The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 27, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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    down to Port Orford for Lawrence from Portland last Tuesday evening
Barklow, Monday.
, tu'ter spending several weeks there
Donald Peterson, who fell from his at tbc.heme of her daughter, Mrs. E.
bicycle and broke his shoulder, was A. Wilcox, who is ill.
i able to be out Sunday but he will
Mrs. Cal Ray and Mrs. Gail Brewer
' have to wear a .halter for several went to Euger.e Friday on business.
' weeks until his shoulder is healed.
They returned Monday. The Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby McAllister, boys stayed at the Benham home
''Scott and Marc, were Sunday guests while their mother was gone.
Mrs. Faye Aolverstott.and daugh­
,'of Mr. aud Mrs. S. C. McAllister.
Mrs. O. H. Clark and Mr. Schrief- ter, Lorene, returned home Monday
er, of Myrtle Point, were Arago vis­ night from a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rankin, near
itors last Friday.
They were accompanied
Mr*. Ward Evans visited at the Eugene.
home of Mrs. George Whitney in home by Mrs- Rankin and a brother
Myrtle Point last Thursday.
home on furrough. •>
Rev. Roy Parker has been hired1
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans and Mr.
! and Mrs. J. L. Burtis and their house- as janitor at the grade school house.
! guest, Robert Bunnage of Portland, He started on his duties of clean­
i enjoyed a picnic dinner in the Dav- ing the yard and doing carpenter
. enport grove above Myrtle^ Point last work Monday morning.
Word has been received by Mrs.
. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lundy
. were hosts and the potluck dinner C. A. Holverstott of the birth of a
* was in honor of their son, Robert, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Matt
i who was home, on a furlough from Brownson. Mr. Brownson used to
. Texas, where he is In training in work for Cal Ray at his logging camp
the Army Air Corps. Other guests and i\ a cousin of Mrs. Holvertott.
at the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Brownson is with relatives in
Felsher; Mr. and Mrs. Frank South­ Utah while he is in the Army in an
mayd. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Southmayd, eastern state.
At Grange last Saturday night Ray |
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Davenport,
Amy Marie, Donald and Bill; Mr. Deadptond resigned as treasurer and
and Mrs. Albert Davenport; Jerene, Myrtle Holverstott was installed in
Joan. Mary Ellen, Jeanie and Alice his place. ' Mrs. Hay Deadmond was
Margaret, at Myrtle Point; Mr. and hostess
Mrs. Lloyd Du venport and Shirley, cookies and coffee.
Mrs. Alta Wolf returned to her
of Broadbeqt; Mrs. Lila Ocheltree
and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Frank home in Cortes, Colorado, after
Larson, Linda Lu, Larry and’ Gary, spending a week at the home of her
of Coos River; Mr. and Mrs. Chris brother, Cortland Ellis and family.
Nelson, Mrs. Gordon McKarrow, Mr. She came to attend the funeral of her
and Mrs. Allie Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. father Fred Ellis last week.
Neil Ellis and family left for
Bert Davenport and E. Davenport,
also of Myrtle Point, and Elmer Huf­ thejr Home in Eugene Thursday last
ford, of Coquille.
Th^ host and week after several days here at the
hestes^ furnished ice cream for the home of his brother, Cortland Ellis.
occasion and in the afternoon the He came to attend the funeral of his-
younger people spent the time horse­ father.
Mrs. Charles Gaslin was dismissed
back riding and swimming.
Mrs. Ellen Carl, of Hubbard, and from Knife Hospital last Saturday
Mrs. Amelia Laffer’y were Thursday after about ten days there as the re­
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. sult of cutting her hand.
Ray Deadmond spent last week out
Carl. Mrs. Ellen Carl has been vis­
iting at the home of her sfster, Mrs. in the Umpqua valley,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ryan recently
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder, of heard from both her son, Bud," and
letter Bandon, visited at the home of Mr. son-in-law, Earl Adam. They are
and Mrs. Melden Carl one day last both in the European theatre, "Bud”
in England and Earl probably in
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers and France.
Four-H members leaving Wednes­
Harold Lee Ray, of Myrtle Point, vis­
ited at th* home of Mrs. Ida Myers day to attend summer school above
Bridge were Lindy Lou Holverstott,
last week.
Wayne and Tyrrell Woodward Were Coralie and Ellen Ellis, Norman
helping Stanley Halter with his hay­ Chezem, Walter Shutt, - Madeline
ing Monday. jMrs. Wayne Woodward Croy, Duane Frye and Ruth Palmer.
