G A « V, £ ✓ [♦» . w., ■ S-M-a .¿.F I ' » PAÚt f « Ô Of... .■! _ The »naesthetic I took la a new kind. It is called sodium pentathol. They inject it into the arm. You go out in a vary short time and don’t have to inhale anything. They don't use ether at this hospital any more. Don’t know just when I will bo home ■' , again. June 12—You asked me if I were to do that The doctor said the other day that he “thought my ankle would be as good as new in time." I am not sure I believe him. I go up before the Survey Board Coquille Red Cross will meet Fri^ Mrs. Ire Baumgartner, of Riverton, again thia month. I think they will day. July 31. at Guild Hall from 1:30 permits the Sentinel to print extracts survey me for further treatment in ' to 4:30 p. m. to sew, knit, crochet, etc. from the letters of her son, Robert H. this bosiptal, just like they did before j Mrs. Phil Alborn, knitting chair­ who was injured in tbe South Pacific but it is hard to tell. They can do man, will be present Jo distribute both several months ago and has beep whatever they see fit. If they would | army and navy yarn for the making I was there. Possibly g little, but survey me out it would suit me fine ? sweaters and “beanies” for service­ treatment at the Naval hospital at about the same I think. No, they as 1 would like to be a civilian again. I m< men. Machine sewing will consist of Corona, Calif., for several months: j didn’t do anything to my ankle this I. hospital gowns of tin leached muslip, I time. I don’t think they will do any servicemen’s bed jackets and a few ______________ May IT—Dear Mother and Dad: !• ' more surgery on . it ___________ now. I can « ’t walk womens’ bed jackets. The making of Am taking treatments^ * roy **■ dt all now. .Don’t know just how the ever-needed hospital scuff slip­ again. Doubt if they do much good long iUwlll be till I can. I am trav­ pers will also be continued. this time though. Haven't had the eling in a wheel chair. Think I could Both colored wool and cotton yarns The following letter by T. _ F. scrap iron cut out of my righteJeg walk on crutches but don’t want to yet. Want to have that done and take a chance of tearing open the Schaer, former Coquille High bas- are solicited and some wool yam in ketball star, was written to the Sen­ pastel shades is needed to complete try to get my other leg fixed up a incisions on my right leg. They a “baby” afghan. Used clothing for little better before I do much running took the stitches out today. In a tinel on July 12 and was received men, women and Children, in usable around again. Am going to try for coupls of days I may try crutches if just a week later: condition, is also being asked to com­ 30 days* leave next time. Doni ths.doctor says it’s all right. plete the two large boxes of clothing I thought I should drop you a know whether I’ll get it or not but We have had two earthquakes In now being packed for Russian Relief. line and let you know I received two Will give it a try. , the __ ___ past ______ week. ______ Both _________ occurred at Thanks are extended to Mesdames Am sending home my purple heart. 1 night. I didn’t wake up for the first papers yesterday'and was very glad to get them. It does one good to get Fred Houston, A. C. Schroeder, L. Please take good care of it for me. one but the master-at-arms said, : all the home town news dhce in a * Lundquist and Don Rodgers for V Lots of love and kisses from Robert. * ( “The water in swimming pools was , while. donations of yarn, wool material. » June 3—Give Mr. Gremsgaard my slushing around as if a boat had just The weather over here is about the turkish toweling, etc. - best regards and thanks for the little 4 gone through it.” The buildings , same as it is at home and our living Mrs. G. B. Howe, in the absence of gift. Was operated on yesterday I around here are all designed to stand , conditions aboard ship are about as Mrs. Lundquist, assisted Mrs. A. N. morning and both my legs are pretty It it so no damage WM^jloM. weapon». People . good as coujd be expected in time of Gould in cutting Mrs. Wilda Schroe- sore. Had three.pieces of shrapnel n’t think much about them as they war. •!.?_ ■ tied up, out _ '.T at — an <*««■ wlU assigt the knittin« chairman *“* We are cut out of my right leg and one out of happen every now and then. 'for the coming year and Mrs. C. L. advance submarine base, repairing njy left. Besides that, my left foot July »—Went to Corona yesterday i Tuttle has consented to supervise the was operated on. A growth was cut and bought a few things I needed. suba that have been out in-the thick general work table at meetings. off of the side of it and a piece of Very much walking makes my foot of it. As you know, our ship is not ’ a combat ship but* i repair ship, a | * bone taken out. and ankle swell up and it hurts every mother ship for subs. There is no , Church of Christ Picnic I came out of-the anaesthetic about step I take. __ ,_______ Can’t walk quite as one on board from around home that At* McCloskey’s Grove three p. m. and my foot was hurting ' well as when I was home but think I know of but there are a tot of men so badly they gwe me a shot of , I soon will be able to. Plans have been completed for the / . morphine and atrophlne and I went |, Dewey is going to have a hard I do not know- ’ - ------- - -------- - ‘ I sure would have enjoyed being' ■naUal B,W* Sch°°1 plCniC 01 th* back to sleep. Guess I will be in bed flght but i hope he makes the grade. there for the celebration on the Church of Christ. The picnic will be for a while again. Don’t know just ( j b^v. wU1 make a better pats- Fcurth but „ u . war ; held Sunday, July 33, at McCloskey’s - how ---------------------- ... be before I — ........................... ............... J wantto stay out b^eandbetoS^ve at Norway. Following the long ,it will can ¡^ent than the one we