. I Farm Safety Week July 23-29 G ofC. President's Fourth July Report Culline c »"O jl e« rnr *1.00 At the Chamber oi Commsrca monthly aeaalon in the Coquille Hotel weimktktkspnvdby 3 muios Circulators NOW IN STOCK BE Goodrich S15.M to I32.M SI I VERTOWNS Studio Couch Thornton Tire Service Southern Oreean’a Largest ami M< BOYDS BLY HOMES ! carrying the grei history which if A. C. Schultz and Home Building Insures the Future of West Coast Forestry Gilmore Service Station AN EXTRA WAR BOND EACH MONTH the reasons why members of the timber industry are today urging people through- ont the nation to BUY WAR BONDS— ear-marked for new homes after the war. They will provide lumber and construe* tion jobs for returning service men. TODAY 90% of all timber is going to war. When war ends, this huge production will look for peace-time needs. That is one of i a gym <^cr|i*vl M ”• bazooka?*' Smith Woo Products *