pAQirts j Deduction. for With 8.30 Cecil I ..A*.728.00 Coll Carl Shore 159.15 ‘ Ben W 18441 Jason 18838 , . _ . _ ,! James H. Leonard, mileage anà ÜM Berlyn 189 47, ___ ___ ........ (Mvnty employe«» - , cxpsnic ..................................... 55.00 George Huther, operating Riv­ ■Peoples Water & Gas Co.- State Ind. Acc. Csknm.. In­ — erton Ferry —-------------------- >4140 248 1 Mrs. J. H. Leonard, care of dustrial Insurance - ------------ ' Child ................... . ...... labor................ >.00 Oran Young, labor...... 188.78’ toeltb Office 2.00 C. F. Christian, labor ....... ‘ JmUee Out 13148 Dr. L. A. Byers, Salary Health Kamt Harold A. Olson, fees JP No. 1 3240 Teen Miller, labor.... 163.78 Officer to 8-12 ------------------- - 1 20.20 Chas. Wolff, labor.—. 1133? Circuit Coart Dr. L. A. Byers, Mileage and aa sn CHF of Marshfield, Rfatt -.. 80.80 W. M. Williams, labor. 1S3.86 to June 12............ .. 4940 v Court House G.,C. Ashenfelter, labor 35.28 178.72 ans A Hospital Supply 22.49 City «rf ......... 14.00 Wm. Burbeck, labor___ _____ 1514« t Claude Lemon, labor..t—........ 138 82 SUPP^terksOfflm’......... .00 Anna McDonald operating Bui West Coast Telephone Co., .5^4,16140 Madelene McKsown, Checking 8.83 HMs Ferry ........... .................. 18740 12.00 Services ——— Petitions ----------- Robt S. Fahy, _Asst. Opera - ' ftor Bullard«', Ferry .. 171 20 30.82 Coos County Defense Council, T Dri. Peacock A Long. Prof ............... 120.40 Alice Robb. Asst. C14rk 80.20 1S.M _I ------ service, Various —----------- M uu Cbaa. Stauff, Co. Trees., war O. E. Cornwell, labor. *-ir------ 187.18 Clerks Office 203.35 ' gasoline and oil............... ......... 28.24 , Bonds, Co. Employees...-..... 312.25 Kenneth L. . Baiter, lab —, ibor—.. Koke-Chapman Co., Supplies ’•** _ First Bank, x Portland, 17034 Dick Bourns, auto supplies 8112 .rsr Nat nai ’l. 1. Dana, - wusuki , Manuel Bettencourt, labor. Aammors Offiee Deductions, withholding tax 733.70 E. E. Campbell, labor 3.00 1M.M R. M. Harrison, filing saw.—. Pacific Manifolding Book Co., 5.3« |M. A. Peterson, labor. — — ; .... Brodie Shingle Co., cement 149.18 County Court litho lettersets ........................ 41.08 P. W. Culver, expenses attend- Hugh Hudson, labor.........—....... x 48.72 Smith Wood-Products, Inc., CirsnM Obert 0.00 Chas. Perrott, Relief Operator lumber .....v.r........... 223.83 | in« meeting partiiitid Coquille Hotel, lunch for Bullards Ferry .............. 133.00 Jimmie Albee, piling ........... —28.20 59.4$ 8 45 Mrs. Gladys Nollner, services Jurors---------.......................... — 7.40 John Arnold, labor....................... IM.78 W. P. Fuller A Co., paints Depsadsat nd Idrsn f District Attorney Leonard Paulsen, labor.—....... 194.16 Cherry Creek Mill Co., lum­ Boys and Girls Aid Society, 15(X) Ben C. Ftaxei, expenses -... 104.50 A. G. Worth, labor............... ber .......... 700.22 188.18 care............ .............. —— j ..~... M B. Russell, labor...... ........... 184.48 Feenaughty Machinery — ma- Circuit Court ** Health Department .........z................ 248 Louis P. Fugelson, Bailiff — 20.00 Ernest Paulsen, labor ..------- .... 125.M Coquille Laundry Co., services Ben H. Owen, labor...... . 118.00 Central Transfer Co» freight* «.11 Csntraet Southern Pacific Co., storage ; Pauline Dorland, Relief Op. Elizabeth Lambert, Salary- Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Aft AA Bullards Ferrv ........... ............. 