have, grove at Norway. Following the walk but should be able to get up in I 1 . - ‘ ‘ home at it Don’t - plan on ‘ my coming 11 morning service, the Bible School t over with aS soon as possible, so I a wheel chair in a few days. Don’t any certain time as I will lqt you In and its friends will |p to the grove can come back to stay and live in worry about me as I will be all right. know ___ ahead ____ of _ time __ _ when __ _____ I am com- . peace. .for a picnic dinner. The Conlerstone 'class will have charge of the tables Although my foot is hurting some, I j have to ute treatments every I soe by thè paper where some ol . feel much better today. < jay and can't come as long as I have I and the Intermediate class will have tbe boys were telling about the na­ i____ . . j I tives in New Guinea. Well, where I charge of the registration. After the am there are not even any natives, dinner the afternbon will be spent in r ntRhing but sand, birds and service games and contests and friendly fel­ lowship. The Bible School will fur­ men. ! Since I joined the Navy, a year nish the coffee and cream. ì “We in\ ite anyone to come but we ago, I have never had the chance to get home. , request that no children be sent who NO^V ALL CAR OWNERS CAN BUY NEW GOODYEAR ì I would like to take this opportun­ are not accompanied by some one re­ INNER TUBES WITHOUT A RATION CERTIFICATE! ity to say “hello” to aU the friends sponsible for them," says the min­ Protect your precious tires . . . replace those old, patched, 1 in and around Coquille and say that ister, Liston Parrish. Wounded Navy Man's Letter | j Coquille Unit Red Cross Notes Ted Schaer Writes From So. Pacific i » i I i i I i i r- ' - ■ ;. , ' Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe­ der's Jewelry. Men's Wedding Rings in stock. Us Mr». Henry Ware h Given Surprise Shower TueMta> Eve. Mrs. Mary Hatcher and Mrs. Eva McCue were joint hosteases Tuesday, July 18, at a miscellaneous shower at the home of the former Mi’s. Alice Dean who was married July 15 at the Church of Christ parsonage, to Mr. Henry Ware, of Coquille. The honored .guest was the recipient of many lovely gifts. The afternoon was spent in visit­ ing and later refreshments of cake and punch were served. Mrs. Collier and Mrs. Ffsh assisted. The follow­ ing neighbors sfrere present Mes­ dames Nora Irish, Eva Hickam, Millie Waters, Maud Bean, Phoebe Harry, Emma Westbrook, Jennie Taylor, Jennie Wood and two sons, Jane Col­ lier, DelM Wilcox, Madge . Yorke. Myrtle Aasen, Mary Hatcher, Eva McCue and Mrs. Alice Ware, the honored one. - L - ■ ‘ Insurance Specialist. F. R. Bull, s Watch Your Kidneys/ z*'l ZT1B1 wurk d<> <1 to re- ld. may tho wkol< huekachi I diuinean, puffineaa i uurvout. •t rent th adder die that prompt Mgtoct. t'ge baaai winning I forty yeara. • reputation. Handooopte th»- ; D oans P ills r erefs Late News \ if they zkepp doing their part on the home front like the boys are doing lout on Saipan, in France, in Italy, 'and on all the rest of the war fronts, 'this mess will be over much sooner. Will close for now — Thomas F. Schaer, S. F. 1/c, Div. 12M, care Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco, Calif. leaky tubes with a saie, strong Goodyear tube today. GOOIl-ïlAR Jr; Then welcome each rebuff That turns earth’s smoothness rough. Each sting that bids not sit nor ’J stand but gel^Robert Browning^ Get a good Book at Norton's Rent- j .... . ... ,r..-... ...a. Purple Heart Awarded Private Dick Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Carmichael, of | the Kohihagen Apts, have received word that their son, P. F. C. Richard N. Carmichael, machine gunner jn the U. S. Marine Corps, has been awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action on Bougainville in Decem­ ber, 1343. - ? Following his Injury, Dick was evacuated to the U. S. Naval hospital in Noumea, New Caledonia, where he remained for three months. He is now back in action with an anti- ' aircraft battery in the South Pacific. He has been in overseas service for eight months. > i I Í 4. V I NEW »r - IS ’ 7‘* The above item was taken from the News-Review of Roseburg, where the family is now living. Dick spent i most of his school days in Coquille and enlisted in the Marines two years ago this month, when he was 16 year» of age. .. V _______________ TUBES Sgt Lynn Perrott In The Thick Of Saipan Battle For War Weary Tires i I ✓ V l V '• . would be impossible to get at them in any other, way. Sergeants Perrott and Godfrey have wiped out large numbers of the ene­ my entrenched in seemingly inacces­ sible hillside positions. Bob McLarrin, A Para­ Trooper, Sees Action In Italy Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store Phon« IM , / ■ ÀI »■« i SI.MB' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McLarrin, who conduct the Coquille- Valley Country Club, have received the first letter in a month from their son, Private 1/t, Robert McLarrin, who said he had been th combat in Italy since June 8. whan he landed as a paratrooper. He I had been without a scratch when he I wrote and was feeling fine. •— DBlaM Market * : r*. oney Fiondale Pure Caii(. PEANUT BUTTER Garden brand I'/, lb jar 33c WALNUTS Oregon Franquetles 2 lbs. 65c RAISINS Fancy Seedless -4 lb; pkg. 47c ....... SYRUP Wellman's one table syrup 24oz. jug 35c SUGAR C&H Pure Cane 10 lb. bag 65c CAKE FLOUR Swansdown FRUIT JARS Good Housekeepei^errKasons Qis. 2 doz. $1.69 LARO Swift's Silverleai 4 lb. pkg. 83c ME *'T PresseJ Hin nr Bologna Ib. ^Oc S & W or Emmricks Extra Fine Grind Coffee , lb. 29c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables APPLES Early Transparent - - 3 lbs. 29c CANTALOUPES Delanos, Really Good lb. 10c TOMATOES fey field grown, firm, ripe 2 lb. 39c ' ■ Bell Peppers — Peaches - Apricots — Plums - Sweet Corn — Grean Beans — Melons -.-ata. _ . I ___ I * A V 8- Berries r A