelm who urges that dairy- |
Paula Alexander vs.' E. D. Alex- men cooperate with the Inspectors in j
order that this program may be of■
Margaret DeMarcus vs: Daniel De- the greatest possible value to the
dairy industry ot this county, y
. Shelby Wilson vs. Rosemary Wil-
Funds are included ih the budget to i
pay indemnity on cattie removed for ■
slaughter under Option I and II and
A traveling examiner of car
on calves which have been vecclnattd
truck drivers will be baek at the Co- and fal1 to
uP«nd*r °ftlOn
quille city hall again next Tuesday.'.Indemnity funds will also be avail-
Aug. 1, nine to four o’clock, to con- ,aLle irorn Federal and state sources, I
duct examinations and receive appli- ’ccording to representatives of the .
cation, for licenses.
Bureou of Animal Industry »id ths ,
r State Department of Agriculture. E b - •
itlmates submitted provide for testing
of 12,000 cattle, the vaccination of
1,500 calves, and indemnity on 330
head of cattle and calves for the next
fiscal year. It is believed, Judge Fel­
shelm states that this program will
provide reasonable control and pro- '
tectlon from spread of Bang’s disease I
in Coos County. Its success will rest
largely on the work done by the
County Bang’s disease Inspectors and
the cooperation given by dairymen.
The program is flexible and will pro­
vide for changes In methods of control
in case of new outbreaks of the dis­
ease In clean areas and as Immune
herds are developed in infected areas.
Dairymen following Option III will
agree to sell no cattle except for
slaughter or to other dairymen fol­
lowing Option III, also to handle their
herds in such a maimer as tq provide
maximum protection to adjoining
herds which may be following Option
I and II.
; . ■
I • Herds will be tested as usual for
tuberculosis with the county and the
dairymen paying the cost of this
test jointly it is announced.
Seven Divorces
Granted Tuesday
Purkey Furniture
(Whew You Think of Furniture Think of Turkey)
Dillard Market
can get a NEW
... — *
good / year
SALMON Alaska Pink
CRAB MEAT Dungeness fang leg meat tin j44c
Sardines fxji.
Good tubes
tire». So don’t take
a chance on we« tun­
ing your tires with
poor tubes . . . es-
pecially now, when
you can get a safe, sound Goodyear Heavy Duty.
This long-lasting inner tube is designed to fit your
tires perfectly . . . reinforced to
absorb shock and still deliver
K 93
long, low-cost service. Remember,
if it’s a Goodyear it’s got to be
__ ...
Southwestern Motors
Goodyear Store
the refp<hin0 drink 6 bottles 25c
Snowflakes or Krispies 21b. box 31c
Swift's Silverleaf
Cases In Justice Court
Here The Past Week
Wayne Marion Bare paid $7*flne
and costs in Justice Bull's court last
Thursday for having no muffler on
his car, and Preston John Steel was
summoned to ap'pear for having no
taillight on his car, on Saturday.
On Tuesday this week, five men
were in the court. Virgil Edwin Mc­
Kinney and Leonard Byron Gibbs
paid $7 for having no taillights, Milo
Marlin Ciaughton paid |7 for having
an overload truck; Alfred Ray Stalk-
up was fined $5 for having no oper­
ator’s license and is to pay Aug. 3,
and Robert James Repass is to pay
his 37 fine for having no taillight, on
Aug. 5.
AU charges were filed by the state I
Calling csrai. m , for H.Oa
1W ainuis
Oregon Franquettes
Fresh Full Meated
i Fruits and Vegetables
fancy, field ripened
golden meated
fresh well-filled Yellow Bantam
GREEN BEANS - fancy Blue Lake
2 lbs.