24.80 2.00 of road oil ................... ,.*.£»». Cook A-.——••—•••— 120.00 maintenance ........ — 00 22.06 23.04 Farr A Elwood, cement ...... S. R. Stover, salary, Farm I J. |J. E. E. toney, tone/, labor labor. ................... . Industrial Steel A Supply Co.. Hand ..... 100.00 Coquille Medical Hoop. Bur- Mrs. Harriett« Parrin, rent of 7.50 eau, Hospital dues —. ...... ..... roller chain coupling ........... 8.40 Mamie Stover, Salary, Walter 00.00 5,00. George Workman, Salary, Or- Polling Place —---- ----------- .50 Ekblad Sports Shop, keys----- Coquille Medical Service, Bur­ ■ v Sale of Landa 70.00 Stevens Cash Hdw., scoop eau, Hospital Dues .......... 5 tfony ......................................... 88.00 Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub­ Mutual Benefit Health A Acc. shovel........................................ 3.20 Chrence Gerking, Salary, Nite lishing Notice ...1.—v«:........... 70.20 0.00 Isler Sheet Metal Works, ma­ Assn. Insurance .................... Watch......................................... 23.34 / Treasurers Offiee Mutual Benefit Health & Acc. 2.15 John Golden, Salary, Nite terial — A.......... I - .......... Koke-Chapman Co., Speed 4 nd Assn., Insurance ---------- —... 80.00 _ _________ ____________ ____ Oregon Pacific Co., material ; 38.0« Watch..... -......... —,......... 26.6«___ tv , Stapler .......... -j------- George H. Chaney, storage Of 122.50 Chas. Stauff, O- Treas., War • Reta Horton, Salary, Nurse...._____ Cattle ImiemaMy ......... oil 30.00 * i Bonds ............. —.......... -........ 93.75 7 M J. E. Perrott, Sacking potatoes 37.50, Ten. Slee^^-^--. A. Barrows, royalty on gravel 11.48 ¡Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., War , ------- ' Bostds ............_...—z-...— 871.97 A. B. Daly & Co., material.... 114.83 Z W. A. Sloan, plumbing-....... 20.00 Catholic Charities, Inc., care Oregon, California, Nevada First National Bank of Port County Farm Raymond Bennett ................ C o» County Farm, produce Court House used on farm ........... —....... 48,00 West Coast Telephone Co., Pioneer Grocery Co., grocer­ Services ..................... 13241 110.13 ies 10.12 Coquille Bakery, bread..... . 2.50 Del Hoke, bob cat .....------- —... Stonecypher Packing Co., cur­ 5.00 Vrrn Gray. 2-• ing meat ................... —........ 33.26 Pacific Feed A Seed Co., feed Dr. L. C. Witcoeky, testing eet- J and seed ........... z.......... 16,30 Coquille Wood Co., wood............ tle Children ??arm*Home, care «5.00 , J. A. Lamb Co., hardware........ A. B. Daly A Co., pipe, etc..... Oregon Protective Society , Hooton Electric Shop, electric care...... ............................. 3B.00 supplies and wiring ..... — 52.85 , Cooe Bay Times, advertise­ Keith L. Leslie, services........... 350.00 ment . ....... ............... ................ . Chas. Mahaffy, mileage. Bud- Southwestern Motor Co., auto get Comm........ ........ —v..... —: 4.40 repair and parts ...,.................. 14.87 Fritim^m* m Z mk AMMVMCe4,yt. in full for books .... 183.40 54630 80.00 ?-50 W” '• 40 CooTsay Hart>or, supplies.'..—! 42.08 80 7« -40, Thornton Tlr. Service, recap 21.00 *... 