Margaret Rhinehart left Monday
and Mrs. Ida Myers went over and
visited with Mrs. Halter while the morning for Fort Lewik, Wash., where
____ __
she works in the maintenance office,
tip to your 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmunds of She jpent two weeks here visiting
to The Sen- Powers spent Friday evening visiting her uncle, Ivyl Frye, and family. Her
rl, or friend at the home of Mr? Edmund’s uncle, husband is stationed in India.
i the U. S. Nile Miller. Mr. Knuunds is a for- i Mrs. H. M. Hall returned home
ppreciated. est raqger.
last week-end after several days In
hfield, who 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller went to McAuley hospital in Marshfield.
and plants Bandon Thursday to camp for a few
Mrs. S. B. Hendrix, a former resi-
emment as days. They were to return home dent of Fairview valley, has been
dduals, was Sunday.
I dismissed from Keizer hospital after
such shrub-
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl are ex- spending two weeks there, following
Baar Creek pecting their son and family, Mr. and a major operation.
I be remem- Mrs. Kenneth Ceri and Kenneth, Jr., ■ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Noah have re­
st fire war- of McMinnville, this week-end for a j ceived word from their son, Billy,
that he saw Elmer Goodwin as hU
short visit.
» writer who
A stork shower was given for Mrs. ship docked at the island, where
Elmer is based.
Boyd Hendrix, son of Mr. and Mrs.
IS. B. Hendrix, was home on leave
■from San Diego. He said he was
1 but Ten minutes from Wendell Good­
to- enjoyed by all.
bin in the Hawaiian Island* and did­
n’t knew he,was stationed there.
with records of 501 pounds of fat in rlass GHI
with records io 808 pounds of fat on 2X in DHIA
Vermilion Ranch, Rt. 3, Billings, Mont,
Bui ft Intake
a Bi AT!NG
, Norway-News items
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip »Jensen are
parents of*a baby boy born Wednes- I
day afternoon, July 19, at Mast hos-
Albert Schroeder, of Johnson Mill,
pital in Myrtle Point. He has been and his daughter and children, Bob,
named Billy Ivor.
Susan and Shirley of Portland, visited
Mr. and Mr*. Oliver Enlund and Wednesday of last week at the home
children were dinner guests at the 1 of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Holverstott home Sunday.
J. F. Schroeder.
At a church board meeting Sunday
Mrs. Otto
Ziebarth, and -her
morning Rev. Roy Parker was unani- daughter and husband. Mr. and
piously elected chairman of the board Mrs. Ralph Panse, and two small
to succeed Mrs. T. H. Benham, who children, all from Portland, visited
resigned several months ago. It was several days last week at the home
voted to purchase a new stove for of Mrs. Martha Jaqe Mullins and .son,
the parsonage. Mr. Parker also was Jim. Mrs. Mullins is Mrs. ZietJhrth's
asked to teach the adult class at the mother,
insistence of ■ Mrs. Benham, former j Mrs. Lena Kellenbeager and Mrs.
teacher of that class.
| H. M. Bright and two children, Mary-
• Word was received in the valley j land and Elizabeth, were Wednesday
luncheon and afternoon guests of
Mrs. A. R. Bennett and her mother,
Mrs. Julia Leep.
Mr. and Mrs. Bright are moving
out of the Kellenberger apartments
They are former residents of this the last of this month, to their new
valley and were the first couple mar­ home near the tie mill the Bright
ried in the new Fairview church. Mrs. brothers are operating east ol Myrtle
Phillips was the former Viola John­ Point. (This will leave the Kellen-
son of this valley, eldest daughter of berger apartment available for rent.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson. They
Mrs. Ray Campbell'''and children
have one sqn, Donny. Funeral ar­ visited Sunday at the home of her
rangements are being made by the parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Yar-
Gano Funeral Home.
Mr. and Mrs. King Wilson are pur­
Mr. and Mrs. Warren (Pete) Haga
chasing the Earl Stein home and and daughter. Sherry Lou, from Bear
have moved into their hew home. Creek, were last Wednesday dinner
D. Rempel, of Coquille, They are also making arrangements guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
he regular Sunday morn-
to purchase the small parcel of land J. F. Schroeder, spending the after­
service. Sunday school
formerly owned by Jim Millard from noon there also.
th an attendance of M., Tom Benham.
’ Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett, Mrs.
be services again next
Mrs. Fred Coleman and three chil- Julia Leep and the Bennett's grand-
raching at 10 a. m. and
dren are visiting at the Robert Hol- son, Rudy Rudolph, spent the day
*ol at 11 a. m.
jverstott home. The Colemans live Sunday at the F. J. Fish ranch. It |
wford had the misfortune in Marshfield.
was a business and pleasure trip
ft hand very severely last
Lillie Johnson, of Coquille was out combined. Mrs. Lilly Fish was there
rill have to have it in a visiting her father. J. A. Deadmond. also, having come up the week before
ie a while.
.lagt week.
with her brother and wife. Dr. and
cAllister drove a truck
Mrs. Russell Stillwell returned Mrs. C. W Endicott.'
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RE Goodrich
Your Ipçÿi rgerçsentative