I New, Modern Aviator Style LEATHER COAT The smoothest, smartest coat of its kind that you can buy today! Made of se­ lected quality eapeskin with extra wide leather collar and lapels. Smart, buttop fiy-frdbt gives you Sublie protection across echest. Beautifully lined ... A beautiful buy I Xwr jet what you pay When you buy Produce at Safeway Watermelons ADDI FC ■ ■ L>EO Transparents Make fine pie Gearaatoedl ripe— APRICOTSIki^^,"1.59 CANTALOUPES X“' Ä 9c SQUASH VÄ, 10c •SQUASH^ tk 10c •CELERY-^-lZc For especialty good pastry use ROYAL Shortening For pastry, cakes and frying, there’s qo finer shortening than creamy rich ROYAL SATIN . . . cuts ii^ quickly .. . makes delicate!} flavored cakes. Julia Lee Wright’s BREAD Edwards Coffee lb. 28c BUTTER0'““* »45c Extra Values in Canned Goods-Buy in APPLE JUICEEÄ ?J:*2.98 STRING BEANS 3.13 SLICED BEETS ’3.13 r—V4 KERN EL CORN^r ;-:: ”3.24 SWIFTS PREM ^.T ^."L‘4.11 DICED CARROTS »W