75.0« lrM" He,lth i38 jo • Coos Bay Times, notice of bond D....... Sheriffs Offiee Chao. Stauff, Co. Tress., cash adv. for Postage he,p Martha E. Mulkey, mUeage.... Idyle A. Godard, extra help . Betty Preston, extra help. .... Doris Ann Wood, expense at attending Conv.......... ............. Consolidated Freight Ways— freight on book»—___ £....... California Test Bureau — Manuals and keys................. Laud Ageffi Offiee 1245 55.98 38.00 10.00 43.29 73 .***£?* Orocary Co- «rocer- Deputy Jean^lliams, ..Ury, Extra 2000 « , Ig^t UxkCT locker 58 83 Wm" F. Howell. Sheriff, eon- 15.M 18.47 veylng prisoners to pen ....... 10.18 bä Transfer, garbage and Benham trash disp. 3........... ....... 7.50 •0.00 Red Cross Building Coos County Red Cross, wood »4.50 g.00 i h wtflh Office 1«.80 .Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Maintenance Serv. .... 55.30 m 1« ' H»» 21.75 Coquille Hotel, dinners for 19.80 Budget Comm..................... ..... State Ind. Accident Commis- ! sion, Ind. Ins. County Em- 9.75 _ ployefs ...................................... 53.81 General Roads M 65 F. A. Robb, Salary, Roadmas- 3« 00 Aida L. Nosier, Salary, Chief ’ 7-90 Clerk ............ 5.M Gunder Gunderson, labor. J. L. Lea. labpr.... _........... Wayne Goodman, labor Mike Boone, labor..........— Ernest Franson, labor.......:... James L. Child, labor........... Victor Demarest, labor .... O. P. Smith, labor. ......... _.... Henry Franson, labor.... ...... A. G. Trendell, labor_____ C. J. Martell, labor...... .... .... John B. O’Sullivan, labor .. Carl Mathews, labor........ 1104 L. C Burner, labor..... ......... C. F. Hawk, labor-.... ....... .... •50 Chas. Hofer, labor.-...... Wm. Dinsmore, labor..... ..... 134.75 104.98 208.42 1M.85 «1.57 200.00 17430 178.75 128.55 170.81 ¡43.45 194.28 186.32 18« 29 158.30 »130 180.77 170.83 » Fast Freight, freight--------- ahrmans Pharmacy — pet «2.5» 2741 Eads Service Statlou, auto sup­ plies luille Auto Co., auto sup- Coquill plies ......a*..... ................ ....... M. * W. Auto Service, auto C.^T^OTieil, auto supplies... 4.80 44.00 Southwestern Motors (Good­ year) auto supplies ................. 142.58 O. K. Rubber Weldhrt Tire shop, auto supplies 28.00 Bay Motors, auto supplies....... 177.63 Southwestern Motors, auto supplies .................. z...„...... — 88.12 George F. Burr Motor Co., auto None* TO CUMTO18 04.45 ■uRWtas ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Motor Co., auto si|p- Capps 5C_„ the undersigned has bean duly ap­ 2.08 pointed by the County Court of Coos pus« ........... ...... -i—....... ... Golders Auto Parts Co., auto County, Oregon, as the administrator 34.51 of the estate of Hugh Thomas supplies ........................ . Thornton Tire Service, auto Downey, deceased, and has qualified supplies .................. 20131 na SUCh. Orchard Auto Park Co., auto NOW, THEREFORE all persons JffiMfa having ___ said estate are supplies ..... -..... —...» claims against West's, auto supplies >.............. 23 10 hereby notified and required to pre Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto B7Aa sent the same, together with proper e supplies .........—-........................ .vouchers therefor to the undersigned State Industrial Accident Coni. .,Qai at the office of J. Arthur Berg in Industrial Ina. .....— M1, Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, with­ in sig months from the date hereof. 41 ATE OF OREtiON * Dated thia 25th day of July, 1544 County'of Coos a». ■Hfili ELBERT SCHROEDBR, I. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk el I Administrator Coos County, Oregon, Ex-officio 2815